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How to Remove Wrinkles Under Eyes: Effective Treatments Explained

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Understand the main causes of under-eye wrinkles, such as UV radiation, smoking, repetitive movements and expressions, and environmental factors. 
  • Explore at-home remedies for under-eye wrinkles, including facial exercises, managing allergies, gentle exfoliation, and moisturizing with eye creams containing beneficial ingredients. 
  • Discover cosmetic procedures that may reduce under-eye wrinkles, including chemical peels, fillers, microdermabrasion, lasers, microneedling, and Botox. 
  • Learn about lifestyle changes and tips for maintaining healthy skin and avoiding under-eye wrinkles. 
  • Identify when a visit to a dermatologist might be necessary for addressing chronic or severe skin concerns. 


The thin skin under our eyes tends to age first. It shows fine lines and wrinkles as we age. These signs of a full life are normal. Yet, many want to reduce them or stop them from forming. In this  article, we’ll delve into the subject of under-eye wrinkle management options. We’ll also discuss the causes, at-home remedies, procedures, lifestyle  changes, and tips to avoid them. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.   

Causes of Under-Eye Wrinkles 

Many things can cause under-eye wrinkles. Some are a part of nature, like aging. Others result from our habits and choices. Below we have described the various causes of under-eye wrinkles. 

how to remove wrinkles under eyes

1. UV Radiation 

  • The Role of Sunscreen 

UV rays from the sun and tanning beds are the top causes of under-eye wrinkles. These rays break down collagen and elastin in the skin. These proteins give structure and firmness to our skin. As UV rays break them down, the skin can sag and wrinkle. Use sunscreen of at least SPF 30 every day.  Even when it’s cloudy. 

  • Importance of Wearing a Hat 

A wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses may protect your eyes. They can also shield the sensitive skin around them from the sun. By reducing squinting, you may avoid collagen and elastin loss. This delays wrinkles. 

2. Smoking 

  • Its Effects on Skin Health 

Smoking harms our skin. It increases the level of oxidative stress on cells. Oxidative stress can harm cells and weaken the skin’s collagen and elastin. It also shrinks blood vessels in the face. This means fewer nutrients and oxygen for the skin.  

  • Strategies to Minimize Harm 

Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your skin. If you can’t quit now, take steps to lower the harm of smoking. Try a skincare routine geared to smokers. Look for serums with antioxidants and products that stimulate collagen production. 

3. Repetitive Movements and Expressions 

  • Role of Facial Yoga and Exercises 

Facial movements like smiling and squinting form wrinkles over time. The skin creases with muscle contractions. To lessen dynamic wrinkles (from facial movements), try facial yoga and exercises. They tone the muscles of the face. This may smooth out lines and stop new ones from forming. 

4. Environmental Factors 

  • Air Pollution 

Air pollution exposes our skin to toxins and irritants. This may lead to premature aging and wrinkles under the eyes. To protect your skin, clean your face well at night. Consider skincare products with antioxidants to fight off free radical damage. 

  • Dry and Cold Weather 

Dry and cold weather can deplete skin from its natural moisture. This leaves it prone to lines and wrinkles. To fight back, add hydration to your skincare routine during colder months. Also, invest in a good indoor humidifier. 

At-Home Remedies for Under-Eye Wrinkles 

Many at-home remedies may help fade under-eye wrinkles. Results may be less pronounced than professional therapies. Still, adding these to your daily routine may boost skin health and texture. 

Facial Exercises to Tighten Skin 

Facial exercises, or “face yoga,” help tone facial muscles. This may improve skin bounce and smooth wrinkles. With time, regular face yoga might help the skin around your eyes. 

1. Managing Allergies 

  • Identifying Triggers 

Allergies can cause swelling and puffiness around the eyes. This can form wrinkles. Get an allergy test to detect to the root cause. 

  • Appropriate Medications 

Once you know your triggers, over-the-counter or doctor-prescribed medicines may reduce symptoms. Reduction in swelling and inflammation may improve the look of the skin around your eyes. 

2. Gently Exfoliating 

  • Tips for Safe and Effective Exfoliation 

Regular exfoliation takes off dead skin cells. This brings out new ones and improves skin texture. Exfoliate gently to avoid skin irritation. 

3. Moisturizing with an Eye Cream 

  • Key Ingredients to Look for in Eye Creams 

Choose an eye cream with ingredients beneficial to the skin.  

1. Vitamin C 

Vitamin C brightens skin, stimulates collagen production, and fights oxidative stress. 

