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Live And Let Live(r)

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

On the occasion of World Liver Day (commemorated on April 19), let’s take a look at Fatty Liver Disease (FLD) and its successor, Liver Cirrhosis.

What is Fatty Liver Disease?

Also called hepatic steatosis, it is the build-up of fat in the liver. Symptoms include enlargement of the liver and jaundice.

Is fatty liver a serious disease?

In itself, it is not a serious condition, but without proper treatment and care, it can turn into deadly liver cirrhosis.

How can an enlarged fatty liver be treated?

Enlarged fatty liver can be treated through weight loss, exercise, a healthy diet and avoiding sugar and alcohol. Turmeric, green leafy vegetables, and citrus fruits are all great for liver health.

Can the liver be cleansed using olive oil?

Olive oil is rich in MUFA, a good fatty acid. However, the amount of olive oil should be limited, and the maximum amount of cooking oil one should consume in a month is 500 ml.

Epsom salts are often taken with olive oil as a liver detox home remedy. However, this method only has a laxative effect and can cause dehydration. It should therefore be avoided. 

Stick to your doctor’s recommendations when it comes to diet and treatment for your liver.

What is liver cirrhosis and is it fatal? 

Cirrhosis is the scarring or fibrosis of healthy liver tissue. If left untreated, it eventually damages the liver and affects its functioning to the point of death. 

What are the stages of liver cirrhosis?

There are 2 stages of cirrhosis: 

  1. Compensated (asymptomatic) cirrhosis 
  2. Decompensated (symptomatic) cirrhosis
    The decompensated phase is further divided into classes A B And C, where the severity of symptoms ranges from mild (A) to severe (C).

What are the symptoms of liver cirrhosis?

The symptoms of liver cirrhosis include but are not limited to:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Jaundice
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Itching
  • Swelling of the abdomen (ascites) and lower limbs (oedema).

Can a fatty liver turn into cirrhosis in a month and a half?

No. It takes years for fatty liver to turn into cirrhosis, so it is best to detect it early and treat it correctly.

Fatty liver disease may even play a role in type 2 diabetes. If you have both conditions and your type 2 diabetes isn’t managed well, it can make fatty liver disease worse. 2. Liver function tests can be used to: Screen for liver infections, such as hepatits or even how well a treatment is working. Look for signs of serious disease, particularly scarring of the liver, called cirrhosis and accompanied conditions like Fatty liver disease.

Dr. Ashish, M.B.B.S., M.D.

What foods should be avoided while treating liver cirrhosis?

Avoid processed and fast food and foods rich in fat. Fruits that have a high fructose content, like raisins, should also be avoided, along with alcohol and uncooked or raw meat.

Will occasional drinking lead to liver disease?

Yes, occasional drinking can lead to liver disease if the amounts consumed are large enough.

Fatty liver disease is a silent illness and often goes undiagnosed, so it is important to stay on one’s guard and keep testing to ensure that early signs are caught and that the illness is treated before it ever progresses to liver cirrhosis.

Also Read: What Does Liver Pain Feel Like? Symptoms and Possible Conditions Explained

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


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