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Know The Secret To Staying Fit During Lockdown!

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

We are all confined within our homes to avoid exposure to COVID-19 and flatten the curve.

Know The Secret To Staying Fit During Lockdown! - PharmEasy

But what many people have not considered is the threat lockdown poses to your body weight. This is because you will largely be living a sedentary lifestyle inside your home during the lockdown. 

Lockdown and the possibility of weight gain

We can’t go out except to buy essentials. That means, right now we are all having to follow a sedentary lifestyle. Our movements are constrained within the boundaries of our home.

Leading a sedentary life is one of the primary causes of weight gain.

Secondly, since we don’t have much to do, people are binge-watching TV shows every day and what is that one thing we do when we are watching our favourite shows? We eat unhealthy snacks. People also eat to fight off boredom.


The dangers of gaining weight

So, inactivity and binge eating will make us gain weight during the lockdown. Once you start putting on weight, it can spiral. Soon you will be faced with health issues like diabetes and heart disorders.

But did you know that you can also easily keep your weight down during the lockdown?

Preventing weight gain during the lockdown

Many people exercise outside. They work out in the gym or they like to go swimming, jogging, walking, cycling, etc. But since we have to maintain social distancing, you can’t go to gyms or parks to exercise.

So what should these people as well as people who never work out do? Well, improvise by working out without much equipment inside the house!

Many free hand exercises can prevent weight gain and help to lose weight. The exercises are –

1. Jumping rope or skipping

A full-body exercise that will shed weight from all parts of the body and keep the bones strong.

2. Burpees

Another cardio exercise that works out all parts of your body. They are also good for strengthening the muscles of the arms and legs.

3. Squat jumps

Intersperse your rope jumps or burpees with squat jumps. They are good for your knees and keep the whole body flexible.

4. Dancing

There are many cardio-based dance routines you can learn on YouTube. Besides, dancing is fun and entertaining too.

5. Spot jogging and high knees

A great way to reduce belly weight.

Mix up the different cardio exercises. Do a single workout session for 20-30 minutes including all of these exercises. Do them at least 5 times a week.

Apart from exercising, try to stay active as much as possible inside the house by doing household chores.

Read More: 7 Health Benefits of Exercise

Eating healthily

Exercise is effective but to enhance the benefits of exercise, you have to eat right.

1. Control your calorie intake

Since you will not be burning many calories, you have to moderate your calorie consumption. Focus more on foods containing fibre and protein that keep you full for a long time such as pulse and fruits with their skin.

2. Opt for whole grains

Choose multi-grains or whole-grain wheat and whole-grain brown or black rice. Whole grains keep your metabolism active.

3. Hydrate yourself

Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Water suppresses appetite and speeds up metabolism as well.

4. Veggies are your best friend

Eat fresh vegetables as they give your body vital nutrients without adding unnecessary calories.


Snacking healthily

If you feel hungry between meals or want to munch on something while you watch Netflix, opt for-

  1. A few slices of fruits like apples, bananas, grapefruits or you can eat citrus fruits and berries.
  2. Multigrain digestive biscuits.
  3. A small portion of cheese or a cube of dark chocolate.
  4. A few healthy nuts like almonds, peanuts, brazil nuts, etc.
  5. Yoghurt or curd.

What not to eat-

  1.   Oily and fried foods
  2.   Sugary drinks like store-bought fruit juices
  3.   Desserts and candies
  4.   Too many starchy foods like rice or potatoes
  5.   White bread
  6.   Chips and soft drinks
  7.   Pastries and cakes

Keeping portion sizes small

Many people continue to gain weight despite exercising because they are eating too much. That is why doctors recommend eating three small meals. Make sure you don’t fill your tummy during a meal.

If you feel hungry later on, you can always eat a few healthy snacks.

A disciplined exercise routine and restraint when it comes to food can keep you in shape during the lockdown. Besides, healthy food and workout will also improve your immunity against COVID-19. 

Above all, stay at home to protect yourself. 

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