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Wheatgrass Juice: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More!

By Dr Smita Barode +2 more


Have you heard about wheatgrass? As the name suggests, it is a grass of the common wheat plant, scientifically known as Triticum aestivum. The young grass of the common wheat is freshly juiced to obtain the wheatgrass juice. Though a humble drink, wheatgrass juice may serve as a powerhouse as it contains multiple nutrients like vitamins, amino acids, chlorophyll and other enzymes. The use of wheatgrass juice is referred to as “Green Blood Therapy”. Wheatgrass juice contains all the nutrients and is believed to be a completely natural nutrition source. It is slowly gaining popularity in India, but wheat grass juice benefits have been known in Western countries for a long time. As the health-conscious community raves about the benefits of wheatgrass juice, let’s learn about its benefits in detail.1   

wheatgrass juice benefits

Nutritional Value of Wheatgrass Juice: 

The nutrients in wheatgrass juice are as follows: 

Nutrient  Content (in grams) 
Carbohydrates  100  
Proteins  50 
Sugars  50 
Iron  0.1 
Sodium  2.45 
Vitamin C 172 

Table 1: Nutrient content of wheatgrass juice per 100 ml2 

  • Other wheat grass juice vitamins: vitamin A, D, E and K  
  • Other wheat grass juice minerals: potassium, magnesium and sulphur  
  • It contains 17 types of amino acids.  
  • Along with the nutrients mentioned above, wheatgrass juice contains certain enzymes and chlorophyll, which add to its nutritional value.1  

Also Read: Karela Juice: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More!

Along with managing various skin conditions, wheatgrass juices might have anti-ageing effects on the skin. It might be used for maintaining a youthful look, reducing dark circles, and purification of blood.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Properties of Wheatgrass Juice: 

Wheatgrass juice may help us in many ways because of the following properties that it might possess:  

  • It may help in dealing with infections.  
  • It may alleviate inflammation.  
  • It may aid in wound healing.  
  • It may help in the purification of blood.  
  • It may aid in the cleansing of the colon.  
  • It may help in the detoxification of the liver.  
  • It may be effective against parasitic infections.  
  • It might improve digestion.  
  • It might help to avoid tooth decay.  
  • It may help to avoid greying of hair.  
  • It might help with cancer.1  

Also Read: Aloe Vera Juice: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More!

Potential Use of Wheatgrass Juice for Overall Health: 

Green blood therapy involves drinking wheatgrass juice and may potentially benefit in managing various long-term diseases as and when recommended by a doctor. The advantage of wheatgrass juice is that it is crude chlorophyll, so it may be relatively safer.1 Some of the potential uses of wheatgrass juice are as follows: 

1. Potential Use of Wheatgrass Juice for the Blood:  

Wheatgrass juice may help with many blood-related diseases. Wheatgrass is known as green blood because of its structural similarities to haemoglobin. Therefore, it might help with anaemia. Furthermore, it might also help reduce uric acid in the blood and might lower blood pressure, atherosclerosis (blood vessels clogged by fat) and internal haemorrhage (bleeding).1 However, it should be used only after being prescribed by a doctor. 

2. Potential Use of Wheatgrass Juice for Breathing Difficulties:  

Drinking wheatgrass juice might help with diseases affecting the respiratory system, like asthma and bronchitis. Asthma is a stubborn disease that doesn’t respond to most treatments, but drinking wheatgrass juice might help with asthma symptoms. It may also help get rid of a common cold too. In addition, wheatgrass juice may aid in dealing with bronchitis.1 However, further study is needed to prove such claims. Therefore, you should consult a doctor and take their advice regarding its use. 

3. Potential Use of Wheatgrass Juice for the Stomach:  

Wheatgrass juice may help in dealing with nausea, vomiting, flatulence, indigestion, stomach ulcers and worm infestation of the stomach. The best effect of wheatgrass juice may be on stomach-related disturbances. In addition to the above-stated problems, wheatgrass juice might be used for managing constipation and bleeding of the rectum as well, as it may act as a laxative and bulk-up stools, thus aiding its easy passing. It might also help in cases like chronic constipation, bleeding piles, ulcerative colitis, and colon (a part of the small intestine) problems.1 However, the decision of whether wheatgrass juice can be used for a condition is at the discretion of your Ayurvedic physician basis your consultation with them. 

4. Potential Use of Wheatgrass Juice for Teeth:  

It was seen in studies that wheatgrass juice might have the properties that help in avoiding tooth decay. It might also help with sore throat and pyorrhoea. Thus, its use as a mouthwash has been suggested, but there is insufficient data to do so. Moreover, wheatgrass juice might help to deal with toothache.1 However, you should consult a dentist if you have any problem related to teeth as they can help you better. 

5. Potential Use of Wheatgrass Juice for Skin Conditions:  

As wheatgrass juice might have the property of purifying blood, it might also help in certain conditions of the skin. Wheatgrass juice benefits for skin include the potential to help manage itching skin. It might also help the skin from infections and rotting (gangrene); and from skin toughening, blister formation and itching, as seen in eczema. Furthermore, it might help with acne (pimples, boils, cuts, wounds and bites.1 However, there is a need for more exploration in the form of research to prove the potential of wheatgrass juice for skin. Therefore, it is best to follow your doctor’s advice.  

Don’t have the time to create wheatgrass juice at home? Check out Baidyanath Wheatgrass Juice

6. Potential Use of Wheatgrass Juice for Joints and Bone Problems:    

Wheatgrass juice might help to deal with joint problems due to its property of alleviating inflammation. It might help in diseases of bone associated with inflammation, like osteoarthritis. In addition, it might also help in the faster healing of bone fractures and pain. Furthermore, wheatgrass juice might help from gout, a disease affecting the joints.1 However, more research is needed to prove its efficiency. 

