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Niacinamide Benefits: Unraveling the Research-Based Skin Benefits  

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3 that offers numerous potential benefits for the skin and overall health. 
  • Potential benefits include anti-inflammatory properties, reduced acne breakouts, minimising pores and fine lines, and improving skin tone. 
  • In some cases, niacinamide is proposed to help avoid melanoma and has applications in managing chronic kidney disease and type 1 diabetes. 
  • It can be used topically through skincare products and supplements for more targeted benefits. 
  • Side effects from niacinamide are generally mild and uncommon; however, precautions should still be taken in certain individuals. 


Niacinamide has been causing quite a stir in the beauty industry. This is largely due to its many potential benefits backed by scientific studies. These benefits may cater to a variety of skin types and problems.  

In this article, we will try to understand how niacinamide works, its potential benefits and uses, and its side effects. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

niacinamide benefits

Did you know?

Everything About Niacinamide 

In the section below we will discuss the  chemical structure, features, and sources of niacinamide. We will also discuss how niacinamide differs from niacin and about its natural and artificial origins. 

Niacinamide vs. Niacin 

 Both are types of vitamin B3 that play a huge role in body functions. But they are not the same. They differ in structure and how they work in the body. In the body  extra niacin is changed to niacinamide. However, bear in mind that they are not the same and can’t be interchanged. 

What is Niacinamide? 

Also known as nicotinamide, niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3 that dissolves in water. It plays key roles in energy production and cell function. As it can’t be stored in the body, you should consume enough niacinamide each day, either from food or supplements. 

Chemical Structure and Characteristics 

Niacinamide’s chemical structure includes a pyridine ring with an amide group attached to its nitrogen atom. This special design is critical for its role in cell processes, like DNA repair, anti-inflammatory responses, and protection against oxidative stress. 

Natural and Synthetic Sources of Niacinamide 

The body can make niacinamide from the tryptophan in the food or from extra niacin. Natural sources of niacinamide include eggs, cereals, green vegetable, beans, fish, and milk. It can also be made in laboratories and added to skincare products and dietary supplements. 

Niacinamide Potential Benefits and Uses 

1. Potential Benefits for Skin Health 

The main reason for niacinamide’s reputation is its many proposed benefits for the skin which are as follows.  

Anti-Inflammatory Properties 

The proposed  anti-inflammatory properties of niacinamide make it a good choice for skincare products aimed at soothing inflamed skin and lessening redness from acne, rosacea, or eczema. 

Reducing Acne and Breakouts 

Niacinamide is said to regulate the oil the skin produces and reduces inflammation. In doing so, it may avoid and manage acne breakouts and improve the skin’s texture. 

Minimising Pores and Fine Lines 

Niacinamide may smooth the skin by reducing the visibility of pores and fine lines over time. This happens as it is said to  boost collagen production and help keep the skin moist. 

Improving Skin Tone and Texture 

Niacinamide plays a vital role in enhancing the skin’s tone and texture. It is proposed to do this by reducing uneven skin colour, lightening dark spots, and promoting an even skin colour. With regular use, products with niacinamide may lead to smoother, brighter skin. 

Strengthening the Skin Barrier 

By helping produce ceramides (a type of fat) and building a stronger skin barrier, niacinamide is proposed to ensure optimal moisture retention. This makes it suitable for people with dry, sensitive skin or conditions like eczema. 

2. Niacinamide and Reducing the Risk of Melanoma 

Alongside its beauty benefits, niacinamide may also help to protect against certain types of skin cancer, such as melanoma. Research shows that oral niacinamide supplements might boost DNA repair in skin damaged by UV rays. This means it may reduce  the risk of melanoma in those at high risk. 

Although studies have shown potential benefits of niacinamide for skin health, further long-term studies are needed to confirm these findings. 

3. Uses in Chronic Kidney Disease 

Niacinamide has been found useful in managing hyperphosphataemia. This is a common problem for people with chronic kidney disease, where there is too much phosphate in the blood. So, this reveals yet another potential use of niacinamide for health. More research is warranted with this regard.  

4. Niacinamide and Type 1 Diabetes 

Early research also suggests that niacinamide may be helpful in slowing the progress of type 1 diabetes, as it preserves pancreatic beta-cell function. But, before we can recommend it for this use, we need more thorough research. 

How to Use Niacinamide for Skin? 

To get full skincare benefits from niacinamide, you need to think through a few things. Like how to select, mix, and safely add this flexible ingredient into your daily skincare routine. 

1. Topical Products vs. Supplements 

When it comes to getting niacinamide benefits for your skin, it’s more effective to use topical products like serums, creams, or moisturisers than only relying on diet or supplements. With topical use, niacinamide gets deep into the skin and targets specific skin problems directly. 

