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Low Carb Diet – Yes Or No?

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

If you’ve been looking forward to effectively shed those extra kilos in no time, you’ve probably been subjected to the ‘low-carb, low fat’ chant for times innumerable since the first day of your resolution. While your family and friends always seem to have the best tricks and tips up their sleeves, it is imperative that you consult a dietician in order to ascertain the best weight loss regime suited especially for you. You’ll be surprised to learn that the mostly-opted-for scheme in this regard is also not free from the conflicting arguments. With a plethora of information speaking both for, as well as against the low-carb diet plan, it has become increasingly difficult for the common folks to decide on what to believe, as well as understand what works best for their body and individual needs.


Most people who speak in the favour of implementing low-carb diet plans are usually the ones who have noticed significant differences after having themselves adopt this regime. There’s no denying the fact that cutting down on carbs does contribute to the overall weight loss procedure. However, what most people don’t understand at all or tend to overlook is the simple fact that not much of the actual body fat is lost, if anything at all.

low carb diets

The human body has the capacity to hold 2.4 grams of water every time you consume a gram of carbohydrate. By cutting down your carbohydrate consumption, you actually hold nothing but less water! This goes on to show how there is but only a little impact on the total body weight and the loss in those extra kilos is achieved via what is essentially nothing but an artificial process.

Also Read: Low Carb Foods: A Research-Based Guide to Making the Right Choice


Along with the aforementioned fact wherein low-carbs cause the individual to lose water, it has also been observed in most cases is that there is a significant depletion in the muscle glycogen. This means that you will be left feeling lethargic and weak for the better part of a heavy workout or a strenuous physical activity. Carbohydrates are effectively stored in the form of glycogen in your muscles and this glycogen is precisely the reason behind the energy that you get to carry out various activities. Another important aspect of carbohydrate consumption is that its role is indispensable in energizing the brain cells. A couple of days without carbs can leave you mentally exhausted and easily spent.

A low-carb diet means eating around 25 to 150g of carbohydrates each day. However, being on a low-carb diet can decrease your daily fibre intake. A low-fibre intake can hinder the digestion process, making it difficult for you to follow a low-carb diet for the long term.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Low Carb Diet – YES OR NO?

It has been observed by medical experts that consumption of carbohydrate-rich food products didn’t necessarily translate to the storage of fat and most certainly, didn’t augment fat burning. Most of it, if not all, actually went straight to the muscles for glycogen replenishment and repairing the damaged tissues. This is enough reason to no longer endure painful episodes of rejecting your favourite carb-rich food product! In plain words, carbs are entirely fine when consumed in moderate helpings even if you do not happen to exercise and on other days that you go for workouts, the carbs that have been consumed will reach the muscles instead of being stored as fat.

Did you know that research shows a low-carb diet to be good for heart health? As per a trial, women who were on a low-carb diet comprising high vegetable sources of proteins and fats had a lower risk of heart disease. You can reach out to your healthcare provider or nutritionist before starting on any diets yourself.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

What has to be kept in mind while adopting a weight-loss programme is that you absolutely need carbs! The importance of carbohydrates can seldom be overstated. Follow a diet plan that focuses primarily on beans, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other components of the green family that are high in their fibre content.

On those days when you feel lazy and cancel your trip to the gym, lessen the carb consumption and try to vary the types that you do end up eating. Cheating in your diet is excused only on one condition: it must be followed by a rigorous workout session.

The way to a simpler, healthier lifestyle is therefore not much of an issue at all! Next time you pick your lunch, make sure that you’re eating nothing but clean food, whole food and food that has not been subjected to intensive processing and manufacturing.

Also Read: Low Carbohydrate Fruit: A Complete Guide to Healthy Choices

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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