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Blood Purifier Food: Discover Top Research-Backed Options for Detoxification

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Importance of detoxification and blood purification. 
  • Connection between diet and blood health. 
  • Top foods that may help purify blood naturally include garlic, cilantro, beetroot,  turmeric, etc. 
  • Additional blood purification foods include blueberries, broccoli, jaggery, etc. 
  • Blood cleansing herbs for kidney and liver health  include holy basil, neem, ginger, and more 
  • Impact on long-term health and well-being. 


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial in today’s busy world. An important aspect of ensuring overall health is detoxification and blood purification. Clean blood impacts not just our physical health but also our mental well-being. The link between diet and blood health cannot be ignored, as certain foods are said to have blood-purifying properties that may aid in the detoxification process. 

In this article, we’ll explore various research-backed foods that may naturally help purify your blood. We will discuss their benefits, methods of consumption, and what makes them important for our body. Additionally, we’ll delve into some frequently asked questions concerning blood purification.  

blood purifier food

Why is it important to have clean blood? 

Scientifically clean blood reflects blood that has all nutrients (glucose, ketones, fatty acids, O2, etc.), and toxins (urea, drug metabolites, CO2, etc.) within the normal range and is devoid of exogenous substances like drugs, heavy metals, etc. The liver, kidneys, and lungs play an important role in keeping the blood clean or in other words detoxifying the blood. Blood plays a significant role in maintaining our body’s overall health. The importance of having clean blood becomes clear when we understand its many functions and the impact these functions have on our well-being. 

Roles of blood in the human body 

The roles of blood in the body are as follows.  

  • Sending oxygen and nutrients all over the body. 
  • Getting rid of waste and carbon dioxide via the kidneys and lungs respectively. 
  • Keeping our bodies at the right temperature, maintaining pH balance, and water levels. 
  • Carrying hormones, proteins, and other important substances around the body. 
  • Giving us immunity via white blood cells and plasma antibodies. 

Impact of impure blood on overall health 

Impure blood causes many health problems. These can range from low energy levels and skin issues to long-term diseases and failure of organs. Toxins in the bloodstream can cause inflammation, stress from oxidation, and bodily imbalances. These can affect our physical and emotional wellness. 

Benefits of blood purification 

Here’s why purifying your blood is good.  

  • It may help boost your immune system. 
  • It is proposed to reduce inflammation and pain. 
  • It may help your skin look and feel better. 
  • It is said to give you more energy. 
  • It may help improve digestion and absorption of nutrients.  
  • It may help avoid chronic diseases caused by a build-up of toxins. 

Top Foods to Purify Blood Naturally 

A balanced diet rich in natural blood purifiers is said to be useful for blood detox. It enhances overall health too. Below is a list of foods said to have blood-purifying potential. 

1. Garlic 

The sulfur compound allicin turns garlic into a potent blood cleanser. 

Benefits for detoxification 

 The allicin in garlic, does the following:  

  • Potentially keeps the liver safe from toxic materials. 
  • Has antimicrobial features that may help cleanse blood. 
  • Is said to get rid of harmful bacteria, parasites, and viruses in the gut. 

How to consume? 

You can add garlic to your diet in several ways,  which are described below.  

  • Crush, chew, or cut raw garlic and eat it with water to use allicin. 
  • Add chopped garlic or minced to salads, soups, stir-fries, curries, and pasta dishes. 

2. Cilantro/Coriander Leaves 

Cilantro, also known as coriander leaves, is full of chlorophyll.  

Benefits for detoxification 

Cilantro helps  in the following ways: 

  • Taking out mercury and other heavy metals from the blood, that makes use of its chelating property.
  • Lowering inflammation because of it’s proposed antioxidant property. 

How to consume? 

You can eat cilantro in the following ways: 

  • Adding chopped fresh cilantro to your salads, soups,  curries, or sandwiches 
  • Blending it into a smoothie or juice made with other fruits and vegetables. 

3. Beetroot 

Beetroot has liver active cleansing agents in it and is also rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients . 

Benefits for detoxification 

Beetroot is good as it potentially aids in: 

  • Maintaining liver health, due to liver-protecting properties. 
  • Facilitating blood detox because it is rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients. 

How to consume? 

You can add beetroot to your meals in the following ways: 

  • Mix beetroot with water and other fruits or vegetables for a healthy drink. 
  • Roast it, boil it, or grate it and add it to soups, salads, or pickles. 

