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Why is My Period Blood Black? Understanding the Underlying Health Facts

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Black period blood is usually a sign of old blood that has taken longer to exit the uterus. 
  • Brown or dark red blood can indicate the beginning or end of your period, pregnancy, or a blockage inside your vagina. 
  • Hormonal changes and menstrual cycle-related conditions, such as PCOS and perimenopause, can affect period blood colour and consistency. 
  • Infections, such as Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), can cause unusual bleeding or black blood clots in some cases. 
  • Seek medical help when experiencing persistent black period blood, accompanied by other symptoms indicating possible complications or health risks. 


Menstruation is a natural process that every woman experiences. It involves the shedding of the uterus lining and the discharge of blood mixed with uterine tissues through the vagina. Period blood varies in colour, ranging from bright red to dark brown, or even black in some cases, depending on factors such as flow and the length of time that the blood remains in the uterus. Black period blood may seem alarming, but it is often harmless and just a result of old blood taking longer to exit the body. 

In this article, we’ll look at why it occurs, as well as what other colours of period blood can mean for your health. We’ll also discuss when you should be concerned and ask a doctor for advice.  

why is my period blood black

Did you know?

  • Women with VWD may also experience heavy bleeding after childbirth and recurrent fetal loss. Source: cdc.gov
  • Women with heavy menstrual bleeding or VWD are at increased risk for anemia and pain during menstruation.Source: cdc.gov
  • Women with bleeding disorders are more likely to experience excessive blood loss called postpartum hemorrhage during childbirth. Source: cdc.gov

Normal Period Blood Colour Spectrum 

Period blood comes in many colours. The different shades link back to things like hormone levels and health issues.  

1. Black-coloured Period Blood 

Earlier, we noted that period blood that is black often means old blood. Slower flow can delay its exit from the uterus. Exposure to air makes the blood darker. You might see this colour at the start or end of a menstrual cycle. Also, it can happen after pregnancy. Yet, black discharge can signal issues like miscarriages, infections, or retained menses. If you see black-coloured period blood for the first time and feel worried, check with your healthcare provider. 

2. Brown or Dark Red coloured Period Blood 

Brown or dark red period blood often shows up at the start or end of a period. It’s normal. The colour is a sign of older blood exiting from uterus lining which is deeper. It had more time to get oxidized. Other causes of brown or dark red period blood can be early pregnancy, miscarriage, or postpartum bleeding (lochia). 

3. Bright Red coloured Period Blood 

Bright red period blood shows fresh blood leaving the uterus quickly. It usually shows up at the start of a period. You might see the bright red colour all through your period or you might see the colour changing to darker tones as the flow slows down. If you bleed abnormally outside your mensus period, that might point to an infection or early pregnancy. 

4. Pink-coloured Period Blood 

This occurs when your blood and cervical mucus mix together. You typically find this during light bleeding at the start or end of a menstrual cycle. Spotting between periods or light blood flow could also turn your period blood pink. A huge weight loss, poor diet, or anaemia can also cause pink blood. 

5. Orange coloured Period Blood 

Just like pink-coloured period blood, orange-coloured period blood happens when blood mixes with cervical fluid. Yet, an orange discharge might suggest an infection, perhaps bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis. An itchy feeling, pain, and bad smell down may be associated symptoms. Reach out to a healthcare professional for a check-up when you notice these symptoms. 

6. Gray coloured Period Blood 

Gray period blood is rare and could point to an infection, perhaps bacterial vaginosis. You might have itching, a foul smell, and discomfort in the vaginal area. If you see gray period blood, consult with a healthcare provider. You’ll need management to avoid complications. 

When Is Colour Change During a Period Considered Normal? 

Colour changes during a period can be normal. They can tie back to factors like hormone changes and health issues specific to you. Figuring out these changes helps to calm fears that black-coloured period blood is always a bad sign. 

Common Causes of Black-Coloured Period Blood 

The reasons for black-coloured period blood are described below.  

