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Breaking Down The Baby’s Growth Stages | 0-5 Years

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

Right after birth, a baby begins to learn, from crying to latching and one of the most crucial times for baby growth and development is between birth and age 5. It is believed that eighty-five to ninety per cent of a child’s brain develops by the age of five. The child grows physically, learns immensely during this period, and develops new skills from thinking and speaking to social and emotional skills. As parents, it is exciting to see a newborn grow and at the same time you may have several questions like, ”When will they start walking?” or ”When will they start talking?”

The baby growth milestones are a set of specific tasks or skills that average children achieve by a certain age. These are markers looked at by parents, doctors, and teachers and can be matched with other kids of the same age to track growth. While it is true that some kids may be more advanced, some may be slow learners, if you notice that your child is ”falling behind”, missing out on important milestones, then you must address the concern and consult a doctor. Let us take a look at the baby’s growth stages to expect during the first five years:

0 to 3 months

During this time the baby is just adjusting to the new surroundings. They begin to build upon their rooting, sucking, and grasping reflexes. The baby also learns about body movements, begins to notice their own hands, clench them into fists, and brings them to their mouth. They will learn to control their head and hold it up for a few seconds with support. You may introduce tummy time and watch them slightly raise their head. Tummy time strengthens your baby’s neck, back, and arms, it helps in the later development of motor skills, hand skills, visual skills, and even speech and feeding skills.

3 to 6 months

Baby growth in 3rd month includes beginning to roll over, sit up with support, they are able to reach out for objects, bring them to their mouths, and play with toys. You may use sensory-stimulating objects, babies also laugh, look at themselves in the mirror and recognizes familiar faces and sounds. Most babies start teething at around 6 months and the doctor may recommend you to start introducing top feed (food other than breast milk)- liquids, semi-solids, and later solid foods to your child.

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6 to 9 months

This is the time span when children become increasingly mobile. They learn to grasp and pull objects, and even begin to crawl. You will notice more facial expressions in babies during this time as they learn to imitate you, they look at you when you call their name and smile and make a lot of different sounds. By the time he or she is 7 or 8 months old, your child can eat a variety of foods including infant cereals, chicken or other proteins, fruits, vegetables, grains, yogurts, cheeses and more.

9 to 12 months

Most babies can pull themselves up to a seated position at this age. They can stand up without help and even take their first steps. They also learn to pick up, throw objects and roll a ball. Apart from major growth milestones like standing up and walking, this is a significant period when a child develops more advanced fine motor skills. At 12 months (1 year) the baby can learn to play a few games with you like peek-a-boo, waves bye-bye understands simple words like ”no” and calls parents ”mama” or ”dada”. The baby also starts holding his or her own bottle and you may introduce drinking from a cup. This is when the baby points a finger at things and foods, responds with gestures and sounds, enjoy looking at picture books and more. The baby growth chart by month ends here and after the baby completes a year, physical and mental growth continues at a fast pace.

1 to 2 Years

During this baby growth stage, most kids can understand and respond to words, differentiate objects, and can point out familiar objects and people in a picture book. They also learn to pick things up while standing, colour by moving their entire arm, scribbling, turning knobs and handles, climb off and on a couch or chair without help, walking up and down stairs and moving and swaying to the music. This is the time span when the baby is constantly learning through imitation and exploration.

2 to 3 Years

A toddler becomes very independent at this age, as he or she is now capable of so much. He or she may even start pre-school and learn to sort various animals, shapes, numbers, stacking toys, respond to simple directions, draw a circle when you show how to, name familiar objects, imitate more complex adult actions, say their own name, turn pages of a book, etc. You may notice that they now recognize colours and can have a conversation well enough for others to understand.

3 to 4 Years

3-year-olds observe the world around them, analyze and are curious about the things they see. They learn to question and begin to wonder how things work, and why. Their cognitive skills are growing constantly and allow most of them to demonstrate understanding in regard to past and future events. At this age young children can be taught to ride a tricycle or scooter, they learn to go down a slide without help, throwing and catching a ball, walking in a straight line, building toy blocks and can even shape clay dough. 

4 to 5 Years

At this age, children are progressively growing and learning every day. They are better at using words, imitating actions, counting objects, and performing other basic activities. Around this age, most children are able to rhyme words, identify many colours, and tell stories. They learn what is taught at school and can remember things they read and learn.


A baby’s growth begins well before birth, in the mother’s womb. Once your baby is born, you must connect with them, develop a bond and help them reach the crucial milestones. Allow your baby to gain experiences, do not restrain them and let them explore the environment, talk to them even if they don’t necessarily understand you, imitate your baby’s sounds, facial expressions and more. Make your baby feel secure, indulge them in exciting activities, and interactive games and give them the attention they need to learn, grow and develop. These baby growth tips will help you raise a smart and healthy baby.

Read More – Guide To The Third-Trimester Of Pregnancy For Expecting Moms


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