4. Turmeric 

The golden spice turmeric has curcumin, which is said to have detox properties. 

Benefits for detoxification 

Curcumin in turmeric may provide the following benefits: 

  • Stir up detox enzymes in the body. 
  • Purify the blood by removing harmful substances. 

How to consume? 

Turmeric can be used in your diet as mentioned below: 

  • Make a cup of turmeric tea with black pepper to enhance its absorption. 
  • Add turmeric powder to curries, soups, and rice dishes for a great taste.  

5. Cayenne Pepper 

Capsaicin in cayenne pepper is a blood purifier. It helps get rid of toxins from the body. 

Benefits for detoxification 

Capsaicin in cayenne pepper does the following: 

  • May help protect the liver and other organs from toxins. 
  • May help remove cancer-causing agents in the body. 

How to consume? 

You can add cayenne pepper to your meals in the following ways: 

  • Making dishes spicy by adding a bit of cayenne pepper powder to soups, stews, and sauces for extra heat. 
  • Cayenne pepper supplement, before incorporating this always consult a health professional. 

6. Lemon 

Lemon is a natural detoxifier. It creates more enzymes in the liver to clean toxins from the blood. 

Benefits for detoxification 

Lemon is said to help in the following: 

  • Sparking liver function by making detox enzymes. 
  • Balancing the body’s pH levels, which makes the gut healthier. 

How to consume? 

You can consume lemon in the following ways: 

  • Lemon in warm water on an empty stomach, but avoid if you are suffering from GERD or acid reflux issues.  

7. Water 

The most basic element of life, water, supports detox by keeping blood’s pH in check and removing toxins. 

Benefits for detoxification 

Water is crucial for the following: 

  • Controlling the blood’s pH levels. 
  • Keeping blood viscosity normal. 
  • Getting toxins out of the body effectively.

How to consume? 

  • Aim for drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water per day, depending on factors like your body weight, physical activity, and climate. This should be a goal as it is crucial to consume enough water every day.  

Black coffee in moderate amounts can help the liver in blood purification. Researchers have found that there may be liver-protective benefits to coffee consumption. Studies indicate that coffee consumption may also minimise the risk of liver cancer in those with chronic liver disease by lowering the incidence of cirrhosis.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D

Additional Food Sources for Blood Purification and Overall Well-Being 

Other foods may also play a big part in blood purification. Below we have discussed these food items and their potential health benefits.  

1. Blueberries 

Blueberries are rich in antioxidants. They have potent blood-purifying properties that keep the liver healthy and fight off diseases. 

Benefits for detoxification 

Blueberries may help in the following ways: 

  • Stop healthy blood cells from oxidizing. 
  • Lower the risk of liver cancer. 

How to consume? 

Add blueberries to your diet in the following ways.  

  • Eating them fresh or cold as snacks. 
  • Putting them in yogurt, oatmeal, or smoothies. 

2. Broccoli 

Broccoli is a nutrient-rich cruciferous vegetable. It helps get toxins out and purify the blood. 

Benefits for detoxification 

Broccoli has a lot of the following nutrients which may contribute to it’s purifying potential:  

  • Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, and potassium. 
  • Antioxidants that may aid in blood cleaning 

How to consume? 

Add broccoli to your meals  in the following ways:  

  • Steaming, grilling, or roasting it as a side. 
  • Adding it to soups, stir-fries, or casseroles.  

3. Jaggery 

 Jaggery, a raw sugar, is said to be a blood cleaner. It may help clean our blood and increase iron levels. 

Benefits for detoxification 

Jaggery helps in the following ways:  

  • Getting rid of clotted blood from the system. 
  • Boosting iron levels to improve blood health. 

How to consume? 

Add jaggery to your meals in the following ways:: 

  • Replacing refined sugar with it in sweet dishes. 
  • Eating small amounts of jaggery after meals helps digestion. 

4. Hibiscus 

Hibiscus, a beautiful flower, cleans the blood. It is also said to improve blood circulation in our body. 

Benefits for detoxification 

Hibiscus helps in the following ways.  

  • It may help clean blood and improve circulation 
  • It is proposed to increase metabolism and provide antioxidant actions.  

How to consume? 

Add hibiscus to your meals in the following ways: 

  • By brewing a cup of hibiscus tea
  • By enjoying a cold hibiscus sherbet. 

5. Dandelion 

Dandelion works as a natural diuretic, which may aids in filtering waste from the bloodstream. 