1. Beginning or End of Your Period 

Black discharge at the start or end of your period often means old blood. That points to a slow flow. It’s normal and not a concern unless other worrying symptoms show up. 

2. Stuck or Forgotten Object 

Something stuck in the vagina like a tampon, condom, or contraceptive device can cause irritation. That may lead to black discharge. Infections due to leaving a foreign object in the vagina might cause more symptoms. You might smell something foul, feel itchy, get a fever, have pain in the pelvis, or find it hard to pee. 

3. Infection 

PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), gonorrhea, and chlamydia infections can lead to black discharge during your period. These infections could make vaginal discharge heavier and change its colour. You might also smell something foul, feel itchy, or a burning sensation, and have pain in your pelvis. 

  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) 

PID is an infection of female reproductive parts like the uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries. It can come from sexually and non-sexually transmitted infections. It can cause minor or major pain in the lower abdomen, among other symptoms. 

4. Missed Miscarriage 

A missed miscarriage happens when the embryo stops growing. Yet, it doesn’t leave the body for many weeks. Black spotting or discharge can show up in these cases. You might also see a loss of pregnancy signs, cramping, or vaginal discharge of fluid or tissue. 

5. Lochia 

Lochia is what we call bleeding after childbirth. It can last up to six weeks. Slow blood flow during lochia can turn it dark brown or black. With time, the colour should become yellowish-white before it stops entirely. 

6. Retained Menses 

Retained menses, or hematocolpometra, happens when menstrual blood collects in the vaginal cavity. The kept blood turns darker, leading to black discharge. Retained menses can come from birth defects affecting the hymen, vaginal septum, or cervix. 

The Role of Hormones and Menstrual Cycle 

Health issues tied to hormones can change the colour and feel of period blood. This is especially so during a normal menstrual cycle.  

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) 

PCOS is a condition impacting hormone levels in women. It messes with the balance between estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. This hormone change leads to irregular periods and sometimes black coloured period blood. Other symptoms include excess hair growth, weight gain, and acne. 

  • Perimenopause 

It’s the stage before menopause. Changes in estrogen levels during this time cause changes in menstrual cycles. Brown or dark red coloured period blood can result from these hormone changes. You might also get heavier or lighter periods, more spotting, or cycles shorter or longer than normal. 

  • Low Estrogen 

Low estrogen levels can also influence the colour and feel of period blood. Sometimes, this can cause black or pink-coloured discharge. Common reasons for low estrogen levels include menopause, lots of exercise, or certain hormonal birth control methods, such as an IUD. 

When to Be Concerned About Black-Coloured Period Blood? 

Though black-coloured period blood is often not a concern, it’s crucial to keep your eyes open for signs of danger which are described below.  

1. Infections and their Symptoms 

Infections like PID or STIs can lead to black-coloured period blood. They may also cause a foul-smelling discharge, pain, or itchiness in the vaginal area. If you have the above symptoms always consult with a healthcare professional for a proper check-up and management. 

2. Uterine Polyps, Fibroids, and Adenomyosis 

Uterine growths like polyps or fibroids, and adenomyosis (a condition where the uterine lining grows into the muscular wall), can lead to black coloured period blood or clots. Heavy, non-stop bleeding may show these conditions, and demand a consultation with a healthcare provider. 

3. Persistent Black Blood Clots 

Persistent black blood clots during your period, mainly if there’s severe pain or heavy bleeding, may be a sign of a health issue. A healthcare professional can give a thorough check-up and discuss management options. 

4. Signs It Might Be Cervical Cancer 

Although rare, persistent black period blood and weird bleeding patterns could point to cervical cancer. Pain in the pelvis, pain during sexual intercourse, and post-coital bleeding are more symptoms. If you observe these symptoms , call a healthcare professional for a proper check-up. 

Non-Cancerous Myths and Misconceptions 

Many myths surround the topic of black-coloured period blood. Knowing the truth from lies helps give both comfort and sound health advice. 

