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Kiwi: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More!

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more


Kiwi is scientifically known as Actinidia deliciosa. It is native to China and originated in the mountain ranges of Chang Kiang valley (Yang Tao) in northern China. Kiwi is also known by many other names such as Mihoutau, Macaque peach aKiwi is scientifically known as Actinidia deliciosa. It is native to China and originated in the Chang Kiang valley (Yang Tao) mountain ranges in northern China. Kiwi is also known by many other names such as Mihoutau, Macaque peach and very popular Chinese gooseberry. Kiwi fruit is small in size and has a brown peel. It contains edible flesh, green in colour and black seeds, which are also edible. Some kiwi fruit seeds were introduced from China to New Zealand at the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, there has been a growth in its production in New Zealand, which currently hosts the best kiwi fruit industry in the world. In India, this fruit is successfully grown in Jammu and Kashmir, Meghalaya, Himachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Assam, Mizoram and the hills of Tripura.1,2

kiwi fruit benefits

Nutritional Value of Kiwi: 

The nutritional value of raw kiwi fruit per 100 g is as follows:3 

Nutritional Components Value 
Energy 61 kcal 
Protein 1.14 g 
Total lipid (fat) 0.52 g 
Calcium 34 mg 
Iron 0.31 mg 
Magnesium 17 mg 
Phosphorus 34 mg 
Potassium 312 mg 
Sodium 3 mg 
Zinc 0.14 mg 
Copper 0.13 mg 
Vitamin A 4  µg 
Carotene 52  µg 
Vitamin E 1.46 mg 
Lutein + Zeaxanthin 122  µg 
Folate, food 25  µg 
Choline 7.8 mg 
Betaine 0.5 mg 
Vitamin E 0.03 mg 
Tocotrienol 0.1 mg 
Vitamin K 40.3  µg 
Vitamin C 92.7 mg 
Thiamin 0.027 mg 
Riboflavin 0.025 mg 
Vitamin B3 0.341 mg 
Vitamin B5 0.183 mg 
Vitamin B6 0.063 mg 
Folate, total 25  µg 
Manganese 0.098 mg 
Selenium 0.2  µg 
Carbohydrate 14.7 g 
Total Dietary Fibre 3 g 
Total Sugars 8.99 g 
Sucrose 0.15 g 
Glucose 4.11 g 
Fructose 4.35 g 
Maltose 0.19 g 
Galactose 0.17 g 
Fatty acids, total saturated 0.029 g 
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated 0.047 g 
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated 0.287 g 
Tryptophan 0.015 g 
Threonine 0.047 g 
Isoleucine 0.051 g 
Leucine 0.066 g 
Lysine 0.061 g 
Methionine 0.024 g 
Serine 0.053 g 
Glutamic acid 0.184 g 
Proline 0.044 g 
Glycine 0.06 g 
Phenylalanine 0.044 g 
Valine 0.057 g 
Cystine 0.031 g 
Tyrosine 0.034 g 
Alanine 0.053 g 
Aspartic acid 0.126 g 
Arginine 0.081 g 
Histidine 0.027 g3 

Green kiwifruit consumption has long been associated with aiding digestion, and this is attributed to the presence of the enzyme actinidin. Actinidin, found in kiwifruit, might break down proteins. Interestingly, studies have shown that kiwifruit extract might effectively digest proteins found in yoghurt, cheese, fish, and raw eggs, even without the presence of other digestive enzymes.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Also Read: Jackfruit: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More!

Properties of Kiwi:

The potential properties of kiwi are the following:

  • It may have an anti-inflammatory property
  • It may help as an anti-diabetic
  • It may act as an anti-hypertensive (helps in managing high blood pressure)
  • It may have a diuretic (increases the urine output) potential
  • It may act as an anti-hepatotoxic (prevents damage to the liver) agent
  • It may act as a mild laxative (treats constipation)
  • It may act as an anti-oxidant
  • It may have an anti-tumour potential
  • It may have an anti-cancer potential
  • It may be an anti-asthmatic
  • It may act have anti-platelet and anti-thrombin (prevents blood clots) properties
  • It may be an anti-nociceptive (prevents the pain sensation)
  • It may have an anti-atherosclerotic (prevents cholesterol and fat build-up in the artery) potential
  • It may have an anti-hypercholesterolaemia (reduces the high level of cholesterol) property
  • It may be a potential anti-pyorrheal (prevents gum diseases) agent
  • It may have a dermatologic (beneficial effects on skin) potential
  • It may potentially act as an anti-microbial (acts against bacteria, fungi and viruses)
  • It may act as an angiogenic (helps in the formation of new blood cells) agent4

Kiwi is abundant in vitamin C! Consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C has been linked to potential benefits for respiratory health. Studies indicate that even a modest intake of vitamin C-rich fruits, like kiwi, may help reduce wheezing symptoms in children.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Potential Uses of Kiwi:

The potential uses of kiwi fruit might be as stated below.

