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Does The New Unlock Mean We Can Relax COVID Regulations?

We are on the verge of a new unlock. For the last few months, all states of India have been in varying degrees of lockdown in a bid to contain the spread of the devastating Delta COVID variant.

In the next few weeks, the restrictions may be lifted and once again we will be able to resume certain activities that were part of our lives during the pre-COVID days. 

While the new unlock will definitely be an economic boon for lakhs of people, it also holds the potential to send us spiralling back into another COVID health crisis. 

Unlock is not an invitation to be hedonistic

With the unlocking approaching, many people have already started making holiday plans. It is understandable why they would want a vacation but it is foolhardy to immediately rush to the hills or the seaside. 

If thousands of people have decided to take a trip, it is quite likely that all the popular vacation spots would be teeming with people. Crowds are still dangerous and must be avoided at all costs. 

There is increasing realisation that removing COVID-19 restrictions is not about returning to the pre pandemic normal but about gradually and cautiously transitioning to a new normal, while being ready to reimpose measures if, and when, necessary.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Why are crowds dangerous?

For starters, the entire Indian population has not yet been vaccinated. You may have received one or even two doses of the vaccine or recovered from it but you can still be a carrier of COVID. It may not affect you that bad but you can pass it on to others.

Similarly, there is insufficient data on how long the vaccines are effective. We also don’t know exactly how long COVID antibodies produced when one is diagnosed with COVID and last in their bloodstream.

At this time, any carelessness can put you, your loved ones and countless other people at risk.

If you want to know how immune you are to COVID, you can opt for an immunity test such as the COVID Antibody test or the COVID Spike S1 Antibody test.

Herd immunity against COVID-19 should be achieved by protecting people through vaccination, not by exposing them to the pathogen that causes the disease, complete vaccination is still an excellent strategy in the fight against COVID-19.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

New variants on the rise

After the Delta variant wreaked havoc in India, we have already heard of two new variants. 

The Delta Plus variant has already been detected in India. Some scientists are of the opinion it may trigger the third wave.

Another variant that experts are monitoring is the Lambda variant. It hasn’t yet made its way to India but with the resumption of flights, it might reach Indian shores.

The delta variant is by far the most dangerous COVID mutation. There are no unanimous opinions on how effective our vaccines are against it. 

It is not yet time for us to celebrate because COVID has not yet been conquered. According to some reports, the third COVID wave may arrive around November 2021. That means we cannot throw caution to the wind. 

Here are a few safety measures to keep yourself and the country free from the clutches of COVID:

The threat is far from gone. We cannot yet resume the lifestyle we were used to before COVID struck. Only through unity and the COVID protocol can we finally banish COVID for good. 

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Delta Plus Variant Of Coronavirus – Why Is It The Worst Variant Till Date?


With a steep drop in the number of Coronavirus cases across India, people have started to feel that the tragedy is finally over. But unfortunately, when we have started going out again, a new variant of the virus – Delta Plus – has emerged, posing a bigger threat to mankind.

The Delta Plus variant is the mutated version of the Delta variant, which was already spreading across India.  

How Much Has It Spread?

So far, India has recorded 49 cases of Delta+ variant across 12 states of the country. Maharashtra is once again the worst-hit state with the maximum number of cases. Notably, the Delta Plus variant has already broken into 85 countries across the world and is one of the biggest reasons behind the surge in infection in South Africa.

Why Should We Worry About the Delta Plus Variant?

The Delta+ variant, also referred to as AY.1 is about 60% more contagious than the previous version – the Delta variant. It is more dangerous for the lungs of the patients as it binds even more easily with the lung cells.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has confirmed that there have been two graded mutations in the Delta variant, which already was the most dominant strain of coronavirus in India till date.

ICMR has also stated that these mutations have increased the transmission capability of the variant and now it will spread from one person to another even more quickly. These mutations have also made it much easier for the virus to get into the cells of a patient.

The biggest reason to be worried is that the experts of epidemiology and communicable diseases have claimed Delta Plus to be the most dangerous mutation of coronavirus till now.

How to Trace the Delta Plus Variant?

The top virologists of the country have confirmed that the Delta Plus variant shows the symptoms of both, the delta variant and beta variant. Have a look at the symptoms:

The delta pus variant may also cause symptoms like nausea, stomach ache and loss of appetite.

How Can We Prevent It?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has already notified the Delta variant of Coronavirus as a cause of concern for the world. WHO has also made it very clear that similar to the previous variants of COVID-19 infection, wearing a mask while going out and following the norms of social distancing are essential to prevent the Delta Plus variant of the virus.

Here are the measures you should take to prevent the Delta Plus variant from infecting you and your loved ones:

The important thing about delta plus variant is, it is 50% more contagious and faster spreading than other variants and it has a propensity for what is called a HYPERLOCAL outbreaks.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

Treatment of Delta Plus Variant

There are no sure-shot ways of treatment to treat Delta Plus variant infection as of yet. Usually, doctors use antibodies to treat this variant too. The best way to ensure the safety of your loved ones and yourself is to get vaccinated. As per the experts, none of the existing treatment courses have been found effective against this variant so far.

