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Grisopex 250mg Strip Of 10 Tablets
Grisopex 250mg Strip Of 10 Tablets

Grisopex 250mg Strip Of 10 Tablets

10 Tablet(s) in Strip
MRP 65.00
57.2012% OFF
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Grisopex 250 MG Description

Grisopex 250mg tablet is an oral formulation that contains Griseofulvin which to treat fungal infections. The fungal infections of skin, hair, pubes, etc are treated by this medicine.


Product Summary

Offer Price₹57.20
You Save₹7.80 (12% on MRP)
ContainsGriseofulvin(250.0 Mg)
UsesTinea capitis (fungal infection of scalp or hairs), Tinea pedis (fungal infection of skin)
Side effectsHeadache, Nausea, Vomiting, Change in taste, Gastric discomfort, Insomnia
Check more medicines with composition as Griseofulvin(250.0 Mg)

Uses of Grisopex 250 MG

  • Tinea barbae (fungal infection of beard)
  • Tinea capitis (fungal infection of scalp or hairs)
  • Tinea cruris (fungal infection in pubic or nearby regions)
  • Tinea pedis (fungal infection of skin)
  • Tinea unguium (fungal infection of nail)

Contraindications of Grisopex 250 MG

  • Patients with Porphyria (Problem in heme production)
  • Severe Hepatic Impairment (Liver failure)
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (a disease in which the immune system atacks it's own tissues)

Side effects of Grisopex 250 MG

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Change in taste
  • Gastric Discomfort
  • Insomnia

Precautions and Warnings of Grisopex 250 MG



Can I take Grisopex 250mg tablet during pregnancy?
You should not take Grisopex 250mg tablet during pregnancy as Griseofulvin may cause tetratogenic effects (abnormalities in the foetus) to your baby. Consult your doctor before taking this medicine, do not take it on your own.

Breast Feeding

Can I take Grisopex 250mg Tablet while breastfeeding?
You should not take Grisopex 250mg tablet during during breast-feeding as Griseofulvin may pass through the milk to the baby and may cause tetratogenic effects. Consult your doctor before taking this medicine, or for a possible safer substitute.


Can I drive if I have consumed Grisopex 250mg tablet?
You should avoid driving after taking Grisopex 250mg tablet as it imparts various effects like drowsiness, dizziness or it may hinder an individual's attention. So, you should alter your travel plans before taking this medicine.


Can I consume alcohol with Grisopex 250mg tablet?
It is not advisable to consume alcohol if you are taking the medicine because it may effect the Central Nervous System.

Other General Warnings

Talk to your doctor if
  • You have severe liver problems
  • You are planning a family as Grisopex 250mg tablet may hinder the sexual health by degrading the sperms
  • You experience photosensitive reactions

Mode of Action of Grisopex 250 MG

How Does It Work?

Grisopex 250mg tablet acts by binding at various sites and preventing replication of the fungus cells. This helps in the treatment of fungal diseases.

Directions for Use of Grisopex 250 MG

  • Try not to skip or take more than recommended dose
  • It is advised to take Grisopex 250mg tablet after eating a heavy diet
  • Swallow the entire tablet whole, with some water
  • Do not crush, break or chew the tablet

Interactions of Grisopex 250 MG

Interactions with other medicines

  • Griseofulvin may decrease the effect of ciclosporin and oral contraceptives
  • Barbiturates like Phenobarbital are known to decrease the effect of griseofulvin
  • Griseofulvin decreases the activity of warfarin-type blood thinners

Interactions with food items

Grisopex 250mg Tablet should be consumed after a heavy fat rich diet. This helps in the absorption of this medicine.

Storage and disposal of Grisopex 250 MG

  • Store Grisopex 250mg tablet in a cool and dry place
  • Keep it away from the reach of children
  • Keep Grisopex 250mg tablet away from direct sunlight temperature and moisture
  • Do not discard Grisopex 250mg tablet with household waste or water bodies

Dosage of Grisopex 250 MG


In case of overdose of Grisopex 250mg tablets, you should consult your physician on priority basis and you should tell them about the reason and the number of tablets you have taken.

Missed a Dose

If you forgot to take Grisopex 250mg Tablet then you should not take double dose or multiple tablets, you just need to stick to the dosing schedule or if there is a decent gap between the two doses th...
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q: Is it fine if I crush the Grisopex 250mg tablet into powder and consume it?

A: No, it is not recommended to crush the Grisopex 250mg tablet into powder as it may alter its properties which may affect it's therapeutic effects and ultimately alter it's effect on you. If you have any palatability issue then please consult your physician for better rectification

Q: What if I take the medicine concomitantly with anti-cancer medications?

A: It is not recommended to take Grisopex 250mg tablet concomitantly with anticancer drugs as it may hinder the effect of the latter. So, do not take this tablet on your own, kindly consult your physician.

Q: I was having a fungal skin infection and it got transmitted to my child as well. Can I give him/her Grisopex 250mg in the same dosage?

A: No, it is not recommended to give the same dose, since it is meant for adults. In such case, consult your Dermatologist for proper dosing.

Q: Is it safer to have sexual intercourse with my partner if he/she has fungal infections around private parts while on course of Grisopex 250mg tablets?

A: It is recommended not to have any sexual intercourse till the infection gets completely eliminated. Since fungal infections are highly transmissible, there are high chances for you to get infected.
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Last Updated on: 28 Mar 2023 | 12:55 AM (IST)

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The information provided herein is supplied to the best of our abilities to make it accurate and reliable as it is published after a review by a team of professionals. This information is solely intended to provide a general overview on the product and must be used for informational purposes only. You should not use the information provided herein to diagnose, prevent, or cure a health problem. Nothing contained on this page is intended to create a doctor-patient relationship, replace or be a substitute for a registered medical practitioner's medical treatment/advice or consultation. The absence of any information or warning to any medicine shall not be considered and assumed as an implied assurance. We highly recommend that you consult your registered medical practitioner for all queries or doubts related to your medical condition. You hereby agree that you shall not make any health or medical-related decision based in whole or in part on anything contained in the Site. Please click here  for detailed T&C.
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