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Diana Son-Gonzales

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Gayetri Solanki

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Thank you. This is a great information for those who are suffering from Thyroid problems.

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11 Ways To Treat Thyroid At Home

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more


The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland controls most of the metabolic processes of the body. Thermoregulation, hormonal function, and weight management are just some of the important functions of this gland.

home remedies for thyroid

Those who suffer from thyroid problems can look at home remedies to deal with the issue more comprehensively.

Before we get into home remedies we need to cover the basic differences between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism based on their symptoms: 

Feeling tiredFeeling tired
Hair LossHair Loss
Increased weightSudden weight gain or loss
Trouble sleepingTrouble sleeping
Sensitivity to coldSensitivity to heat
Sweating lessSweating more
Decreased heart rateFast and irregular heart rate
Brittle, easily chipped nailsThickened, flaky nails
Depression, easily irritableAnxiety
Puffy facePuffy eyes
Joint and muscle painsMuscle weakness
Feeling sluggish or slow

Based on these differences you may get an idea of which form of thyroid issue you have but always check with your doctor who will recommend a thyroid test for a clear diagnosis.

Did you know?

Home Remedies For Thyroid Problems

1. Coconut Oil

Image Source: freepik.com

Coconut oil has medium-chain fatty acids that help in better functioning of the thyroid gland. Coconut oil, specifically when taken in a non-heated form, helps lose weight, increases metabolism and balances body temperature.

Unlike other types of oils, coconut oil has a high content of saturated fat (healthy). With the right combination of exercise and a properly balanced diet, coconut oil could be good for thyroid glands.

  • Recipe tip: Use coconut oil for your regular cooking once in a while, or switch to it completely if you like the taste  

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Image Source: freepik.com

Apple cider vinegar helps in the balanced production and expression of hormones. It improves metabolism and helps to alkalize the body environment.

Apple cider vinegar helps regulate body fats, wash away toxins from the body, and absorption of nutrients. Apple cider vinegar can be added to water along with honey and can be taken every morning,

  • Recipe tip: Add it to warm water to make atonic, or add it to your herbal tea of choice. For sore throats try apple cider vinegar and honey in warm water, it might give some relief.

3. Ginger

Image Source: freepik.com

This is one of the easiest home remedies for thyroid as it is easily available. Ginger is rich in essential minerals like potassium and magnesium and helps combat inflammation, one of the primary causes of thyroid issues. It is easiest to have ginger tea.

It can also be used as an essential oil. If ginger is mixed with a carrier oil (coconut oil, for example) it can be applied to the body. Ginger oil can also be used via essential oil diffusers.

  • Recipe tip: Throw in a small amount of thinly sliced ginger to your curries and stir-frys, or add it to your favourite baked items like cookies and pastries.  

4. Vitamins B

Image Source: freepik.com

Vitamins help to fight the underlying causes of thyroid problems. Vitamins from the ‘B’ family are essential for proper thyroid function. Vitamin B12 is especially instrumental in helping people with hypothyroidism. Including eggs, meat, fish, legumes, milk, and nut in daily diet might help with a steady supply of Vitamin B.

Since the diet may not be able to meet the daily requirements, taking supplements will help.

  • Recipe tip: Make a smoothie from almond milk, a dash of pineapple juice, sliced banana and pineapple, a tablespoon of flaxseeds and enjoy!  

5. Vitamin D

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The deficiency of vitamin D can lead to thyroid problems. Since the body can produce it only when exposed to the sun, ensure that you get a minimum of 15 minutes of sunlight daily. This will also lead to better calcium absorption and good immunity.

Some foods that are rich in Vitamin D are fatty fishes like salmon and mackerel, dairy products, orange juice, and egg yolks. If Vitamin D levels in the body are very low, supplements will be necessary. However, one must be cautious and consult with a doctor about dosage because too much vitamin in the body can be harmful.

  • Recipe tip: Bake a salmon fillet with honey glazing, serve with sauteed asparagus, and alternatively make a side dish of lentils for a warm meal.    

Also Read: 8 Most Effective Foods To Fight Thyroid!

6. Almonds

Image Source: freepik.com

Most nuts are beneficial to the body in some way or the other. Almonds are best suited for proper thyroid expression. They are a good source of protein, fibre, and minerals.

Almonds have selenium which is a thyroid healthy nutrient. It is also very rich in magnesium that can keep the thyroid gland working very smoothly.

  • Recipe tip: Eat half a handful of almonds as a snack (works as a pre or post-workout snack too!), or add it to your cakes and smoothies.    

7. Dairy Products

Image Source: freepik.com

Milk, cheese, and yoghurt are very beneficial for the thyroid as they are high in iodine, the mineral that is essential for proper thyroid functioning. Consuming dairy products will also help with increasing vitamin levels which in turn will help with thyroid problems.

  • Recipe tip: Try out yoghurt and other dairy products like cream cheese, but be careful if you have lactose intolerance.      