Although the delta variant is more contagious and spreads rapidly, it is rarely linked to severe infections in hospitalised patients, you may usually start showing symptoms within 4 days of getting infected with the delta variant of Covid

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology


With the Delta Plus variant spreading its wings across India, we once again find ourselves in an uncomfortable situation where we may have to face another lockdown, shortage of hospital beds, oxygen cylinders, life-saving medications and whatnot. If we really don’t want to repeat that horrible episode we saw about a month ago, we must ensure to follow all the protocols established by the government. Let’s pledge that this time, we would not let any of our loved ones die just because of our careless behaviour.

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Can COVID-19 Vaccines Combat The Newly Emerged Delta Variant?


With the pandemic still rampant across the country, it does appear to us that it may take a long time due to emerging multiples of virus variants. Some of these variants are silent mutations and are not effective, while the others, like the latest COVID Delta variant B.1.617.2, are increasing the severity of the COVID-19 spread in India. Scientists say that the sudden surge in the COVID-19 cases is because of the additional mutations in B.1.617.2 lineage, leading to a Delta plus variant (AY.1).

The COVID Delta variant was first detected in India and is now a Variant of Concern (VoC) for about 85 countries. The Delta variant is the dominant strain in the UK, comprising 91% of the cases. The Delta plus variant is present in 12 countries and so far 50 cases have been identified in 12 Indian states. According to the statement released by the Union Health Ministry, the COVID Delta plus variant has characteristics like increased transmissibility, stronger binding to lung receptors and decreased monoclonal antibody production.  

Although there is a substantial decline in effectiveness, the approved COVID-19 vaccines remain effective against infection and hospitalization due to the Delta variant.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Delta Variant and Vaccine concern

All the experts worldwide are confident that most of the existing vaccines can deal with the new COVID Delta variant. Although it is 60% more transmissible than the alpha variant, they have observed only around 50 cases of the new variant in the last two months. So, experts opine that there is no need to panic but suggest scaling up vaccination drives across the countries as it is the only practical way to combat the Coronavirus. 

Scientists are concerned about the effects because of the mutation on the spike protein of the Delta plus variant. In India, the spread of the COVID Delta variant infection is localised and sporadic. However, it mainly spreads to the unvaccinated populations and it affects the most vulnerable individuals who suffer severe illness and have chronic infections. 

Most of the vaccines developed are active against the alpha strand of the COVID-19 virus. Therefore, the COVID-19 vaccine’s efficacy is a concern for the Delta variant, which has led to the public being apprehensive about getting vaccinated. The effectiveness of vaccines, which was up to 94% for the alpha variants, has been reduced to about 60% – 70% for Delta variants. Moreover, the clinical trials of the Novavax vaccine and Sputnik V vaccine are still in process for the Delta variant.

COVID-19 vaccines give you protection against serious illness caused by the original strain of the virus and the viruses variants that cause COVID-19, many developed across the world are bringing in seasonal flu and covid vaccinations to continue building herd immunity.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

How effective are the existing vaccines against the Delta variant?

The Delta variant is more resistant to existing vaccines than other COVID-19 variants. It is estimated that the Delta variant may present mild illness in people who received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. According to the research data published in Lancet, two weeks after the second dose, the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine – Covishield in India – is showing 60% efficacy against the Delta type while the Pfizer/BioNTech seems to be around 88%.  

The Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines were only 33% effective three weeks after the first dose against the Delta variant. The Covaxin of Bharat BioTech, Sputnik V and Novavax vaccines were also reported to be effective against the Delta variant but it is not known to what extent. Other studies by Public Health England (PHE) suggest that the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine has shown 94% effectiveness after hospital administration of one dose and 96% after the second dose. The Covishield vaccine efficacy was 71% and 92%, respectively.  

Why is it hard to decide the most influential vaccine?

Despite the various COVID-19 vaccines in the market, it takes time to decide the best among them. Efficacy is usually denoted as the percentage reduction of the disease in people who received the vaccination, whereas the effectiveness can be compared after administering different vaccines to the same populations. For instance, Pfizer and AstraZeneca have similar effectiveness and they reliably prevent COVID-19 symptoms, hospitalisation and death even after a single dose. 

Regardless of the statistical figures, the studies and the clinical trials are ongoing to determine the existing COVID-19 vaccine’s efficacy against the COVID Delta variant. Researchers at the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) have cultured the COVID Delta variant and are now testing in the laboratory to check the performance of the COVID-19 vaccines against the Delta variant. Though researchers test a range of doses, schedules and combinations of vaccines, it is sometimes difficult to conclude how long the vaccine-mediated immunity will last. 

It is not simply possible to compare the results alone. In order to rank the vaccines, one must consider their reported effectiveness, supplies and logistics costs, the durability of the protection they offer and their ability to resist emerging viral variants. Nevertheless, the best vaccine is the one you can get immediately. 


