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Khadirarishta: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects & More!

By Dr Anuja Bodhare +2 more


Khadirarishta is a polyherbal formulation used by people with rashes, itching, or sensitive skin. It is an ayurvedic liquid consisting of 18 ingredients. Also known as Khadirarishta, this preparation is used for treating skin problems, swollen lymph nodes, intestinal worms, leprosy, jaundice, and heart problems.1,2

Khadirarishta consists of the ingredients Khadira, Devdaru, Bakuchi, Daruharidra, Haritaki, Bibhitaka, Amalaki, Dhataki, Kankola, Nagakeshar, Jatiphala, Lavanga, Ela, Tvak & Twakpatra, Pippali, honey, crystallised sugar lumps, and water.

khadirarishta uses

Did you know?

  • Khadirarishta polyherbal may aid in the treatment of liver disorders like fatty liver disease. source: ncbi
  • Khadirarishta polyherbal may aid in the treatment of urinary stones. source: ncbi
  • Khadirarishta polyherbal may help in managing respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis. source: ncbi
  • Khadirarishta, an herbal fermented liquid, is recommended for all types of skin diseases, including psoriasis. source: J Ayurveda Integr Med
  • Khadirarishta polyherbal may help in managing diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels. source: ncbi

Therapeutic Uses of Khadirarishta: 

Khadirarishta has the following therapeutic uses: 

  • It is generally used for treating skin problems like skin allergies, itching, rashes, acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and urticaria.1 
  • It is also effective in treating problems associated with the digestive system, like intestinal worms.1 
  • It is used to treat anaemia which usually occurs due to intestinal worms.1 
  • It can also be used for treating swollen lymph nodes, enlarged spleen, heart problems, liver disorders.1 
  • It can be used for treating cough and breathing problems.1 
  • It can also be used to manage tumours or cysts under the skin.1 

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Benefits of Khadirarishta: 

1. Benefits of Khadirarishta for Bacterial Infection: 

Khadirarishta contains a broad antibacterial range that includes bactericidal action against E. coli, S. aureus, and S. enterica. Khadirarishta’s method of action appears to be tied to bacterial membrane permeability disruption. Gallic acid, catechin, ellagic acid, and eugenol found in khadirarishta were identified as the four primary marker chemicals. 3 

2. Benefits of Khadirarishta for Fungal Infection: 

A phenolic compound bakuchiol in Khadirarishta extracted from Bakuchi (seeds) and haritaki exhibited antifungal activity against many dermatophytes, yeasts and pathogenic fungi like Trichophyton rubrum and Microsporum gypseum, Epidermophyton floccosum, and Trichophyton mentagrophytes. In one of the studies, activity was found against other fungi such as Aspergillus niger, Alternari brassicae, Fusarium oxysporum, and Rhizoctonia cerealis, in which mycelia (the vegetative part of a fungus) growth was inhibited.  

Another study showed a significant reduction in the incidents of seed”borne fungi, for example, Fusarium verticillioides and Aspergillus flavus, which can cause many diseases in maize crops and might release mycotoxins. These mycotoxins have a terrible effect on human and animal health. 4,5 

Read More: 18 Simple Home Remedies For Fungal Infections!

3. Benefits of Khadirarishta for Skin: 

Haritaki reduces pus collection in skin ailments and serves as a Rasayana, making it useful for erysipelas. Haritaki found in khadirarishta combined with oil aids in the healing of wounds, particularly burns. It aids in the improvement of skin tone. 5 

Daruharidra, and Bibhitaka present in khadirarishta also possess wound healing properties. They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities which promote the health of the skin. 6,7 

4. Benefits of Khadirarishta for Respiratory Diseases: 

Haritaki present in khadirarishta shows activity against respiratory disorders like COPD, wheezing, rhinitis, hoarseness of voice, cough, hiccups and breathing difficulty as it reduces congestion in the lungs. 5 

5. Benefits of Khadirarishta for Reproductive health: 

Haritaki present in khadirarishta acts as a uterine tonic and helps in Shukrameha (passage of sperms in urine), and Leucorrhoea (whitish/yellowish vaginal discharge). 5 

Read More: Ashwagandharishta: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects & More!

6. Benefits of Khadirarishta for Cancer: 

The stem of Daruharidra found in khadirarishta shows anticancer properties in human colon cancer cell lines when extracted in methanol. Methanolic extract of Daruharidra stem inhibits cancer-causing cells in a concentration-dependent manner. Berberine, an alkaloid derived from the Daruharidra plant, has been reported to suppress the carcinogenesis produced by different elements in small animals in a dose-dependent way. 7 

Did you know that the ancient text ‘Sharangdhara Samhita’ holds a treasure trove of information about Khadirarishta? This traditional Ayurvedic text provides detailed insights into the ingredients used, the method of preparation, therapeutic indications, and even the mode of action of Khadirarishta.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

How to Use Khadirarishta? 

