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Anaemia – How Pomegranates Can Help?

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more


According to a report, more than half of Indian women and about 3/4th of Indian children suffer from Anaemia. What is startling in the data available is not how widespread the disease is but that it has nothing to do with one’s socioeconomic status and is found across all sections of society. Advanced countries such as the US also have a high percentage of the anaemic population.

Benefits of Pomegranate for Anaemia

What is Anaemia?

Anaemia is a lack of haemoglobin in your blood. Haemoglobin carries oxygen to all parts of the body and is vital for healthy functioning. Anaemia is also characterised by an unhealthy count of Red Blood Cells (RBCs). The threshold after which a person (children, adults, and pregnant women) are considered anaemic are

Children 6 to 59 Months Old

  • Non-anaemic: 110 or above
  • Mild: 100-109
  • Moderate: 70-99
  • Severe: Below 70

Children 5 to 11 Years Old

  • Non-anaemic: 115 or above
  • Mild: 110-114
  • Moderate: 80-109
  • Severe: Below 80

Children 12 to 14 Years Old

  • Non-anaemic: 120 or above
  • Mild: 110-119
  • Moderate: 80-109
  • Severe: Below 80

Women Older than 15 Years

  • Non-anaemic: 120 or above
  • Mild: 110-119
  • Moderate: 80-109
  • Severe: Below 80

Pregnant Women

  • Non-anaemic: 110 or above
  • Mild: 100-109
  • Moderate: 70-99
  • Severe: Below 70

Men Older than 15 Years

  • Non-anaemic: 130 or above
  • Mild: 110-129
  • Moderate: 80-109
  • Severe: Below 80

The following three are the leading causes of Anaemia-

  • Loss of blood: Chronic loss of blood due to internal or external injury and bleeding, childbirth, certain illnesses, menstruation, etc. leads to Anaemia.
  • Increased demand for iron: The body requires more iron during pregnancy, growth spurts in childhood and adolescence.
  • Decreased production of haemoglobin/RBCs: This occurs in conditions such as after an operation, bone marrow, stem cell problems, diarrhoea or thalassemia.

Anaemia causes fatigue and tiredness, retarded growth in children amongst other issues.

Read More: 9 Anaemia Symptoms & Signs To Watch Out For

Pomegranates, when consumed with iron-rich foods such as liver, green leafy vegetables, lentils and tofu, will help in anaemia, not when consumed alone.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

Factors That May Increase Your Chances of Developing Anaemia

Several factors need to be weighed in while talking about anaemia. Some of these factors cannot be helped while others are very much in our control. To have a better idea, here are some of the factors that can increase your risk of catching anaemia:

  • Having menstrual periods.
  • Being pregnant.
  • If you are over 65 years of age.
  • Hereditary conditions may trigger anaemia.
  • A diet that doesn’t include enough iron and vitamin B-12.
  • Other external factors like heavy consumption of alcohol or exposure to toxic substances can result in anaemia.
  • If you have existing chronic conditions like cancer, liver or kidney disease or even an autoimmune disease.

At home, you can have pomegranate for anaemia as the fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals. A detailed list of benefits are given below, so read on to find out more!

How Can Pomegranates Help?

Pomegranate is rich in vitamin K, vitamin C, fibre, potassium, and protein. Although there are many other fruits with higher iron content, pomegranate is highly recommended for anaemia. This is because pomegranate is rich in vitamin C.

Our bodies generally absorb only 3% of the iron consumed. This is because our gut does not readily absorb iron. The high content of vitamin C in pomegranate helps our bodies to absorb the iron present in the fruit as vitamin C, which is integral to iron metabolism. Regular consumption of pomegranate helps to increase haemoglobin levels and fight anaemia.

Avoiding certain foods along with pomegranate is recommended. Chocolates, spinach, tea, coffee, and alcohol have compounds in them that inhibit the absorption of iron. Keep at least a 30-minute gap between these foods and pomegranate consumption for maximal iron absorption.

A small bowl or around 100 gms of this tangy-sweet fruit every day helps to fight iron deficiency by maximizing iron absorption.

Read More: Home Remedies For Anaemia

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