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Pili Nuts: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects & More! 

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Pili nuts are a combination of high fat and low carbohydrate, making them suitable for ketogenic, vegan, and paleo diets. 
  • They are rich in essential nutrients like Vitamin E, magnesium, manganese, and healthy fats. 
  • Antioxidant properties may help reduce oxidative stress and avoid inflammation and chronic diseases. 
  • Pili nuts are said to offer potential benefits for heart health, such as maintaining cholesterol levels and aiding in blood pressure regulation. 
  • The nuts are used in various culinary dishes, both savory and sweet, and have sustainable harvesting practices. 


In today’s world of abundant food options, it’s essential to choose wisely what we consume. More people are becoming aware of the positive impact that nutritious and natural food has on their long-term health. One such superfood option worth exploring is the pili nut, which has been gaining attention for its potential health benefits backed by research. In this article, we will take a closer look at what pili nuts are, their health benefits, culinary uses, sustainable harvesting practices, and frequently asked questions surrounding these nuts. 

pili nuts

Did you know?

  • Pili nuts are a rich source of vitamin E, providing 157% of the recommended daily intake. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov
  • Pili nuts contain high levels of magnesium, with 100 grams providing 71% of the recommended daily intake. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov
  • Pili nuts are high in healthy monounsaturated fats, which can help reduce bad cholesterol levels. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov
  • Pili nuts are rich in antioxidants, which can help protect against oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov
  • Pili nuts are low in carbohydrates, making them a suitable snack for those following a low-carb or keto diet. source: fdc.nal.usda.gov

What are Pili Nuts? 

Pili nuts are little gems found inside hard shells. These come from a tree named Canarium ovatum. Originating from the Philippines, these nuts are known for their rich, buttery flavour. Because of their fat content and low carbohydrates, they’re perfect for ketogenic, vegan, and paleo diets. 

History and cultivation 

The pili nut tree loves the volcanic soils of the Bicol region in the Philippines. For ages, Filipinos have cultivated these trees and harvested their nuts. Once upon a time, they were a main source of protein and fat. They were either boiled and seasoned or turned into cooking oil. 

Distribution and habitat 

Pili nut trees are born for rainforest life in the Philippines. They love deep, fertile soil with warm temperatures and lots of rain. Although the Philippines is their home base, farming has spread to Australia and South Africa. 

Potential Health Benefits of Pili Nuts 

1. High Fat, Low Carbohydrate Content 

Due to their high fat and low carbohydrate profile, pili nuts are making waves among ketogenic, vegan, and paleo fans. With 70% fat and only 2g of carbohydrates per serving, they’re a go-to snack option that gives you a good energy boost. 

Role of High-fat Content in Promoting Satiety and Weight Management 

The fats in pili nuts keep you feeling full, reduces cravings for unhealthy snacks. This is said to aid a balanced diet and help manage weight effectively. 

2. Rich in Essential Nutrients 

Vitamin E 

Vitamin E is an antioxidant, that safeguards cells from damage by free radicals and oxidative stress. Eating pili nuts may help you reach your required daily intake. It is said to help improve skin health and boost your immune system. 


Magnesium plays a lot of roles in your body, including muscle and nerve function, maintaining bones’ health, and blood sugar level regulation. Consuming pili nuts is a tasty way of increasing your magnesium. 


Manganese, another nutrient found in pili nuts, is crucial in activating enzymes for metabolism, bone formation, and healthy brain functions. 

Healthy Fats 

Pili nuts are full of good fats. These include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated ones. These fats help keep cholesterol levels under control, support heart health, and provide essential fatty acids the body can’t produce itself. 

3. Antioxidant properties 

Role in reducing oxidative stress 

Pili nuts’ antioxidant features to fight off harmful free radicals that cause oxidative stress and lead to cell damage. Regular consumption may help boost your body’s defenses and reduce oxidative stress. 

Risk reduction of inflammation and chronic diseases 

The antioxidants in pili nuts may help avoid inflammation and battle chronic diseases. By combating free radicals and lessening oxidative stress, you’re helping your body fend off diseases like diabetes and heart conditions. 

4. Heart health  

Role in maintaining cholesterol levels 

Due to their good fat content, pili nuts are said to help maintain cholesterol levels. The presence of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats is key for maintaining balance between good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol that leads to a healthy heart. 

Aiding in blood pressure regulation 

Pili nuts have magnesium which plays a vital role in managing blood pressure. Regular intake of magnesium-laden foods like pili nuts is proposed to lower high blood pressure and foster heart health. 

