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Gynecomastia Diet: Best And Worst Foods To Eat

By Dr. Gaurav Shalya +2 more

Introduction: What is gynecomastia and what causes it?

Gynecomastia is a condition in males wherein the breast gland tissue grows, causing the appearance of male breasts. This condition can affect one or both breasts and is mainly the result of an imbalance in some hormones.

Gynecomastia can develop at any age when the body is undergoing certain hormonal changes, where there is low production of testosterone while estrogen levels go up. However, the condition can often lead to breast pain in men and make them self-conscious, thus affecting their mental health. Besides, there can also be other underlying health issues that can cause the enlargement of the male breast tissue and it needs immediate medical attention. Gynecomastia can be treated with the help of surgery. Your diet does play a role during recovery.

Did you know?

7 Best foods for people with gynecomastia 

An imbalance in hormone levels may lead to gynecomastia and it is important to eat a balanced diet and get proper nutrition. You can include these seven food items into your daily diet, which are known to have positive effects. Consult your doctor for the best advice-,

1. Fish oil 

Rich in antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil can be beneficial for a person who has gynecomastia. It also helps in fighting harmful free radicals. The oil derived from cold-water fish like tuna, salmon, etc., can be taken in two spoons at night. You can also talk to your doctor about taking fish oil capsule supplements.

2. Zinc-based foods

Zinc induces testosterone production in the body and for those who work out regularly, consuming zinc-rich food is essential. Foods like cashews, raisins, chickpeas and lobsters are rich in zinc. You can also take zinc supplements after consulting a physician. 

Researchers have found that gynaecomastia may be reduced to some extent by losing weight. I suggest you swap out one egg or half the cheese for spinach, onions, or mushrooms from your morning breakfast omelette. Compared to egg or cheese, veggies will provide more volume and flavour to the meal while having fewer calories and hence, keeping the weight in check.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

3. Vitamin-E rich food

Sunflower seeds, almonds, pumpkin and red bell pepper are foods rich in Vitamin E and high in polyunsaturated fatty acids. These may help stop the oxidation of free radicals, which triggers gynecomastia. 

4. Milk thistle

Breast enlargement can be an indication of liver diseases and milk thistle helps the liver function better. You may have crushed milk thistle seeds with three glasses of water after consulting a doctor.

5. Vitamin-D-rich foods

Mushrooms and fortified dairy supplements are rich in Vitamin-D. Sunlight is another naturally available source. Obese people have a higher chance of developing gynecomastia and consuming these foods can help.

6. Anti-inflammatory food 

Leafy green vegetables and fish oil can help in reducing swelling of any kind as they have anti-inflammatory properties. If you’re suffering from gynecomastia, it’s suggested that you have these foods in abundance that will keep any inflammation or swelling in check.

Studies suggest that losing weight may aid in gynaecomastia. In my opinion, bring some diced veggies or fruit from home when travelling rather than a high-calorie snack from the vending machine. You may enjoy a tasty snack with fewer calories if you choose one or two of these alternatives such as carrots, apples and cucumbers in place of the chips.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

7. Whole fruits 

Fruits are rich in fibre and vitamins and are the perfect detox for your body. This may provide sufficient plant-based nutrition.

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Foods to avoid in gynecomastia 

If you have gynecomastia, the following are the food items you must avoid eating:

1. Alcohol

Alcoholic drinks are fat-inducing drinks and restrict the liver from getting rid of the excess estrogen in your body. This will make it difficult for you to lose the fat around your breasts.

2. Soy products

Soy is high in phytoestrogens, which are the plant form of human estrogen and almost mimic human estrogen. If you have a tendency to enlarge breast tissue, you must keep away from soy products, including tofu, soybeans, soy milk etc., as increased estrogen is one of the main causes of gynecomastia. 

3. Processed food

Processed foods are high in calories, sodium, sugars and preservatives that can induce the growth of fat. Additionally, canned products contain polycarbonate or bisphenol A, which are not good for people with gynecomastia. 

4. Beetroot

Beetroot is known to increase the estrogen level of the body. Hence, when there is already a hormonal imbalance in the body, it is advisable to avoid eating an excess of beetroot. 

5.Frozen food

Frozen food contains saturated fats and is loaded with preservatives. Additionally, they are wrapped in PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and the chemical seeps into the food causing severe hormonal imbalance in the body. 

6. Fried food

These foods contain bad calories and add to the fat deposition in your body. 

4 Home-made recipes for gynecomastia 

Here are 4 easy-to-make anti-gynecomastia food recipes:

1. Pomegranate breakfast parfait 

  • Take a bowl and add 1 cup of natural yoghurt. 
  • Then sprinkle ½ cup pomegranate seeds and ¼ cup granola.
  • Garnish the breakfast with ½ teaspoon of natural honey.

2. Tuna salad 

  • Take a bowl and add olive oil and fresh herbs. Mix it well. 
  • Then toss the mixture with the grilled tuna fish and mix well. 
  • Add freshly chopped vegetables of your choice, like spinach, onions, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce etc. Enjoy the sumptuous, healthy dish!

3. Healthy banana splits 

  • Take one ripe banana and slice it in half. Place it in a bowl.
  • Add fresh berries, fruits and some toasted oats. Toss them well.
  • Add natural yoghurt and natural honey for an extra sweetening taste. Enjoy!

4. Garlic chicken breast

  • Take one medium piece of chicken breast and slice it into two halves. 
  • Create a mixture in a bowl with the garlic, olive oil, salt and other flavourings.
  • Rub the mixture into the chicken pieces and let it marinate for 10 minutes.
  • Place the chicken piece in a microwave-safe bowl and cook it at 200 power for 40 minutes or until fully cooked. 

Problems that may arise due to gynecomastia 

Gynecomastia is a cosmetic concern as it causes more psychological and emotional problems than physical ones. The condition can make a person very conscious about his physical appearance and may put you at risk of lower self-esteem. It is important to talk to a mental health expert and seek ways to make one feel better about their body type. Self-acceptance can be helpful in dealing with this condition. At the same time, patients must follow a healthy diet so that there is no more enlargement of breasts. Surgery for gynecomastia can help men get rid of enlarged breasts easily. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 

Q1. When do you need to opt for surgery for gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia has several grades to determine your surgery stage. When you’re in Grade 3 (puffy nipples, excess fat and skin and all of these are visible over your clothes) and Grade 4 (severe grade where you develop female-like breasts), you may opt for surgery. During the surgery, excess tissue is removed. Consult a doctor who will examine your condition and guide you well.

Q2. What are the symptoms of gynecomastia?

One might feel a swollen and painful breast with a lump of extra tissue under the nipples. The swelling of the breasts may also happen unevenly. You may also develop breast tenderness and the nipples may get sensitive when it comes in contact with clothes. 

Q3. Is liposuction a procedure used for gynecomastia?

Yes, liposuction is often incorporated into the surgery of breast reduction in males. However, it alone does not help in removing the excess granular tissue. 

Q4. Can gynecomastia get better with exercise and diet?

While exercise and diet may check the excess growth, the enlarged breast tissue will not go away on its own without surgery. Gynecomastia is not the accumulation of fat on the chest, but it is the growth of tissue that will require medical treatment.

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.



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