The global pandemic is emerging with distinct viral variants of concern. Mutations that alter immunogenicity, virulence and pathogenicity can lead to the new strain. As new strains emerge because of coronavirus mutations, the only reliable measure to stay safe is to get vaccinated and follow COVID appropriate behaviour.

There have been cases in India wherein fully vaccinated individuals were affected by the COVID-19 Delta variant. But the majority of these individuals were able to make full recovery. Therefore, vaccination protects to an extent. 

Getting both shots of the vaccine and maintaining social distancing not only ensures your safety but prevents the creation of new strains through mutation as well.  

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to substitute medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

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Novavax Vaccine – 90.4 % Effective In Phase 3 Clinical Trial, Here’s What You Need To Know!


The COVID-19 pandemic affected a vast number of people all over the world. As a result, various researchers and healthcare companies are working tirelessly to formulate effective vaccines that can immunize human bodies to fight against the virus. 

The demand for vaccines is increasing day by day. Novavax is a biotechnology company based in Gaithersburg, Maryland. It has developed a protein vaccine with its genetically advanced engineering technology that takes a new approach to protect and give immunity against the COVID-19. 

The Novavax vaccine involves a nanoparticle carrier that tricks the immune system to launch a response to fight off the virus from the body. Like the other vaccines, the Novavax vaccine has two doses. However, the time duration between the doses is just 21 days. 

Efficacy of the vaccine  

The Novavax vaccine contains a spike protein formula. The vaccine comprises a part of the genetic sequence of a virus that tricks the body’s immune system to fight against the COVID-19. 

It also contains an essential adjuvant named Novavax Matrix B that increases the number of antibodies in the blood. 

Novavax Inc. conducted clinical trials to determine the efficacy rate, safety and immunogenicity of the Novavax vaccine against the COVID-19. In January 2021, the company first announced the preliminary results of the trials. The vaccine showed promising efficacy during the trials in preventing the original COVID-19 virus and some other virus variants. The data shows the efficacy rate was 96.4% against COVID-19.

On June 14, 2021, the phase 3 clinical trials were completed by Novavax Inc, along with the U.S government, which involved 29,960 participants from different cities of the U.S. and Mexico. The results show the overall efficacy rate of the Novavax vaccine against the COVID-19 was around 90.4%. 

The consistent data of the trial results were positive. They showed that it could also increase the body’s immunity to fight against the other variants of the coronavirus-like COVID delta variant. The vaccine shows good potential results against moderate as well as severe cases of COVID-19. 

The phase 3 clinical trial further showed a significant success rate among high-risk groups like people above 65 years and comorbid patients. However, the vaccine showed a low efficacy rate against the South African variant of the virus with a rate of just 49%.

The future of the Novavax vaccine

As per the recent announcement by Novavax Inc, after completing the phase 3 clinical trials of the vaccine, they are one step closer to meet the global demand for vaccines to fight against the COVID-19. Their Novavax vaccine is ready to be administered to an age group above 18 years. Moreover, the elderly patient with comorbidities is also eligible to take the Novavax vaccine. 

As the U.S government does not yet approve the vaccine, Novavax Inc. is planning to file for emergency authorization in the third quarter of the year. However, the US FDA has suggested they file for full approval, as the emergency condition in the U.S has been controlled and three vaccines are already in use. 

The US FDA has stated that other countries could get access to this vaccine before the U.S. This can prove highly beneficial for developing countries like India and other countries such as South Korea, etc.

Now, Novavax Inc. is testing their vaccine on the age group of 12-18 years. The trial has been conducted for this and around 2248 individuals have already participated in this trial. Novavax Inc. has announced that they will continue to work with a sense of urgency to complete the regulatory submissions and fulfil the demand for vaccines. 

Novavax vaccine in India 

Novavax Inc. agreed with Serum Institute of India Private Limited to manufacture vaccines in India by technology transfer. In India, the vaccine produced by Serum Institute using Novavax vaccine technology is called Covovax.  

As stated by the Serum Institute of India CEO, Mr Adar Poonawalla, the Novavax vaccine has great potential to prevent COVID-19 successfully. Furthermore, given the experience of the development of the malaria vaccine, they believe in the power of Novavax Inc. genetic technology. 

To immunize the Indians with the Novavax vaccine to fight against the COVID-19, both the institutes combined and started conducting a trial in India. 

The data generated by the trials show that this vaccine shows a high efficacy rate in increasing the body’s immunity to fight against COVID-19. 

According to the latest vaccine news in India, The Novavax vaccine, marketed as Covovax in India may be available to the common people from September 2021.


Since the onset of the pandemic, the need for vaccines to address public health has been a significant matter of concern worldwide. As a result, several vaccines have been manufactured till now to fulfil the requirements. 

The Novavax COVID-19 vaccine has shown high vaccine efficacy against the COVID-19 and is ready to address the global need.

