Beta HCG Test
Booked 1078 timesAlso known as:
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Test, HCG Test
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The Total Beta HCG Test combines a blood test and a urine test to confirm pregnancy. The blood test is more accurate since urine tests can be affected by factors like dehydration and the time of the day when you take the test.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or HCG, is a hormone that the placenta produces during pregnancy. The placenta provides nutrition to the fetus. HCG is first detected in the blood sample of women about 11 days after conception occurs. After that, the HCG levels continue to double in amount every 48-72 hours. The HCG level highest peaks around 8-11 weeks post conception.
The Total Beta HCG Test is performed in pregnant females too -
- Confirm pregnancy
- Ascertain the approximate age of the foetus
- Diagnose an abnormal pregnancy like ectopic pregnancy where the foetus grows outside the uterus
- Diagnose a potential miscarriage due to low levels of HCG
- Screen for Down syndrome, Trisomy 18
- Diagnose gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) - a type of pregnancy-related tumour
The Total Beta HCG Test is also performed in males and non-pregnant females too -
- Detect cancers like ovarian cancer, Teratoma, Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Testicular cancer.
- Detect noncancerous medical conditions like cirrhosis, ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Studies show that estimating the Total Beta HCG Test values in the early second trimester of pregnancy can be a valuable indicator for gestational hypertension in the same pregnancy. Gestational hypertension is when your blood pressure rises during pregnancy. Therefore, the Total Beta HCG Test can be a powerful tool in predicting the risk of developing gestational hypertension.
Other names of Total Beta HCG Test
- Quantitative HCG Blood Test
- HCG Test
- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Test
- Qualitative HCG Blood Test
- Beta-HCG Urine Test
What does the Total Beta HCG Test measure?
The Total Beta HCG Test measures the levels of beta HCG in the blood sample. Pregnant women start producing a hormone called HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin 11 days after conception. The placenta is responsible for producing this hormone. This hormone is a confirmatory test for detecting pregnancy.
In adult males and non-pregnant females, the presence of beta HCG indicates ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, testicular cancer, liver cirrhosis and ulcers. The Total Beta HCG Test measures HCG in two ways -
- Qualitative - A qualitative test detects the presence or absence of HCG in the sample. It can give Total Beta HCG Test reports in the form of positive or negative results. This type of testing is done to confirm pregnancy.
- Quantitative - A quantitative test measures the actual amount of HCG in the sample. The Total Beta HCG Test reports are available in the form of HCG values. This type of testing is done to confirm pregnancy, check if HCG levels are adequate for a normal pregnancy, diagnose abnormal pregnancies and detect cancers and other conditions not related to pregnancy.
Who is the Total Beta HCG Test prescribed for?
The Total Beta HCG Test is prescribed for -
- Women who are trying to conceive have missed their period.
- Women who are at high risk of miscarriages.
- Women who have a history of miscarriages.
- Women who have a history of ectopic pregnancy.
The Total Beta HCG Test is also prescribed for women who show signs of an ectopic pregnancy. These signs include -
- Abnormal vaginal bleeding
- Lower back pain
- Pain in the pelvic area
- Pain in the lower abdomen
- Cramping on one side of the pelvis
The Total Beta HCG Test is prescribed for adult males and non-pregnant females to detect certain cancers like uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, testicular cancer and noncancerous conditions like liver cirrhosis and inflammatory bowel disease.
The Beta HCG Test results show a normal range as follows:
Positive | ≥ 25 IU/L | Pregnant |
Intermediate | 5 - 25 IU/L | Non-confirmatory |
Negative | < 5 IU/L | Not pregnant |
The Beta HCG Test values found at every week of pregnancy
Weeks from last menstrual period (LMP) | Approximate amount of hCG (in mIU/mL or IU/L) |
3 weeks | 5 - 50 |
4 weeks | 5 - 426 |
5 weeks | 19 - 7,340 |
6 weeks | 1,080 - 56,500 |
7-8 weeks | 7,650 - 2,29,000 |
9-12 weeks | 25,700 - 288,000 |
13-16 weeks | 3,300 - 253,000 |
17-24 weeks (second trimester) | 4,060 - 165,400 |
25 weeks - term (third trimester) | 3,640 - 117,000 |
After several days postpartum | < 5 |
Normal Beta HCG levels in healthy men and premenopausal healthy women range from 0.02 - 0.08 IU/L.
