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Prabhakar Vati: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, and more!

By Dr Ashok Pal +2 more


Prabhakar vati is an ancient Ayurvedic formulation which has been used for centuries, mainly to manage hrudroga.1 Hrudroga, a disease of the heart, can be due to damage either in the structure or function of the heart. Prabhakar vati is made from different herbominerals, which might help strengthen the heart; therefore, it might be helpful for diseases of the heart.1 This Ayurvedic preparation is now being standardised and commercialised too.

Did you know?

prabhakar vati

  • Prabhakar Vati has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial for arthritis patients. source: ncbi
  • Prabhakar Vati has been found to be effective in managing anxiety and stress-related disorders. source: ncbi
  • Studies have shown that Prabhakar Vati can help in improving liver function and reducing liver diseases. source: ncbi

Constituents of Prabhakar Vati: 

The ingredients used in the preparation of prabhakar vati are as follows: 

Ingredient  Parts used 
Swarna mahkshika bhasma 1 part  
Loha bhasma 1 part 
Shilajatu 1 part  
Abhrak bhasma  1 part 
Arjuna swarasa QS (Quantity Sufficit)1 

Based on my knowledge and experience, I have observed that Abhraka bhasma, a component of Prabhakar vati, may have potential benefits in managing exertional dyspnea. It is believed to work by improving lung function and enhancing respiratory capacity, which can help alleviate breathing difficulties during physical exertion.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Swarna mahkshika bhasma: It is a mineral containing copper, iron and sulphur. It is also known as chalcopyrite or copper pyrite. Swarna mahshika is the most abundant copper-containing mineral and has been used in Ayurveda for a long time to manage various diseases.2

Loha Bhasma: It is majorly an iron-containing, complex Ayurvedic preparation. It is a mineral and herb-containing preparation. It may help in promoting the growth of blood cells in the body.3

Shilajatu: It is a water-soluble, resin-type of material that flows from the rocks of the Himalayas during summers. It may have helpful properties; therefore, it is used in Ayurveda in combination with various other medicinal components. It is blackish-brown in colour.4

Abhrak bhasma: It is nothing but mica, i.e. biotite. Abhrak bhasma is an ash form of mica. It is basically a herbomineral preparation used in Ayurveda for many diseases. It is of different types based on colour, reaction to heat, etc.5

Arjuna swarasa: Arjuna is the common name of a tree which has been utilised for its medicinal properties for centuries. It might be mainly helpful for heart diseases but may also be helpful for many other disorders as well. Swarasa means juice, thus implying that the juice of Arjuna is utilised in prabhakar vati.6

Over the years, I have found that Loha bhasma, which is present in Prabhakar vati, may be beneficial in managing Shwasa (respiratory disorder) associated with Hrudvyatha (chest pain), Plihavrudhhi (enlargement of the spleen), Yakrutavruddhi (enlargement of the liver), and Sarvanga shopha (generalized swelling). The mechanism of action for this is believed to be through the properties of Loha bhasma, which may help in reducing inflammation, improving respiratory function, and addressing the underlying causes of these associated conditions.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Properties of Prabhakar Vati:

Prabhakar vati might have the properties of its constituent; therefore, it might have the following properties:

  • It might help in heart muscle strengthening1
  • It might act as an anti-hypertensive (helps in controlling high blood pressure) agent 7
  • It may be a haematinic (increases the production of red blood cells in the body)3

Potential uses of Prabhakar Vati:

Potential uses of prabhakar vati as follows:

Potential use of prabhakar vati for heart diseases:

Heart failure (also known as congestive cardiac failure) is a condition in which ventricles (chambers of the heart) are unable to pump blood to body parts. Prabhakar vati is a considerable choice for Ayurvedic physicians in such a condition. This is due to the fact that its constituents might help address the various problems due to which the heart is unable to perform its function by potentially strengthening it and reducing the load, and it might provide relief from common symptoms (like breathlessness, irregular pulse etc.). The components of prabhakar vati might be individually used to deal with various heart-related discomforts; therefore, together, they might act as a potent drug for certain heart conditions.1 However, more research is required to prove such claims. Moreover, diseases of the heart must be properly diagnosed and treated by a doctor. So, kindly consult a doctor.

Potential use of prabhakar vati for high blood pressure:

High blood pressure is a known risk factor for heart diseases and increases the chances of stroke. It can have deadly consequences; therefore, constant care and monitoring are required. Among the various measures that need to be taken for this condition, prabhakar vati has also been recommended by the National Health Portal of India.7 However, more research is required to prove its potential effects. Conditions such as high blood pressure must be diagnosed and treated by a doctor, thereby, kindly consult a doctor.

Also Read: 6 Effective Home Remedies For High Blood Pressure

Potential use of prabhakar vati for anaemia:

Anaemia is a condition caused due to reduced blood or haemoglobin (a protein) in cells of the blood. One of the constituents of prabhakar vati, loha bhasma, may help with the irregular beating of the heart, which is caused by anaemia.1 Loha bhasma may act as a haematinic agent and might  stimulate the production of blood cells or haemoglobin. Thus, it may help counter the main causative factor of anaemia.3 However, more research is required to ascertain such potential actions. Kindly consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate.

Potential use of prabhakar vati for nerves:

Prabhakar vati has abhraka bhasma, which might be good for nerves. It was found in studies that it has a potential use for the nerves and might be helpful for strengthening and rehabilitating the tissue. It might help in healing the nervous tissue that is impaired.5 However, more research is required to prove such claims. Please consult a doctor and do not self-medicate.

