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LivEasy Wellness Apple Cider Vinegar With Mother: The Miracle-Juice For Good Health!

By Dixit Arora +2 more

Just one health problem can open the gates to many severe disorders. The scary thing is that many of us have this common health problem. You know what are we referring to, right? Obesity or being overweight. We usually work from our desks and hardly move our bodies or exercise much. On top of that, practically, wherever we go, food is readily available. All these reasons trigger rapid weight gain.

People with obesity, compared to those with a healthy weight, are at an increased risk for many severe diseases and health conditions. Weight gain can cause diabetes, heart disorders, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, liver disease etc. And these disorders can ruin your mental peace, body, and finance.

LivEasy Wellness Apple Cider Vinegar With Mother: The Miracle-Juice For Good Health! - PharmEasy

Is there any easy way to keep weight gain in control and manage the other associated disorders? Well, yes, consume LivEasy Wellness Apple Cider Vinegar With Mother daily to keep your Body Mass Index steady.   Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV with mother is a fermented juice made from crushed apples and is loaded with multiple nutrients that your body desperately needs.

Why do you need LivEasy Wellness Apple Cider Vinegar With Mother?

LivEasy Wellness Apple Cider Vinegar With Mother comes from the best quality Himalayan apples and contains 4.80% acidity. Its nutrient and mineral contents can benefit your health in multiple ways.

1. Acetic Acid for weight control

The primary component of ACV is Acetic Acid. This acid ensures that food passes slowly through your stomach. If your stomach empties soon, then you feel hungry. But by slowing it down, Acetic Acid makes you feel full for a long time, which means you will not feel the urge to eat anything unhealthy in between your meals. It can also help to regulate the blood sugar level by making the body more responsive to insulin.

A multitude of health issues can be brought about by high blood sugar levels. In my experience, consuming apple cider vinegar may assist blood sugar management. According to researchers, those who had elevated blood sugar levels or poor glucose tolerance showed lower post-meal insulin and lipid levels after a regular intake of apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

2. Potassium to prevent strokes

According to Neurologists, dehydration affects your vascular health and may even cause strokes. Fortunately, sufficient potassium intake can prevent dehydration and hence reduce the risk of strokes. ACV contains potassium in just the right amount to keep your electrolyte balance steady and to avoid dehydration.

3. Sodium for fluid balance

Sodium works together with potassium to maintain water balance in your body. When consumed in moderation, sodium can actually help to prevent high blood pressure.

4. Iron for providing cells with oxygen

Our body cells need oxygen to stay healthy and carry out their functions. Iron is the main component of haemoglobin, which carries oxygen to all parts of your body. Without iron, there won’t be sufficient haemoglobin in your blood, and your cells will be oxygen-starved. So consume LivEasy Wellness Apple Cider Vinegar With Mother because it is loaded with iron.

Apple cider vinegar might be used as a hair rinse to enhance shine and smoothness. It is believed that vinegar’s acidity may make it suitable for use on hair to improve its condition or look. It may enhance the skin and be used as an acne solution and skin toner.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

5. Calcium for strong bones and teeth

ACV can give your body a calcium boost. Without enough calcium, your body starts extracting calcium from your bones and teeth, which makes them weak and brittle. But with regular calcium intake, you can prevent osteoporosis, arthritis, and teeth disorders.

Also Read: Black Diamond Apple: Unearthing the Research-Based Health Benefits

6. Pectin for your heart

Pectin is a soluble fibre that is essential for good heart health. It can help to lower triglyceride and high cholesterol levels. Pectin can also help manage diabetes and help people with gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.

With regular exercise and apple cider vinegar, you can keep your body weight steady. So start consuming LivEasy Wellness Apple Cider Vinegar With Mother every day to welcome a strong and healthy body. It’s never too late, you can put yourself in a position to live a healthier, longer life.  


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