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Obesity And Heart Disease: Risk Factors For COVID-19

COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has gripped the entire world and many COVID-19 deaths have been reported. Globally, every nation is fighting the pandemic on a war footing. The COVID-19 cases in India are rising at a faster rate during the second wave of COVID-19. The infection manifests through several symptoms and debilitating after-effects. Fatigue is the most common symptom and an after-effect experienced by most COVID-19 patients post-recovery.  

Several studies have shown a strong relationship between people with obesity, heart health and COVID-19. Obese people are more vulnerable to the COVID-19 infection. Furthermore, they face a wide range of complications arising from the infections due to their excess weight. Similarly, people with poor heart health are more susceptible to COVID -19. This disease affects heart health, leading to inflammation and even a heart attack.

The Link Between COVID-19 and Obesity

The prevalence of people with obesity is almost 20% in most countries around the globe. Researchers have reported that people who are obese are thrice more likely to be hospitalised due to the COVID-19 infection than patients with normal weight. Here are a few points that help establish a link between obesity and COVID-19.

When the infection is transmitted at higher rates during the second wave, more people with obesity are being affected. However, only a few of them required invasive ventilation and a few deaths have been reported.

The Link Between COVID-19 and Heart Health

Researchers have suggested a significant relationship between heart health and COVID-19 infection. Here are a few findings:

Tips for Maintaining Good Physical Health

During recent times of pandemic, it is essential to follow good health practices.  People with obesity and comorbidities need to be more cautious to avoid contracting the infection. Here are a few tips for a healthy routine:

Heart symptoms including chest pain and fast or pounding heartbeat, digestive symptoms, including diarrhea and stomach pain, blood clots and blood vessel (vascular) issues are commonly reported long-term effects of covid 19, precaution and early treatment are found to be helpful in most of the cases.

Dr. Ashish, M.B.B.S., M.D.


With the high transmission rate of COVID -19 infection, you need to be careful and follow every safety precaution to avoid infection. Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth to help protect yourself and others. You are highly susceptible to COVID-19 infection if you have heart disease, obesity or other comorbidities. In such cases, you need to be very cautious. It is best to talk to your doctor regarding the necessary safety precautions.

Get enough sleep, stay active and eat healthy food. Never miss your medications and keep your comorbidities under control. Discuss with your doctor regarding vaccination. Get your vaccine when your turn comes. Do not forget to follow respiratory hygiene/cough etiquettes when you step outside for immunization in a public place.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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What To Do When COVID-19 Hits Home: A Blog For People Who Are COVID Positive

The recent months have been testing times for everybody in India. Families are getting affected and the COVID-19 infection is spreading faster than before. Although you may not be completely prepared to deal with the situation, proper care of a COVID-19 positive patient in your family is essential while keeping the rest of the family safe.

This article discusses some critical points that you can follow if the virus enters your home and affects a family member.

The Primary Steps if the RT-PCR Report is Positive

It is worrisome if a family member tests positive in the RT-PCR test for COVID-19. Here are a few steps that you should follow when you know you have a COVID-19 positive patient at home.

Consult your family doctor or find a doctor nearby for emergency consultation. If he/she has recommended home isolation for the infected member, you may take care in the following manner:

Taking Care of a COVID-19 Patient at Home

After the laboratory tests and the scan for the COVID-19 positive patient are completed, you must follow all the instructions given by your doctor. If your doctor advises home isolation, you need to prepare for several things to take proper care of the patient. At the same time, protect the rest of the family and yourself from getting infected. The following tips will help you get through:

Daily diet and hygiene

It is necessary to provide healthy food to the patient.

Admitting the Patient to a Hospital

While you regularly monitor the patient’s oxygen levels and temperature, you should watch for a few more warning signs. Your family member might need oxygen or a ventilator bed. Keep the doctor’s contact number handy. Immediately call a doctor and seek admission to the hospital if you notice the following signs:

Preventive Steps to Control the Spread

While taking care of the infected family member, the following preventive steps are necessary to control the spread of the virus to the rest of the family:

Talk to your doctor about when to end home isolation and the necessary tests to be carried out. Take proper precautions to avoid the spread of the infection. Stay vigilant and immediately contact the doctor in case of an emergency. Help your loved ones recover from COVID-19 while in home isolation.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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Food And Nutrition Tips During COVID-19

COVID-19 is still making new peaks in the graph. These rising COVID-19 cases in India have shown us the importance of our body’s immunity. 

People, now more than ever, are concerned about strengthening their immunity. But the truth is immunity never comes in the form of a capsule. It’s something one can strengthen through lifestyle modifications and you can do it too!

How Can You Build Your Immunity Against COVID-19? 

To date, the only method which gives you specific protection against COVID-19 is a vaccine. 

But there are several things you can do to boost your immunity in general. This will also protect you against the new disease hazard, mucormycosis, also known as the black fungus. 

One crucial lifestyle modification includes your diet. It is not just about the nutrients in the food – your food habits influence your body weight too and obesity (BMI>30 Kg/m2) is a significant risk factor that can foster many underlying health conditions. 

