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How to Get Rid of Man Boobs: Effective Strategies from Expert Studies

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Understand the various causes of man boobs (gynaecomastia in males), including hormonal imbalance, obesity, aging, medical conditions, and medications.  
  • Learn about the diagnosis process involving physical examinations, blood tests, and imaging techniques. 
  • Explore management options like hormone therapy, medications, surgery, and regular consultations. 
  • Incorporate specific exercises that target the chest area and help get rid of gynaecomastia in males. 
  • Make dietary changes by reducing calories, incorporating healthy foods, balancing macronutrients, and drinking water. 
  • Focus on mental health, share feelings with others, set realistic goals, and celebrate every small win. 
  • By doing regular exercise, checking hormone levels, managing weight and avoiding triggering medications development of gynaecomastia in males may be avoided. 


Enlargement of breast tissue in males is called gynaecomastia, also referred to as “man boobs” as slang. This frustrates many men. Several factors can cause this. These include changes in hormones, obesity, getting older, health problems, and certain drugs. In this article, we’ll discuss why this happens. We’ll discuss about how to find out if you have gynaecomastia. We’ll also discuss ways that may help manage and avoid the condition. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

To my knowledge, weightlifting exercises may assist in building muscle and reducing fat, while cardiovascular exercises may help lower total body mass. When combined, these workouts may aid in weight loss and the development of the chest and other muscles.

how to get rid of man boobs

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Did you know?

Understanding the Causes of Man Boobs 

Understanding these causes may help us find the right way to deal with this problem. Here are some of the most common causes. 

1. Hormonal Imbalance 

A main cause of man boobs(gynaecomastia in men) is a change in hormones. Usually, this means more female hormones (estrogen) and fewer male hormones (testosterone). This can lead to gynecomastia. This often happens during teenage years and in older men, mainly those between 50 and 69 years. 

2. Obesity 

Often, extra body fat adds up  to the chest. This can make the breasts bigger. Doctors call this pseudo-gynecomastia. Even if you gain weight, it might still cause hormonal imbalances that can lead to gynecomastia which can makes male breasts even bigger. 

3. Aging 

As men get older, their testosterone levels tend to drop. This might make estrogen levels go up. This imbalance can lead to man boobs. 

4. Medical Conditions 

Certain health problems like liver or kidney disease, thyroid disorders, or genetic problems (such as Klinefelter syndrome), can cause man boobs. 

5. Medications 

Some drugs, particularly those with estrogen, can lead to man boobs. Other drugs, like those used against testosterone, steroids, HIV drugs, and anxiety medications can also cause the problem. 

Testosterone production decreases with age in men. Additionally, older men typically have higher levels of body fat, which may increase the production of estrogen. The overgrowth of breast tissue may result from these alterations in hormone levels.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Diagnosis of Male Breast Enlargement 

For diagnosis, a health worker will examine you. They might also order certain tests. These tests not only find the root cause but also rule out other problems with similar signs. 

1. Physical Examination 

A health worker will check your breast tissue, belly, and genitals. They will ask about any changes you’ve noticed. They’ll also ask about any drugs you are taking. 

2. Blood Tests 

Blood tests can be useful. They can find hormonal imbalances or check if organs like your liver or kidneys are working correctly. 

3. Imaging Techniques 

Tests like mammograms, ultrasounds, CT scans, and MRI scans may help. They give a clear picture of your breast tissue. This helps a health worker find out what is causing the enlargement and spot any worries, like tumours. 

4. Identifying Causes 

After an exam and testing, a health worker may be able to tell what is causing the problem. For instance, they might find that it’s due to hormonal imbalance, obesity, aging, a health problem, or a drug you’re taking. The management plan will depend on these root causes. 

Management Options 

If you have gynaecomastia, your doctor might suggest different management options. These are discussed below. 

1. Hormone Therapy 

If a hormonal imbalance is causing gynecomastia, hormone therapy may be suggested. 

2. Medications 

In some cases, drugs used to treat breast cancer, such as tamoxifen, raloxifene, or aromatase inhibitors, may help men with gynecomastia. If the condition is due to a particular drug you’re taking, your healthcare provider may recommend you  to discontinue it and put you on a different one. 

3. Surgery to Remove Extra Breast Tissue 

If gynecomastia does not go away over time or with non-surgical options, surgical procedures may be done to take out extra breast tissue. These are as follows. 

  • Liposuction 

Liposuction takes out extra breast fat but not the glandular part. It may assist in making the chest look better without taking out part of the breast. 

  • Mastectomy 

Mastectomy is a surgery to take out the whole breast gland. This can be done with small cuts to reduce scars and shorten the recovery time. Sometimes, liposuction and mastectomy are done together for a better result. 

4. Monitoring and Regular Consultations 

After successful management, it’s vital to keep checking changes in your breast size. You should also keep going back for check-ups with your healthcare provider.  

Exercises to Get Rid of Gynaecomastia in men 

While you can’t spot reduce, mixing targeted exercises with overall fitness routines may help shape your chest and burn fat. The exercises that can be tried are discussed below.  

