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Gandhak Rasayan: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects By Dr. Rajeev Singh 

By Dr Rajeev Singh +2 more


Gandhak Rasayan is a herbal medicine, known as Moringa ovalifolia in various botanical sources.  The formulations made from Gandhaka are referred to as Gandhaka Kalpas, where Gandhak in English refers to sulfur and Kalpas refers to medicinal preparation. It is used as a rejuvenator in Ayurveda, which promotes positive health and immunity. The increase in immunity helps the human body to resist various diseases. This property of Gandhak Rasayan also makes it a prophylactic agent (an agent that prevents disease) along with a therapeutic agent.  

According to ancient scholars, it is known as “Balivas”, as the king of Bali uses this very attractive sulfur internally to gain more power. Also, if Gandhak is combined with mercury, it transforms into a substance capable of eliminating diseases, known as murcchita state. Thus, gandhak based preparation has widespread clinical use and therefore, holds an important place in ayurvedic pharmaceutics 1-3 

gandhak rasayan benefits

You can also read about Moringa benefits

Nutritional Value of Gandhak Rasayan

  • Gandhak – Purified Sulphur: 1.5kg
  • Godugha (Cow Milk): 18 L
  • Twak (Cinnamon) (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum): 2 Kg
  • Ela (Cardamom): 2 Kg
  • Patra (Cinnamomum Tamala): 2 Kg
  • Nagkeshara (Mesua Forrea): 2 Kg
  • Guduchi (Tinospora Cardifoloa – Stem): 4.8 Kg
  • Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula – Fruit Rind): 2.4 Kg
  • Amalaka (Emblica Officinalis): 2.4 Kg
  • Vibhitaki (Terminalia Bellerica): 2.4 Kg
  • Shunto (Ginger Zingiber Officinalis – Rhizome): 2.4 Kg
  • Bhringaraja (Eclipta Alba): 4.8 Kg
  • Sita (Sugar syrup): 1.025 Kg

I recently read an article which says the use of Gandhak Rasayana may aid in relieving the symptoms of arthritis. Gandhak Rasayana is known for its rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory properties.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Properties of Gandhak Rasayan

The properties of Gandhak Rasayan are: 

  • It might stimulate hunger. 
  • It might help in reducing the redness or itching of the skin. 
  • It might help in managing the lungs. 
  • It might help in reducing the swelling of joints. 
  • It might help in relieving pain. 
  • It might help manage blood glucose levels. 
  • It might also help with allergies. 
  • It might help in repairing tissues. 
  • It may also help in restoring energy. 
  • It might help in improving digestion. 
  • It might help in managing the pain resulting from surgery. 1,2,5 

Potential Uses of Gandhak Rasayan for Overall Health

Gandhak Rasayan vati (tablet) and Gandhak Rasayan powder possess various health benefits. Some of its potential benefits are: 

Potential Uses of Gandhak Rasayan for Eczema

Clinical trials conducted by Sachin et al., 2017 to investigate the role of Gandhak Rasayan vati in Shushka Vicharchika (Eczema) exhibited good clinical improvement in terms of relieving individual symptoms as well as reducing the severity of the disease. Significant reduction in Daha, Kandu (itching), Ruja (sickness), and Sparshasahatva (burning sensation) was observed. Thus, it might be an effective solution for eczema.6 

Potential Uses of Gandhak Rasayan as an Antimicrobial Agent

Gandhak Rasayan is considered a wide-spectrum antimicrobial agent with anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.  Various physicians recommend Gandhak Rasayan vati for the treatment of fungal or viral infection because of its bigger zone of inhibition with fewer side effects and comparatively low cost. The clinical efficacy of Gandhak Rasayan in non-infective post-operative cases was assessed by Kadam et al., 2022. This study revealed that various microorganisms that presented resistance to certain tested antibiotics showed good susceptibility to the Gandhak Rasayan. Therefore, Gandhak Rasayan is a versatile ayurvedic medicine that has a wide range of health-benefiting effects.2 

Potential Uses of Gandhak Rasayan in Infections

In a case study, the patient suffering from kushta (Tinea corporis) was treated with Gandhaka Rasayan along with exterior and interior applications of a combination of various oils and vati for 14 days. It has antifungal and antibacterial qualities. It mostly influences Rakta Dhatu and results in Rakta shodhan (purification of blood). Due to its antifungal qualities, it aids in decreasing infection. Additionally, it functions as a rasayan and aids in digestion and skin complexion improvement. Skin problems are treated with sulfur both orally and topically.5 

Potential Uses of Gandhak Rasayan in Vulvitis

Vulvitis is the inflammation of the vulva (soft folds of skin outside the vagina) which can result either from injuries, infection, allergy, or irritants. Verma and his colleague, 2021 evaluated the efficacy of Gandhak Rasayan lotion mixed with Gomutra arka, suddha Tankan in an effective and palatable management of vulvitis.  It was advised to apply lotion on the affected area after the bath for 10 minutes and wash with lukewarm Triphala. The treatment was continued for 15 days in two consecutive months. The results demonstrate a little reduction in the primary vulvitis symptoms and the patches of redness or swelling caused by vulvitis also effectively faded after therapy. Thus, concluding that Gandhak Rasayan may have some potential in the management of vulvitis.7 