What Lifestyle Modifications Can Help Boost Immunity During Home Quarantine?

1. Have a healthy diet

One can meet all the daily vitamin requirements by having a properly balanced diet.

2. Sunbathing for at least 15 minutes 

Find one corner of your house that receives direct sunlight and sit under it for at least 15 minutes. Not just plants, but even humans require sunlight. 

The fundamental difference is that plants need it for photosynthesis (preparing their food). In contrast, humans need it to synthesise Vitamin D. Our skin has the precursor molecule of Vitamin D, which is converted to the active form in the presence of sunlight.

3. Indulge in yogas and home workouts

Studies show that yoga offers multitudes of benefits to our body, including the lungs. Also, daily exercise helps to maintain blood sugar levels, specifically for people with diabetes. Uncontrolled diabetes is an essential factor leading to severe COVID-19 infections.

4. Break the fake WhatsApp forward chain

Fake news and information incite more panic and hysteria amongst people. Stop forwarding fake WhatsApp messages from being circulated over the internet is as important as getting vaccinated. 

Check the authenticity of the information you receive. Do not start consuming medicines or any procedures based on these Whatsapp forwards without medical consultations. Every medication has potential side effects and consuming them without a doctor’s supervision can be hazardous. 

What Foods Should I Eat to Stay Healthy While Being Home Quarantined?

Vitamins and zinc capsules are prescribed worldwide to boost immunity. So, let us invest the same money buying food items rich in zinc and vitamins. Here is a list of six healthy and readily available food items that can help us strengthen our immunity system and keep ourselves healthy during this pandemic.

1. Lemon and other citrus fruits

Well, the days are gone when people used to say, ”An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” It just got updated to ”a lemonade a day, keeps the coronavirus away.”

Well, you can curb your medical bills and also restrain yourself from standing in a queue outside a pharmacy by just squeezing a lemon into a glass of water.

100 grams of lemon (i.e. two standard lemons approximately) is said to have around 53 mg of Vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant. Not only does it help fight COVID-19 by building your immunity, but it also has many other health benefits too. It aids in weight loss, prevents kidney stones and also reduces the risk of cancer. 

2. Eggs

Although the sun is the best and the cheapest source of Vitamin D, eggs are also a rich source of Vitamin D. Fact says that 100 grams of boiled eggs contain around 87 IU(International Units) of Vitamin D. The RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance of Vitamin D is 600-700 IU(International Units). 

Eggs are also a good source of zinc. So, they also keep your immunity in check.

Apart from being rich in Vitamin D, eggs are also a rich source of proteins. Including this in your diet helps you maintain a balanced diet. Eggs are also one of the best sources of choline. 

Choline is a substance useful in making acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter. Hence, eggs also keep your nervous system healthy. It is specifically recommended for the elderly who are at an increased risk of suffering from neurodegenerative conditions.

3. Milk and other dairy products

The health benefits of milk need no special mention. Also known as the complete diet, milk is packed with many nutrients essential for our body. Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin D and vitamin B are some of them. Milk is also a rich source of protein. Doctors often recommend drinking milk for older adults at an increased risk of suffering from pathological bone fractures due to osteoporosis. 

4. Green leafy vegetables

A list of healthy foods is always incomplete without green leafy vegetables. Their property of being rich in vitamins, minerals and fibres but low in calories makes them an integral part of every diet. Especially, if you are trying to shed some pounds, you may run for hours on the treadmill, but the hard work will be in vain if you consume an unhealthy diet. 

Being overweight and obese are some of the most typical risk factors of diabetes and other fatal diseases. Diabetes is one of the critical comorbidities leading to a severe COVID-19 infection. So, indirectly, green leafy vegetables help you lose weight and decrease your chances of suffering from other diseases.  

5. Don’t eat foods labelled with added sugar

The graph has not stabilised yet. Health experts say that ‘’India should also be prepared for a third wave.” And how are you supposed to do that? 

One thing that people with diabetes must do is, keep a strong watch on their blood sugar levels. Uncontrolled diabetes not just increases your chances of contracting COVID-19 but also suffering from severe COVID-19 infection. And one ground rule you need to follow to keep your blood sugar level under control is to avoid every canned food which has added sugar in it. 

Additionally, if you’re losing weight or fear gaining weight, then added sugar food items are the last thing you should eat.

6. Meat and oily fish

Apart from carbohydrates from rice and wheat, you need some protein to have a balanced diet. Meat and oily fish serve as a rich source of protein your diet demands. 

Also, cardiologists recommend eating oily fish as it contains omega-3 fatty acids that keep your heart healthy. 

But it is important to note that you should avoid taking red meat as it contains saturated fats that increase your blood cholesterol level, leading to CAD (Coronary Artery Diseases). 

When will COVID-19 end in India? Hard to predict. We also don’t know what associated risks are going to follow COVID-19. It has already started infecting people: the black fungus or mucormycosis. 

