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FUPA Workout: Effective Techniques to Burn Lower Belly Fat

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • FUPA, or Fat Upper Pubic Area, can form due to different factors like age, weight gain, pregnancy, and genes. 
  • Workouts like forearm planks, bicycle crunches, leg raises, and rollups may help firm up the muscles in your FUPA area. 
  • Mixing in a cardio routine and focusing on a healthy diet may also aid in getting rid of total body fat. 
  • Noninvasive methods like CoolSculpting may help without requiring surgery. 
  • Surgical paths, such as monsplasty, liposuction, and tummy tuck may give more striking results for those people not noticing any improvement through other techniques. 


The fat that builds right above the pubic bone is the FUPA (Fat Upper Pubic Area). Both men and women can put on extra fat in that area. Now, many things can cause this issue, and figuring out the right way to lose it can be hard. In this article, we’ll delve into different techniques to target your FUPA effectively, covering everything from home workouts to noninvasive  and surgical  management options.  

Causes of FUPA (Fat Upper Pubic Area) 

1. Aging and increased visceral fat 

As you age, your body changes and might store more fat around your belly area. This includes your pubic area. Changes in hormones and slower metabolism also add up to increased visceral fat. This type of fat builds up around the body’s inner organs. 

fupa workout

2. Weight gain or loss 

Quick weight gain or loss can lead to FUPA because of the way fat moves around the body. Weight gain can make fatty tissue increase in the upper pubic area. On the other hand, weight loss might leave extra skin and fat in this same area. 

3. Pregnancy 

During pregnancy, the body goes through big changes and FUPA can form as a result. It’s normal for pregnant women to experience stretching and weakening of the lower belly muscles, resulting in excess skin and fat in the pubic area. 

4. Genetics 

 Some people might be prone to having a larger amount of fat in their upper pubic area due to genes. This happens no matter their overall body size. 

Did you know?

Exercises to Target the Upper Pubic Area 

1. Forearm plank 

  • Proper form and technique 
  1. Begin in a kneeling pose with your elbows bent at 90 degrees, forearms on the floor, and fists closed. 
  1. Next, extend your legs behind you and lift up onto your toes. 
  1. Your body should form a straight line from your feet to your head. 
  1. Hang onto this pose for 30 seconds or more, making sure your core is tight. 
  • Variations 
  • Side plank: Lie on one side with your bottom elbow directly under your shoulder and feet stacked. Lift your hips while keeping your body straight. 
  • Plank with leg lift: Do the standard forearm  plank but lift one leg a few inches off the floor. Hold for a few seconds before switching legs. 

2. Bicycle crunches 

  • Proper form and technique 
  1. Start with your back flat on the floor, knees up, and shins level with the floor. 
  1. Press your lower back against the floor and make sure your core is tight. 
  1. Place hands either behind or on the sides of your head. Do not clasp your fingers. 
  1. Extend one leg out while bending the other knee towards your chest. 
  1. Lift and turn your upper body to bring your opposite elbow to the bent knee. 
  1. Repeat this motion on the other side. 
  • Variations 
  • Scissor bicycle crunches: As you twist your body, fully extend both legs. Move them like scissors in the air at a horizontal level. 

3. Leg raises 

  • Proper form and technique 
  1. Lie down on your back, legs extended and close together on the floor. 
  1. Next, lift your legs straight up to form an L shape with your body. 
  1. Lower your legs slowly towards the ground. Be sure not to arch your back. 
  1. Repeat this 10-15 times. 


  • Single-leg raises: Raise and lower just one leg at a time. The other leg can be bent or resting on the floor. 
  • Reverse crunch leg raises: As you lower your legs, bring your knees towards your chest. Then reach them back up again. 

4. Rollups 

  • Proper form and technique 
  1. Have a seat on the floor, legs out in front of you. 
  1. Lift your arms straight in front of you, level with the floor. 
  1. Roll back slowly, one vertebra at a time, until you’re lying flat on the floor. 
  1. Do this in reverse, slowly rolling back up to a sitting pose with arms held out straight. 
  1. To challenge yourself more, add hand weights. 
  • Variations 
  • Seated Russian twists: While sitting on the floor with your legs bent, lean back a bit. Rotate your upper body from side to side. Each time, touch your hands to the floor on each side. 

5. Superman pose 

  • Proper form and technique 
  1. Lie face-down with arms stretched out in front and legs extended behind. 
  1. Lift your arms and legs off the ground slowly by tightening your core and back muscles. 
  1. Keep your limbs lifted and move them up and down for 30 seconds or more. 
  1. Lower your limbs back to the start pose. 
  • Variations 
  • Alternating superman: Lift and lower opposite arm and leg pairs at the same time. After each rep, switch sides. 
  • Swimmer kicks: Hold the superman pose, but gently move your legs up and down like you’re swimming. 

6. Burpees 

  • Proper form and technique 
  1. Start in a standing pose, feet shoulder-width apart. 
  1. Lower into a squat. 
  1. Put your hands on the floor. Quickly kick your legs behind you to get in a plank pose. 
  1. Do a push-up before pushing back up into a plank. 
  1. Jump your feet to your hands and stand up. 
  1. Repeat the series. 
  • Variations 
  • Jumping jacks burpees: After standing again, do one or more jumping jacks before starting the next burpee. 
  • Half burpees: Skip the push-up and simply jump from squat to plank and back to a squat. Then, stand up. 

