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Best Indoor Exercises To Keep You Fit During The Monsoon Season

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

Monsoon, without a doubt, brings a lot of joy to the people suffering from the scorching heat of the summer but for a few people, who either are very serious about exercising or need to do some physical activity to stay healthy, do not find it very convenient.

The pleasant rainy weather not only prompts us to binge on ‘pakoras’ and ‘tea’ but also makes us too lazy to head to the gym. As going for a jog has also gone out of the window, keeping oneself physically active becomes a tricky business.

Well, it is not as tough as you think if you know the right options to exercise and burn enough calories without stepping out a single time throughout the day.

Below, we have suggested some of the ideas you can consider at your convenience to stay active during this rainy season. Have a look:

1. Spot jogging

Jogging is one of the most meaningful and efficient exercises one can do. Well, it is not mandatory to step outside if you want to jog. As per the fitness experts, spot jogging is a perfect pre-workout exercise, as it warms up the body to carry out the rest of the regime without posing any threat to your muscles.

You just have to lift your knees and move them back to the ground. You should also move your hands in the same manner you do while running outside. It looks like you are running but at the same spot.

If you do this exercise for 30 minutes, you will burn about 215 calories.

Jumping Jacks includes hopping your feet out shoulder-width apart while you bring your arms above your head, then hopping your feet back together while you lower your arms to your sides. It is a full-body workout that targets the upper, lower, and core muscles.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

2. Skipping

Skipping is an ideal cardio exercise that you can consider for improving cardio-respiratory fitness, flexibility and coordination. As per the experts, skipping is one of the most effective high-impact exercises that helps the performer strengthen their bones. Moreover, it also helps in reducing weight from your thighs, hips and sides.

To do this exercise, you need a rope, rotate it in a circular motion and jump when it touches the ground. The smaller the jump the better it is for your knees and ankles. Jumping about an inch from the ground is considered ideal.

If you do this exercise for an hour, you will burn about 560 calories.

3. Strength training

Strength training is also possible in the comfort of your home. You just have to purchase some dumbbells. The weight of the dumbbells should be the same or marginally higher than what you have already been lifting at the gym. You can also consider filling up some water bottles and doing strength training with them.

Every hour of such strength training done correctly may help you lose about 200 calories.

Start with what you can do whether it’s walking, riding a bike, or aerobic exercises, Don’t think you have to run a marathon or be an elite athlete, start it and just keep going no matter what.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

4. The Plank

To do this exercise, you need to get into a pushup position, bend your arms and move down towards the floor. Now, you have to hold the same position with extended arms. Initially, you just have to hold the position for about 30 seconds. This exercise may seem very easy to pull, but is a challenging one and helps in toning your core muscles like abs, stabiliser muscles and back.

Doing it for an hour helps you lose about 350 calories.

5. Yoga

As we all know, yoga is a spiritual form of exercising that helps you connect your body, spirit and mind. Apart from giving you a better understanding of your body, it improves your flexibility and provides peace of mind.

What makes it more convincing is that you can do it regularly without having to leave your home. As per the experts, trying out meditation, pranayama and Surya Namaskar are some of the best forms of yoga to keep yourself fit and healthy.


Monsoon may come with a few drawbacks for the fitness junkies but as we have mentioned above, there are plenty of ways you can keep yourself in the best shape and health even during this period with some home exercises. If you are a diabetes patient, it is advised to consult with your doctor before you make any alterations in your regime of physical activity.

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