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Obesity Health Risks: Top 10 Things You Must Know

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

What Is Obesity?

To a layman, obesity means merely someone who is very fat, and this must be so because they eat a lot, don’t exercise and so on. However, this is not always the case. Obesity is a health condition in which an individual has accumulated too much body fat, and this fat has adverse effects on their health.

How Does One Determine If They Are ‘Obese’?

If an individual’s weight is 20% higher than the normal range, then this person is ‘obese.’ Also, when checking the BMI or the body mass index, if the individual’s BMI is between 25 and 29.9, they are known to be overweight. But if one’s BMI is 30 or crosses this mark, they fall into the obese category.

Obesity Health Risks

Importance Of BMI To Measure Obesity Health Risks?

BMI or the body mass index is a measurement, statistically derived by checking one’s weight and height. While it is an excellent way to estimate a healthy body weight, it does not let on the body fat percentage.

Further, the BMI can be misleading too.

Obesity Health Risks On The Increase

While one may argue on many accounts of being overweight or obese, the truth is that obesity is a huge health risk and it increasingly has become a concern for us Indians. As per research, it is said that by 2025, India will have the second-largest obese population in the world, i.e., 17 million people in the obese category, second only to China. Even after knowing these statistics and being aware enough of the health conditions, Obesity is on the increase.

Also Read: How Does Fat Leave the Body? Unraveling the Science of Weight Loss

Here Are Ten Things To Know About Obesity Health Risks:

  1. What is worst is that Obesity affects children too. Childhood obesity will result in obesity in adulthood, and these individuals will be prone to various health issues as well.
  2. As a significant health risk, obesity makes people susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, respiratory problems, gallbladder issues and even types of cancer.
  3. Being obese is a social hazard as well. It affects one’s regular life with sleep problems, chronic body or back pain, osteoporosis and much more. An obese person will have difficulty in climbing stairs, have limited mobility and this will restrict their ability to exercise as well.
  4. Obesity has emotional and mental repercussions as well. It causes a person to lose confidence in themselves, always thinking of themselves as not good enough. It can lead to depression and anxiety due to isolation.
  5. Obesity also affects one’s fertility. Women who are overweight and obese have difficulty in getting pregnant and men who are obese, may not be able to produce healthy sperm for reproduction.
  6. Obese people are not ‘obese’ by choice. While one of the reasons for being overweight and obese, is overeating, there are many factors involved.
  7. Poor diet and food choices coupled with lack of physical exercise, social, cultural and even genetics, may lead to obesity.
  8. Particular medications or medical issues can also make an individual obese.
  9. Obesity needs to be more than only losing the excess weight. It requires a multi-faceted approach, making serious changes in one’s lifestyle, food habits and activities.
  10. People need to work on their information on Obesity. They need to understand the health risks, complications and associated diseases with the condition.

Also Read: Debunking the Myth: Does Muscle Weigh More than Fat?


Obesity health risks can be managed and to prevent this health condition, physical activity on a daily basis is a must.

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation


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