Novavax vaccine has completed its phase 3 clinical trial with a consistent high efficacy rate in moderate and severe cases of COVID-19. In addition, the data coming from phase 3 clinical trials have shown success among the high-risk population like elderly people with comorbid conditions. Also, the Novavax vaccine could increase immunity against other variants like the COVID delta variant. The trials to test the Novavax vaccine on children between 12 – 18 years of age have already begun in some countries of the world. 

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Are Pregnant And Lactating Moms Eligible To Take the COVID-19 Vaccine?


From 21st June 2021, the Indian federal government has opened up a free COVID-19 vaccination drive for everyone above 18 years of age. Even though the rules have been specified for all people, a few frequently asked questions ever since the vaccination drive began in March 2021 has been, ”Is there a COVID-19 vaccine for pregnant and lactating women?” ”Are COVID-19 vaccine pregnancy safe?”

The National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (NTAGI), in its notification on 28th May 2021, stated that all lactating mothers are now eligible to get vaccinated. Although the vaccination rules for COVID and lactating moms have been specified, the rules for pregnant women and the answer to ”Are COVID-19 vaccines pregnancy safe?” are still inconclusive. 

Let us understand the safety and rules of the COVID-19 vaccine for pregnant and lactating women.

Can Pregnant Women Take The COVID-19 Vaccine?

Some countries have already begun vaccination for pregnant women. However, due to the availability of limited data, COVID vaccination of pregnant women has not been started in India. Studies and trials to understand the safe use of these vaccines during pregnancy are going on. 

None of the approved vaccines being used in the world contains a live virus, there is no chance that you may get a COVID infection due to a vaccine.

Pregnancy is a very delicate phase for a woman and during this time, ensuring the wellness of the mother and her unborn child is essential. Good care of diet and lifestyle along with all safety precautions for COVID should be followed during pregnancy. Regular follow-ups with your doctor are important. 

However, expecting mothers have not been given any direction to take the COVID-19 vaccine in India due to insufficient data that proves these vaccines are safe for them. Trials to determine the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccines are still underway. We can expect some guidelines on this in the coming future. As per the current guidelines, pregnant women in India should wait till childbirth for their vaccination and take a jab post-delivery after discussing it with the treating doctor.

Lactating Women Are Now Eligible To Take The COVID-19 Vaccine

Apart from pregnant women, another common question that most people had was, ”Can breastfeeding women take the vaccine for COVID-19?”. Concerns about breastfeeding and COVID have been addressed and after some consideration, the NTAGI advised that all women can take the vaccine anytime after their delivery. 

This recommendation came after the studies showed that the vaccine does not impact breast milk flow or supply in any way. In addition, some studies are trying to find out if vaccinated lactating mothers may be able to transmit COVID-19 antibodies to their babies.

All the breastfeeding mothers can now take a Covid vaccine in India.

Breastfeeding And Caring For The Newborn During The Pandemic

Pregnant women and new lactating mothers have been anxious about the safety of their baby and their health. If you are a new mother, here are some precautions that you can take while breastfeeding or taking care of your baby:


Pregnant women and lactating mothers need special attention and care during these challenging times. If you have decided to get vaccinated, discuss and consult with your healthcare provider before taking your jab. Here are some things you must remember:

Also, remember that vaccination does not guarantee 100% immunity against COVID-19. However, it prepares your body with the antibodies required to prevent any severe condition due to the virus, especially when your body is undergoing many changes due to pregnancy, childbirth and lactation.

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How Does Smoking Increase The Risk Of COVID-19?


COVID-19 has turned people’s attention more towards their health. However, there were some aspects like smoking that people were unaware of while taking care of themselves. Some conflicting articles speculated on the smoker’s risk of COVID-19.

In addition, some even highlighted the risk of smoking in this pandemic. Initially, WHO reported that smoking amplifies the risk of contracting COVID-19. However, instead of all these contradictions, the researchers are still busy finding the conclusion to this evidence.

Data from 6,717 suggests that, Adults who received hospital care for COVID-19, researchers found adults who used tobacco or electronic cigarettes were more likely to experience severe complications compared to non-smokers. Based on these data, they found adults who smoked had a 15% greater chance of requiring mechanical ventilation and a 41% greater chance of death compared to non-smokers.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

Smoking and COVID-19

Smoking increases health hazards during the pandemic. There were many warnings by the medical teams about how smoking and COVID-19 are related. But, people considered smoking for coping with the mechanism of stress, pandemic anxiety and the lockdown. They found mental peace in smoking. 

But, many of them were unaware of the fact that smoking increases the risk of COVID-19. As a result, in fear of the COVID-19, many people have quit smoking, while some are still unable to process the fact that it might kill them. 

Health should be the topmost priority for everyone. So, the Indian medical experts were propagating the ill effects of smoking on people’s health. Even teenagers these days are addicted to smoking or vaping. So, it’s essential to understand the smoker’s risk of COVID-19.