Potential Uses of Gandhak Rasayan for Ulcerative Skin Lesions

Gandhak Rasayan may also help in patients with complications such as ulcerative skin lesions over the legs, hands, and back. A similar case was treated with Gandhak Rasayan tablet (125mg), BD for 15 days, by Dr Dhodapkar in 2018. Patient with discharge and pruritis along with pedal oedema and ulcerative skin lesions. Gandhak Rasayan was prescribed for the reduction of infection and healing of skin lesions. It showed a significant reduction in oedema and partial healing of skin lesions in around 15 days.8 

Other Potential Uses of Gandhak Rasayan Include

  • It may also be used for processing mercury for preparing mercury-based formulations. 
  • It may have potential benefits in managing diabetes by regulating insulin secretion which helps in glucose metabolism. 
  • Gandhak rasayan is also a potential rejuvenator, which can help in restoring energy by decreasing fatigue. 
  • It may also help in removing phlegm (Kaphaghna kledaghna) due to its katukashay properties.1,2,6 

Though there are studies that show the benefits of the herb in various conditions, these are insufficient and there is a need for further studies to establish the true extent of the benefits of Gandhak Rasayan on human health.  

How to Use Gandhak Rasayan?

Gandhak Rasayan is used in tablet form for the management and potential treatment of various diseases.8 It may also be used in the form of topical agents like lotions mixed with other herbal medicines to treat skin disorders.7 Gandhak Rasayan is also used as a powder with different herbal juices.2   

You must consult a qualified doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor.   

Side Effects of Gandhak Rasayan

The most common Gandhak Rasayan side effects are loose stools, upset stomach, abdominal cramps, and bloating.2 The histopathological analysis of rat models administered with repeated doses of Gandhak Rasayan showed mild hemorrhage in the Kidneys of rats along with mild fatty liver.1 

In my experience, Gandhak Rasayana may be used to delay the premature greying of hair. Gandhak Rasayana has a proven rejuvenator property.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Precautions to Take with Gandhak Rasayan

Since there is insufficient information available on the safety and efficacy of Gandhak Rasayan during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is best to avoid this rasayan in these groups.2  

Interactions with Other Drugs

Though there is no information on the interaction of gandhak rasayan with other drugs, some medications should never be combined.  If you’re using any other prescription or nonprescription (over-the-counter [OTC]) medication, consult your doctor before taking it. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the side effects of Gandhak Rasayan? 

The side effects of Gandhak Rasayan include loose stool, abdominal cramps, upset stomach, and bloating. Fatty liver and kidney hemorrhage are also some other side effects reported in preclinical studies. 

What are the benefits of Gandhak Rasayan? 

Gandhak Rasayan may help in relieving pain, managing diabetes, respiratory and skin disorders along treating allergies. It may also act as an appetizer and rejuvenator. Gandhak Rasayan may also help in building immunity and positive health. 

Is Gandhak Rasayan safe during pregnancy? 

It is mostly advised to avoid Gandhak Rasayan during pregnancy and lactation. One should always consult a medical health practitioner before taking any herbal drugs. 

What does Gandhak Rasayan consist of? 

Gandhak Rasayan consists of sulfur, cow milk, cinnamon, amala, cardamom, patra, guduchi, vibhitaki, haritaki, shunto, and bringharaj along with sugar and water. 

What are the available forms of Gandhak Rasayan? 

It is available as Gandhak Rasayan powder, which can be formulated as Gandhak Rasayan vati (tablet) and as a topical lotion for skin disorders.  

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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  1. Mundugaru R, Ballal SR, Bhat S, Basavaiah R. Chronic toxicity studies of gandhaka rasayan-A herbo-mineral preparation used in Ayurvedic practice. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. 2021 Oct 1;12(4):673-81. Available from:
  1. Kadam RV, Tajane SG. A clinical study of gandhak rasayan and triphala mashi with reference to anti-microbial agents. Available from:  
  1. Gandhaka, Gamdhaka: 20 definitions,Wisdom library. [Internet] Last updated: 31 December, 2022. [Cited: 2023 Jan 17] Available from:  
  1. M.V.R.Wijayanthamala, Sanjay Kumar, Sarvesh Kumar Sing, B.R. Meena. Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Gandhaka Rasayan. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2016;4(7):78-88. Available  form:   
  1. Chavhan MH, Wajpeyi SM. Management of Dadru Kushta (Tinea corporis) through Ayurveda–A Case Study. International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine. 2020;11:120-23. Available from:  
  1. Sachin PK, Dattatray PV, Madhav PS. Role of Gandhak Rasayan in Shushka Vicharchika (eczema). AYUSHDHARA. 2016;4(3):1207-10.Available from:  
  1. Anjali AV. A Pilot Study on Ayurveda Management of Vulvitis. Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine (JAHM). 2021 Sep 4;9(4). Available from:
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