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LivEasy Wellness Immuno Protein With Vitamins And Minerals: For Iron-Strong Immunity!

By Dixit Arora +2 more

We live in an era when strengthening our immunity is a must. Why? Because unlike our parents or grandparents, we do not follow healthy routines. We often don’t eat right, which means we don’t get the right nutrition. Also, we hardly have time to exercise. Insufficient sleep and bingeing on junk food all have a terrible impact on our immunity and it eventually becomes weak.

When our immunity is weak, our body becomes open to attack from viruses and bacteria and that is when you get the common cold, flu, viral infections or allergies. If you don’t do something about it, in future you could contract dangerous illnesses like pneumonia, bronchitis or meningitis.

LivEasy Wellness Immuno Protein With Vitamins And Minerals: For Iron-Strong Immunity! - PharmEasy

Want a simple way to boost your immunity?

  Consume LivEasy Wellness Immuno Protein With Vitamins And Minerals every day. These are formulated with safe ingredients, specially chosen to deal with the problem of weak immunity.

Why do you need LivEasy Wellness Immuno Protein With Vitamins And Minerals?

LivEasy Wellness Immuno Protein With Vitamins And Minerals contain the goodness of particular nutrients that the body needs to defend itself from microbial attack. They also make up for the nutritional deficiency of our everyday life. Consume LivEasy Wellness Immuno Protein With Vitamins And Minerals for a tough immunity and overall well being-


1.  Protein for repairing immunity cells

Protein is called the building block of life. We need proteins for most functions of the body. Without sufficient proteins, your body will not be able to repair injured immunity cells or create new ones. In fact, you need protein for the repair and maintenance of all cells, tissues and muscles. They help in the movement of muscles and provide support to the organs. If you do not take enough protein, your body will become weak, your immunity will not work and you will lose energy.

2. Carbohydrates to increase your endurance

You may have thought carbohydrates make you fat, but they serve many vital functions. Carbohydrates help to build physical endurance. When your life is stressed or strenuous, your immunity becomes imbalanced. During this time, carbohydrates can stabilize your body’s natural defence system. Besides, you also need this nutrient to provide your body with energy and strength to perform all the daily functions.


3.  Minerals to avoid allergies and infections

Minerals like calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium and sodium are involved with numerous activities inside your body. They are especially important for boosting and regulating your immune response. They can prevent infections and allergies. Other than that, you need minerals for enzyme production, metabolism, regulating your heartbeat, contraction and relaxation of muscles, the transmission of nerves etc.

4. Vitamins to prevent oxidative stress

Essential vitamins such as   A, B Complex, C, D and E work on several different aspects of the immune system and activate the production of white blood cells (immunity cells). They speed up healing of the body, kill any harmful microbe that enters the body and shield you from the harsh effects of pollutants or toxins. Vitamins can also work against oxidative damage of cells by free radicals. Oxidative stress is a common cause of weak immunity.

Now you know which nutrients you need for a tough immunity. Consume LivEasy Wellness Immuno Protein With Vitamins And Minerals every day because they contain everything you need to make your body strong. Go on, give your body the immunity that it deserves!   

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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