Potential uses of kiwi for heart

Kiwi is a rich source of potassium, fibre and omega-3 fatty acids. Fibre might help reduce high cholesterol levels. Thus, it might help in lowering the risk of diseases of the heart. Potassium is an essential component of the cells that helps regulate the heart rate. It has been found through many studies that foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids may have the capacity to decrease the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease. Folate, vitamin E, and magnesium present in the fruit might also help minimise the risk of heart disease.2 These properties may indicate the potential benefit of kiwi for the heart. However, you should consult your doctor for treatment and diagnosis of heart disease and never try to self-medicate.

Potential uses of kiwi for hair

Kiwi contains vitamins C and E that might help in hair fall reduction. This fruit also contains magnesium, phosphorus and zinc that may help with blood circulation; hence it may affect hair growth. The seed oil of kiwi contains omega-3 fatty acids, which might help maintain the moisture of the hair. It also contains copper, which might be helpful for premature greying of hair and it may also help with natural colour. The iron present in the fruit might promote blood circulation in the scalp; thereby, it might help to strengthen the hair from its roots and thus may give it proper nourishment.2 However, more research will be required to prove the actual effects of kiwi on human hair.

Potential uses of kiwi for cancer

Kiwi contains antioxidants, vitamins, carotenoids and fibres, which might help with cancer healing. According to studies, dietary fibre in kiwi might help decrease the risk of colon cancer. It contains catechin that might help reduce the toxicity caused by anti-cancer agents and stimulate the proliferation of bone marrow. Kiwi also contains lutein, which might help with lung and prostate cancers.2 However, extensive research will be required to back up such claims and estimate their benefits for humans. You must consult a specialist for severe conditions like cancer.

Potential uses of kiwi for high blood pressure and diabetes

Kiwi has a high potassium content, which might help minimise the effects of sodium in the body, which otherwise can cause high blood pressure.2

Kiwi is rich in fibre, which might help with the blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.2 However, there is a need for more studies to prove the potential use of kiwi for high blood pressure and diabetes.

Potential uses of kiwi for skin

Kiwi is a natural source of vitamin C, which might act as an antioxidant and may help with the damage to the skin caused by the sun, may help with wrinkles, may help with skin vibrancy, youthfulness and texture of the skin. Vitamin C is also responsible for collagen formation, which might help repair the skin. It may also help the skin recover from cuts and wounds. It also contains vitamin E, which may help with the softness and moisture of the skin and may help protect it from degeneration.2 However, there is insufficient evidence and a need for more research on this subject. You must consult a good skin doctor if you have any conditions related to skin.

Potential uses of kiwi for bones

Vitamin K in kiwi may play an e role in the osteotropic activity, i.e., the formation of new bone cells; thereby it may help in building bone mass. Vitamin E, folate and magnesium also have many health benefits that help form bones.2 However, the potential use of kiwi for bones needs to be further explored and backed up by studies and research. You must consult an Ayurvedic physician for better advice.

Also Read: Calcium Rich Fruits: Unveiling the Top Sources for Your Diet

Other potential uses   of kiwi

  • Kiwi fruit is rich in lutein, which might help with age-related blindness. The body cannot synthesise lutein; therefore, eating fruits rich in lutein like kiwi might be recommended by doctors.
  • Kiwi fruit is the source of serotonin that may help with better sleep. It may help with sleep disturbances, may help the onset of sleep and may reduce waking time.
  • Kiwifruit contains vitamin K, which plays a role in blood clotting and might also help in vitamin D absorption by the body.
  • Kiwi contains a protein-dissolving enzyme that may help digest proteins.
  • Kiwifruit may help with depression.
  • Kiwifruit is a rich source of potassium, which may help with kidney stones.
  • Kiwifruit may help in the absorption of iron; thereby it may be helpful for anaemia.2

Though studies show the potential uses of kiwi in various conditions, these are insufficient and there is a need for further studies to establish the true extent of the benefits of kiwi on human health.

Did you know that eating two kiwifruits every day can do wonders for your tummy? It may increase the number of times you go to the bathroom, make your bowel movements smoother, and even reduce the time it takes for food to travel through your gut.

Dr. Smita barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

How to Use Kiwi?