7. Other Potential Uses of Wheatgrass Juice:  

Wheatgrass juice might help in the following: 

  • It may help in managing ear conditions. 
  • It may have the potential to help with cancer. 
  • It may help with kidney problems like kidney stones, kidney inflammation and urinary bladder inflammation.1 

However, much more extensive research is required on the properties and benefits of wheat grass juice to prove its potential use for health. The research should be in the form of studies and experiments in laboratories, with animals and on humans. Therefore, you should consult your Ayurvedic physician before using wheatgrass juice.  

Also Read: Amla Juice: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and More!

How to Use Wheatgrass Juice?  

To prepare fresh wheatgrass juice at home,  

  • You can take freshly cut wheatgrass and wash it with water to remove the dirt. 
  • Next, place it on a pounding table. Then pound and crush the wheatgrass to obtain its juice. 
  • Finally, strain the freshly-pound juice using a clean piece of cloth or a strainer.  

You can also use an electric mixer to prepare wheatgrass juice.1 You might also find readily available wheatgrass juice in the market. 

You must consult a qualified doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Do not discontinue or replace an ongoing treatment of modern medicine with an Ayurvedic/herbal preparation without consulting a qualified doctor.   

Wheatgrass juice is a rich source of various nutrients. The potential use of wheatgrass juice is to sweeten the breath and tighten the gums. It may also help in maintaining overall oral health.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

Side Effects of Wheatgrass Juice:  

There is insufficient data regarding the side effects of wheatgrass juice. There is a need for extensive research on animals and humans to reach conclusions about its side effects. Therefore, you should consult a doctor about using wheatgrass juice.    

Also Read: Lady Finger : Uses, Benefits, Side effects and More!

Precautions to Take With Wheatgrass Juice:   

Anything in excess and without supervision might cause harm. Likewise, wheatgrass juice should also be taken under the advice and supervision of an Ayurvedic physician. Special care with more frequent consultation with your doctor is ideal if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, elderly or have a child. 

Interactions With Other Drugs:  

There isn’t enough data suggesting the adverse interactions of wheatgrass juice with other drugs. There is a need for extensive research to claim the safety of wheatgrass juice. Kindly do not self-medicate or discontinue your ongoing treatment. You must consult your doctor and ask for their advice about using wheatgrass juice. They will be the best judge of your condition and will guide you best.  

Also Read: Potential Benefits of Chlorophyll: An In-depth Research-Based Review

Frequently Asked Questions:  

What is wheatgrass juice?  

Wheatgrass juice is the juice obtained from the grass of common wheat (Triticum aestivum). You can make this juice from freshly cut wheatgrass by pounding or crushing it and then straining it using a cloth or a strainer. You can also use a mixer grinder for juicing it.1  

What are wheatgrass juice benefits?  

Wheatgrass juice has various nutrients and properties, which might be valuable for blood purification, skin, liver, kidney, joints, teeth, etc.1 However, there is a need for more research in the form of studies to prove its benefits. 

What are wheatgrass juice’s side effects?  

There is a requirement for more research on wheatgrass to know about its side effects. There is insufficient data to state its side effects or to state there aren’t any. You should consult a doctor for further help. 

What are the nutrients in wheatgrass juice? 

Wheatgrass juice has carbohydrates, proteins, various minerals, vitamins, amino acids, chlorophyll and enzymes, which may impart good properties to wheatgrass juice. These properties might potentially help with infections, wounds, detoxification, etc.1,2 However, extensive research is required to prove its effects.

What are wheatgrass juice benefits for hair? 

There are no valid reports stating the use of wheatgrass juice for hair. More research is needed to prove the effect of wheatgrass juice on the hair. 

What are wheatgrass juice’s benefits for the skin?

Wheatgrass juice might have the potential to help deal with itching skin, eczema (toughening, blistering and itching of the skin), and rotting of skin (gangrene). It might also help wound healing and manage cuts, burns, bites, etc.1 However, there is a need for more research. 

Can I use wheatgrass juice for the liver? 

No. You should consult an Ayurvedic physician for taking wheatgrass juice or any other herb for medicinal purposes. Kindly consult an Ayurvedic physician; they will prescribe and guide you regarding the appropriate treatment for your condition. Please do not self-medicate or discontinue any treatment. Consult expert doctors for their opinion. However, more studies are required to know about the use of wheatgrass juice for the liver. 

What is green blood therapy?

Drinking wheatgrass juice is called green blood therapy. Wheatgrass juice is structurally similar to haemoglobin. Therefore, it is referred to as ”Green Blood”. Physicians might recommend green blood therapy to deal with various long-term diseases.1 

Is wheatgrass juice used for asthma?  

Wheatgrass juice might be prescribed to you by your Ayurvedic physician for asthma as a few studies show that it might help to deal with asthma.1 However, there is a need for more research. 

Does wheatgrass juice help with leg pain? 

No. There are no valid reports claiming that wheatgrass juice can help with leg pain. However, there is a need for more research to claim it as a fact or to dismiss it entirely. 

Check out – Everherb (By Pharmeasy) Wheat Grass Juice


1. Mujoriya R, Babu Bodla KIET R. A study on wheat grass and its Nutritional value. 2011 [cited 2022 Feb 4]; Available from: www.iiste.org 

2. Wheat Grass Cold Pressed Juice [Internet]. FoodData Central. [cited 2022 Jun 15]. Available from: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/170096/nutrients 

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