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How To Avoid Complications From Diabetes?

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

Diabetes is a chronic condition in which the person cannot metabolize glucose in the blood efficiently. The body becomes desensitized to insulin or produces it in insufficient quantities. This can lead to many other problems like vision loss, heart problems, kidney failure, amputations and hypertension in the patient.

There are many things you can do to avoid diabetes complications. Here are a few tips:

Diabetes Complications

1. Weight Matters

Losing excess weight can help you deal with your diabetes better. A healthy weight helps control the blood sugar levels and lead to fewer fluctuations in your glucose levels. Plus, being lean will ensure that your heart and your kidneys are not unnecessarily taxed.

2. Monitor The Sugar Levels

Keeping a constant watch on your blood glucose levels will ensure that you control major deviations from the set ranges. Keep a diary to track the effect of food and diet on your sugar levels.

Read More: Understanding Blood Sugar Levels

3. Control Carbohydrate Intake

By keeping track of the amount and the kind of carbohydrates you are eating will help you figure out which ones are good for you. Choose high-fibre carbs, preferably with a low glycemic index to manage diabetes optimally.

4. Control the Other Parameters

High cholesterol, blood pressure, and triglyceride levels are bad for your body. With diabetes, the body’s immunity decreases. Also, the rest of the organs are pressurized to deal with elevated blood glucose levels. Keeping these parameters in check helps the body to deal with diabetes better and protects the heart and the kidneys from damage.

5. Get Active

Exercising not only keeps your blood sugar levels under control but also keeps your weight in check. It reduces stress, detoxifies the body and brings down cholesterol levels. Walking, dancing, yoga, swimming are all great alternatives to burn calories. If you haven’t been very active, start slow and build up your workouts. Read more health benefits of exercise.

6. Sleep

Those who do not sleep well at night end up eating more and putting on more weight. Sleep on time and for enough hours to provide ample rest to your body. Those who sleep better show more stable blood sugar levels. Also, sleep helps the body repair itself. If you are having trouble sleeping, follow a sleep routine that could include meditation, listening to soothing music, or reading.

Also Read: Tips to Avoid Breakthrough Seizures: A Comprehensive Guide

8. De-stress

After genetics, stress is one of the leading causes of diabetes. Too much stress elevates the blood sugar levels, makes you eat more, sleep less and causes havoc with your daily life. Learn to meditate or find ways to not stress yourself out. Read more different types of relaxation techniques that help you de-stress.

9. Say no to smoking and alcohol

Tobacco in any form is harmful to the body. And there are no safe levels of drinking alcohol. One should stay away from these unhealthy habits when aiming for a healthy life.

10. Diabetes Medications

Consult your diabetologist regularly and follow the prescription sincerely. Never skip your diabetes medications or stop them without a doctor’s advice. Medications for diabetes can help maintain your blood sugars in a healthy range and, when combined with the above-mentioned measures, can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications.

Follow the above steps and figure out what works best for you. Diabetes can be controlled and many people live a quality life by ensuring their glucose levels don’t fluctuate too much.

Also Read: Foods to Avoid with Diabetes: A Comprehensive Nutritional Guide

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.



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