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How to Get Rid of Mice: Expert Tips and Strategies

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Recognize the signs of a mouse infestation. 
  • Use natural methods, such as essential oils and adopting a cat, to deter mice. 
  • Set traps effectively using the right bait and placement. 
  •  Sealing openings and installing door sweeps to eliminate entry points.  
  • Seek professional help for severe infestations. 
  • Educate yourself on common diseases spread by mice and measures to reduce the risk of infestation. 
  • Maintain a clean and organized home to avoid future infestations. 


A house full of mice can harm your health and the house. They dirty surfaces with urine and stools. These can carry germs. Plus, mice can ruin the house by gnawing on the walls, wires etc. 

In this article, we will discuss on how to drive away these rodents to have a spick and span, safe home. We will go through various home remedies to setting traps and asking for professional help. More so, we’ll focus on how to stop future invasions.  

how to get rid of mice

Did you know?

  • Mice are known carriers of various diseases, including hantavirus, salmonellosis, and leptospirosis. source: cdc.gov
  • Keeping food stored in airtight containers and regularly cleaning up crumbs can help prevent mice infestations. source: cdc.gov
  • Regular inspection and maintenance of buildings can help prevent mouse infestations. source: cdc.gov
  • Professional pest control services can provide effective and long-term solutions for mice infestations. source: pestworld.org
  • Mice can squeeze through openings as small as a dime, making it important to seal all potential entry points. source: epa.gov

Signs of a Mouse Infestation 

Gnaw Marks 

Mice have strong teeth. They can chew many kind of objects.  


Mouse droppings look like tiny, dark rice grains. Rats can leave similar droppings. Be sure if you have mice by checking the size. Mouse droppings are usually smaller (about a  fourth inch long). 


Mice build nests using soft items. Like paper,  insulation, or cloth from your house. Check for messed-up insulation, torn paper, or other soft bits. These can show a nest area. 

Strategies to Get Rid of Mice 

There are many ways to get rid of these pests. These include natural ways, setting traps, and blocking entry points which are described below. 

1. Natural Methods 

Using natural methods to keep off mice is safer. It’s more so if you have kids or pets. These methods focus on using stuff or animals that keep mice out. 

Adopting a cat 

Cats are natural hunters of mice. And they can keep your home free of these pests. It’s a long-term remedy against mouse invasion. If not, you can still deter mice. Just spread used cat litter where mice frequent. Keep in mind, keep the cat litter out of reach of kids  and pregnant women.  

Using essential oils 

Some homeowners find essential oils work. Like peppermint or clove oil. They’re natural deterrents. Soak cotton balls in these oils. Then place them in areas like drawers, cupboards, and house entrances. It is proposed to help to keep off mice. 

Hot pepper solutions 

Hot pepper solutions can make it hard for mice. The solution stops them from coming into your home. Spray a strong hot pepper solution at mouse favourite spots. But keep it away from pets and children. 

2. Setting Traps 

Traps often work best to get rid of mice fast. There are different kinds of mouse traps. Each has its own pros and cons. Setting traps in the right places with the right bait is essential. 

Types of Mouse Traps 

Snap traps 

Many people use snap traps to catch mice. They’re money-saving. And they kill fast if you put them in the right places. For instance, bar, clam, and hidden kill traps. 

Humane traps 

Humane traps are designed to catch mice without harm. They need checking often. It’s to make sure that caught mice are released as soon as possible. Place humane traps where mice are. Use things like peanut butter, cheese, or buttered popcorn as bait. Let out caught mice at least a mile away from your house. 

Glue traps 

Glue traps use sticky bits to catch mice. Those mice can’t escape. They can be effective. Yet, they’re not liked due to their harsh nature. The trapped mice often suffer long distress or die slowly. 

Electric traps 

Electric traps work by killing mice with a quick electric shock. They draw mice into a chamber. They can be used again. Plus, they’re safe for homes with pets and children. But remember, electric traps cost more than regular snap traps. And they may need a battery change. 

The Best Bait for Mouse Traps 

The bait you use for your traps can affect how well they work. Some good baits are chocolate, peanut butter, bacon, oatmeal, dried fruit, or hazelnut spread. Change the bait every two days. It keeps it fresh and tempting to mice. 

Proper Placement of Mouse Traps 

Where you put mouse traps matters a lot. Put traps with the trigger part facing the wall base. This lets the mouse run straight into the bait. Mice don’t usually travel over 30 feet from food and nest areas. So, place traps where you see mice activity or signs of them. 

3. Eliminating Entry Points 

One main point of controlling a mouse problem is to stop them from coming in. By sealing openings, putting door sweeps, and cutting trees or bushes near your home. It may reduce the chance of having a lot of mice. 

Sealing Openings with Steel Wool or Caulk 

Mice can get into your house through small cracks and openings. So, it’s key to close these entry points. Use steel wool or caulk to fill gaps in the base, walls, and around utility pipes and vents. Stay away from using materials that mice can chew easily. Like plastic or wood. 

Installing Door Sweeps or Weather Stripping 

Putting door sweeps or weather stripping can help keep mice out. It stops them from coming in through gaps under doors or around windows. Make sure the door sweep seals with a threshold when the door is shut. 