2. The Role of Niacinamide in Skincare Product Formulations 

Niacinamide is a popular addition to skincare product formulations. It’s often found in serums and creams, thanks to its broad array of skin-enhancing properties. As a very stable and well-tolerated ingredient, it can be mixed with different active compounds to create formulations for specific skincare needs. 

3. How to Choose a Niacinamide-Based Skincare Product? 

When choosing a niacinamide-based skincare product, look for ones with 5% or less of niacinamide to reduce the risk of irritation. Check the product labels for suitability claims.  Choose the one that matches your skin type or issues. 

4. Combining Niacinamide with Other Skincare Ingredients 

Niacinamide’s flexibility allows it to mix well with other helpful skincare ingredients to get the best results. Ingredients such as copper, folic acid, zinc, hyaluronic acid, or alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) can be mixed with it. A skin expert or a dermatologist can help you create a combination  tailored to your skin issues. 

  • Niacinamide and Retinol 

Combining niacinamide and retinol may boost skin improvements, especially for acne and aging signs. Both ingredients used together may also lessen side effects linked to retinol use, like dry skin or irritation. 

  • The Ideal Order of Skincare Ingredients 

To maximise your skincare products with niacinamide, apply them in the correct order. After cleansing and toning, start with water-based serums (like ones with niacinamide), then oil-based serums or creams. Then, put on a moisturiser to keep the moisture locked. Laslty, apply sunscreen. 

5. Incorporating Niacinamide into Your Skincare Routine 

Adding niacinamide to your skincare routine can be straightforward. Just select suitable products and apply them in the right order. You can use niacinamide safely in the morning and at night. But always do a patch test on the skin before trying new products and watch out for allergic reactions, such as redness or irritation.  

Side Effects and Safety Concerns 

Niacinamide is mostly safe and easy to tolerate. But knowing the possible side effects and taking certain precautions can help make your experience with niacinamide-containing products better. 

1. Possible Side Effects 

Using niacinamide on your skin carries a small risk of side effects. However, if you have allergies already, you might be more prone to an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include redness, itching, or swelling. Always do a patch test before applying a new product to a larger area. 

2. Precautions to Take While Using Niacinamide 

Make sure your products with niacinamide have a concentration of 5% or less. This can lower the chances of skin irritation. If your skin is sensitive, start with a product that has a lower concentration. If you come across any side effects, stop using it and see a healthcare professional. 

3. Interactions with Other Medications or Ingredients 

While niacinamide is mostly safe and works well with many skincare ingredients, looking for advice from a dermatologist or a healthcare professional before mixing it with other medications or products is the safest way to get desired results. 

Results and Expectations 

Being patient and having realistic expectations are key when adding niacinamide into your skincare routine. You may see noticeable improvements between four to eight weeks. This will depend on how consistent you are with your skincare routine and on your skin type. If you don’t see changes within this time, seeking advice from a dermatologist is a good idea to assess your skincare routine and explore other options. 

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Niacinamide offers an outstanding range of benefits for the skin. This makes it a very valuable part of  skincare routine. Thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to improve skin tone, texture, and looks, niacinamide shows itself to be a flexible and potent ingredient. 

However, adding it to your skincare routine needs to be done with care and patience. Bear in mind the possible side effects, follow certain rules, and get advice from skincare professionals when necessary.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Is it safe to use niacinamide daily? 

Yes, in general, you can use niacinamide daily, in skincare products or as oral supplements, if dosed right. But always ask a healthcare professional before you start any new supplement or skincare plan. 

Are there any disadvantages of using niacinamide? 

Possible side effects from niacinamide use are usually mild and infrequent. They may include redness, itching, or irritation. People who already have allergies should test a small area of their skin with products that have niacinamide, before applying them widely to lower the chances of allergic reactions. 

Can I combine niacinamide with vitamin C? 

Even though some sources may claim that mixing niacinamide and vitamin C might make them less effective, newer research backs their compatibility. In fact, putting these two antioxidants together might be even more beneficial in addressing different skin issues. 

What should I avoid mixing with niacinamide? 

Niacinamide usually works well with a range of active skincare ingredients. However, before merging niacinamide with other strong ingredients or medicines, seek advice from a dermatologist or skincare professional to make sure the result is safe. 

Can pregnant or breastfeeding women safely use niacinamide products? 

Niacinamide is considered safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women when used in the right doses. But consult with your healthcare professional before starting to use products or supplements that contain niacinamide in your self-care plan, to make sure you use them safely. 

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