Benefits for detoxification 

 Dandelion potentially aid in: 

  • Filtering waste and removing toxins. 
  • Improving liver and kidney health. 

How to consume? 

Add dandelion to your meals in the following ways. 

  • Dandelion tea using its leaves, flowers, or root. 
  • Consume as supplements, only after talking with a healthcare provider. 

Cranberries are frequently advocated for staving off the infections in your kidneys. They have been demonstrated to block bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract, so preventing urinary tract infections. All you have to do to reap the advantages of this fruit is toss a handful of fresh cranberries into salads, smoothies and muesli.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

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Blood Cleansing Herbs for Kidney and Liver Health 

There are many herbs that may support kidney and liver health. They may also purify the blood. But before you make changes to your diet or add herbal supplements, always ask your healthcare provider for medical advice. 

1. Holy Basil 

Holy Basil, or Tulsi, is a well-respected herb. It’s known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory features, which make it a great blood purifier. 

Benefits for detoxification 

  • It may help purify blood by getting rid of toxins from the bloodstream. 
  • Removes toxins from the liver and kidneys through urine. 

How to consume? 

Include holy basil in your daily routine  in the following way:  

  • Add it to your cooking for more detox benefits. 
  • Make an herbal tea using basil leaves.  

2. Neem 

Neem, known for its antiviral and antifungal properties, is a bitter yet powerful blood purifier. 

Benefits for detoxification 

  • Cleans the blood by removing toxic items. 
  • Fights acne, eczema, and other skin infections. 

How to consume? 

Add neem to your daily life in the following ways: 

  • By directly chewing on neem leaves or taking neem supplements after consulting a doctor.  
  • Using neem oil or creams with neem for skin infections 

3. Ginger 

Ginger, a well-known home remedy, which is said to help purify the blood and boost overall well-being. 

Benefits for detoxification 

  • May benefit non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) 
  • It said to control blood sugar levels 

How to consume? 

Ginger can be enjoyed in various forms, as described below:  

  • Fresh or powdered ginger added to dishes or tea. 
  • Ginger supplements or extracts, but only if a healthcare provider advises. 

4. Green Tea 

Green tea is a common herbal tea that is consumed. It’s known to support liver and kidney function and give antioxidant help. 

Benefits for detoxification 

  • Positively impacts liver function. 
  • Reduces fat stored in the liver. 
  • Could avoid liver cancer. 

How to consume? 

  • Drink at least four cups of green tea daily as a regular drink. 


Parsley, a variable herb, helps keep the liver safe. It also promotes blood cleaning by boosting urine output. 

Benefits for detoxification 

  • Supposed to work as a diuretic, aiding with urinary volume and waste filtering. 
  • Said to get rid of harmful toxins and cleans the blood. 

How to consume? 

Add parsley  to your meals in the following ways: 

  • By sprinkling fresh parsley on various dishes. 
  • Making an herbal tea using parsley leaves. 


Adding blood purifiers to your diet may provide long-term health and well-being. By choosing natural foods, herbs, and supplements, you can make a diet plan that fills your body’s nutritional needs which may have added benefits of cleaning your blood well. 

It’s key to note that you should always ask a healthcare provider before making big changes to your diet. This is especially true for herbs and supplements. A balanced approach to self-care combined with a nutrient-rich diet will help you stay healthy overall. It may also keep your blood free from harmful toxins. This ensures a happier and healthier life. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Which food is best for blood purification? 

There is no single “best” food for blood purification. Rather, a diet rich in natural purifiers like garlic, cilantro, beetroot, turmeric, and water may be essential. Additional foods like blueberries and broccoli may also play a significant role in maintaining clean blood. 

What can I drink to clean my blood? 

Drinking lots of water is the best way to help get rid of toxins from your blood. Also, drinks like lemon water, herbal teas made with ginger, holy basil, or green tea, and fresh fruit and vegetable juices may further support blood cleaning and overall health. 

What is the best way to clean blood? 

The best way to clean blood is to eat a well-balanced diet with natural blood purifiers, stay hydrated, and live a healthy lifestyle. Including regular exercise, good sleep, and avoiding exposure to harmful chemicals and pollution may also contribute to cleaner blood. 

What purifies blood in the human body? 

The liver and kidneys play vital roles in cleaning blood in the body. They get rid of toxins and waste from the bloodstream. Eating foods and herbs known for their blood-cleaning abilities may further support liver and kidney function. Remember, a well-balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are key for clean blood and overall wellness. 


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