It is a significant concern in the country as teenagers fail to understand the dangers associated with smoking. The TCH present in vapes and cigarettes is hazardous and can cause fatal lung disease. 

Read more about Vaping: Meaning, Risks and Truths You Must Know

Risks of Smoking During the Pandemic

Studies show that smokers are more vulnerable to the risk of contracting COVID-19. The Indian Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has issued some dangers of smoking and tobacco usage during the pandemic. Smokers can make 50% more susceptible to the virus than normal people with these risks:

One must understand the grave danger of the points mentioned above to understand the smoker’s risk of COVID-19. 

Tobacco compromises lung function, and COVID-19 primarily affects the lungs, evidence indicates that smokers are more likely to suffer more severe outcomes of COVID-19, such as admission into intensive care units and death, than never-smokers.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S, M.D.  in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

How Were People Able to Quit Their Habit During the Lockdown?

Many of the people got restricted from going out of their houses. This stopped them from buying cigarettes, vapes or any tobacco products. Staying home makes it easier to quit smoking or tobacco.

Lockdowns also improved family support. They may prove to be of tremendous help to help people quit smoking. Family members help them to resist smoking and motivate them to get rid of this habit. Once you understand how smoking and lung functions are related and affect your health, it adds as a motivation to quit and opt for a better life. 

People get adapted to smoking when they find it as a way to escape from reality. But, during the pandemic, these people took mental health support. The support team takes care of their mental health. Thus, people got detached from smoking or consuming tobacco. 

Quit It Easy

Seeking professional help is always a good idea if you want to quit smoking. A psychiatrist can help you develop insight and set realistic goals to help you quit smoking easily. If you are a heavy smoker and unable to quit the habit by motivation alone, your doctor may prescribe you some medicines available in the form of chewable gums and patches for a given period of time and reduce the dose gradually to ease the process of quitting smoke. It is important to be honest with your doctor and continue the follow up and treatment as advised.

Health Hazards Caused by Smoking

  1. People who smoke have a higher chance of losing their eyesight over the age of 65.
  2. People with type-2 diabetes are affected because of smoking. In this case, poor blood flows to the legs and feet that can cause you to lose them.
  3. Male sexual functions get affected due to smoking. For example, it causes erectile dysfunction in them.
  4. Women who smoke can undergo Ectopic pregnancy. This type of pregnancy is a risk to the life of mothers as it can cause them death.
  5. Smokers have a low bone density. As a result, it can cause fractures more often in the body of people.
  6. Smoking has been a cause of colorectal cancer in the intestines. This type of cancer can prove to be fatal. 

Read more about Does Vaping Cause Cancer? Exploring The Health Implications


Smoking has never been a health concern for many people. However, whether it is during the pandemic or not, smoking is always harmful to our health. Smoking not only increases the risks of infection for the smoker but passive smokers as well. Seek social support and stay connected with your family. Talking to people will help you lower the stress and anxiety in your mind.

Quitting smoke has always been a tough job for any person. In this case, it is necessary to set goals as to when to smoke. Keep decreasing the number of cigarettes day by day. Stop looking towards it as the only factor to keep you happy. Instead, look around and get addicted to some of your favourite hobbies. Keeping yourself busy in other activities will divert your mind from smoking and give you the will to be happy by yourself. We must take as many precautionary steps and try our best to avoid an increased risk of infection. 

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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Saline Gargle RT-PCR: The Advanced Strategy To Speed Up COVID-19 Testing


The ICMR or Indian Council of Medical Research has recently granted permission for a COVID-19 self-sampling kit. The newly discovered method is known as Saline Gargle RT-PCR. Saline Gargle RT-PCR allows for the easy collection of samples for the COVID-19 test at home. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, also known as NEERI scientists, developed the Saline Gargle COVID Testing method under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).

It has been estimated that saline Gargle samples can generate results in just three hours! Hence, it is a patient-friendly and quick method to collect samples for the COVID-19 test at home. Since the Saline Gargle RT-PCR test requires no health professional for sample collection, it becomes easy to collect samples in rural and tribal areas. Furthermore, the Saline Gargle COVID-19 test method does not use swabs. This method is non-invasive, easy and convenient. Hence, it is more comfortable for people than nose and throat swab tests. 

The Commonly Used Swab Test

The most common sampling method for COVID-19 is the swab test. The medical professional will extract RNA samples from the nose or throat swab sample. Then the extracted RNA sample is tested for the presence of the COVID-19 virus. The swab test method is expensive because it requires a trained medical professional to collect the swab sample, extract RNA samples for the test. In addition, the swab test requires a timeframe of four hours to generate the COVID-19 test results. Thus, the swab test method takes time.

Furthermore, the swab test uses a swab inserted into the patient’s nose or throat to collect the sample for RT-PCR. It might become uncomfortable for the patients during the collection of samples for the COVID-19 test.  

