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LivEasy Wellness Multivitamin Gummies: Munch Your Way To Good Health!

By Isha Kukde +2 more

Children need extra care because their growing bodies require special nutrition that we may not always be able to provide. The foundation of good health is built in childhood.   Unless they get the apt nutrition that they need,   they may develop osteoporosis, nutritional deficiency diseases and many illnesses triggered by weak immunity. Even as they grow, one cannot compromise with their health at any stage of life!

So what do you do? There is a simple and delicious way to give your children the right dose of vitamins and minerals needed to stay healthy. Try LivEasy Wellness Multivitamin Gummies. These delicious gummies can prop up immunity, strengthen bones, improve eye health, prevent oxidative stress, stunted growth in children and childhood anemia. LivEasy Wellness Multivitamin Gummies will provide anyone who consumes them with energy. Take LivEasy Wellness Multivitamin Gummies every day for numerous health benefits.

Here is what LivEasy Wellness Multivitamin Gummies can do for your children-

These are the benefits your littles ones can reap if they consume LivEasy Wellness Multivitamin Gummies-

  • Vitamin A for healthy growth

This vitamin speeds up growth in children, keeps the eyes healthy and helps prevent acne break out.

  • Vitamin B12 for healthy blood count

This vitamin is crucial for maintaining the right composition of blood. It promotes RBC creation and keeps nerve cells functioning properly.

  • Vitamin B5 for more energy

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid can help to convert fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into forms that can be used by the body. This provides the body with the strength and energy it needs and also repairs any damaged cells, tissues or muscles.  

  • Vitamins C and E for immunity

Both these vitamins are some of nature’s most powerful antioxidants which means they neutralize free radicals and protect the cells from oxidative stress. When children frequently catch a common cold, develop allergies or contract hay fever, you will know that their immunity is weak. These vitamins can help increase their immune response.

  • Vitamin D for strong bones

Vitamin D helps your child’s body absorb calcium and phosphorus and hence plays a crucial role in strengthening bones and teeth.  

  • Folate for brain development

Growing children need sufficient folate for healthy brain development. Without enough folic acid, there would be stunted spinal development.

  • Sodium for electrolyte balance

This mineral keeps electrolyte levels in balance and promotes overall good health. It can prevent bacterial growth in pores and acne breakout.  

  • Zinc for improved thyroid functioning

This mineral keeps the thyroid gland healthy and helps it to produce the right amount of thyroxine. Zinc is also essential in the functioning of the stomach and intestine and helps prevent indigestion and constipation.

  • Magnesium for complete good health

Magnesium is essential for heart health. Prolonged deficiency can cause high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis. Children need this mineral for healthy teeth and bones as well.

  • Iodine for preventing thyroid problems

Thyroid disorders like hyperthyroidism or hyperthyroidism are triggered when the thyroid gland produces too much or too little of thyroxine. This can cause many health disorders including memory loss and heart problems. Iodine is crucial for the health of a child’s growing thyroid gland.

LivEasy Wellness Multivitamin Gummies are delicious and your kids will love chewing on these. Providing a child with the right doses of vitamins and minerals has never been easier. Get your kids to consume LivEasy Wellness Multivitamin Gummies every day for healthy and speedy growth.


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