Wonder Fresh Phenyl Pine 1 Ltr
Wonder Fresh Phenyl Pine is your go-to floor cleaner that can disinfect your space and leave behind a pleasing smell. This phenyl can kill up to 99.9% of germs and ensures the health of you and your family Wonder Fresh Phenyl Pine helps to break the spread of infection and makes your space look cleaner, shinier and more inviting.
- Wonder Fresh Phenyl Pine is a floor cleaner with a potent formulation that can destroy up to 99.9% of germs and microbes inhabiting your space.
- It has a quick action formulation that is effective in disinfecting your space in under 30 seconds.
- This phenyl is effective in killing E. Coli which is the most common cause of stomach infections in children.
- Wonder Fresh Phenyl Pine has a pleasant but mild fragrance that makes your space feel clean and inviting.
- Benzalkonium Chloride
- Wonder Fresh Phenyl is a strong floor disinfectant that is used to ensure all the surfaces around you are safe to touch.
How to Use
- Wonder Fresh Phenyl can be used along with water or in the undiluted form to mop floors and other surfaces.
- Keep the product in the applied area for at least 10 minutes.
- Rinse it thoroughly.
- Wonder Fresh Phenyl can be safely used on any surface, such as marble, tiled flooring, kitchen slab and other hard surfaces.
Safety Information
- Read the instructions on the label carefully before use.
- Do not ingest it.
- Keep it away from the reach of children.
- Keep it out of direct sunlight.
- Store Wonder Fresh Phenyl Pine in a cool and dry place.
Q 1. Can Wonder Fresh Phenyl Pine be safely used on all materials?
Ans. Wonder Fresh Phenyl Pine is completely safe for use on all common household surfaces. However, it is recommended to do a small patch test to ensure there is no damage from using this product.
Q 2. Is Wonder Fresh Phenyl Pine available in other variants?
Ans. Wonder Fresh Phenyl Pine is available in five variants: Pine, Floral, Lavender, Jasmine and Neem.
Q 3. Is Wonder Fresh Phenyl safe for use on kitchen surfaces?
Ans. Yes, Wonder Fresh Phenyl Pine can be used on kitchen surfaces. However, bringing food items in contact with surfaces cleaned with this product is not recommended for at least half an hour.
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