  • Black Coloured Period Blood and Infertility 

Just seeing black coloured period blood often doesn’t mean you’re infertile. Yet, certain conditions, such as PID or PCOS, can lead to black coloured period blood and affect fertility. A healthcare provider can provide a full understanding based on your unique situation. 

  • Black Coloured Period Blood on Birth Control 

Some women might see black-coloured period blood or strange bleeding patterns while on hormonal birth control, like an IUD. This doesn’t always mean trouble. But if you’re worried about your period blood colour or other symptoms, discuss with your healthcare provider for advice. 

When to Consult a Doctor? 

Turn to a doctor for strange symptoms along with black-coloured period blood. This could be lasting pain, a foul smell, or fever. Also, seek medical help if you bleed during pregnancy or after menopause, or see black discharge or unexpected bleeding. 

Symptoms That Require Immediate Medical Attention 

Watch out for these signs that call for immediate medical help.  

  • Heavy bleeding that needs you to change pads or tampons often 
  • Big blood clots 
  • Bad pain during your period 
  • Fever and feeling sick after using a tampon (a possible sign of toxic shock syndrome) 
  • Any bleeding or spotting if you’re pregnant 

Also Read: Cycle Syncing: A Detailed Understanding Based on Research & Science


Knowing the many colors of period blood and their meanings is vital for your reproductive health. Black-coloured period blood might look scary, but it’s often the result of oxidized old blood. It does not usually signal danger. Even so, if black period blood comes with other symptoms, or occurs during pregnancy or post-menopause, you must discuss it with a healthcare professional for a proper check-up and guidance. 

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) 

Why is my period blood black? 

Black period blood often signals old blood that took a long time to leave the uterus. It can show up at the start or end of a menstrual cycle, and after pregnancy. It might be due to other issues too, like a miscarriage or infection. 

What do black blood clots mean in my period blood? 

Black blood clots in your period blood often indicate old blood from slow flow. Sometimes, infections or underlying conditions like PID or PCOS can cause black blood clots. 

Does black period blood point to serious health issues? 

Even though black period blood is often not a danger sign, keep an eye on other symptoms. Persistent black blood clots, heavy bleeding, or bad pain might suggest a serious health problem that needs medical attention. 

How do I know if black period blood is normal for me? 

Check the color of your period blood against your usual colour. Note any other symptoms as well. This will help you know if black-coloured period blood is normal for you. If you’re worried or notice recent changes, check with a healthcare provider. This helps to ensure there are no hidden health issues. 

When should I get medical help for black period blood? 

If you see black-coloured period blood plus lasting pain, heavy bleeding, a foul smell, or other odd symptoms, it’s key to discuss with a healthcare professional for a proper check-up and advice. If you’re pregnant or post-menopausal and see black discharge or spotting, also seek medical help. 


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) – CDC Basic Fact Sheet [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 8]. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/std/pid/stdfact-pid.htm 
  1. ScienceDirect. Your Browser is out of date. [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 8]. Available from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/hematocolpos 
  1. American Cancer Society. Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 8]. Available from: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/cervical-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/signs-symptoms.html 
  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Heavy Menstrual Bleeding [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 8]. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/blooddisorders/women/menorrhagia.html 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Vaginal Bleeding [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470230 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Uterine Fibroids (Leiomyomata) and Heavy Menstrual Bleeding – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9580818 
  1. National Health Service (NHS). Symptoms – Miscarriage [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 8]. Available from: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/miscarriage/symptoms 
  1. American Cancer Society. Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 8]. Available from: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cervical-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/signs-symptoms.html 
  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Cervical Cancer Statistics [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 8]. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/cervical/statistics 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Vaginal Foreign Body Evaluation and Treatment [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK549794 
  1. National Health Service (NHS). Overview – Polycystic ovary syndrome [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 8]. Available from: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/polycystic-ovary-syndrome-pcos 
  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Menorrhagia [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK536910 

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