Wonder Fresh Phenyl Jasmine 1 Ltr
Wonder Fresh Phenyl Jasmine is a disinfectant floor cleaner with a unique formulation that can provide protection against 99.9% of germs, leaving your home cleaner, shinier and germ-free. The product is in liquid form and can be used for floor, bathroom and kitchen surfaces in both home and office. Wonder Fresh Phenyl also provides a long-lasting Jasmine fragrance. This is a 1 ltr bottle pack that is easy to store and use.
- Kills 99.9% of germs.
- Environmentally safe and suitable for disinfecting multiple surfaces.
- Easy to store and carry.
- Provides ten times better cleaning than the regular phenyls through an advanced formulation.
- Gives extra shine and the long-lasting Jasmine fragrance keeps the air smelling fresh.
- Benzalkonium Chloride
- Carbolic acid
- Creosol
- Fragrance
- Disinfects floor, bathroom and kitchen surfaces.
- Wonder Fresh Phenyl Jasmine is suitable for homes and offices.
- Works on various surface types, including tiles, ceramic, glass, marble, toilets, sinks, granite and other complex and non-porous surfaces.
- Effective against COVID-19 and E.Coli virus (upon 5 minutes contact time as per usage instructions on the pack).
- The Jasmine fragrance covers unpleasant odours.
- Keeps the kitchen and bathroom smelling fresh.
How to Use
- For targeted cleaning, apply the Wonder Fresh Phenyl Jasmine to the dirty area.
- Leave it for 10 minutes and then rinse with water.
- Alternatively (for general mopping purposes), take a capful of Wonder Fresh Phenyl Jasmine and dilute it in approx. 4 ltr of water.
- Stir the mixture once and then use it to mop the floor.
- For better results, mop the floor twice a day.
Safety Information
- The Wonder Fresh Phenyl Jasmine is only for external use.
- Ingestion of the phenyl can be fatal. Thus, while cleaning the kitchen surfaces, make sure to cover all edible items adequately.
- Avoid contact with eyes. In case contact occurs, rinse eyes with water immediately.
- Do not mix or use Wonder Fresh Phenyl Jasmine with any other disinfectant or acid.
- Keep it out of the reach of children.
Q 1. Is Wonder Fresh Phenyl Jasmine available in other fragrances?
Ans. Yes. Wonder Fresh Phenyl is available in 5 other fragrances, including pine, lemon and rose.
Q 2. Is Wonder Fresh Phenyl Jasmine eco-friendly?
Ans. Yes. Wonder Fresh Phenyl Jasmine is environmentally safe and eco-friendly.
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