An Overview of the Saline Gargle RT-PCR COVID-19 Test Method

The Saline Gargle RT-PCR method uses only a saline solution-filled tube. To test oneself for the COVID-19 infection:

Hence, the Saline Gargle RT-PCR method is much less expensive and convenient than the standard nasopharyngeal (nose) and oropharyngeal (throat) swab test done at the COVID testing centres.

Saline gargle RTPCR provides more yield than swab test and is better

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

Advantages of the Saline Test

The advantages of the Saline Gargle RT-PCR COVID Self test kit are as follows:

The easier, cheaper, do it yourself test of using saline gargles for testing for covid is approved by ICMR and gives results within 3 hours.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology


The Saline Gargle RT-PCR COVID testing method is productive concerning its cost. The saline gargle COVID-19 test method can prove beneficial in reducing the burden imposed on COVID-19 testing laboratories. This method can be very useful and desirable for people who did not have quick access to the testing centres, for example, people living in rural and tribal areas.

In addition, the Saline Gargle RT-PCR COVID testing method is also straightforward to do and does not require proper medical knowledge. In addition, the Nagpur Municipal Corporation has granted permission to NEERI to use the saline gargle RT PCR test method.

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Vaccination After COVID-19 Infection: When And Why?

Equal access to effective and safe vaccines is critical to ending the COVID-19 pandemic, so it is encouraging to see a number of vaccines being tested and developed. Countries across the globe are working continuously to develop, manufacture and commercialize effective vaccines. These vaccines are revolutionary tools, but for the foreseeable future, we must continue to wear masks, wash hands frequently, keep rooms well-ventilated, avoid crowds and maintain social distance.

As more and more people have now been declared eligible for vaccination, the question of when and why to take a vaccine after recovering from a COVID-19 infection has grabbed a lot of attention. The need for vaccination after COVID-19 infection is an important issue to be addressed. The strength of immunity after COVID-19 is questionable, making vaccination efficacy a topic of interest among researchers. 

How Do We Develop Antibodies After COVID-19?

After you get a COVID-19 infection, your body prepares to fight the infection. The white blood cells produce antibodies specific to the antigen – a protein presented by the infecting virus. In a person who was vaccinated previously, the immune system recognizes the virus and quickly produces specific antibodies to control the further spread of the COVID-19 virus. In a person who has not been vaccinated previously, the body takes some time to develop an immune response to fight the infection.

You can think of antibodies as soldiers in your body’s defense system. Every antibody or soldier in our system has been trained to recognize a target antigen. 

Government studies have shown that after someone is infected with COVID-19, our body naturally develops a protective mechanism. After being infected with the COVID-19 virus, it may take two to three weeks to form enough antibodies to be detected in an antibody test, so it is important not to test too early. 

Antibodies against COVID-19 can be found in your body for several months following the recovery from COVID-19 or more. However, the strength of this natural immunity was found to be most effective only within eight months after being infected with COVID-19. And the effective range is 5 – 7 months in mild cases of COVID-19. The duration and extent of protection that you expect from these antibodies is still being studied.

The 90-day gap post-recovery from COVID infection optimises your vaccine protection. A longer gap between infection and vaccination is likely to lead to a better immune response and result in longer protection from reinfection.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

Why Do I Need A COVID-19 Vaccine?

There are many types of COVID 19 vaccines that are being developed. Vaccines may carry a virus as dead, attenuated or inactive parts of antigens that can trigger an immune response in the body. The vaccine does not contain an active virus, but it contains some part of the viral protein or genetic material that may be sufficient to trigger an immune response against COVID-19 infection. The vaccine in itself is incapable of causing infection or disease Instead, it makes the immune system as responsive as it did when it first responded to a real COVID-19 virus.

So, it allows your body to form its defence against the virus without actually having to fight it. One to two weeks after vaccination, your body will produce the antibodies needed to fight the virus. Most vaccines are effective above 80% and their immunity lasts for a long period of time. The good news is that your immune cells get trained to fight the infection after vaccination and save this memory. In case of future encounters with COVID-19 infection, the white blood cells multiply rapidly and efficiently produce the specific antibodies based on their memory of the vaccine and stop the spread of infection.  

Do I Still Get Vaccinated After Testing Positive For COVID-19?

Although we have gathered enough information and our country is moving forward with the vaccination campaign, the question of COVID-19 vaccination eligibility remains in public.

The COVID-19 vaccine is safe for most people over the age of 18, including those with any pre-existing disease, including autoimmune diseases, including hypertension, diabetes, asthma, lung disease, liver disease, renal (kidney) diseases and chronic diseases. Make sure to mention your doctor if your immune system is weak, pregnant or breastfeeding or have had a severe episode of allergy in the past.  

Although previous COVID infection leads to the production of antibodies, the vaccine will act as a booster for your body to fight the virus. Whether or not you have been infected with COVID-19 before, the second dose of vaccine is considered very important to achieve good protection against getting severely sick with COVID-19. It has been seen that the antibody level after vaccination is much higher than the antibody level after natural infection. Therefore, vaccination after recovering from COVID-19 is essential for all adults. 