Recently, we saw increased usage of steroids in COVID-19 treatment and these steroids suppress our immunity. And this instead makes a fertile land for other disease conditions. 

How is one supposed to escape this vicious cycle? By preventing getting infected with COVID-19 in the first place. So, use this lockdown as a chance to boost up your immunity.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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All You Need to Know About India’s COVID Vaccination Drive

COVID-19 Vaccines in India

The multiple rounds of research and relentless efforts from the medical and scientific community got us our first line of defence against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) – the vaccines. 

In India, we have two types of the vaccine – Covishield (manufactured by the Serum Institute of India, partnering with AstraZeneca and Oxford University, who helped develop it) and Covaxin (developed by the Indian Council of Medical Research and the National Institute of Virology and manufactured by Bharat Biotech). 

These two vaccines were passed under the emergency use authorization issued by Indian regulatory bodies for immediate vaccination to curb the spread of COVID-19. The two vaccines are to be taken in two doses, with a minimum gap of 4 weeks between Covaxin and 12-16 weeks for Covishield.

How Does a Vaccine Work?

Vaccines work in different ways, depending on how they have been developed. Globally, there have been 14 vaccines approved by at least one regulatory body that can be administered to the public, while many are still undergoing trials for approval.

Overall, a vaccine puts in a part of the whole of the target virus in the body, which is inactivated or weakened, thus rendered harmless when injected in the body but is potent enough to teach the immune system how to cope with it and thus produce respective antibodies. Depending on which part of the virus is used to make the vaccine, COVID-19 vaccines can be categorised as follows:

Which Vaccine to Take?

It is important to know what both vaccines have to offer. But, considering the current surge in cases and knowing that the vaccine is our only option for reducing the burden on the healthcare system, it is advisable to take whichever is available. However, people with comorbidities should consult their doctors before getting the vaccine if any ongoing medication needs to be stopped (especially for patients under immunosuppressive drugs).

Who is Eligible for Vaccination?

Everyone above the age of 18 is eligible for vaccination, including people with existing comorbid conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, pulmonary disorders, breathing issues, liver and kidney diseases and chronic infections which are stable and controlled by medication. 

Healthcare workers (HCW) and frontline workers (FLW) should take the vaccine on a priority basis, given that they are most vulnerable to getting infected owing to the nature of their work. The elderly population should also be vaccinated on priority, owing to existing comorbidities and age.

Both vaccines are safe and have been tested through various clinical trials before being vetted by regulatory bodies. There have been reports on rare side effects of the vaccines, such as blood clots. But the benefits of the vaccines outweigh the risks by a huge margin. Moreover, patients on medications like blood-thinners can take the vaccine as it does not affect their health.

Who is Not Eligible for Vaccination?

Patients with any form of anaphylactic (allergic) reaction to any food items, pharmaceutical drugs or any previous doses of vaccination (not limited to COVID-19 vaccines) are advised not to take the vaccine.

Patients suffering from COVID-19 are advised to wait for at least 3 months after recovery, before taking the vaccine. Patients who have received convalescent plasma (from another donor who has recovered in the past three months) or any other form of anti-COVID-19 antibodies or have any acute illness that may or may not require hospitalisation are also advised not to take the vaccine immediately and wait for 3 months after complete recovery. Expert medical advice is recommended in these cases.

Patients with bleeding disorders, like haemophilia, should consult their doctors for an expert opinion before taking vaccines. Similarly, patients who have been admitted to hospitals due to bleeding disorders are advised not to get vaccinated before discharge.

Children below the age of 18 are advised not to get vaccinated due to insufficient data about this age group. However, large-scale clinical trials are underway that include all age groups and this data should be available soon.

What are the Benefits of Getting Vaccinated?

The improved immunity due to the vaccine will effectively reduce life-threatening complications caused by the novel coronavirus and reduce the number of hospitalisations. If one is adequately protected against the virus, one can also protect those around him/her, especially the elderly, those with a compromised immune system and comorbidities and the healthcare workers. This would, in turn, lead to lowering the load on the Indian healthcare system. Vaccination will also ensure fewer deaths due to COVID-19 complications. If one is getting vaccinated, one should understand the benefits of vaccination and educate others about these benefits.

What are the Side Effects of Vaccines?

The vaccinating officer asks patients to wait for half an hour inside the vaccination centre to observe any immediate adverse effects that include severe allergic reaction, increased heart rate, dizziness, swelling up of the face and throat and rashes all over the body. 

Mild adverse effects include pain and swelling at the injection site, malaise, fever, body ache and headache. The vaccine officer would advise medication in case of prolonged adverse reactions. However, these reactions only last for a day or two before one is fit enough to move again.

Please remember, getting vaccinated does not mean you will not contract COVID-19 later. It means that even if one gets infected, it will not lead to severe complications/hospitalisation. Thus, continue maintaining safety protocols, wearing masks, frequent washing of hands and social distancing.