Trimming Trees or Bushes Near Your Home 

Cutting trees or bushes near the house can lower the chance of mice climbing onto the roof. Keep branches and leaves at least 18 inches away from the outer walls of the  house. It sets up a barrier that’s tough for mice to cross. 

Handling Severe Infestations 

In certain cases, a mouse infestation may become serious. This may need more strong measures to control. Working with a professional exterminator can make sure you deal with the issue right and  safely. 

1. Recognizing a Severe Infestation 

A serious mouse problem may show these signs: 

  • More activity: Seeing more mice or hearing louder and more ongoing sounds from walls or ceilings. 
  • Many entry points: Finding many gaps, cracks, or holes in the outer parts of the house that can let mice in. 

2. Collaborating with Professional Exterminators 

There are several reasons for asking a professional exterminator to help with serious problems: 

  • Expertise: Exterminators have the know-how and skills to handle a mouse problem well and fast. 
  • Advanced methods: Professionals use advanced methods.  

3 Reasons to Hire a Professional 

  • Faster option: Professional exterminators can often solve a problem quicker than a house owner with not much experience. 
  • Safe and sound methods: Professionals have a range of advanced methods. And they can make sure the problem is dealt with safely. 

4. Techniques employed by professionals 

Professional exterminators may use different techniques to manage serious mouse problems, such as: 

  • Bait stations: They set-up bait stations that provide a controlled and targeted approach to handling a large issue. 
  • Exclusion methods: A professional exterminator can identify and close all entry points. It can stop mice from coming back to your home. 

Diseases Spread by Mice 

Mice can spread diseases. This poses a big risk to human health. Thus, it’s key to know about possible diseases that can spread by  mice. And steps you may take to lower the risk. 

Common Diseases Transmitted By Mice 

Mice can spread a range of diseases to humans,  which are as follows.  

  • Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome 
  • Lymphocytic choriomeningitis 
  • Leptospirosis 
  • Salmonellosis 
  • Plague, typhoid, and pox (Rickettsial infections) 

Measures to Avoid Diseases 

To reduce the risk of catching diseases from mice, you may try the following measures.  

  • Put on gloves and a mask when cleaning areas with mouse droppings or urine. 
  • Keep your house clean to keep mice away. 
  • Store food in sealed containers. 
  • Clean pet feeding areas and water bowls often. 

Avoiding Future Infestations 

To stop future mouse issues, it’s key to keep a clean, organized home. By eliminating possible entry points, keeping a neat living area, and checking often for signs of mice, you may reduce the chance of infestation. 

Keeping a Clean and Organized Home 

A clean, organized home can keep mice from nesting and searching for food. Do these habits to maintain a place without mice: 

  • Declutter: Remove extra items and scraps that could give hiding spots for mice. 
  • Store food right: Keep dry food, including pet food, in sealed boxes to stop mice from getting in. 

Checking Your Home Regularly For Signs of Mice 

Check your home often for any signs of mouse activity or entry points. This is more so during seasons when mice may look for indoor shelter. Search for droppings, nests, and chew marks in hidden or hard-to-reach areas. Eliminate any found entry points soon to stop mice from coming in. 


Managing a mouse issue can be tough. But with the right strategies and methods, you can have control over your home again. By using natural ways, setting good traps, and keeping mice from coming in, you may clear out these unwanted pests. It’s vital to stay alert and keep a clean, tidy living space. It lowers the risk of future problems and helps keep a healthy place to live. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What attracts mice to a home? 

Mice are drawn to homes that offer warmth, shelter, and easy food. This often includes unsealed food containers, improperly stored pet food, and messy living areas. 

What is the most effective way to get rid of mice? 

The best way to get rid of mice is a mix of measures to reduce the risk of invasion. Like sealing entry points and keeping a clean house. Along with dealing with invasions through traps or professional extermination. 

Are there any natural methods to repel mice? 

Natural ways to keep off mice include using essential oils like peppermint or clove oil. Adopting a cat. And creating a hot pepper solution to spray in problem areas. While, these methods work best when used with other methods, such as trapping or professional extermination. 

Why do mice infest my home in the winter months? 

Mice invade homes during winter to find warmth, shelter, and food. When it gets cold outside, mice look for snug spaces to nest in and keep warm. And that often leads them to indoor living areas. 

What precautions should I take when dealing with a mouse infestation? 

When managing a mouse issue, always put on gloves and a mask when cleaning up droppings, pee, or nests. Be sure to store food – both human and pet – in sealed  containers and keep a clean living place to ward off new invasions. If using traps, take care to put them in places that are not reachable by pets and children. And dispose of dead mice safely and promptly. 


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). How to Control Wild Rodent Infestations [Internet]. [cited 2024 Apr 24]. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/rodents/diseases/direct.html 
  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). How to Control Wild Rodent Infestations [Internet]. [cited 2024 Apr 24]. Available from: http://www.cdc.gov/rodents/diseases/direct.html 
  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). How to Control Wild Rodent Infestations [Internet]. [cited 2024 Apr 24]. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/rodents/index.html 

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