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How to Dissolve Bone Spurs Naturally?

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Definition and common areas affected by bone spurs. 
  • Causes and symptoms of bone spurs. 
  • Natural remedies and alternative therapies for managing bone spurs. 
  • Home remedies for pain management and support. 
  • When to see a healthcare provider and measures to reduce the risk. 


Bone spurs, also known as osteophytes, occur naturally in many people with relatively minor issues. However, when these bony outgrowths become painful or cause mobility problems, individuals often seek out solutions to alleviate their discomfort. As more and more people look toward natural methods of healing and treatment, a question arises if we can dissolve or manage bone spurs without turning to invasive interventions. In this article, we will explore the causes of bone spurs, delve into various natural remedies and alternative therapies available to manage them, and outline when it might be necessary to seek professional medical assistance. 

how to dissolve bone spurs naturally

Did you know?

  • Consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation and potentially dissolve bone spurs. source: arthritis.org
  • Bone spurs are more common in older individuals, with the prevalence increasing with age. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • Overweight individuals are more likely to develop bone spurs due to increased pressure on the joints. source: arthritis.org
  • In severe cases, surgical removal of bone spurs may be necessary to relieve symptoms.source: orthoinfo.aaos.org

Understanding Bone Spurs 

Bone spurs (osteophytes)are small, odd bone growths that build up along bone edges, mainly at joints. These growths aren’t painful, but when they rub against nerves, ligaments, or nearby tissue, discomfort may arise. 

Common Areas Affected By Bone Spurs 

Bone spurs can form anywhere in the body. Most of them occur near joints where bones meet or in areas where ligaments and tendons attach to the bone. The most common areas are as follows: 

  • Neck 
  • Shoulders 
  • Elbows 
  • Spine 
  • Hips 
  • Knees 
  • Heels 

Causes of Bone Spurs 

Bone spurs often stem from joint wear and tear, such as osteoarthritis, or a bone injury. There are other factors too which are listed below.  

  • Aging 
  • Lingering stress on ligaments and tendons 
  • Genetic factors 
  • Poor posture and body mechanics 
  • Excess joint pressure due to being overweight 

Symptoms of Bone Spurs 

Bone spurs don’t always cause symptoms. But when they do it may include the following.  

  • Joint pain 
  • Swelling and redness  
  • Limited joint movement                                                                                                                           
  • Numbness or tingling if a nerve is compressed 

Natural Remedies for Dissolving Bone Spurs 

Though there are no sure-fire natural remedies for dissolving bone spurs, there are certain things that may manage the symptoms and promote overall joint health.  

1. Cold Compress 

A cold compress may help reduce swelling and redness. This method eases pain by limiting blood flow to the affected part. A frozen gel pack, a chilled towel, or even homemade remedies like a sock filled with rice or a bag of frozen peas can do the trick. 

2. Supplements 

Some supplements may boost joint health, though research on their use for dissolving bone spurs is not enough. Here are a few that are usually tried but remember they are not to be started until and unless your doctor is made aware that you are going to incorporate in your daily regimen. 

  • Magnesium 

It’s crucial for keeping our bones firm. It is proposed that by getting enough, you might help your body fight against bone spurs. 

  • Vitamin K2 

It takes care of our bones and keeps them strong. It is said that having enough of it might slow down bone spur formation. 

  • Vitamin D3 

It helps with calcium uptake and bone health. Foods rich in vitamin D3 promote proper bone remodeling and strength which might help in dealing with bone spurs. 

3. Diet 

A diet rich in bone-boosting nutrients can do wonders for your bones and joints. Try getting plenty of fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and oily fish into your meals. 

4. Exercise 

Regular exercise is good for our bones. It could also keep bone spurs at bay.  The exercises that you may try are as follows.  

  • Low-impact Exercises 

Try activities like brisk walks, swims, or cycling. They are easy on the joints. 

  • Strengthening and Stretching Exercises 

Weightlifting and bodyweight exercises are great for muscles and bones. Stretching improves flexibility and joint movement. 