When Should I Take The Vaccine After Testing Positive for COVID-19?

Although the World Health Organization recommends waiting at least six months after contracting COVID-19 infection, Indian doctors believe that a waiting period of 2 – 3 months is sufficient. If you have contracted the virus between the two doses, you can defer your second dose for about 2 to 3 months or as advised by your doctor. Whether you have been infected with COVID-19 or not, vaccination is a must.  


The World Health Organization says that individuals infected with COVID-19 definitely need vaccination. They should be vaccinated 3 months after recovering from COVID-19. Even if you have been infected, ask your doctor for clearance and take a full course of the vaccine, i.e. both the shots. The vaccine will act as a booster to your immune response.

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Covishield And Covaxin: Can The Two Vaccines Be Mixed?


Currently in India, the world’s largest vaccination drive is being carried out. For now, anyone above the age of 18 can be vaccinated under the programme, provided they don’t have an active COVID-19 virus or aren’t allergic to the vaccine. Even lactating mothers are eligible to get inoculated after consultation from a gynaecologist. 

Missed Second Dose: What Happens Next?

According to current virology research, any person needs to get two vaccine dosages for a complete immunity response against the COVID-19 virus. Hence, skipping a dose is not an advisable option.  

However, what happens if a person doesn’t get the second vaccine dosage in the said time frame due to any reason?
The non-availability of the second dose will not affect the immunity received from the first dose. Although it is critical to get the second jab as soon as possible, do not skip taking it if you have surpassed the recommended timeline.

Covishield And Covaxin: Can The Two Be Mixed?

In an interesting case in India, 20 people from Uttar Pradesh’s Siddharthnagar were given two different vaccines as their first and second doses. Their first dose was Covishield, whereas six weeks later, they were given a shot of Covaxin as their second dose.

So far, the people who were given a cocktail of these vaccines have not reported any side effects. However, the incident has begun an inquiry to study the effectiveness of administering two different vaccines on immunity.

The centre is carrying out a multitude of studies to understand whether mixing COVID-19 vaccines is possible. They have highlighted three major reasons to carry out the mixing of COVID-19 vaccines:

Mixing of vaccines is good as research found people produced antibody responses from all three booster vaccines, no matter which vaccine they had originally received. A booster of a different vaccine caused similar or higher antibody responses than a booster of the same vaccine

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

What Other Countries Are Testing The Feasibility Of Mixing Two Different Vaccines Across The World?

India is not the first country to consider ‘mixing ‘ the vaccines for further use. Several countries like the UK, USA and Spain are also testing various combinations of the vaccine.

Oxford University is conducting trials between its Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine and Pfizer vaccine. While some people administered a cocktail of these vaccines reported mild side effects, the majority said none.

The UK, Germany and France have already given the green light for combining the two vaccines in exceptional cases, especially for older populations. More trials to understand the efficacy of the combined vaccines is still underway.

Even a study conducted in Spain, where they vaccinated people with both OxfordAstraZeneca and Pfizer’s BioNTech, reported developing a potent immune response against the COVID-19 virus.

A similar experiment is being conducted in the USA between Moderna’s and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines.

Some experts have reported that combining the vaccines may be necessary if the virus mutates in the long run. Even a booster dose of a different vaccine may be essential if limited immunity has been achieved from two doses of the same vaccine.

Although studies revealed that there were higher immunogenic reactions to the booster of a vaccine than the primary vaccine, these being milder and resolved with paracetamol, this different booster elicited a better immune response and this response improves over time.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Can India Achieve Its Vaccination Targets By Mixing The Vaccines?

The Indian Government has successfully distributed over 23 crore vaccines to all states in India. The centre is planning to procure over 75% of the vaccines directly from the manufacturers and is gearing up to provide free vaccines to everyone over 18.

Dr NK Arora (Chairman of National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation) said that, if found effective, the mixing of both Covishield and Covaxin can boost India’s vaccine drive by several folds.

The feasibility of mixing COVID-19 vaccines could easily amplify India’s administration to 20 – 25 crores per month. It is almost a 50% boost in supply and may help achieve India’s Vaccination target.


The vaccines Covaxin and Covishield have been approved for people over the age of 18. However, given the large number of people residing in India, most of them concentrated in the rural regions, immunising the entire population is a mammoth task. 

While many people think that the mixing of COVID-19 vaccines may help to make up for the vaccination shortage in India, but it is important to understand that it will require thorough testing and research to ensure its safety and effectiveness. As per the current studies and advisories, it is not allowed to mix two doses of different vaccines. You have to take the second dose of the same vaccine you took your first jab with.

The Head of India’s COVID-19 Taskforce, VK Paul, in an interview, has said that it is ”scientifically and theoretically” possible to mix the two vaccines. However, it will require “robust scientific evidence” to be carried out.