8. Beans

Image Source: freepik.com

Beans are a powerhouse of nutrition. They are rich in fibre, protein, essential minerals and vitamins. Beans are rich in antioxidants and complex carbohydrates. Since beans are also very high in fibre, it helps with constipation which is a common side effect of hypothyroidism.

9. Iodine Supplements

Image Source: freepik.com

Another thing that works in improper thyroid functioning is taking iodine supplements. This becomes more important for those who are vegetarians. These supplements restore the balance of iodine in the body and help with thyroid health.

10. Seaweed

Image Source: freepik.com

Seaweed is a type of very large algae that grow in saltwater and marshes, it typically contains high to very high concentrations of iodine. Iodine is an essential mineral required by the pituitary gland for the formation of thyroid hormones.

However, please note, for both seaweed and iodine supplements – excessive amounts of iodine may itself result in poor thyroid function and goitre, please check with your doctor before trying either of these out. 

11. Regular Exercise

Image Source: freepik.com

Seaweed is a type of very large algae that grow in saltwater and marshes, it typically contains high to very high concentrations of iodine. Iodine is an essential mineral required by the pituitary gland for the formation of thyroid hormones.

However, please note, for both seaweed and iodine supplements – excessive amounts of iodine may itself result in poor thyroid function and goitre, please check with your doctor before trying either of these out.

Discipline and focus is the key to good thyroid health.

People suffering from hypothyroidism should avoid excessive consumption of cruciferous vegetables(cabbage, broccoli) and soy products, these foods contain goitrogens which might interfere with the production of thyroxine hormone.

Dr. Nikhil Yadav, MBBS MD, CCEBDM

Also Read: Foods to Avoid in the Case of Hypothyroidism: A Research-Based Approach

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What problems can the thyroid cause?

Over time, if hypothyroidism is left untreated, it can cause a number of health problems, such as obesity, joint pain, infertility and heart disease.

What are the warning signs of thyroid?

Weight gain or difficulty losing weight, constipation, dry skin, hair thinning, fatigue, enlarged thyroid and hoarse feeling in your throat are some of the major warning signs for thyroid.

Is thyroid a serious problem?

If you have a thyroid problem that is not treated in time, serious health complications can arise. An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can lead to a number of problems including eye problems, such as bulging eyes, blurred or double vision or even vision loss in the future.

Does thyroid tests needs fasting?

Testing for thyroid function typically does not require fasting. Thyroid blood tests, such as TSH, T3, and T4, can usually be done at any time of the day without the need for fasting. However, it is always best to follow your healthcare provider’s specific instructions.

Does thyroid cause headache?

Yes, thyroid disorders can cause headaches. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can both contribute to headache symptoms due to hormonal imbalances and their effects on the body’s systems. Proper management of thyroid conditions can help alleviate headache symptoms.

Does thyroid affect periods?

Yes, thyroid disorders can affect menstrual periods. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) can cause irregular menstrual cycles, heavier or lighter periods, and changes in cycle length due to hormonal imbalances. Proper treatment of thyroid conditions can help regulate menstrual cycles.

Does thyroid affect pregnancy?

Yes, thyroid disorders can affect pregnancy. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can impact fertility, pregnancy outcomes, and fetal development. Proper management and monitoring of thyroid levels are crucial for a healthy pregnancy.

Does thyroid cause weight loss?

Yes, hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid) can cause weight loss due to an increased metabolic rate, leading the body to burn calories faster than usual. Conversely, hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) typically causes weight gain.

Does thyroid cause hair loss?

Yes, thyroid disorders can cause hair loss. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle, leading to thinning hair or hair loss. Proper treatment of the thyroid condition often helps restore normal hair growth.

Does alcohol affect thyroid?

Yes, alcohol can affect thyroid function. Chronic alcohol consumption may interfere with thyroid hormone production and metabolism, potentially leading to thyroid dysfunction. It can also affect the gland’s ability to produce hormones, impacting overall thyroid health.

Can thyroid be cured permanently?

Thyroid disorders can often be managed effectively, but permanent cures are rare. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism typically require lifelong treatment to control hormone levels. However, certain conditions like thyroiditis may resolve on their own, and surgical options can provide a long-term solution for some thyroid issues.

Can thyroid patients donate blood?

Yes, thyroid patients can donate blood if their condition is well-managed and they meet all other eligibility criteria. It is important to ensure their thyroid levels are stable and they are not experiencing symptoms that could affect their ability to donate safely. Always check with the blood donation center for specific guidelines.

Is thyroid genetic?

Yes, thyroid disorders can have a genetic component. Family history of thyroid conditions increases the likelihood of developing thyroid issues, suggesting a hereditary link. However, environmental factors and lifestyle choices also play significant roles in the development of thyroid diseases.

Is thyroid contagious?

No, thyroid disorders are not contagious. They are medical conditions that result from various factors such as genetics, autoimmune issues, or environmental influences. Thyroid disorders cannot be transmitted from person to person like contagious diseases.

Read More: 8 Best Foods for Thyroid to Include in Your Diet

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