  • Yoga and bone spur management 

Yoga may help ease bone spur pain. It is said to promote blood circulation, relaxation, and movement. 

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Alternative Therapies for Bone Spur Management 

Alternative therapies may provide relief from joint issues. But always check with a healthcare provider before trying them out. 

1. Cell-Based Therapies 

These therapies use stem cells to repair damaged tissue which may help manage symptoms. These may help manage conditions like osteoporosis. More studies are needed to check their effect on bone spurs. 

2. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy 

This method has shown promise in easing symptoms of skeletal conditions like arthritis and joint wear and tear. Further research are needed to confirm its effects on bone spurs. 

3. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine 

Acupuncture might help with bone spur pain. More research is needed to know how effective it is in managing bone spurs. 

Home Remedies for Pain Relief  

There are simple home remedies that may help manage bone spur pain, alongside the natural remedies mentioned earlier. 

Heel support 

If you have heel spurs, heel cups, cushions or the right arch support in your shoes may offer some relief. 

Over-the-counter Pain Relievers 

Painkillers that are available over the counter may help ease pain by reducing inflammation. Always take them under the guidance of a healthcare provider. 

Night splints 

Night splints may help people with heel spurs related to plantar fasciitis. They keep the foot tilted while you sleep, easing tension and morning stiffness and pain. 

When to See a Healthcare Provider? 

If bone spur pain is too much or if it affect your ability to move, see a healthcare professional. They may need to conduct further tests, which are listed below. 

Diagnosis of Bone Spurs 

A physical check-up and symptom discussion can help your healthcare provider identify if bone spurs are causing your discomfort. 

X-rays, CT scans, and MRI for Bone Spur Detection 

Imaging tests like X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs can locate the bone spur. This helps in targeted management. 

Professional Recommendations for Treatment 

Your healthcare provider may recommend lifestyle changes, medication, or even rare invasive procedures to manage the causes and relieve symptoms of bone spurs. 

Avoiding Bone Spurs 

You may not stop bone spurs from forming, but you may try and lessen the risk and intensity. 

Maintaining a Healthy Weight 

Extra weight puts more stress on your joints and could increase the risk of bone spurs. Losing weight may help avoid this. 

Proper Footwear and Foot Support 

Shoes with good cushioning and support may keep foot-related bone spurs, like heel spurs, from forming. 

Regular Physical Activity 

Regular low-impact exercises may keep your bones and joints healthy and ward off bone spurs. 


Bone spurs are common yet manageable. While no natural remedy guarantees the complete dissolution of these bony outgrowths, various methods, such as cold compresses, supplements, diet adjustments, exercise, and alternative therapies, may help alleviate symptoms and improve joint function. Taking measures to reduce the risk, such as maintaining a healthy weight, wearing supportive shoes, and staying active, may go a long way in reducing bone spur risk and severity. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What will dissolve bone spurs? 

Even though there is no guaranteed natural cure for dissolving bone spurs, options like cold compresses, supplements, diet, exercise, and alternative therapies may manage symptoms and improve joint health. 

Does magnesium help with bone spurs? 

Magnesium is key for strong bones, but research has not proven that it alone can dissolve bone spurs. 

What deficiency causes bone spurs? 

There is no direct link between a lack of vitamins or minerals and bone spurs. However, proper nutrition could help avoid or manage them. 

Does Epsom salt help bone spurs? 

Soaking in an Epsom salt bath may provide some relief from pain and inflammation related to bone spurs, owing to its magnesium sulfate content, even if it doesn’t directly dissolve bone spurs. 


  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Osteoporosis and the Potential of Cell-Based Therapeutic Strategies – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Feb 20]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7084428 
  1. National Health Service (NHS). Osteophyte (bone spur) [Internet]. [cited 2024 Feb 20]. Available from: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/osteophyte 
  1. National Health Service (NHS). NSAIDs [Internet]. [cited 2024 Feb 20]. Available from: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/nsaids 

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