5. Boosting energy levels 

Role in low-carbohydrate diets and sustained energy 

 Their high fat and low carbohydrate ratio, make them a go-to snack for constant and long-lasting energy. With pili nuts in your low-carbohydrate diet, you may maintain your energy levels without causing insulin spikes or crashes. 

Balanced source of macronutrients for overall health 

Thanks to all the nutrients they pack, pili nuts provide a balanced mix of macronutrients which may aid  in maintaining optimal health. Making them part of your diet will ensure sufficient intake of essential nutrients for your overall well-being. 

Although studies have shown health-boosting properties of pili nuts, further large scale human research is needed to confirm their benefits.  

Culinary Uses of Pili Nuts 

Pili nuts don’t just provide health benefits. They also serve as a versatile ingredient in your kitchen, adding a twist to your cooking.  

Natural unsalted pili nuts in various dishes 

Consider using unsalted pili nuts in their natural state to add crunch to your meals. You can use them in salads, in stir-fries, or even with rice. 

Roasting and seasoning pili nuts 

Roasting pili nuts brings out their flavour, making them even more delicious. Once roasted, you can season them to create yummy, healthy snacks. 

Incorporating pili nuts into desserts and snacks 

Pili nuts are great for baking. Ground or chopped, they can be used on cookies, brownies, or cakes. You can also add them to trail mixes or granola bars. 

Comparison with other nuts in recipes 

Compared to almonds, cashews, or walnuts, pili nuts taste richer. Their unique buttery flavour adds character to any dish, making a delightful change from common nuts. 

Sustainable Practices in Pili Nut Harvesting 

Wild Harvesting 

  • Environmental benefits 

Collecting wild pili nuts links to sustainable farming options, helping to keep their natural habitat and leaving a small ecological footprint. This process ensures that we preserve the variety and integrity of these trees. 

  • Ensuring high-quality nuts 

Wild-harvested pili nuts offer quality since they grow naturally, and mature on their own. Without artificial additives like pesticides and fertilizers, the collected nuts are chemical-free and packed with nutrition. 

Supporting Local Communities 

  • Fairtrade practices 

Harvesting pili nuts isn’t just about its eco-friendly aspect, but also for supporting the locals involved. By sticking to fair trade methods and ethical sourcing, the industry aims to better the lives of the farming communities. These practices ensure that their hard work gets fairly rewarded. 

  • Encouraging economic growth in Pili nut-producing regions 

Promoting pili nut farming and harvesting also boosts economic growth in the regions they’re native to. Local farmers involved in collecting and processing pili nuts enjoy a rise in market demand which improves overall economic conditions. 

Precautions and Allergies 

Potential allergic reactions 

  • Allergy concerns 

If tree nuts cause allergic reactions in you, best to discuss them with your healthcare provider before trying pili nuts. Even if they aren’t a typical nut variety, allergies may still arise due to cross-reactivity. 

Proper storage and shelf life 

  • Avoiding rancidity and preserving quality 

To avoid pili nuts turning foul and to maintain their quality, store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat. Use airtight containers, and if possible, vacuum-seal the nuts to make them stay fresh longer. 


Pili nuts are a unique and nutrient-dense superfood that has recently come into the spotlight for their numerous potential health benefits. High in healthy fats, low in carbohydrates, and packed with essential nutrients, these nuts are a good addition to various diets like ketogenic, vegan, and paleo diets. Their antioxidant properties and their potential heart health benefits make them an ideal choice for maintaining overall well-being. Not to mention, pili nuts add a delightful, buttery twist to a wide range of dishes and snacks. Additionally, the adoption of sustainable harvesting practices ensures that pili nut production is environmentally friendly and beneficial to local communities.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Why are Pili nuts so expensive? 

The limited availability outside the Philippines and the effort involved in harvesting and processing make pili nuts more expensive. Their cost also reflects the fair trade practices, ensuring environmental protection and community well-being. 

What are Pili nuts good for? 

Pili nuts are a powerhouse of beneficial nutrients. They come with healthy fats, vital vitamins, and minerals. Ideal for ketogenic, vegan, and paleo diets, they offer lots of potential health benefits such as antioxidant and heart health support. 

Is Pili nut only found in the Philippines? 

While pili nut trees come from the Philippines, they have also been farmed in Australia and South Africa. However, pili nuts mostly come from their homeland, where they grow in their natural surroundings. 

What is the English name for Pili nuts? 

Pili nuts are known by their scientific name, Canarium ovatum. In English, they are often simply called “Pili nuts”, but sometimes they may be referred to as “Java Almond”. But keep in mind this term can also refer to other unrelated nut varieties and is not specific to pili nuts. 


  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Taxonomy browser (Canarium ovatum) [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?mode=Info&id=43691 

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