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A Guide To Monitor The Necessary Vitals During COVID-19


According to a recent study, the coronavirus has caused immense psychological distress (stress, anxiety, sleeplessness and fear), especially to the most vulnerable and marginalized sections of the population, which may have very long-term effects.

The development of the COVID-19 vaccine is a step into a somewhat brighter future, but there remains a lot to be done. Time and again, health organizations across the world have emphasized the need for individuals to practice and take cautionary measures against the virus.

A balanced diet, breathing exercises, staying updated and developing personal resilience to adapt to such crises is the need of the hour.

There has been an extremely high volume of COVID-19 cases worldwide, with high mortality rates and the treatment remains unclear. Information about diagnostic norms to identify vulnerable patients who might require close monitoring is necessary.  

According to medical professionals, you should closely monitor four essential body functions:

Let’s talk about them in detail.

1. Pulse Rate

Your pulse rate or heart rate is the frequency at which your heart beats in one minute. It is calculated in Beats Per Minute.

Checking your pulse will help you understand how well your heart is functioning, how your body is reacting to a stressful situation, such as being sick and how fit you are. The number of times your heart beats in one minute is your heartbeat, which a heart rate monitor can track.

Low oxygen saturation and elevated respiratory rate are associated with severe disease in covid-19, continuous monitoring in a patient admitted to a hospital or being managed at home is very essential to understand the disease progress and management.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

What is a regular pulse rate?

The perfect time to check your pulse rate is in the morning, right after you wake up. The average heart rate per minute according to age is:

While your body is fighting and recovering against COVID-19, your beats per minute are bound to change. If it is higher than usual, you may have a fever. Fever is one of the major symptoms of COVID-19 – keeping track of your pulse rate can help you stay vigilant and ascertain the symptoms of the virus on time.

How can you measure your PR?

It’s considerably simple to measure your PR – use a timer, find your pulse and make a note of the number of beats in one minute. Alternatively, you can use a heart rate monitor for the same. A heart rate monitor gives precise readings depending on the quality of the meter.

2. SP02

SPO2 stands for serum (S) Pressure (P) O2 (Oxygen). SPO2 computes the level of oxygen carried by the haemoglobin in your blood, also known as oxygen saturation in the blood. One molecule of haemoglobin (found in red blood cells) carries up to four oxygen molecules, thus being 100% ‘saturated’ with oxygen.

Monitoring the oxygen level in your blood helps in the diagnosis of underlying lung diseases. An SPO2 monitor or pulse oximeter is a device that measures oxygen saturation in percentage (out of 100). SPO2 reading is generally low in anaemic patients and in those suffering from various lung diseases. 

What is the ideal range for SPO2?

In a healthy person, a blood saturation level of 95-100% is considered normal. If the oxygen percentage level is below 95%, it can indicate an underlying lung problem. 

Many people with COVID-19 experience low oxygen levels. If the oxygen saturation is lower than 94%, this means the oxygen supply is inadequate at the tissue level and the patient needs to be treated quickly. Oxygen saturation of less than 90% is considered a medical emergency.

Measuring SPO2

You can determine your SPO2 levels through a blood-gas test, oxygen therapy assessment or by using a pulse oximeter. 

A pulse oximeter is well suited as an early-warning device for hypoxia (low oxygen saturation). It is a small device that is clipped to your finger or earlobe. 

A pulse oximeter displays the oxygen level in the blood (out of 100) and your pulse rate. The device is sensitive to heat and fluids and might be rendered non-functional in case of rough handling. It is recommended to buy a sturdy and quality oximeter with a clear LED and a neat light detector (called the photo-detector).

It is important to note that before checking Saturation one should make sure there is no nail polish on checking finger and it is advisable to walk for 2 mins before checking it.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

3. Temperature

High body temperature is a common occurrence when your body is fighting systemic inflammation. One of the early symptoms of COVID-19 is a high body temperature. Digital thermometers and no-contact thermometers are widely used to identify people with COVID-19.

Normal body temperature

Everyone’s normal body temperature is different and it changes during the day. 98.6 °C or 209.48 °F was established as a normal body temperature 150 years ago by a German doctor after surveying more than 25,000 patients. 

Usually, one is said to have a fever when one’s body temperature is higher than 38 °C or 100.4 °F. Ideal body temperatures for different age groups can be as follows:

Type of reading0–2 years3–10 years11–65 yearsOver 65 years
Oral95.9–99.5 °F (35.5–37.5 °C)95.9–99.5 °F (35.5–37.5 °C)97.6–99.6 °F (36.4–37.6 °C)96.4–98.5 °F (35.8–36.9 °C)
Rectal97.9–100.4 °F (36.6–38 °C)97.9–100.4 °F (36.6–38 °C)98.6–100.6 °F (37.0–38.1 °C)97.1–99.2 °F (36.2–37.3 °C)
Armpit94.5–99.1 °F (34.7–37.3 °C)96.6–98.0 °F (35.9–36.7 °C)95.3–98.4 °F (35.2–36.9 °C)96.0–97.4 °F (35.6–36.3 °C)
Ear97.5–100.4 °F (36.4–38 °C)97.0–100.0 °F (36.1–37.8 °C)96.6–99.7 °F (35.9–37.6 °C)96.4–99.5 °F (35.8–37.5 °C)

Measuring body temperature

A thermometer is a device that records your body temperature. A digital thermometer gives accurate readings in under a minute and is preferred over mercury thermometers, as mercury thermometers are challenging to read and mercury is poisonous.