You can use Khadirarishta by mixing a fixed amount of the liquid with lukewarm water.1 

One of the key ingredients in Khadirarishta is Daruharidra, which has some remarkable properties! This special herb is known to possibly provide a rejuvenating effect, making you feel refreshed and revitalised.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Side Effects of Khadirarishta: 

  • Khadirarishta usually does not cause any side effects when consumed as prescribed by your physician. However, if this multi-herbal ayurvedic formulation is consumed without water, it can cause a burning sensation or heartburn.1 
  • Excessive dose of this formulation may cause an injury to your heart, kidney, or liver.2 

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Precautions to Take with Khadirarishta:  

  • There isn’t enough evidence on the safety profile of the use of khadirarishta in pregnancy and lactating mothers. 
  • The safe use of khadirarishta in children is also not established. More studies need to be carried out to understand the safety profile of the polyherb. 

Please consult a physician before using in pregnant and lactating women and in children.  

Khadirarishta, a traditional herbal preparation, contains an important ingredient called Khadira. It is a special herb that might help with various health issues from conjunctivitis and coughing up blood to nausea and diarrhoea.

Dr. Smita barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

Also Read: Shatavari: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects & More!

Frequently Asked Questions: 

What is Khadirarishta? 

Khadirarishta is an ayurvedic formulation consisting of 18 ingredients like Khadira, Devdaru, Bakuchi, Daruharidra, Haritaki, Bibhitaka, Amalaki, Dhataki, Kankola, Nagakeshar, Jatiphala, Lavanga, Ela, Tvak & Twakpatra, Pippali, honey, crystallised sugar lumps and water.  

Does Khadirarishta cause any side effects? 

When used as directed by your doctor, Khadirarishta normally has no side effects. This multi-herbal ayurvedic composition, however, can create a burning sensation or heartburn if ingested without water. 1 An overdose of this formulation could harm your heart, kidneys or liver. 2 

How does Khadirarishta help to cure dental problems?

No, khadirarishta is not known to show any activity for dental problems.

Does Khadirarishta causes inflammation? 

No, khadirarishta does not cause inflammation. It has various herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties and may help in reducing inflammation. 

Does Khadirarishta increase blood haemoglobin levels? 

Khadirarishta helps in increasing the haemoglobin of the blood and hence helps in the treatment of anaemia. 8 

How to take Khadirarishta formulation? 

Khadirarishta should be mixed with water before consumption. The dose of this ayurvedic formulation should be as prescribed by your doctor. 

Can khadirarishta be used for eczema? 

When khadirarishta was consumed with lukewarm water after meals for a few months, it showed improvement in the symptoms of eczema like itching, skin discolouration and secretions. 8 

What are some of the benefits of amalaki? 

Antidiabetic and hypoglycemic properties: Emblica fruit powder lowered blood sugar levels in normal and hyperglycemic rabbits, demonstrating hypoglycemic efficacy. 
Anti-peptic ulcer activity: With traditional antacids and Emblica fruits, 30 instances of ulcer and non-ulcer dyspepsia showed equivalent improvement. 8 

Read More: Best Natural Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Add To Your Diet

Read More: All About Eczema – Symptoms, Causes & Cure

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1. Shinde RR, Bhangale K. KHADIRARISHTA: A MEDICAL REVIEW. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH [Internet]. 2017 Oct 31 [cited 2022 Feb 28];5(10):72–5. Available from: https://www.granthaalayahpublication.org/journals/index.php/granthaalayah/article/view/IJRG17_A10_712/2158 

2. Sharif T, Deepa KN, Nahar K, Mian Y. Evaluation of cardiovascular activities of an ayurvedic preparation ”Khadirarishta” in rat model. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research. 2015;(January).  

3. Balkrishna A, Gupta AK, Gupta A, Singh P, Singh K, Tomar M, et al. Antibacterial activity and mechanism of action of an ayurvedic formulation Khadirarishta. Journal of Herbal Medicine. 2022 Mar 1;32.  

4. Alam F, Khan GN, Asad MHH bin. Psoralea corylifolia L: Ethnobotanical, biological, and chemical aspects: A review. Vol. 32, Phytotherapy Research. John Wiley and Sons Ltd; 2018. p. 597–615.  

5. Meher SK, Panda P, Das B, Bhuyan GC, Rath KK. Pharmacological Profile of Terminalia chebula Retz. and Willd. (Haritaki) in Ayurveda with Evidences . Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics. 2018;10(3):115.  

6. Ashutosh Gupta RKK and AKP. Pharmacological Aspects of Terminalia belerica. 284 p.  

7. Kumar Saini Jubilant Biosys N. Berberis aristata: A Review [Internet]. Article in International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy. 2011. Available from: www.ijrap.net 

8. Parulkar G. KHADIRARISHTA: A MEDICO STUDY. Parulkar World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research [Internet]. 2016 [cited 2022 Feb 28];5(11). Available from: www.wjpr.net 

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