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Autoimmune Hepatitis, Risks involved in liver transplant, Liver cancer
Certain health conditions like hepatitis cause the immune system to produce anti-smooth muscle antibodies. ASMA Blood Test is used to check the presence of these antibodies.
It is also important to detect substances called antigens as they are harmful to the body. Viruses and bacteria are usually covered with antigens. When the immune system recognises an antigen, it quickly produces a protein called an antibody to attack it. However, sometimes, the body mistakenly produces autoantibodies, which attack your body’s healthy cells/normal cells.
Smooth Muscle Antibodies (SMA) are autoantibodies produced by the body’s immune system. They recognise and attack actin, which is a protein found in smooth muscle and other tissues. It is found in the liver. The ASMA Test detects and measures the amount of SMA in the blood.
The production of actin and smooth muscle is strongly related to autoimmune hepatitis. Sometimes, the doctor also sees it as Primary Biliary Cholangitis or PBC, which is usually associated with lower antibody titers.
Autoimmune hepatitis, an autoimmune disease, occurs when the immune system attacks the cells of the liver. The condition starts with acute or chronic inflammation of the liver. It is a serious condition as it can lead to liver cirrhosis and, in some cases, even to liver failure. This disease can affect anyone at any age. However, women are at a higher risk. 70% of people with this disorder have SMA or actin antibodies in their bloodstream. They are either alone or with Anti-nuclear Antibodies (ANA), a type of antibody.
Most of the smooth muscle antibodies produced with autoimmune hepatitis are directed against a protein called F-actin or actin. Testing is possible for actin antibodies. Tests for actin antibodies detect autoimmune hepatitis; however, sometimes, it may give false-positive results as compared to ASMA Test.
The ASMA Test is prescribed if you experience hepatitis-related symptoms along with other symptoms like nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue or joint pain.
The results of the ASMA Test determine if the patient has autoimmune hepatitis. If the ASMA levels are elevated, it might mean that the person has Hepatitis C, infectious mononucleosis or certain types of cancer.
There are two types of Autoimmune Hepatitis- Type 1 and Type 2.
- Type 1 autoimmune hepatitis is common. It occurs with other conditions like celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis and ulcerative colitis.
- Type 2 autoimmune hepatitis develops in adults but is commonly found in children and young people. People with this condition might have other types of autoimmune diseases as well.
Autoimmune hepatitis is not a very common disease in India. In fact, it is considered a rare liver condition.
Other Names of the ASMA Test
- SMA Test
- Anti-smooth muscle body antibody test
- Smooth muscle antibody test
- Actin antibody test
- F-actin antibody test
- ACTA Test
What Does the ASMA Test Detect/Measure and Who Is It Prescribed For?
The ASMA Blood Test measures the presence of smooth muscle antibodies in the system. It also detects the type of autoimmune hepatitis you possess.
ASMA profile test is ordered by the physician if you show the following symptoms:
- Enlarged liver, which is also known as hepatomegaly
- Tenderness over the liver
- Pale-coloured stools
- Dark-coloured urine
- Abdominal distension
- Abdominal swelling
- Skin Rashes
ASMA Test may be prescribed by the consulting physician to people with such complaints.
Some additional symptoms which lead to the ASMA Test include:
- Jaundice
- Loss of appetite
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Joint Pain
Some of the chronic conditions autoimmune hepatitis can lead you to:
- Cirrhosis
- Liver failure
- Liver cancer
- Destruction of the liver
- The need for a liver transplant
It is important to be under an expert doctor for proper treatment. Following a diagnosis, once the physician initiates the treatment for autoimmune hepatitis, he may prescribe the ASMA profile test every month to regulate and monitor the dosage. The results of the ASMA Test may help your doctor continue the same treatment or modify the dosage of ongoing medicines.
The ASMA Test can be taken by males and females, both adults and children.
The ASMA Test results are expressed as positive or negative. The normal range is considered to be a dilution of 1:20 in your blood. However, this is based on the titers of ASMAs detected in your blood. Anything more than that is considered to be abnormal.
Test Result Interpretation
If the ASMA Test results show a high amount of smooth muscle antibodies, you might have type 1 autoimmune hepatitis. If the ASMA Test results show lower smooth muscle antibodies, you might have type 2 autoimmune hepatitis.
Positive ASMAs are greater than or equal to the dilution of 1:40. Apart from autoimmune hepatitis, positive ASMA Test results might be due to:
- Infectious Mononucleosis
- Some cancers
- Chronic hepatitis C infection
To understand that you have autoimmune hepatitis, your doctor might ask you to take an F-actin antibody test.
If no smooth muscle antibodies are found in your bloodstream, then your liver conditions are caused due to some other reason and so, your healthcare practitioner might assign some other tests to you.
Sample Type
The results of the ASMA Profile Test are based on the analysis of the blood sample. The entire test is carried out with one sample only.
Test Preparation
You do not have to fast for this test. Also, ASMA Test is carried out like any other routine blood test. The sample is drawn from the most prominent vein of your forearm with the help of an injection. The procedure lasts for 5-10 minutes. You might feel a slight pinch when the lab technician inserts the needle. Any discomfort will fade away within minutes and you can resume back to your daily activities immediately.
ASMA Test Inclusions: What Parameters Are Included?
The blood test is done to check the presence of SMA in the system. The ASMA Test results are either positive or negative. Also, the amount of SMA in your blood will denote the type of autoimmune hepatitis present in your system.
How Frequently Should You Take The ASMA Test?
ASMA Profile test is not something that will be included in your full body checks-up test. If your physician suspects a problem, he/she might ask you to take the ASMA Test. You might also be told to take the test if your body shows any symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis.
If the result of the ASMA Test confirms a diagnosis, you might have to repeat the test every month or three months based on your condition. The doctor may also ask you to repeat the test to monitor the effectiveness of the medication and the treatment.