Test Result Interpretation
The Beta HCG Test results are given based on the type of test done. If quantitative tests were conducted, then you will get the Beta HCG Test values in numbers. If qualitative tests were conducted, then you will get the Beta HCG Test results as positive or negative.
Interpretation of Qualitative Beta HCG Test Reports
- If your qualitative Beta HCG Test results are positive, then you are pregnant.
- If your qualitative Beta HCG Test results are negative, then you are not pregnant.
- A false-negative result is likely to occur when the test was done too early or the HCG levels were not enough to be detected on the test. Repeat the Beta HCG Test in a week to confirm the possibility of a pregnancy.
Interpretation of Quantitative Beta HCG Test Reports
Beta HCG is not detectable in healthy women who are not pregnant and in healthy men.
If the Beta HCG levels are high in healthy men and non-pregnant women, then you may have any one of the following conditions:
- Choriocarcinoma of the uterus (a fast-growing cancer of the uterus in women)
- A hydatidiform mole of the uterus (a rare mass or growth inside the uterus in women)
- Ovarian cancer (in women)
- Testicular cancer (in men)
If the Beta HCG levels are higher than the normal range as per gestation in pregnant females, then the possible causes are as follows:
- More than one foetus that is twins or triplets
If the Beta HCG levels are lower than the normal range as per gestation in pregnant females, then the possible causes are as follows:
- Foetal death
- Incomplete miscarriage
- Threatened or spontaneous abortion (Miscarriage)
- Ectopic pregnancy
Sample Type
The Total Beta HCG Test is done by taking a blood sample and a urine sample. This test can be combined with all your regular tests or can be done as a stand-alone test.
Total Beta HCG Test Preparation
The Total Beta HCG Test takes a sample of your blood or urine for testing.
A. Before the Total Beta HCG Test
This test does not require any preparation from your end. Inform your physician about your last menstrual cycle date and if you are on any medications.
B. During the Total Beta HCG Test
It is a simple blood test or a urine test that will get over in 5-10 minutes. No special preparation is required for this test.
C. After the Total Beta HCG Test
There are no restrictions after the Total Beta HCG Test. You can resume normal activity.
Test inclusions: What parameters are included in the Total Beta HCG Test?
The Total Beta HCG Test report detects the levels of beta HCG in the blood or urine sample.
How frequently should you take the Total Beta HCG Test?
- If you are trying to get pregnant, take the first Total Beta HCG Test after you have missed your period.
- If you test positive, then you do not need to repeat the test.
- If you test negative, then repeat the Total Beta HCG Test after a week.
- If your beta HCG levels are low, your doctor may request a repeat Total Beta HCG Test to check if the HCG levels are adequate for normal pregnancy.
- If you are getting the Total Beta HCG Test done for detecting cancers, you may need a repeat test every 3-6 months to check for the prognosis of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment.
Risk Assessment
Normal Pregnancy, Ectopic Pregnancy, Screening of Down’s Syndrome, Trisomy 18, Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (GTD), Testicular Tumour, Teratomas, Ovarian Germ Cell Tumours
Frequently Asked Questions
Can total beta HCG be higher than beta HCG?
Yes, total beta HCG will be higher than beta HCG because beta HCG is the free form of the human chorionic gonadotropin. Total Beta HCG is a combination of free and bound forms of beta HCG.
What is HCG beta total pregnancy serum?
The Total Beta HCG serum test is a blood test that helps detect the levels of beta HCG in the blood sample. This is a diagnostic test for pregnancy.
What is the HCG level of a non-pregnant woman?
Normal Beta HCG levels in non-pregnant healthy women range from 0.02 - 0.08 IU/L.
Why do we perform only beta HCG not total?
The measurement of free beta-HCG is more beneficial than total HCGin serum screening for Down syndrome during the second trimester of pregnancy.