Without appropriate evidence, mixing two vaccines may prove to be more lethal than useful and endanger the lives of thousands of people. But, if it is found to be successful and safe, the centre will implement it in the near future.

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Comorbidity & Its Effect On COVID-19 – All You Need To Know


COVID-19, a novel coronavirus first reported in Wuhan, China, in 2019, has been affecting over 180 countries of the world. A respiratory syndrome that started with fever, cough, weakness and slowly affected the lungs and other parts of the body. 

The increased hospitalisation and the higher death risk is the main concern over COVID-19. 

As the knowledge over COVID-19 is still limited, various researches have been going on. Through these researches, one thing has been instigated that a person with comorbid conditions & COVID-19 may have an increased chance of developing a serious illness. 

Diabetes is among the most common comorbidities in COVID-19 patients. Based on clinical studies, it appears to be correlated with severe complications that include acute respiratory failure syndrome, pneumonia, multiple organ failure.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

What are the Comorbidities?

Comorbidities or Comorbid conditions are the total number of illnesses the person is suffering. It is an underlying health condition or a pre-existing chronic condition.  

These comorbidities can be high Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Liver or Kidney diseases, obesity, heart diseases, respiratory illnesses, autoimmune disorders, bleeding or clotting disorders, cancer, patients with organ transplant and many more. Those with untreated or uncontrolled underlying conditions are at a higher risk of developing serious symptoms and complications due to COVID.

Hypertension and pre-existing chronic lung disorders are found to be associated with unusually high death rates in covid patients, caution is advised to complete the vaccination and consultation at the earliest appearance of Covid symptoms of worsening.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

How is it related to COVID-19 and affects it?

A person with comorbidities may have weaker immunity and other issues depending on the condition he/she is suffering from. And when they have been affected by the COVID-19, the infectious cycle of the virus may progress rapidly and severely. 

In addition, it increases the risk of hospitalisation, ICU management and the support of a ventilator. 

Also, the person with comorbidities of COVID-19 often lands up with deteriorating outcomes. C0VID-19 risk factors like previous lung disease and other comorbidities should be monitored and treated promptly to avoid any serious complications in future. 

Comorbid conditions & COVID-19

Most of the research data show that patients who passed away after the treatment for the SARS CoV-2 virus had some underlying medical conditions.

Some of these underlying medical conditions, i.e. comorbidities of COVID-19, are:

According to a few broader research studies, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart diseases  are the most common comorbidities of COVID-19 that may have significant potential for causing serious COVID infection on exposure to the virus and slow down recovery time. The number of comorbid conditions present in a person also influence the severity of symptoms on getting a COVID infection, i.e. a person with multiple comorbidities is at a higher risk of getting serious COVID.

They are already experiencing a problem from their underlying diseases that already put their body under stress. When they contact COVID-19, their body cannot handle the viral load that leads to significant complications and increases the chances of hospitalisation. 

Also, these people may need additional care as compared to the others.

The comorbid conditions and COVID-19 may be difficult to manage especially if there is a delay in seeking medical care.

Top measures to protect yourself from the virus

If one is already suffering from any comorbid conditions, it is best to take preventive measures, to avoid the risk of getting COVID-19 in the first place. 

There are some measures to be adopted like:

Comorbidity and COVID-19 Vaccine – Is it safe?

It is investigated that individuals suffering from any comorbid conditions are more prone to COVID-19 risk factors. Therefore, they are more susceptible to getting a serious COVID infection. 

They must get vaccinated as soon as possible. 

As their body is already stressed and under load because of the underlying diseases, vaccination is one of the most important tools for protection against COVID-19. 

if one gets infected, then the vaccine is said to reduce the chances of getting a serious COVID infection. The individuals suffering from comorbidities & COVID-19 have been the uttermost priority for the government to get vaccinated and decrease deaths. 

Research has proven that the vaccine shows similar efficacy and safety in individuals with comorbidities also. 

It is considered safe to get vaccinated if you are suffering from any comorbidities. It should be the topmost priority to get vaccinated first to avoid any risks. You may consult your doctor before getting a vaccine as some patients like those on high dose immunosuppression and some other medicines may require a change in medications for a few days pre/post-vaccination. It is always safe to clear your doubts with your treating doctor as every individual may require a different approach.


COVID-19 itself is a significant health concern among all age groups and all genders. People suffering from medical conditions like heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressure and other comorbidities are at a higher risk of falling severely ill if infected by COVID-19.

Patients with comorbidities should take all necessary precautions to avoid getting infected as they may have a poor prognosis. It may slow down the speed of recovery and increase your chances of getting hospital admission, ICU, long-term ventilator usage and death. 

It is essential to take proper precautionary measures and care the most to avoid contracting the virus. Follow the medical guidelines strictly and consult your doctor in case of any new symptoms or health problem arises. 

It is also crucial to always keep a tab on a diet, lifestyle to avoid further complications. Getting a full course of vaccination is very important for a person with comorbidities as said prevention is always better than cure.

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