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Top 7 Doctors A Woman Needs

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

Just like every woman has a fixed maid, a vegetable and fruit vendor, a grocer, a butcher, and a tailor who help make her life smooth, just so she also needs a team of doctors who help maintain her health.

From a little babe to a confused teen, from a beautiful young lady to an overstressed bride, from a to-be mom to a menopausal grandma, a woman’s body is forever changing – on the inside and out. To help your body cope with these intrinsic nuances of womanhood, every woman should make it a point to consult the following seven doctors at various stages in her life:

Did you know?

  • The number of obstetricians and gynecologists employed in the United States in 2023 was 19,820. Source: BLS
  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, accounting for about 30% of all new female cancers each year. Source: cancer.org
  • The 5-year relative survival rate for breast cancer is 91.2%. Source: seer.cancer.gov
  • The average risk of a woman in the United States developing breast cancer in her lifetime is about 13%. Source: cancer.gov

General Physician

A general physician is a family doctor. He/She is usually the primary care provider and the first point of contact in case of a health-related upheaval. He knows your medical history and can immediately figure out if something doesn’t quite seem right.


A gynaecologist specialises in treating problems arising in the female reproductive organs and is the first doctor to be approached if you face premenstrual, menstrual or other issues, which are mostly related to hormonal changes. Gynaecologists are also the go-to doctors during the menopausal age and if there’s something askew with your organs. This is one specialist who will be your constant healthcare companion once you hit puberty till forever after.


Most gynaecologists are also obstetricians and can assist you during pregnancy. However, if your gynaecologist is not an obstetrician, then you will need one to guide you through the stages of pregnancy. An obstetrician, a pregnancy and childbirth specialist, monitors both fetal growth and progress in pregnancy and assists during labour and delivery.


The abundance of readily available cosmetics along with the favoured trial-and-error method of skincare turns out to have hazardous effects on your skin. You now need a real specialist (not the shopping mall sales personnel) to tell you what suits your skin and what doesn’t.  A dermatologist is a skin specialist who can also treat hair and nail problems. Everything from acne to dark spots and melanoma to age-related wrinkles is under their domain, making them the most critical asset in your make-up kit.


An ophthalmologist is an eye specialist who deals with eye issues ranging from regular vision care to complex eye surgeries and everything in between. Whether it be for an annual eye check-up, prescription lens or corrective eye surgeries, a visit to an ophthalmologist at least once a year is a must!


Your smile is the first thing people notice about you, and a dentist is a prerequisite to having a good one! Besides, recent studies have shown a connection between oral and overall health. Consulting a dentist for a dental cleaning and oral checks at least once every six months will ensure that your radiant smile exudes charm forever.


Often, women have faced flailing bone density issues. Beyond menopause, osteoporosis becomes a serious threat. Meeting with a bone specialist (orthopedist) helps bridge these gaps making old age more enjoyable than a painful chore.

Breast Care Specialist

While you may not need a specialist during your younger years, as you get older the likelihood of needing one increases. Breast care specialists are doctors who have undergone a fellowship or training in breast care, including cancerous and non-cancerous tumours. Although your general physician or family doctor may discover any lumps or issues in your breasts during a routine check, you may also detect the same yourself. In the latter case, you’ll want to meet with a medical oncologist, a breast surgeon, a gynaecologist or a surgical oncologist. While the type of doctor isn’t fixed, it is still good for women to have a breast specialist at the ready when they need one.

No matter how fit you feel, every woman should make and keep these appointments. This will lead to the early detection of any health issue, thus helping you deal with it better.


In the journey of womanhood, a dedicated team of doctors plays a vital role. From the general physician to the gynaecologist, dermatologist and more, each specialist contributes to maintaining optimal health at every stage. Regular check-ups with these experts ensure early detection and effective management of any health issues. Prioritizing these appointments empowers women to navigate life with vitality and confidence, safeguarding their well-being for the future.

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