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Best Breastmilk Foods: How To Make Breast Milk Tasty For Your Baby?

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

Since the baby is completely reliant on the mother’s milk for the first six months of infancy, its benefits are said to last even beyond adulthood. Therefore, breastfeeding mothers are often cautious of the foods and liquids they take. 

Since most of the dietary restrictions from pregnancy are eased for breastfeeding moms, your new diet can include foods and beverages you weren’t allowed to eat. In today’s blog, we will look at the best diet for lactating mothers, including the foods to avoid while breastfeeding and let’s find if there is a way to increase breast milk quickly.  

The only way to know which foods to avoid while breastfeeding is by trial and error. Keep a food journal to see what you eat and how the baby responds to the breast milk during that time. It may take 4-6 weeks for the baby’s allergic symptoms to go away, so make sure you consult a registered dietitian experienced with food allergies to avoid any mishaps. 

There is a widespread belief that the food eaten by a breastfeeding mother may affect the milk characteristics including the flavour of the milk and that chemicals in human milk might be passed on from the mother or wet nurse and have long-lasting effects on the kid. Infants may benefit from a variety of rich chemosensory experiences from human milk, which is flavoured by substances consumed such as alcohol, mint, vanilla, and garlic.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

What to eat? 

After the first 6 months of maternity, your baby can eat foods other than breast milk, allowing you to cut back on your calorie intake. If you are searching for tips to increase breast milk quickly, remember there is no special food for that. Consuming a healthy, nutritious, balanced diet with good hydration should help- you. Check the list below:

  1. Protein foods for lactating mothers, 2-3 times per day are highly nutritious. Items such as soya, varieties of pulses, paneer, boiled sprouts, eggs, dairy, beans, nuts and seeds result in the best quality milk for your baby.
  2. Include two to three servings of fruits and vegetables in your food to increase breast milk. Beta Carotene rich red and orange vegetables have benefits in improving breast milk. You can include yam, beetroot, carrots and green leafy vegetables in your diet.  
  3. Whole grains such as whole-wheat bread, cereals, daliya, upama, idli and oatmeal are perfect breakfast options.  
  4. If you prefer vegetarian foods to increase breast milk, make sure to eat dried beans, dried fruit, nuts, seeds, dairy and other sources of iron and zinc.  
  5. If you are completely vegan, make sure you are taking B12 supplements to avoid having a B12 deficiency in your baby.  
  6. DocasaHexanenoic Acid (DHA) is an important omega 3 fatty acid necessary for a baby’s brain development. Vegetarian sources include- flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts and olive oil.

According to a recent study, breastfeeding mothers who ingested garlic daily, had infants ingesting more milk when compared with others. This has made everyone believe that garlic potentially enhances the flavour of the milk that infants cherish.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Also Read: Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding: A Comprehensive Mother’s Guide

Fenugreek seeds for breast milk 

Fenugreek seeds are a good source of fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, iron, calcium and antioxidants. Increase breast milk production by adding 1 tsp of soaked fenugreek three times/day in your daily diet and see an increase in breast milk.

Garden Cress Seeds / Halim/ Aliv for breast milk. One of the amazing galactagogues helps in boosting the hormone prolactin which indirectly helps in breast milk production.  

Add garden cress seeds in milk or take it in water or have it as ladoo after talking to your doctor. 

Shatavari powder for breast milk

Shatavari, also a well-known galactagogue, is one of the popular tablets for increasing breast milk commonly used in India and China. The ayurvedic herb is known to be helpful for breastfeeding mothers. Lactating mothers should talk to their doctor before using Shatavari in the form of powder and liquids or incorporating them into smoothies.  

Final thoughts

All in all, keep the diet for lactating mothers rich in proteins, iron and zinc. Replace unhealthy snacks with fruits, dark greens and yellow vegetable foods to increase breast milk quickly. Avoid food that is very oily, spicy or difficult to digest. Do not take any over-the-counter medication, herbal supplements or even ointments without consulting your doctor. Smoking, alcohol and excessive caffeine intake are not advised during lactation. Depending on the dietary preferences of the lactating mother, vegan diets may need additional supplements like B12 to avoid certain deficiencies in the baby.  

Breastfeeding requires extra calories, so if the lactating mother has lost all her baby weight, make sure the foods for lactating mother have an extra 500-600 calories per day. Lastly, many women get dehydrated after breastfeeding, so make sure to drink plenty of water and fluids to satisfy your thirst. Drink a glass of water every time before you breastfeed. Watch for an association of any unusual symptoms like excessive crying due to abdominal pain in a baby with a particular type of food. Discuss with your doctor and a registered dietician to understand the best diet plan for breastfeeding mothers.

Also Read: Can Men Lactate? Unveiling the Surprising Biological Possibilities

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


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