7. Pelvic tilt 

  • Proper form and technique 
  1. Lie on your back, knees bent, and feet flat on the ground. 
  1. Press your lower back firmly into the ground. 
  1. Tilt your pelvis up by using your glutes and core muscles. 
  1. Hold this pose for a few seconds. 
  1. Slowly bring your pelvis back to the start pose. 
  • Variations 
  • Bridge pose: Instead of just tilting your pelvis, raise your hips further off the floor. In this pose, create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders while keeping your shoulder blades and feet on the ground. 
  • Single-leg pelvic tilt: It is the same move, but raise one foot off the ground. Do this by lifting that leg and keeping it perpendicular to the ground. 

8. The Hundred 

  • Proper form and technique 
  1. Start by lying flat on your back. 
  1. Curl your head and shoulders off the floor while keeping your lower back pressed down. 
  1. Stretch your arms straight out by your sides, palms facing down. 
  1. Take deep breaths and raise your legs at a 45-degree angle. 
  1. Pulse your arms up and down 100 times while holding your leg pose. 
  • Variations 
  • The hundred with bent knees: Keep your thighs at a 90-degree angle while your shins are level with the floor. This eases pressure on your abs and lower back. 

If you are a beginner, it’s best to do these exercises under a trained professional to avoid the risk of overstretching or any injury.  

Lifestyle Changes to Lose Lower Abdominal Fat 

1. Create a cardio routine 

Burning off body fat asks for a calorie deficit. This means you need to take in fewer calories than you burn. Cardio exercise, such as running, biking, or swimming, may help when it comes to burning off calories and losing overall body fat. 

2. Be mindful of what you eat 

Adopting a healthy diet is key for health and well-being, as well as weight loss. A diet low in processed foods and high in fruits,  vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains is best. Staying hydrated and reducing portion sizes may help create the caloric deficit required for weight loss, including in the FUPA area. 

3. De-stress with yoga or meditation 

There is a link between high stress levels and the buildup of fat around your belly. The link has to do with the hormone cortisol, which the body releases when under stress. To reduce stress and the resulting cortisol production, include relaxing practices like yoga, meditation, or deep-breathing exercises into your daily routine. 

Noninvasive Procedures for FUPA Reduction 


  • Procedure overview 

Coolsculpting uses a method of controlled cooling to freeze and later kill off fat cells in the target area. This management option is noninvasive, so no surgery is needed. 

  • Results and Side Effects 

Results will differ from person to person. However, the fat cells affected slowly die and are gotten rid of through the body’s natural processes over a few weeks. Some side effects like short-term numbness or redness can occur at the site of therapy. Your healthcare provider may suggest Coolsculpting as an option for FUPA reduction after carefully considering your case. 

Surgical Procedures for FUPA Reduction 

1. Monsplasty 

  • Procedure overview 

Also known as a pubic lift, monsplasty includes removing both extra skin and fat from the pubic area. This procedure makes that region look tighter and smoother. 

  • Recovery and complications 

Recovery time differs depending on the person and the scope of the procedure. Possible complications might be infection, bleeding, and risks linked to anesthesia. If you’re considering this procedure, speak with your healthcare provider about the potential benefits and risks. 

2. Liposuction 

  • Procedure overview 

Liposuction is a surgical method used to get rid of localized fat deposits from certain areas of the body. This includes the upper pubic area. It’s commonly used after pregnancy or after losing a lot of weight. 

  • Recovery and complications 

Although it’s seen as a fairly safe procedure, liposuction comes with some risks. These include changes in skin feeling, uneven contours, infection, and fat embolism which can be fatal. How quickly you recover will depend on the scope of the procedure and the person. Your healthcare provider may suggest liposuction as a method for FUPA reduction. 

Also Read: Hormonal Belly: Unveiling the Science and Possible Solutions


It’s always important to remember that reducing FUPA calls for a holistic approach. This includes targeted exercises, lifestyle changes, and, in some cases, noninvasive or surgical options. No single approach guarantees success, and your progress will depend on your specific situation and level of commitment. Always discuss your options with a healthcare professional before starting any new fitness or health routine. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Can FUPA go away with exercise? 

While you caan’t target FUPA specifically, regular exercise might help reduce overall body fat and firm up muscles in the area. 

What exercise is best for FUPA? 

Exercises that target the deep core muscles like forearm planks, bicycle crunches, leg raises, and the hundred may help firm up muscles in your FUPA area. 

How do you lose a FUPA fast? 

Aside from targeted exercises, try combining lifestyle changes such as incorporating a cardio routine, eating a balanced diet, and lowering stress levels. This may help with losing overall body fat, including FUPA. 

Does FUPA shrink with weight loss? 

Yes, as you lose overall body fat, the size of the FUPA might get smaller due to the reduction in fat deposits in the area. However, individual results may vary based on factors such as genes and the overall success of your chosen weight loss strategies. 


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  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Cryolipolysis for noninvasive body contouring: clinical efficacy and patient satisfaction – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4079633 
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  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Healthy Weight [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 8]. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/managing/healthy-weight.html 

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