Other Potential uses of prabhakar vati:

Prabhakar vati contains iron as it contains lauha bhasma. Thus, prabhakar vati might help enhance the strength of an individual and may make them feel energetic. It may also be helpful in enhancing vitality. It may also have anti-ageing properties.3 However, more research is required to prove such claims. Kindly consult a doctor.

Though there are studies that show the potential uses of prabhakar vati in various conditions, but these are insufficient and there is a need of further studies to establish the true extent of benefits of prabhakar vati on human health. 

How to Use Prabhakar Vati? 

Prabhakar vati is available in the form of tablets. They are small, brown-coloured tablets and are being produced commercially. However, they are not over-the-counter drugs, and a physician should be consulted before taking them. Your Ayurvedic physician will prescribe you the form and dosage as per your health condition.

You must consult a qualified doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor.

Side Effects of Prabhakar Vati: 

Side effects of prabhakar vati have not been reported yet in any major study. More research is required to ascertain its side effects. However, it may cause reaction/effects in certain individuals as each body reacts differently to different substances. If you notice any reaction, bring it to your Ayurvedic doctor’s attention immediately, as they will be better equipped to manage such situations.

Also Read: Shilajit: Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Precautions to Take With Prabhakar Vati:  

A few general points are always to be kept in mind. Special care must be taken while giving this formulation to:

  • Pregnant women
  • Lactating mothers
  • Children
  • Older individuals

Do not self-medicate, it should not be taken without a doctor’s recommendation.

Also Read: Chandraprabha Vati (Chandraprabha Gulika): Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, Precautions & More!

Interactions With Other Drugs:

There is insufficient evidence to state that there are no adverse reactions at all; more studies are required in this area. So, it is wise to take your doctor’s advice on the method of use and dosage of prabhakar vati. Kindly do not self-medicate. Please ensure that you disclose all the medications being used to your doctor so that they can have a clear picture about your complete health condition. 

Also Read: Neem: Uses, Benefits & Side Effects

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Is prabhakar vati a herbal medicine?

Prabhakar vati is an Ayurvedic formulation made up of different herbominerals. It is made using ingredients that are found in nature and contains various mineral constituents. It might be mainly helpful for diseases of the heart.1 However, more studies on it are required.

Does prabhakar vati cure joint pains?

No. There are no reports of prabhakar vati being used to cure joint pains or joint problems.

Can prabhakar vati cure heart diseases?

Prabhakar vati might be helpful for certain diseases of the heart. It might help strengthen the valves of the heart and may help it to pump blood to the body efficiently.1 However, more studies are required to prove such claims. A doctor must be consulted for proper diagnosis and treatment of serious conditions such as diseases of the heart.

Is prabhakar vati good for the eyes?

No. Prabhakar vati is not reported to be beneficial for the eyes. There isn’t enough evidence regarding the use of prabhakar vati for eyes.

How many tablets of prabhakar vati am I supposed to use daily?

The daily dosage of prabhakar vati and its method of use will be prescribed by your doctor. Kindly refer to your Ayurvedic doctor’s prescription as it is customised for your health.

Can prabhakar vati be taken by pregnant women?

The evidence is not enough to establish the safety of prabhakar vati during pregnancy. It is best to consult your Ayurvedic physician in such matters.

Is prabhakar vati safe to use by patients with high blood pressure?

Prabhakar vati might help with high blood pressure. It is one of the formulations recommended by the National Health Portal of India for lowering elevated blood pressure.8 However, more research is required to prove its possible effects. Moreover, conditions such as high blood pressure must be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.

Is prabhakar vati useful for asthma?

There have been no reports claiming the beneficial effects of prabhakar vati in patients with asthma. However, it might be helpful for breathlessness caused due to problems related to the heart.1 However, more research is required to ascertain such claims.

Also Read: Effective Home Remedies for Red Eyes

Also Read: Brahmi: Uses, Benefits & Side Effects


1. Patil P, Shetti U, Maharashtra J. INTERNATIONAL ACTION OF PRABHAKARA VATI AND HRUDAYARNAVA RASA IN CARDIAC. Available from: http://www.iamj.in/prposts/2018/images/upload/1144_1147.pdf 

2. Carism M, Tamilnadu T. ISSN 2230 – 8407 Review Article A REVIEW ON SWARNA MAKSHIKA Devanathan R *. 2011;2(9):1–5. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/286733079_A_review_on_swarna_makshika 

3. Joshi N, Dash M, Dwivedi L, Khilnani G. Toxicity study of Lauha Bhasma (calcined iron) in albino rats. Anc Sci Life [Internet]. 2016;35(3):159. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4850776/ 

4. Chaudhary SP, Singh AK, Al J, Al A, Al J, Hospital S, et al. A review of shilajatu based on samhitha and nighantus A review of shilajatu based on samhitha and nighantus. 2016;(December):2–7.  

5. Reddy PS, Beena MD. International Journal of Ayurveda AYURVEDIC APPROACH. Int J Ayurveda Pharma Res [Internet]. 2018;6(4):17–21. Available from: https://ijapr.in/index.php/ijapr/article/view/1240 

6. Mehul M, Krunal D. Therapeutic Importance of Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna W. & a.) in Ayurveda-a Classical Review. Int J Appl Ayurved Res [Internet]. 2016;2(10):1371–85. Available from: www.ijaar.in 

7. Vyanabala vaishamya (Hypertension) | National Health Portal of India [Internet]. [cited 2022 Feb 17]. Available from: https://www.nhp.gov.in/Vyanabala-vaishamya-(Hypertension)_mtl 

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