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Primary biliary cholangitis
The AMA test detects and also measures the amount of titer of AMA in your blood. Anti-mitochondrial antibodies, also known as AMA, are strongly associated with Primary Biliary Cholangitis, popularly known as PBC. It was formerly known as Primary Biliary Cirrhosis.
Primary Biliary Cholangitis or PBC is a chronic autoimmune disorder. It causes scarring and inflammation in the bile ducts of the liver. It is a very slow-progressing disease that destroys the liver and blocks the bile flow. It is a chronic disease as it damages the liver aggressively. Also, the blocked bile ducts and flow can lead to a build-up of harmful and toxic substances in the liver. It can even lead to permanent scarring of the liver, which is known as cirrhosis.
PBC is a condition that is mostly found in women between the ages of 35 and 60. In fact, it is the tenth most common cause of death in India. Many people affected with primary biliary cholangitis, have significant titers of anti-mitochondrial antibodies.
The cells in your body have energy centres known as mitochondria. They fuel the functions of most cells in the body and thus, are known as powerhouses of the cell. AMA are substances that are already present in your blood when your body tries to attack its cells. This is known as an auto-immune disorder which is a very serious health condition. It just means that your body is turning against itself by confusing your healthy cells as foreign particles.
After this, AMA antibodies will be developed automatically against the antigens of the body. There are 9 different types of antigens (M1 to M9). Also, they are most likely to cause significant illnesses in the body. In PBC, the presence of the M2 antibody has been particularly significant. However, other types of antigens are found for other conditions. Hence, some laboratories offer the AMA M2 test for PBC as they believe it will be more accurate. It is important to remember that the presence of AMA antigens in the blood is the primary sign of the liver disease PBC. It will be very easy for the doctor to make a diagnosis after the AMA test.
The AMA profile test primarily checks for the presence of anti-mitochondrial antibodies in your blood sample. This test will help answer a lot of questions about your health conditions. You should immediately start the treatment and medication if the test results are abnormal.
Your health practitioner will recommend an anti-mitochondrial antibody test if you have symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea, dry mouth, dryness in the eyes and fatigue. Unexplained weight loss and yellowing of the skin or eyes can also be the reason for taking this test. In certain serious cases of jaundice, the doctor will recommend taking the AMA test.
Liver diseases are very common in India. The major cause of this is an unhealthy lifestyle. A lot of people indulge in alcohol abuse, and that can affect the liver tremendously. Also, eating fatty foods is a major concern when it comes to liver health. However, the specific cause of PBC is unknown. It is an autoimmune disease, and thus, the problem arises from one’s own body. However, it is recommended to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle to keep any disease at bay.
Other names of the AMA Test
- Mitochondrial antibody test
- Anti-mitochondrial M2 antibody test
What does the AMA Test Detect/Measure and who is this Prescribed for?
Some of the symptoms that indicate elevated levels of AMA in the blood are:
- Chronic itchy skin
- Fatigue
- Weight loss
- Abdominal pain
- Pain in the muscles and joints
- Yellowing of the skin and eyes leads to jaundice
- Nausea
- Decreased appetite
- Dry mouth
- Fluid buildup around the feet, ankles and abdomen
- Dryness in the eyes
- Enlarged liver
- Frequent urinary tract infections
For people with such complaints, among other tests, the AMA profile test is prescribed by the consulting physician.
Some of the symptoms in the later stages of PBC include:
- Internal bleeding with the upper stomach or the lower oesophagus from enlarged veins
- Dark-coloured urine
- Darkening of the skin
- Small yellow or white bumps under the skin or around the eyes
There is no known cause of PBC as it is an auto-immune disease. However, people who have PBC might also have other autoimmune diseases like scleroderma, thyroid conditions and celiac disease. Also, certain infections, smoking and exposure to some chemicals can also trigger PBC.
Also, if one family member has PBC, the other members should take the AMA Test as they are most likely at risk.
The AMA test result is either positive or negative. The AMA test result is considered normal if not a single AMA is detected in your blood sample.
Test Result Interpretation
If your AMA test results are positive, then the results will also include the level of AMA present in your blood. The levels will indicate a diagnosis and the seriousness of the condition. A high level of titers usually indicates liver damage due to PBC. However, it is important to understand that testing positive for AMA does not always mean that you have PBC. You might have other auto-immune diseases like lupus, thyroiditis, scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis.
At the same time, if your AMA test results are negative, then it does not rule out the possibility of not having any disease. 5 to 10% of people with PBC do not show traces of AMA in their blood. Hence, it is important to get another test done to be sure and reach a conclusion.
It is further important to understand that the results of the AMA profile test alone are not capable of diagnosing PBC. The test needs to be done in conjugation with other tests. Based on that, the doctor will combine the results of the AMA test and clinical symptoms to make a diagnosis of PBC.
The doctor will also ask you to undergo a liver biopsy to look for prominent signs of PBC in the liver tissue. Imaging scans(ERCP or MRCP) of the liver are also carried out to check the obstructions at the bile duct. This way, PBC will be diagnosed before the person starts showing acute symptoms.
Sample Type
The results of the AMA profile test are based on the analysis of blood samples
Test Preparation
The AMA Profile Test procedure does not require any special preparations or fasting. The usual way to collect the blood sample is by drawing it from the most prominent vein of the forearm. The area from which the blood is acquired might pain for some time, but you will be able to resume your daily activities immediately.
Test Inclusions: What Parameters Are Included?
The test detects the presence of AMA M2 antigens in the blood.
High levels of AMA titers may indicate some serious health condition in the body relating to the liver.
How Frequently Should You Take This Test?
A random AMA profile test can help with the diagnosis of Primary Biliary Cholangitis. If the result of the AMA test confirms the condition, then appropriate medication should be taken. The test can also be ordered if the doctor diagnoses any of the symptoms of PBC or suspects a problem in the liver. Following a diagnosis, you will have to take the AMA test every month or three months. This will help the doctor monitor your condition and even check the effectiveness of the medication given to you.