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7 Ways In Which Exercise Benefits The Body!

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

Exercising isn’t about losing weight only and people who think otherwise have been living an unhealthy life under a rock. Exercise is any movement that makes the muscles work and helps the body to burn calories. Getting regular exercise will help you stay healthy, both physically and mentally.

Health benefits of exercising

Did you know?

  • Regular exercise can help people manage existing chronic conditions and disabilities. source: CDC
  • Exercise strengthens the heart, lowers blood pressure, and reduces the risk of heart diseases. source: MedlinePlus
  • Exercise can lower blood sugar levels and help manage metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. source: MedlinePlus
  • Exercise may make it easier to quit smoking and help limit weight gain after quitting. source: MedlinePlus

10 Benefits of Exercise Are:

1) Good For Muscle and Bone Health

Have you ever heard somebody complain about joint pain at a very early age? Lacking exercise could be a big reason behind that. Exercising daily has multiple benefits, and one of them is enhanced bone density. You attain your peak bone mass in your teenage years. Hence, it is crucial to start exercising from a younger age. Exercise helps in preventing osteoporosis that leads to serious bone-related issues that cannot be cured. Daily physical activity also prevents muscle loss and function. It helps the body to release hormones that increase the ability of muscles to absorb amino acids. Building and maintaining bone and muscle strength early on through exercise can prevent unwanted pain, falls, and illnesses at an older age.

In my experience, engaging in moderate-to-vigorous exercise might have immediate benefits for brain health. For children aged 6 to 13, it might enhance thinking and cognition, while adults may experience a reduction in short-term feelings of anxiety. I would also like to add that regular physical activity might also be essential for maintaining sharp grasping power, learning new things, and judgment skills as you grow older.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

2) Daily Exercise Can Help With Weight Loss

If you think that you can shed all that unwanted weight just by skipping a few meals throughout the day, you are gravely mistaken. A reduction in calorie intake will push your body to lower your metabolic rate. As a result of that, there will be a delay in weight loss. Exercising regularly, on the other hand, will increase your metabolic rate and help you burn more calories and reach your desired weight goal. You can combine aerobic exercises with resistance training to lose weight and build muscle mass at the same time. Daily exercise is necessary, along with a proper diet to lead a healthy life. Some studies have shown that inactivity is a significant factor in weight gain and obesity.

Do you sit on the couch with a salad bowl and wonder why it isn’t making any changes to your weight? Start exercising daily and note the difference.

In my opinion, exercise might play a remarkable role in supporting smoking cessation efforts. I have seen that engaging in physical activity may make it easier to quit smoking by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

3) Exercise Can Help you Feel Happier

Did you ever happen to come across the term ‘Runner’s high’? It is used to describe the moment when running makes you feel euphoric and exhilarated. You might be wondering how a gruelling routine of running can make you feel anything other than sweaty and tired. Here’s the thing- when you have been running for quite some time, endorphins are released into your body. Endorphins are chemicals that make you feel euphoric and reduce the perception of pain. They are also known as ‘feel-good’ hormones.

Daily exercise increases brain sensitivity to serotonin and norepinephrine, other mood-related chemicals in the brain. Decreased symptoms of anxiety and depression are also the benefits of regular exercise.

4) Reduces The Risk of Chronic Diseases

Lack of regular exercise can lead to increased risks of suffering from chronic diseases. Daily exercise promotes cardiovascular fitness. Getting enough physical activity every day can decrease blood fat levels and level blood pressure. It lowers the risk of developing osteoporosis or any other muscle or bone-related diseases. The benefits of daily exercise also include reduced risk of suffering from a heart attack, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer like colon, breast, uterine, and lung. Daily exercise also lowers the risk of early death.

From what I have observed over the years, I would say that engaging in a variety of exercises might greatly reduce the risk of falls, especially among older adults. By combining activities that focus on balance, muscle strengthening, and moderate-intensity aerobic exercises, individuals may significantly enhance their stability and decrease the likelihood of experiencing falls.

Dr. Smita barode, BAMS

5) Promotes a Better Sex Life

Regular exercise has been proven to increase libido in both men and women. A study showed that a six-minute walk around the house helped 41 men reduce symptoms of erectile dysfunction by around 71%. Another study showed that women with polycystic ovary syndrome could increase their libido (libido decreases as a result of the illness) with regular resistance training for 16 weeks. Engaging in regular exercise can improve blood circulation, enhance flexibility, tone muscles, and improve the cardiovascular system. Daily exercise can lower the risks of erectile dysfunction in men. Exercising also improves arousal during sexual activities.

Also Read: Benefits of Creatine for Women: A Comprehensive, Research-Based Guide

6) Regular Exercise Helps Relax & Improves Sleep Quality

Do you have problems falling asleep? Do you often wake up in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep? Poor sleep quality can affect your whole day negatively. Weave exercise into your schedule no matter how busy you think you are. You don’t have to become a gym rat and spend aeons there. Get as much physical activity as you can throughout the day. The energy depletion that will occur during those activities will stimulate recuperative processes during sleep and elevate the quality and quantity of sleep.

A study on people who have insomnia showed that 16 weeks of regular exercise helped them get more sleep and feel more energized during the day.

Also Read: Health Benefits of Sleep

7) Exercise Can Increase Your Energy Levels

Exercising daily can help you boost your energy levels. How often do you feel fatigued even when you haven’t done much throughout the day? If it is often, consider exercising. A study conducted on 36 people complaining of constant fatigue found that 6 weeks of regular exercise can reduce those feelings. Daily exercise can be beneficial for people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Exercise has been proven to be more effective in combating CFS than passive therapies like stretching and relaxing, and no treatment at all. Exercise has also been able to increase energy levels in people who have HIV/AIDS, cancer, and multiple sclerosis.

Also Read: 9 Energy Giving Foods to Add to Your Diet

Most people fail at being consistent while exercising. They motivate themselves to begin but fall back to their old routine in a matter of two days. Daily exercise is very important.

How Can You Get Regular Exercise?

Follow these ten tips and make exercise a habit:

1) Give yourself credit for every small effort you make.

2) Find sports that you enjoy and/or might want to learn.

3) Include new hobbies in your routine that have some physical activity in them.

4) If you wake up in the morning not feeling like exercising, at least wear your exercise clothes. You might change your mind when you do. Remember, every small step is essential.

5) Don’t decide that the only reason to start jogging would be to run the next marathon or swimming would be to win a gold medal in the next competition. You don’t need to validate every activity with achievement in public. Good health resulting from daily exercise can and should be both validation and achievement.

6) Don’t take your present situation for granted. If you have the perfect weight and figure at the moment, don’t tell yourself that you do not need to exercise.

7) Exercise doesn’t have to be boring. Find activities that appeal to you so that you look forward to them each day.

8) Try not to skip exercising for two days in a row.

9) Find activities you can engage in even when the weather outside is bad.

10) Find people you can exercise with. Having company can help you to get regular exercise.

The benefits that you will reap from exercising daily are endless. It will affect your life positively right from the moment you decide to begin. Make it a part of your daily routine and see the changes for yourself.

Also Read: What is The Best Time to Exercise?

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