2. Retinoids 

Retinoids come from vitamin A. They trigger collagen production and lessen lines and wrinkles. 

3. Coenzyme Q10 

This powerful antioxidant helps defend the skin from stress and boosts cell health. 

4. Peptides 

These amino acids increase collagen production. This improves skin firmness and lessens lines and wrinkles. 

5. Probiotics 

When put on the skin, probiotics can toughen the barrier. They increase moisture levels and better overall skin health. 

6. Hyaluronic Acid 

Hyaluronic acid is a high-octane humectant. It can trap up to 1,000 times its weight in water. This deeply hydrates skin. 

Always remember to run it by your dermatologist before incorporating any of the above in your skin routine.  

4. DIY Remedies 

  • Aloe Vera Gel 

Aloe vera gel may increase face collagen production. It may also improve skin bounce. Rub a small amount on the skin under your eyes. Massage it in until soaked up. 

  • Caffeine 

Caffeine is said to tighten  blood vessels. It’s a top ingredient to lessen dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. You may use caffeinated eye creams or mix used coffee grounds with an oil. Then carefully massage the blend onto the under-eye area. 

  • Green Tea Bags 

Green tea carries antioxidants and polyphenols. These may bring down swelling and may help maintain skin bounce. To use green tea bags for wrinkles under the eyes, steep two bags in hot water. Let them cool and then put them over your closed eyes. Leave them on for around 20 minutes. 

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Cosmetic Procedures to Reduce Under-Eye Wrinkles 

For those who want big results, there are cosmetic procedures. These may help reduce under-eye wrinkles. Of course, always make sure a skilled professional carries out these procedures.  

1. Chemical Peels 

 A special solution is applied to the skin. This makes the skin peel off, revealing fresher, younger skin. This remedy may lessen fine lines around the eyes. 

  • Types of Peels 

Chemical peels have mild to strong versions. Mild ones touch just the top layer of skin. Stronger ones dig deeper, yielding bigger results. A dermatologist can tell you decide which type is right for you. 

  • Expected Results 

Results differ based on peel type and strength. Other factors that impact results include skin type and condition. Most users see better skin tone, and texture, as well as fewer fine lines. 

2. Fillers 

Fillers, also called dermal or soft tissue fillers, are said to refresh the fullness and volume of the face. They are proposed to help the under-eye area by injecting hyaluronic acid or collagen into the skin to plump and iron out wrinkles. 

  • Common Filler Types 

They include hyaluronic acid-based fillers, calcium hydroxyapatite fillers, and collagen fillers. Your  dermatologist can guide you with the choice.  

  • How does it work? 

Fillers work by “filling” in wrinkles and hollow spots in the face. The result is smoother, younger-looking skin. Based on the type and spot, results last from a few months up to a few years. 

3. Microdermabrasion 

Microdermabrasion lightly scrapes off the top layer of skin with a diamond-tip device. It promotes new cell growth and may improve fine lines and wrinkles under the eyes. 

4. Lasers 

Lasers use light to poke tiny holes in the skin. This forces collagen and elastin production, leading to firmer, smoother skin with less under-eye wrinkles. 

  • Types of Lasers 

There are many laser therapies for under-eye wrinkles. You’ve got ablative lasers that remove the top layer of skin and non-ablative ones that heat the lower layers to stimulate collagen. Each type has pros and cons. So, talk with a dermatologist to pick the right one. 

  • Expected Results 

Laser therapy for under-eye wrinkles often need more than one session. Final results can take some months to show. But, many see big changes in skin tone and texture, as well as fewer fine lines and wrinkles. 

5. Microneedling 

Microneedling is a minor invasive procedure. It uses tiny needles to lightly injure the skin. This method sparks collagen production and new cells. It helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles under the eyes. 

  • Benefits and Risks 

Microneedling has many benefits, but it also carries risks. Benefits include better skin texture and tone, firmness, and fewer lines and wrinkles. Risks include infection, scarring, or changes in skin colour. It’s key to discuss risks with your skin doctor before your procedure. 

  • Post-procedure Care 

Microneedling requires aftercare. Always follow your dermatologist’s advice. Keep the area on which microneedling is done clean and avoid direct sunlight for best results. 

6. Botox 

Botox injections can relax muscles under the eyes. This smooths out wrinkles and gives a more youthful look. 

  • How does it work? 