1. Barbell Bench Press 

This compound movement aims at your chest muscles, helping you to build strength and muscle bulk. Start by setting up a barbell on a weight rack. Position yourself right and grip the bar with a medium grip. Lower the bar towards the middle of your chest, and then press it back up until your arms are fully extended. 

2. Pec Deck Machine 

The pec deck machine helps focus on your chest muscles. It helps them grow. Make sure the seat is at the right height so that the bars are in line with your chest. Pick the right weight. Sit down and grip the bars with your hands facing each other. Bring the bars together, contract your chest muscles, and then slowly come back to the starting position. 

3. Bent-forward Cable Crossovers 

Here’s an exercise for your chest which may help strengthen your pectorals. Choose the needed weight on the cable machine, stand between the two pulleys, and grab the handles with an overhand grip. Lean your body a bit forward to focus the workout on your chest. Push your arms down and inward, crossing over when extended. Gradually come back to the starting position, resisting the tension of the cable. 

4. Inverted Row 

An inverted row works on your full body and targets your chest, shoulders, and back. Set up a squat rack or sturdy flat bar, lie beneath it, and grip the bar with an overhand grip. Involve your core, legs, and glutes to raise your body towards the bar, keeping a straight line from head to foot. Lower yourself back down and do it again. 

5. Pushups 

Pushups are a well-known exercise that strengthens the chest and does not require any equipment. Start in a high plank position with your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until your chest is near the floor, keeping your elbows close to your body. Push yourself back to the start position and draw it out. As you get used to it, try other methods and changes. 

These exercises must be done under a trained professional to avoid risks of trauma or injury. 

Dietary Changes to Avoid Gynaecomastia in men 

Diet changes are key. Eat fewer calories over time and you’ll lose weight. That’s because you’re burning more than you eat. Check your food intake to make sure you don’t eat too much. 

1. Incorporating Healthy Foods 

Eat whole, healthy foods, like lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Stay away from processed foods, added sugars, and unhealthy fats. 

2. Balancing Macronutrients 

You should eat the right mix of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. How much you eat depends on what you need as an individual. 

3. Staying Hydrated 

Drink lots of water every day, this will help keep your metabolism in check and may help weight loss. 

4. Coping and Support 

Gynaecomastia can take a toll on your mental and emotional state. The following tips may be tried to help you manage the mental trauma.  

5. Importance of Mental Health 

You should know that how you think about yourself shouldn’t only be based on your looks. Focus on the parts of yourself that you love. Know that all of us have unique qualities. 

6. Connecting with Others 

Talk to others who have the same problem. This may give you a sense of relief and inspire you. There are many online forums and support groups. You may also learn from others. 

7. Setting Realistic Expectations 

Change doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and a lot of hard work. Set small but achievable goals for yourself. Be patient with yourself. 

8. Celebrating Small Victories 

When you make a little progress, no matter how small, acknowledge it. Celebrate all your small wins along the way. 

Avoiding  Gynaecomastia from Developing 

Here are some steps that may help. 

1. Regular Exercise 

Make it a habit to exercise. This will may help avoid extra body fat and keep you fit. Ensure that your routine includes both cardio and strength training exercises. 

2. Monitoring Hormone Levels 

Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider may help keep hormone levels in check. This may help find imbalances early.  

3. Managing Weight 

Eating right and staying active may help maintain a healthy weight. This may reduce the risk of extra fat building up on the chest. 

4. Avoiding Triggering Medications 

If certain drugs are causing hormonal imbalances, talk to your healthcare provider to explore other management options. 


Gynaecomastia in men can be hard to live with. They can affect your mental health but there are many steps you may take to tackle gynaecomastia. By finding out what causes it and managing it accordingly. By exercising regularly, eating healthy, and getting support from others, you may improve your physical looks and feel better as a whole. 

Believe in the process, be patient, and stay devoted to getting rid of the condition. Step by step, you may see lasting results. 

Also Read: How to Get Rid of Armpit Fat: Strategies and Exercises

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

How fast can I lose man boobs with exercise and diet? 

The speed at which you may reduce the gynaecomastia may differ. It depends on your starting weight, your genes, and how devoted you are to a good diet and exercise routine. Be patient, set real-life goals, and remember that slow and steady wins the race. 

Do push-ups help get rid of man boobs? 

Push-ups are great for strengthening the chest. They help build muscle mass in the pectorals. The caveat  is you have to do full-body strength training and cardio exercises to burn off body fat. 

Are there any effective non-surgical treatments for man boobs? 

Yes, there are non-surgical management options for  gynaecomastia which include addressing the underlying causes like hormonal imbalances through hormone therapy, medications, or lifestyle changes. Incorporating targeted exercises and a healthy diet may also aid in reducing the appearance of man boobs. 

Is it possible for gynaecomastia to come back after surgery? 

While surgery can remove excess breast tissue effectively, it is prudent to maintain a healthy lifestyle to reduce its chances of reappearing. This includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and monitoring hormone levels. 

How to hide man boobs while undergoing treatment? 

You may choose compression garments, like chest binders or supportive undershirts, to make your chest look flatter and more streamlined. Important to ensure the garment fits comfortably without restricting your breathing or causing discomfort. 


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  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Gynecomastia – Conservative and Surgical Management [Internet]. [cited 2023 Nov 8]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6381901 
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