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S. Roberts

This a is such an important topic. I thank the person that took the time to write this so that as I begin my plant based journey I will know some of the important roads to travel to extend my longevity.

Ashir Sahal

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6 Foods That Boost Your Mood!

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

It’s not unusual to find yourself down in the dumps now and then. It happens to all of us. But, people are tempted to reach out for comfort food when they are in the doldrums. The sad truth is, comfort food is rarely healthy. They tend to make you obese and make you susceptible to heart ailments and diabetes.

Different mood boosting foods

6 Foods to Improve Mood

 1. Leafy Green Veggies

These super vegetables are packed with fibres that cleanse your digestive tract, regularize bowel movement and keep you full for a long time, which means you won’t be inclined to eat anything for a long time. Vitamin B in them improves your brain function. But most importantly they contain loads of iron. Iron deficiency is the root cause of alteration of behaviour and feelings of stress, worry and anxiety. A paucity of iron disrupts the activity of neurotransmitters.

Iron replenishes lost energy stores and prompts a sensation of optimism and positivity.

 2. Salmon

Salmon is famously the most reliable source of omega 3 fatty acids. That means it cements the health of your heart by keeping bad cholesterol levels under check. This property of salmon is also crucial for a healthy brain and nervous system. Omega 3 fatty acids have been proven to fight off depression. And they can give you a positive outlook and even help you curb your impulsiveness.

Vitamin B12, which is also present in salmon converts amino acids to neurotransmitters, which will trigger a pleasant sensation in your mind.

 3. Lentils

These unassuming pulses are loaded with folates, which keep your nervous system going strong. If there isn’t enough of this nutrient in your system, you would become susceptible to depression. 

Not to fall behind other superfoods, lentils too contain fibres that help curb a spike in blood sugar and Vitamin B6 that helps in producing neurotransmitters that promote a feel-good factor.

Also read: Boost Your Mood: Methods To How To Increase Serotonin Levels

 4. Chia Seeds

A salmon substitute for vegetarians (non-vegetarians aren’t barred from consuming them!). Chia seeds are packed with omega 3 fatty acids, fibres, proteins, calcium, magnesium and lots of iron. Most of these are mood boosters. They can help you deal with stress and anxiety.

 5. Avocado

This fruit contains healthy fats and plenty of Vitamins B6, C and E- all of which are responsible for producing neurotransmitters that elevate your mood.

Also Read: What Is Serotonin Syndrome: A Comprehensive, Research-Based Explanation

 6. Almonds

These nuts are your go-to source for anti-oxidants. They keep your body safe from free radicals and improve your brain functions and cognitive performance. The presence of Vitamin C ensures that the balance of hormones in women is maintained. This vitamin is also very effective in mellowing the symptoms of depression or anxiety.

Foods can lift your spirits and help you weather the storm by triggering an apt chemical reaction in you. But only the right foods have a sustainable positive impact on your mind and body. Junk food may give you the impression of satiation, but its long-term effects can be horrific.

Also Read: 5 Best Brain Food To Include In Your Diet

Disclaimer: The above information has been prepared by a qualified medical professional and may not represent the practices followed universally. The suggestions listed in this article constitute relatively common advice given to patients and since every patient is different, you are advised to consult your physician, if in doubt, before acting upon this information. Lupin Limited has only facilitated the distribution of this information to you in the interest of patient education and welfare.


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