Botox works by briefly blocking signals that make muscles contract. This lets the skin on top of it relax and smooth out. It’s often used for dynamic wrinkles, formed by repeated muscle movements. 

  • Expected Results and Duration 

Most people see a large drop in under-eye wrinkles within 3 to 7 days of therapy. The effects normally last 3 to 4 months. However, final results change based on factors like wrinkle severity, type of skin, and lifestyle. 

However, its ideal to first consult with a healthcare professional before resorting to these therapies. Also, remember to get any such procedure done by a trained professional only. 

Lifestyle Changes for Reducing the Risk of Wrinkles  

Not just at-home remedies and cosmetic procedures, your daily habits may also keep wrinkles away.  

Balanced Diet 

  • Key Nutrients for Skin Health 

A balanced, nutrient-filled diet is key for healthy, glowing skin. You should incorporate the following.  

  • Vitamin C – Found in citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers. It helps with collagen production and fights free radicals. 
  • Vitamin A – Foods rich in vitamin A, like carrots and leafy greens. These aid in cell turnover and slow down aging signs. 
  • Vitamin E – Nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils are full of vitamin E. It’s an antioxidant that combats stress on cells. 
  • Hydrating Foods 

Good hydration is needed for healthy skin. You can also eat hydrating foods to help your skin retain moisture. Cucumbers, watermelon, and celery are a few such foods. Add them to your diet for ideal skin health. 


  • Benefits of Physical Activity for Skin 

Regular activity improves your skin’s overall health and appearance. Exercise promotes good blood flow and oxygen delivery. It helps get rid of harmful substances. 

  • Recommended Exercises 

Any type of physical activity is good for your skin. But some exercises may be more helpful. Yoga, for example, improves blood flow and relaxes you. Both of these are proposed to promote healthy, young-looking skin. 

Tips to Reduce the Risk of Under-Eye Wrinkles  

Apart from therapy and lifestyle changes, some basic tips may help you keep under-eye skin young-looking. 

1. Wearing Sunscreen 

As mentioned above to protect skin under your eyes from UV rays, sunscreen is very necessary. Always put on broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen.  Even when it’s cloudy. 

2. Avoiding Excessive Rubbing or Pulling on the Eye Area 

Too much rubbing on the eye area can cause fine lines and wrinkles. Gently apply makeup or skincare products to this area. Avoid unnecessary tugging. 

3. Getting Adequate Sleep 

Sleep deprivation may make wrinkles, dark circles, and puffiness worse. Try for at least seven to eight hours of restful sleep each night. Make sure your sleeping space is comfortable and good for restful sleep. 

4. Staying Hydrated 

Drinking enough water helps keep your skin looking and feeling at its best. Target eight glasses of water each day. You could also add hydrating foods to your diet for added moisture and nutrition. 

When to See a Dermatologist? 

Sometimes, you may need to speak to a dermatologist to tackle under-eye wrinkles.  

  • Chronic or Severe Skin Conditions 

If you have a chronic or severe skin problem (like eczema, rosacea, or psoriasis) that affects the skin under your eyes, see a skin doctor. The doctor can make a management plan just for you. 

  • Lack of Improvement with At-Home Remedies 

If at-home remedies and lifestyle changes don’t help, consider seeing a skin doctor. They can review your skin concerns and advise the best option. This may include cosmetic procedures. 


Under-eye wrinkles are a normal part of aging. Yet, many ways exist to reduce them or stop them from forming. By understanding the causes and trying at-home remedies, skin-care procedures, and lifestyle changes, you may keep your skin healthy and young-looking. If you have long-term or serious skin problems, see a dermatologist for expert advice. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Can wrinkles under the eyes be completely eliminated? 

While it may not be possible to fully remove under-eye wrinkles, many therapies, and lifestyle changes may lessen their look and stop them from getting worse. 

Are there any natural remedies for under-eye wrinkles? 

Several natural remedies, like aloe vera gel, caffeine, and green tea bags, might help improve the look of under-eye wrinkles. But, use these consistently as part of your skincare routine and healthy lifestyle. 

How do I avoid creases from forming under my eyes? 

To avoid creases under your eyes, make sure you protect your skin from sun damage. Keep a balanced diet and stay hydrated. Do regular exercise and stick to a gentle yet effective skincare routine. 

What can I do to tighten the skin under my eyes? 

You can try to face yoga to tone your facial muscles. Also, consider various at-home remedies, and procedures. These methods may help improve skin bounce and firmness in the under-eye area. 


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