You can use a digital thermometer to measure temperature orally or by placing it under the armpit. A tympanic (ear) thermometer measures the temperature inside of the ear, a temporal (forehead) thermometer measures the heat that comes off of the head and a rectal thermometer (used for infants aged 0-3 years old) measures the temperature inside of the anus.

4. Blood Pressure

The force of your blood pressing through the walls of your arteries is known as blood pressure.

Ideal blood pressure is usually considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg. 

Low blood pressure is defined as a reading of fewer than 90 millimetres of mercury (mm Hg) for the top number (systolic) or 60 mm Hg for the bottom number (diastolic). 

Your blood vessels, heart, brain, kidneys and eyes are all placed under additional strain if the blood pressure is too high (above 140/90). People with high blood pressure might have to deal with more complications caused by the COVID-19 virus.

Ideal blood pressure for your age

AgeSystolic RangeDiastolic Range
Newborn to 6 months45–9030–65
6 months to 2 years80–10040–70
Children (2–13 years)80–12040–80
Adolescent (14–18 years)90–12050–80
Adult (19–40 years)95–13560–80
Adult (41–60 years)110–14570–90
Older adult (61 and older)95–14570–90

Monitoring blood pressure

Blood pressure readings (units of millimetres of mercury (mmHg) always come in pairs with an upper and lower value. Blood pressure has to be measured periodically – it is measured manually by a device called a sphygmomanometer. You can measure your own blood pressure using a digital BP monitor.

Monitoring your body’s essential functions allows you and medical professionals to assess your health and well-being. It is necessary to be responsible and updated as there are potential bottlenecks and unacknowledged after-effects due to COVID-19.

Remember, don’t be complacent-if critical, consult your healthcare provider/medical expert or a specialist right away.

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What To Do Before, During And After Getting The COVID-19 Vaccine?

After a long, stressful encounter with the COVID-19 virus, the entire world is finally relieved to get access to the vaccines. Getting a Covid-19 vaccine is essential as it protects one against the COVID-19 virus. The approved vaccines have been carefully evaluated for safety and efficacy. Furthermore, they also make the infection less severe even if you contract the virus after vaccination.

As you get jabbed at your turn, you must know the expected side effects and practice the safety protocols before and after vaccination. We have some crucial tips for you as you await your turn to be vaccinated.

The Process of Getting Registered for Vaccination:

The availability of vaccines in India is the light at the end of the tunnel. You may be curious to know more about the types of vaccines available. Here are a few things you should know as you prepare to register for the vaccine.

Learn Some Facts:

Two pharmaceutical companies brought their vaccines to the Indian markets. Serum Institute of India launched ‘Covishield,’ and Bharat Biotech introduced ‘Covaxin.’ The imported brand Sputnik V recently received approval for use in India. For more information, do the following:

Eligibility for the Vaccine:

According to the current vaccination status in India, anybody above the age of 18 can get vaccinated from the 1st of May 2021.

Registration for the Vaccine:

Registering for the vaccine is mandatory. You may register through the Co-Win website or Arogya Setu app. Here are simple steps for registration:

  1. Use your mobile number and a valid photo ID, such as your Aadhar card, to register by entering your details.
  2. Select a vaccine centre for vaccination.
  3. Book your time slot for the vaccine and confirm your appointment.
  4. You will be notified on your registered mobile number about the date, time and name of the vaccination centre.

Tips to Follow Before Vaccination

Once you have registered yourself and got an appointment for vaccination, here are some simple and valuable tips for you:

Carry the ID you used for registration. Visit the centre wearing a double mask and maintain physical distance. Note the type of vaccine you received, as it would serve as a guide to book an appointment for the second dose.

Tips to Follow During Vaccination:

All COVID-19 vaccines are administered in the same way. The vaccine will be injected into the muscle in your upper arm and should not take longer than a few seconds. During vaccination, you must-

Tips to Follow After Vaccination:

Here are some valuable tips that will help you after vaccination:


Remember that the vaccine is merely a prick. Try to overcome your nervousness and anxiety while getting injected. Collect your certificate of vaccination or download it from the Co-Win site. Be responsible citizens and get vaccinated when your turn comes.

Although you have received both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, remember to take preventive measures, especially in public places. Remember that vaccination does not ensure complete immunity. So continue wearing masks and follow safe hygiene practices for self-protection and prevent virus transmission. Take both doses according to the schedule and encourage other people to get vaccinated. Stay safe, stay strong!

