Insulin Post Prandial (PP) Test
Booked 142 timesAlso known as:
Insulin Postprandial Test, Insulin Postmeal Test, Glucose Postprandial Test, Fasting Insulin Test
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As the name suggests, the Insulin PP Test measures the amount of insulin in your bloodstream 2 hours after a meal. Insulin moves glucose from your bloodstream into the cells. Glucose comes from the food you eat and drink. It is also the main source of energy for your body.
The glucose levels in the body are maintained by insulin. Abnormal glucose levels can cause a lot of health problems. It can also lead to chronic illnesses. If the glucose levels are not normal, it is known either as:
- Hyperglycemia: In this condition, the blood glucose levels are too high because your body is not able to make enough insulin. A lack of insulin prevents the body from transporting glucose to the cells. It stays in the bloodstream and builds up.
- Hypoglycemia: It is a condition where blood sugar levels are too low. In this case, the body secretes an excess of insulin and sends it to the blood. So, a considerable quantity of glucose goes into your cells and only a little is left in the bloodstream.
Diabetes is the major cause of abnormal glucose levels. There are two types of diabetes:
- Type 1 Diabetes: In Type 1 diabetes, your body makes little or no insulin at all. This can lead to hyperglycemia.
- Type 2 Diabetes: In Type 2 diabetes, your body makes insulin, but the cells in the body do not respond appropriately to it. Thus, they cannot take up an adequate amount of glucose from the blood and this is known as insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance is a situation that often develops before Type 2 diabetes. In the beginning, insulin resistance causes the body to make extra insulin to make up for the scarcity of the hormone. Thus, the extra insulin can lead to hypoglycemia.
However, insulin resistance is a condition that can get worse over time. Also, it can affect your body’s ability to make insulin. So, when the insulin level drops, blood sugar levels increase. If the levels don’t go back to normal, you get Type 2 diabetes.
The Insulin PP test measures and evaluates the insulin production by the beta cells in the pancreas. It further helps to determine the cause of low blood sugar levels or high blood sugar levels in the body as well. It will also help the doctor to understand whether a Type 2 diabetic patient needs extra insulin or not.
A doctor will ask for Insulin PP test results if you show signs of sweating, confusion, hunger, dizziness, blurred vision, fainting and palpitations. Other symptoms include extreme hunger, trembling and irregular heartbeat. The Insulin PP test helps with the diagnosis of high blood sugar levels or low blood sugar levels.
Diabetes is a condition that is very common in all parts of India. Some people have diabetes due to genetic disorders. A majority of the affected population has Type 2 diabetes due to stress and an unhealthy lifestyle. People living in metro cities with no work-life balance often face health issues associated with insulin.
Other names of Insulin PP Test
- Insulin Serum Test
- Glucose Tolerance Test
- Insulin Postprandial Test
- Glucose Postprandial Test
What does the Insulin PP Blood test detect or measure and who is it prescribed for?
The Insulin PP Profile test measures the insulin levels in the blood after two hours of having a meal. It also checks whether a person has diabetes or not. If a person has diabetes, it means that the body is not able to produce adequate amounts of insulin to keep the glucose in check. This can lead to high sugar levels, which can lead to damage to the eyes or nerves.
The Insulin PP Profile test also tells how the body reacts to sugar and starch after a meal.
Abnormal glucose levels present with the following symptoms:
- Trembling
- Sweating
- Irregular heartbeat
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Extreme hunger
- Blurred vision
- Fainting
Some disease conditions for which the Insulin PP test is done are:
- Suspected Insulinoma
- Insulin resistance
- To determine insulin therapy if you are a diabetic
- Heart disease
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Following a diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an Insulin PP Blood test every month or three months.
The normal insulin PP levels range from 5.00 uU/mL to 55.00 uU/mL for men and women. Insulin levels that are not in this range are abnormal.
Test Result Interpretation
If the Insulin PP test results are higher than normal, then you might have:
- Insulin resistance
- Type 2 diabetes
- Insulinoma or pancreatic tumour
- Hypoglycemia
- Cushing's Syndrome is a disorder of the adrenal glands, which produce hormones to help the body break down fats and proteins
If the Insulin PP test results are low, then they are indicative of:
- Hyperglycemia
- Pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas
- Type 1 diabetes
If your Insulin PP test results are higher or lower, you should undergo treatment immediately.
Sample Type
The results of an Insulin PPprofile test are based on the analysis of a blood sample. The test is carried out with a single blood sample.
Test Preparation
The Insulin PP test is a blood test that requires you to fast. You might have to stop eating or drinking for eight hours then take a meal and blood is collected 2 hours after the meal However, you can drink water.
The usual way to collect a sample is by drawing blood from your veins with a syringe. It is typically the most prominent vein of the forearm. The entire procedure lasts for 5 minutes. Your arm might feel a little sore after the Insulin PP test procedure, but you will be able to resume your daily activities immediately.
Test Inclusions: What parameters are included?
The Insulin PP Blood test is carried out to determine the following under the following conditions:
- Cause of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar
- Monitor the condition of Type 2 diabetes
- If there is a tumour in the pancreas, known as insulinoma. If the tumour is removed, then the test is done to see whether the surgery was successful.
- Diagnose and monitor insulin resistance
The parameter that is covered in this test is Insulin PP. Sometimes, the Insulin PP Profile test is carried out to diagnose and monitor Type 1 diabetes as well. The result of the Insulin PP test is not expressed as positive or negative. The value is higher or lower, which further determines a certain type of diabetes and condition in the body.
How frequently should you take this test?
An Insulin PP test helps with the diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance. If the result of the Insulin PP profile test confirms a diagnosis, appropriate medication should be taken. The test has to be repeated every month so that the doctor can monitor the insulin levels in your bloodstream.
Also, it helps the doctor to understand the effectiveness of your ongoing treatment. Once your insulin levels stabilise, the doctor might ask you to take the Insulin PP test every three months.
Risk Assessment
Type 2 diabetes, Insulin resistance, Insulinoma, Hypoglycemia
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the normal range of Insulin PP?
The normal range of Insulin PP levels is between 5.00 uU/mL and 55.00 uU/mL.
What does high Insulin PP mean?
High Insulin PP is also known as Hyperinsulinemia. It means that the amount of insulin levels in your blood is higher than usual. This condition is often known as Type 2 diabetes. High Insulin PP is often caused because of insulin resistance in your body. It is a condition in which your body does not respond well to insulin and thus, your pancreas produces more insulin to compensate. The condition results when the pancreas is no longer able to compensate and secrete the large amounts of insulin required to keep the blood sugar levels at normal.
What is a postprandial insulin level?
Postprandial insulin levels refer to the amount of sugar in the blood after two hours of having food. After a meal, the body should digest the glucose and transfer it to the cells through the bloodstream. Hence, the postprandial insulin level should be normal, not higher or lower.
Is 200 blood sugar normal after eating?
No, this level is not normal. Normal diabetes is below 140 mg/dL. Anything between 140 and 199 mg/dL is known as pre-diabetes. A level of 200 mg/dL or higher after eating suggests diabetes.
Why is 2-hour postprandial glucose higher than 1 hour?
This is because the highest peak blood sugar level starts presenting 1 hour after a meal in the case of carbohydrates. However, after 2 hours, protein begins to break into blood sugar and thus, one may be able to see the food’s effect on the system.