Kiwi may be used in the following ways:

  • It can be used to make desserts and salads.
  • It is used in the production of wine.1
  • It is consumed as a fresh, frozen and dried fruit. It can also be consumed as jams, juices, marmalades, nectar, jellies, etc.
  • Kiwi juice is used in some cultures as a meat tenderiser.
  • Kiwi contains many phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins that promote good health.
  • The kiwi peel is used as an ingredient for making natural sleeping aids.

You should always consult your Ayurvedic physician before consuming kiwi for therapeutic uses.2

You must consult a qualified doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor.

Kiwi is a blessing for your gut! It’s packed with prebiotics, which are essentially the fuel to growth of gut-friendly bacteria and yeast in your tummy, called probiotics. These probiotics might help keep your gut in balance and support your overall digestive health.

Dr. Anuja Bodhare, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Side Effects of Kiwi:

The most common side effects of kiwi are:

  • Allergy: Many people may show allergic reactions to kiwifruit, which affects their breathing or the circulatory system. The allergic symptoms occur immediately or within 30 minutes of consuming the fruit and are primarily observed in younger children.5 The allergic reaction caused by kiwi ranges from mouth irritation to severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reactions.4
  • Acute pancreatitis: People allergic to kiwi may develop swelling in the pancreas after consuming it.6

Please do not self-medicate, alter, replace or discontinue any ongoing treatment.

Precautions to Take With Kiwi:

 Ensure you always consult your doctor before consuming it during pregnancy and lactation, as their prescription is based on your medical history and condition. Also, consult your doctor before giving it to young children and older adults.2 Never try to self-medicate, alter, replace or discontinue an ongoing treatment on your own.

Interactions With Other Drugs:

There is little evidence regarding the adverse drug reaction of kiwi with any other drug. However, it does not prove that it will not react with any other drug and is entirely safe for use. So, always consult your doctor and discuss your ongoing treatments before taking it along with any other drugs.

Also Read: Longan: Research on Its Health Benefits and Nutritional Value

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the benefits of kiwi?

Kiwi is rich in vitamin K and potassium; therefore, it may have potential health uses for the heart and bone health, diabetes, anaemia, depression, kidney stones, etc.2 However, more research is needed to prove the health claims of kiwi and consider it entirely safe for consumption.

How does kiwi promote bone health?

Vitamin K in kiwi may help with an osteotropic activity of the bone, thereby might help in building bone mass.2 More research is needed to be sure of these effects; it is best to take advice from your doctor.

How to use kiwi?

Kiwi can be eaten as fresh, frozen and dried fruit. It can also be consumed in the form of juice, jam, marmalade, jelly, nectar, etc.2 You must follow the instructions laid down by your ayurvedic physician for dosage and form.

Can I take a kiwi while breastfeeding?

There is not enough study to support its safe usage while breastfeeding. Always consult your doctor before consuming kiwi during the times of breastfeeding.

What are the side effects of kiwi?

Some people may show an allergic reaction to kiwi, characterised by mouth irritation or severe allergic reaction. People allergic to kiwi may also develop swelling of the pancreas over a short period after consuming it.4,6  Ensure that you consult a doctor before using kiwi for your health.


  1. Megagriculture [Internet]. Kiwi Fruit; [cited 2022 May 20]. Available from: http://megagriculture.gov.in/public/package_of_practice_kiwi.pdf
  2. Tyagi S, Nanher AH, Sahay S, Kumar SV, Bhamini K, Nishad SK, et al.. Kiwifruit: Health benefits and medicinal importance. Rashtriya Krishi [Internet]. 2015 Nov [cited 2022 May 20];10(2):98-100. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316701273_Kiwifruit_Health_benefits_and_medicinal_importance
  3. US Department of Agriculture (USDA) [Internet]. Kiwifruit, green, raw; [cited 2022 May 24]. Available from: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/168153/nutrients
  4. Raman VK, Chauhan SK, Chaudhuri A. Actinidia deliciosa: A Nature’s Boon to Modern Pharmacotherapeutics. Appl Pharm SciMicrobiol [Internet].2020 Oct[cited 2022 May 20];16:83. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344545197_Actinidia_Deliciosa_A_Nature’s_Boon_to_Modern_Pharmacotherapeutics
  5. NHS [Internet]. Kiwi fruit allergy; 2020Sept 9 [cited 2022 May 20]. Available from: https://www.wsh.nhs.uk/CMS-Documents/Patient-leaflets/PaediatricDepartment/6430-1-Kiwi-fruit-allergy.pdf
  6. Manohar M, Verma AK, Venkateshaiah SU, Goyal H, Mishra A. Food-induced acute pancreatitis. Dig DisSci [Internet]. 2017 Dec [cited 2022 May 20];62(12):3287-97. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5718054/

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