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Has Your Child Tested Positive For COVID? Here’s What To Do


The second wave of coronavirus in India is much stronger than the first one, leading to widespread concern. The extent of the spread of COVID is no longer limited to a certain age group, affecting children and adults alike. While there are cases throughout the country, cities such as Mumbai alone have seen a 65% increase in COVID-19 positive reports in pediatric cases since the beginning of March.

This may sound like an alarm bell, but as per the data and research, most cases with children are mild when compared to others. They generally have a better prognosis, milder symptoms, and are asymptomatic. The major COVID-19 symptoms seen in children are: 

As a parent, it is natural to seek answers regarding the steps you need to take if your child has tested COVID positive. It is necessary to understand that the impact of the disease is low in most cases of COVID in children and it is crucial not to panic. While doing your best to stay calm, follow medical guidelines, safety protocols and your doctor’s advice for a smooth recovery. 

if your child gets COVID-19 they should stay quarantined at home for 10 days after positive testing or onset of symptoms, and must demonstrate improving symptoms without fever for 24 hours.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

When Should You Take Your Child to the Doctor?

If your child needs to be tested, it is recommended that you observe and keep a close watch on the developing symptoms of COVID-19. The immediate step to be taken is to ensure safety protocols, such as wearing a mask, sanitising and physical distancing, are followed within the family. Consult your child’s doctor for further assistance.

Children with mild symptoms can stay at home throughout their recovery without the need for hospitalisation, if suggested by a pediatrician. However, if your child is experiencing serious symptoms that persist for more than 7 days, medical attention is necessary. The symptoms may include:

Covid in children may present with some subtle signs and Children with SEVERE DISEASE are at high risk for respiratory and multi-organ failure and need critical care support. Infection is recommended to be diagnosed while screening family members; the child is otherwise asymptomatic.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S, M.D.  in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

What If Your Child Tests Positive for COVID-19?

The spread of coronavirus is mainly from person to person. Parents need not fear, as based on current evidence, children do not appear to be at a higher risk. 

Parents can help prevent the spread of germs and educate their children about how to stop the spread of COVID-19 infection. Besides encouraging your child to follow safety protocols and hygienic methods, do the following: 

Make sure you consult your doctor in any type of medical emergency. It is advised not to self-medicate your child. A proper diagnosis of the symptoms by a paediatrician is required for any prescription or medication.

What Is the COVID-19 Incubation Period for Children?

The incubation period is defined as a period between the contraction of the virus and the onset of symptoms. In the case of the coronavirus,

On average, symptoms showed around 5 days post-exposure to the virus. While caring for your children, keep in mind that the contagious stage is around 1-2 days before the symptoms occur. Hence, regardless of the stage, it is advised that you follow safety protocols strictly throughout the period of disease and recovery. 

Will There Be a COVID-19 Vaccine for Children?

Vaccines go under several clinical trials so that their safety and effectiveness is ensured; hence their availability depends on these trials. For now, the best way to protect and recover from COVID-19 is by following public safety and health guidelines. 

Educate Your Kids Now, for a Safer Tomorrow

As a parent, explain the importance of hygienic practices and safety protocols and their role in disease prevention. It is natural to have queries, but the key is to refrain from panicking and educating your children instead. If a child tests positive for the virus, ensure that you put safety and hygiene, along with mental health.

The question of mental health arises as children can commonly have misconceptions or queries about the disease. As parents, do your best to have an age-appropriate conversation where you explain the situation in a manner that induces a sense of calm and answers their questions as well. Lead by example, tell them about safety and hygiene and teach them the appropriate measures to be taken during outbreaks and related health issues. 

Do consult a paediatrician at the earliest even for the mild and asymptomatic cases. Monitor your child’s health and behaviour and watch out for signs and symptoms requiring medical attention. 

To relieve stress, family time with safety protocols is recommended. Focus on the things to be grateful for while spending quality time. Along with these, ensure that your kids constantly wash their hands, sanitise, maintain respiratory hygiene, adhere to proper disposal of materials, etc. 

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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RT-PCR Test v/s CT Scan – Which Is A Better Choice?


As the surge in COVID-19 cases in India continues, the general public must educate themselves about the prescribed tests, scans and biomarker findings. Considering the raging COVID-19 pandemic, doctors aim to treat mild to moderate cases without the need to hospitalize the patient.

Mild COVID-19 symptoms can be fever, dry cough, headache, loss of taste and smell with oxygen levels in COVID patients more than 95%. As the oxygen level falls, they are more likely to become be hospitalised. Before that, let us know more about COVID testing in India. The most reliable and researched test is the RT-PCR COVID test to diagnose whether the patient is positive or negative for coronavirus.

Intended use of RT-PCR In COVID-19

Real-time reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain reaction (RT-PCR) is a qualitative test to detect the presence of coronavirus in a person’s respiratory tract. The test involves collecting nasopharyngeal (nose) or oropharyngeal (throat) swabs from COVID-19 suspected people. RT-PCR is an advanced tool to amplify a selected nucleic acid fragment (sample) and detect SARS-CoV-2 RNA, the coronavirus.

