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Skin Care Must-Haves When You Are On A Vacation!

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

What can be more joyful than packing your bags for a vacation? We might say it’s even more exciting than the vacation itself! You meticulously pack in essentials like medicines, chargers, maps, guidebooks, an extra pair of socks and of course, the usual clothes, travel documents and identity proof. But before you congratulate yourself on a job well done, may we remind you that you have forgotten something? You haven’t packed your skincare products for summer skin health!

In the midst of all this whirlwind planning in the lead up to the vacation, people often forget something as vital as skincare. 

Skin Care Must-Haves When You Are On Vacation! - PharmEasy

You might think that you can do without your skincare essentials for a few days, but since your skin will be experiencing a possible change in temperature and climatic conditions, it might require special attention. However, always consult a doctor and never self-medicate.

Rules of Thumb While Packing Skin Products –

Before we head to exactly what you need to carry with you on your vacation, here are a few tips to bear in mind when you pack your skincare kit:

  • If you are travelling by plane, then you should know that airports put a cap on the amount of liquid you can carry with you. That is why you need to pack small containers of your beauty essentials.
  • Pack only the necessary products. Your skincare regimen must be simple because when you are on vacation you should be spending most of your time soaking in the new sights and experiencing a new culture.
  • Carry with you products that you have been using for a long time and your skin is familiar with. New products may make your skin break out in allergies. The last thing you want is to deal with a health crisis when you are on vacation.

Skin Care Must-Haves when you are on Vacation –

Here are the products that you must not forget to pack if you don’t want your skin to look haggard and lifeless in the span of a few days:

 1. Face Wash –

A good quality face wash is skincare fundamental. It can remove all the superficial dirt and oil from your face and neck. Since you will be out and about all day, a lot of dirt and grime will accumulate on your face. Sweat and natural face oil ensure that they stick stubbornly to your skin. So the first thing that you have to do after a round of sightseeing is clean your face with some face wash. You can also use Echinacea tea as a regular face wash. It is the best homemade acne treatment.

 2. Make-up removing liquid –

If you intend to apply make-up before you go out, then you will require this product. Dirt in conjunction with the chemical residue from make-up can ruin your skin. Make-up removers expertly siphon off the stubborn makeup particles. You will also require wads of cotton to apply the remover with.

 3. Cleanser –

Whether you are planning on using make-up or not, you will need a cleanser.

Dirt and filth often seep into the pores of your skin. Face wash alone cannot remove that. That is why you will need a cleanser. And if you are not on vacation then I will suggest you use milk as a cleanser. Milk is the best home remedy for glowing skin.

 4. Toner –

A toner will disinfect your face. It will close up your pores to ensure that dirt does not penetrate deep into your skin. It will also hydrate your skin.

Also Read: Healthy Skin Tips: Research-Backed Strategies for a Glowing Complexion

 5. Moisturizer –

This is the grandmother of all skincare products. Everyone, irrespective of gender needs to pack a good quality moisturizer. Not only does it hydrate your skin, but it also helps to maintain your skin’s pH balance. It provides your skin with vital nutrients to combat wear and tear caused by exposure to the sun, winds and pollution. You can also carry aloe vera for your face to keep it moisturized.

 6. Body Moisturizer –

It’s not just the skin of your face that needs the healing touch of a moisturizer, but the rest of your body too. Carry a small bottle of liquid body lotion.

 7. Lip Balm –

Carry a tube of lip balm with you always. Chapped lips are extremely painful and could ruin your holiday.

 8. Face Wipes –

You must keep a pack of face wipes. When your skin feels fatigued, just wipe your face with one and it will provide instant moisturisation and revitalize your skin.

 9. Sunscreen –

It would be mad to go on a vacation without sunblock. It’s not about averting a suntan but more about shielding your skin from the deadly UV rays of the sun that can give you skin cancer. Use a broad-spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen. Speak to a doctor before taking any medication, as certain medicines/creams may have severe side effects.

A vacation is your much-awaited opportunity to unwind and recharge your dwindling batteries. Don’t let skin problems mar your holidays. And to make your frugal skincare regime even more effective, remember to drink plenty of water.

Also Read: Is Crying Good for Your Skin? Unpack the Research-Based Truth

Disclaimer: The above information has been prepared by a qualified medical professional and may not represent the practices followed universally. The suggestions listed in this article constitute relatively common advice given to patients and since every patient is different, you are advised to consult your physician, if in doubt, before acting upon this information. Lupin Limited has only facilitated the distribution of this information to you in the interest of patient education and welfare.


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