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Home Remedies After Arthroscopy

By Dr. Arpit C Dave +2 more

Arthroscopy is a technique used to assess and manage joint disorders. In this procedure, through a tiny cut about the size of a buttonhole, a surgeon uses a slender tube connected to a fibre-optic video camera to receive high-definition pictures from within your joint. The surgeon may view your joints using arthroscopy without creating a major incision. During arthroscopy, surgeons can even correct some forms of joint injury with pencil-thin surgical tools placed via extra tiny incisions.

A person’s ability to participate in daily activities might be hampered if they suffer from joint pain or discomfort. Prompt treatment and lifestyle changes must be implemented as advised by a doctor.

What causes joint pain?

A variety of disorders and events can cause joint pain. Polyarthralgia occurs when a person experiences pain in numerous joints. Joint discomfort is typically caused by an accident, infection, sickness or inflammation.

Keep your leg propped up on 1 or 2 pillows. Place the pillows under your foot or calf muscle. This helps control swelling in your knee. For most procedures, you may start to put weight on your leg soon after surgery, unless your provider tells you not to.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

The following are some of the most prevalent causes of joint pain:

1. Sports injury/accident

Joint discomfort is frequently caused by injury. Injuries can occur as a consequence of excessive joint usage or exertion or as a result of an impact that produces a fracture, strain or pulls. Injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is frequent in knee injuries. People who participate in specific sports, such as soccer, basketball or football, are more likely to sustain ligament injuries. 

Avoid High-Impact Activities such as running and jumping, which can put unnecessary strain on your knee and slow down the healing process, stick to low-impact exercises like walking or cycling if recommended by your physician.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

2. Diseases

Several diseases are also responsible for causing joint pain. Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, a chronic autoimmune illness, is characterized by muscle and joint discomfort. In fact, for more than half of people who acquire lupus, joint discomfort is the initial sign. 

3. Arthritis

The different types of arthritis are:

  • Osteoarthritis (OA)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • Gout
  • Septic arthritis

OA is caused by joint cartilage loss. Calcification of the cartilage around the joints ultimately thins it down before harming it. OA is more prone to occur in older people. The autoimmune reaction to a stimulus is what causes RA. The body attempts to defend itself against what it perceives to be an intruder but instead destroys the cartilage and bones in the joints.

Gout is caused by uric acid crystallization in the body. Uric acid enters the joint spaces and causes soreness. A bacterial infection usually causes septic arthritis. Bacteria enter the synovial fluid in the joints, degrading the cartilage and causing arthritis.

Symptoms of ligament injury 

Other signs that commonly accompany joint pain include:

  • Joint tenderness
  • Joint swelling
  • Limited joint movement.
  • Weakness in the joint or the collective becoming unstable.
  • Limp

Home remedies for joint pain 

In case of joint pain or post-arthroscopy, you can try some remedies to ease your discomfort. Make sure to speak with your doctor before trying these at home:

  • Ensure that your body weight is always balanced, as it can enhance mobility, help with pain and promote speedy recovery post Arthroscopy.
  • Exercise regularly, though not immediately after surgery. Ensure that through exercise, you focus on flexibility and strength building. You can start off with low-impact exercises such as walking, cycling, swimming, etc., after consulting the doctor. Usually, a physiotherapist will guide you on the right exercises post-arthroscopy.
  • You can use a combination of hot and cold treatments to help you with swelling and pain. A warm shower or an electric blanket can provide you with better sleep and a gel ice pack can provide quick but temporary relief from the swelling.
  • Epsom salt baths can provide some relief from joint pain. The magnesium in Epsom salt may help with inflammation and pain. You may soak in an Epsom salt bath for a prolonged time to increase your magnesium levels.
  • Meditation and relaxation practices may help lessen pain by decreasing stress and it helps manage inflammation and discomfort.
  • A diet high in fresh vegetables, fruits and entire meals will help strengthen your immunological system and improve your general health. There is some indication that food habits can impact patients with RA and OA.
  • Turmeric, the yellow spice commonly used in Indian cuisine, includes a substance known as curcumin. It contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. According to research, it may aid with arthritic pain and inflammation.
  • Reduce weight bearing on affected joints – use of crutches or walkers can help reduce weight on your knee joint. 

When to seek professional help?

If joint pain is impeding routine everyday activities, it is important to consult with a doctor. To alleviate pain and preserve healthy functioning joints, it is critical to identify the source of the pain and initiate therapy rapidly.

You should visit a doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Pain post injury
  • Pain or swelling 
  • Difficulty in walking or moving your limbs


Soft tissue injury of the knee joint or shoulder joint can cause persistent pain and discomfort. This may not be visible on x-rays and confuse you about the condition. Therefore, do not ignore but consult a doctor when suffering from any sports injury or joint pain.


Q1. How does joint pain feel?

In general, the sensation of joint pain varies depending on the underlying reason. You may suffer a mild aching or discomfort in the affected joint or you may experience a more acute searing, stabbing or grating pain.

Q2. How can joint discomfort get better?

Pain can often be relieved by taking over-the-counter medicines or performing simple exercises. In other instances, discomfort may indicate an issue that can only be resolved by prescription medication or surgery. This basically depends on the underlying cause of discomfort. Consult an orthopaedic surgeon for the best advice.

Q3. Can stress lead to joint pain?

Yes, stress and worry can trigger the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals in your body, resulting in stress inflammation. Inflammation is frequently associated with joint swelling and discomfort. You may also manage stress by changing how you sit, move, and behave, such as shaking your leg, lying down more frequently, and exercising less. These behavioural changes might occasionally result in joint discomfort.

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.



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