One can get access to this test via in-home or in-lab services. While laboratory testing requires a visit, COVID testing at home is an easy method that eliminates the transportation hassle. A testing certified person will come from a registered laboratory to collect your sample and take it back to the lab for testing. It takes a maximum of 48 hours to deliver results and one can access their COVID-19 report online. It is available at both government and private hospitals or laboratories, where the cost varies from INR 700-1800, subjective to the state and the private lab.

The CT value in RT-PCR is different from the CT scan. What is the meaning of CT value in RT-PCR? CT indicates the cycle threshold. It is the number of cycles the process completed to detect the virus in the sample. As a result, a low CT value (17-24) indicates a high viral load and a high CT (more than 25) indicates a low viral load. 

RTPCR helps in detection of COVID virus in body and is Gold standard for diagnosis of COVID, CT only helps in assessing the extent of lung damage by COVID and does not detect COVID.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

CT Scan And When To Go For It

CT scan for COVID-19 is being misused for mild detection purposes. The harmful rays of CT match to about 200-300 X-rays. Renowned doctors have urged the public not to go for unnecessary CT scans for a mild COVID infection. 

Let us understand CT scan as a vital diagnostic tool for critical COVID cases currently. CT scan is an abbreviation for Computed Tomography Scan. A CT scan is simply a detailed version of an X-ray. It is capable of better understanding blood vessels and soft tissues. The COVID CT scan is a chest scan to check the conditions of your lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract. Can CT a scan help detect COVID? The most common finding in patients with severe COVID-19 is the ground glass pattern in their chest CT scan. This pattern is easy to identify through the following features:

Who should go for a CT scan during COVID and why?

Only those patients whose doctors have prescribed it or when oxygen saturation is below 90-92% or experience breathing difficulty should go for a CT scan for a COVID-19 severity check. Chest CT scans can help detect the severity or improvement of infection. One can access their CT scan report for COVID online within a few hours only for INR 2000-5000 subjective to the private lab.

RT PCR being a molecular test is more sensitive and accurate at detecting viral infections such as COVID-19 and Ebola. A combination of CT scan and RT PCR is more accurate than either of these tests alone for covid.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

RT-PCR test v/s CT scan – Which Is A Better Choice?

CT scan is not an advised test by doctors to ‘detect’ COVID-19 in the mild infection stage. Both of the tests are important in their field of action. One requires RT-PCR to detect COVID-19 and CT scan to detect if progressive pneumonia is present. A CT scan is useful when the infection has spread to the lungs and detection by nose or oral swabs is not possible. A CT scan is advised when a person’s oxygen level goes below 92% or indicates serious COVID-19 symptoms.

RT-PCR tests are a safer choice than CT scanning. It saves the person from additional radiation and can be done in the comfort of their home. It reduces the interaction and exposure with other suspected COVID cases. But this test is incapable of detecting the infection if it has reached the lungs and is causing further complications.

Most important of all, consult your physician about your coronavirus symptoms. Ensure to get tested and follow-up for any tests they prescribe/recommend based on your condition.


So which one of these two wins? Both RT-PCR and CT scan have their pros and cons. If you witness any unusual symptoms like dry cough, mild fever and a slight headache, best consult your doctor and get yourself tested by RT-PCR. Learn the basics of your COVID report:

Doctors now do not wait for the results to arrive due to the testing load on labs. It is best to begin the treatment protocol from the first day of symptoms after consulting your doctor. The clinical value of chest CT can indicate the severity and progression of infection in the lungs. Due to its high sensitivity, the diagnostic tool will be used as a primary screening tool for critical COVID cases. COVID-19 cases in India today are nowhere near a safe range for those unaffected or not vaccinated. Research has shown that immunocompromised individuals are at a higher risk of contracting the infection. It is best to stay indoors and prevent infection.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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Your Complete List Of Verified Pan-India COVID Helpline Numbers

The second wave of COVID is sweeping through our country. During such times, we all need to be prepared to deal with any emergency. And for that, you need to have a few COVID helpline numbers at your fingertips. 

When you call these helpline numbers, the customer care operative will answer any question you may have on COVID, from the new kinds of COVID symptoms, how to book an RT-PCR test, to which hospitals are taking in COVID patients, the availability of hospital beds and oxygen cylinders. That is why we have assembled help-line numbers for different parts of India. Under the COVID-free India Mission, we are going all out to help you in any way we can to defeat the COVID menace.  

Save the list of government helplines. Pass it on to your acquaintances because anyone might be in need of calling up these numbers for aid.

States/Cities and their Official Helpline Numbers:

StateCityHelpline numbers
East Champaran18003456624
J&KJammu0191-2571912/ 0191-2571616
Kashmir0194-2440283/ 2430581/2452052/ 2457313/ 2457312
Baramulla01952-351261/ 7889534245
JHARKHANDEast Singhbhum8987510050 (For bed), 9431301355 (Control room)
Jamshedpur0657-2440111/ 0657-2221717
Ranchi0651-2200008 (Control room), 0651-2200009 (Ambulance)
PUNJABPunjab Control Room8872090029
Bathinda0164-2212501/ 7087086291
SAS Nagar (Mohali)7814641397
KERALACovid Helpline DISHA0471-2309250/ 52, 0471-2552056/ 1056
CHENNAICovid Helpline044-46122300/ 044-25384520
Covid Care Assistance104
PUNECovid Helpline020-67801500/ 020-25502110
Ambulance9689939381/ 108
Pune Control Room020-26127394
Pune ZP Control Room020-26138082
PCMC Control Room020-67331151/ 020-67331152
Covid Helpline For Hearse9689939628/ 020-24503211/24503212
GUJARAT24/7 Covid Helpline079-23250818
Health Helpline104
Covid Helpline1800-313-444-222
Ambulance For All Areas Under KMC & Bidhannagar033-40902929
Mahadevapura080-23010101/ 23010102
Overall BengaluruCovid Related Queries – 14410 / Ambulance & Emergency – 108
DELHIDisaster Helpline1077
Women Helpline1091
Child Helpline1098
Doorstep delivery1076
Fire & Rescue101
COVID Helpline Toll-Free1075
COVID Helpline Delhi011-22307145
MUMBAIWard A022-22700007
Ward B022-23759023/ 022-23759025
Ward C022-22197331
Ward D022-23835004
Ward E022-23797901
Ward F South022-24177507/ 8657792809
Ward F North022-24011380/ 8879150447 (Whatsapp)
Ward G South022-24219515/ 7208764360
Ward G North022-24210441/ 8291163739
Ward H East022-26635400/ 8879203979
Ward H West022-26440121
Ward K East022-26847000 / 8657933681


We will soon be reaching the peak of the second wave. Have patience and do not lose faith. Continue taking all COVID precautions and get vaccinated as soon as possible. Do not ignore the warning signs of COVID and take immediate action.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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A Real Story Of The First COVID Vaccine Experience

Vaccine booking process (personal experience)

Since May 1st, 2021, the Government of India has opened up vaccines for those between the ages of 18 and 44. From that day onwards, anyone 18+ could get themselves registered on the CoWIN website to set up an appointment for getting vaccinated. However, due to shortages in the supply of vaccines, people often found that they weren’t able to get confirmed bookings for that elusive shot.

Many people have been confused and frustrated in the past few days over this issue. PharmEasy spoke to one person in this 18+ category who persevered and managed to get through these hurdles and successfully got vaccinated. Here is what he has to say about the whole experience – 

Q1. What was the procedure that you followed to register for the vaccine?

I went to the Cowin website and got registered, then it was a waiting game. I followed ”mybmc” (Bombay Municipal Corp) on Twitter constantly as they regularly post information on slots opening, centres, etc. So, I was up to date on the latest information. 10 mins before the website opened I was ready. Based on the information I gathered from following mybmc on Twitter, I was able to quickly select an appointment time and confirm. In that sense it was hassle-free.

Q2. How did you get a slot for the vaccine?

I simply selected from the website for the available slot and confirmed it.

Q3. Was there any queue at the vaccine centre/camp that you visited? – 

I reached the vaccination centre half an hour later than my scheduled time. I had to carry a soft copy/hard copy of my Aadhaar card and show it upon arrival. Then one receives a pre-printed slip and proceeds forward. 2 nurses were there to guide me during the procedure. After getting the vaccine I was sent to the observation room and was there for 30 minutes.

If pregnant, getting a COVID-19 vaccine can protect from severe illness from COVID-19. The vaccines do not cause infection in pregnant people or babies, getting vaccinated doesn’t cause any harm and is found to be very safe.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Q4. How was the overall process for your vaccination? 

Though I was late, the whole process went pretty smoothly. 

Q5. Can you share your post-vaccination experience?

I experienced some of the normal side effects and got a fever, and body ache, cold and cough that night. But by the next day, I was perfectly fine and got back to my normal routine. 

Q6. Did you experience any side effects? If yes, which?

Well about 10:30 pm – 11 pm I had a fever and body ache. The next morning I felt weak but my temperature was back to normal. I was given a strip of paracetamol to manage these symptoms. I advise all those reading this to please stay hydrated, have proper food and for at least 4 days after getting vaccinated, avoid drinking or smoking.

Q7. What precautions did the technicians/doctors ask you to take between your first and second dose?

The normal Covid-19 protocols, staying home, keeping up a healthy diet, wearing a mask and maintaining social distance as per usual. 

While there are bound to be technical issues with the website and getting a slot booked, don’t give up and try your best. Keep an eye out for local news from official sources regarding slots and timings, be patient and keep at it. 

Everyone needs to get vaccinated as soon as possible, especially the older citizens as well as those who are at high risk. The sooner we get people vaccinated, the faster India will be able to fight and overcome COVID-19! Wear a mask, maintain social distance and keep following the normal COVID-19 guidelines to protect yourself and those around you. 

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