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Identifying and Treating White Spots on the Throat: A Comprehensive Guide

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

Key Highlights:

  • White spots on the throat may be caused by various infections, including strep throat, oral thrush, mononucleosis, or herpes.
  • Diagnosis will involve a visit to the doctor and potentially some lab tests.
  • Treatment will depend on the cause of the white spots, with options ranging from antibiotics to at-home treatment methods.
  • Prevention measures include good oral hygiene and avoiding close contact with individuals already infected.
  • The blog post also addresses a common manifestation of white spots—tonsil stones, their symptoms, causes, treatments, and preventive measures.


Have you ever had a sore throat? It’s a common issue we all face. Sometimes, it comes with white spots. We often don’t give it much thought. But, what if these spots signal a health problem? Are they danger signs? And how do we deal with them?

white spots on throat

In this guide, we’ll explore all about these white spots. Let’s learn how to spot, treat, and prevent them. Here’s what you need to know to keep your throat healthy.

Did you know?

  • White spots on the throat can be caused by various conditions, including strep throat, tonsillitis, and oral thrush. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • Fungal pharyngitis, such as oral thrush, can cause white spots on the throat and usually requires antifungal treatment with medications like fluconazole or miconazole. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • Antibiotics, such as amoxicillin, are commonly prescribed to treat strep throat and other bacterial infections causing white spots on the throat. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • White spots on the throat can also be a symptom of infectious mononucleosis (mono), which is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • White spots on the throat can be a symptom of head and neck cancers. source: cancer.gov

White Spots on Throat: An Overview

White spots on back of  throat are common signs of infections. They can be bacterial, viral, or fungal. Let’s dive into each one to understand better.

What Causes White Spots on the Throat?

Various factors can cause white spots on throat. They often come from infections. Ready to know more about their causes? Let’s break them down step by step.

Strep Throat

Ever heard of strep throat? It’s a common reason for throat spots. This infection spreads through coughs or sneezes. Its main symptoms are a painful throat with white or yellow patches.

Infectious Mononucleosis

Also known as “mono”, this viral infection can cause throat spots. Along with these spots, you might also feel tired and feverish.

Oropharyngeal Candidiasis

This condition is also known as oral thrush. It leads to white spots and white patches on throat  and mouth

Oral and Genital Herpes

Herpes generally cause sores on the lips or private parts. But sometimes, they can also cause white spots on your throat and tonsils.

If you find any visible white spots in your throat, please visit a physician as the physician will usually perform a clinical examination, feel for any swelling in the neck and enquire about other symptoms to establish a diagnosis and if needed perform a swab or blood test. 

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Recognizing the Symptoms

Early detection of health issues is always beneficial. This applies to any cause of white throat spots, too. Wondering about the general and specific symptoms? Here’s an overview.

Common Symptoms to Look Out for

Regardless of the cause of throat spots, watch for these signs. These include a sore throat, trouble swallowing, nasal congestion, and fever. Now, let’s focus on some specific symptoms related to certain health issues.

1. Strep Throat Symptoms

Strep throat often shows up as fever, swollen neck glands, throat redness, and swelling. Other signs include pain when swallowing, headache, nausea, and vomiting.

2. Symptoms of Mono

With mono, you could have fatigue, swollen tonsils, a sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. Of course, you would also see white spots in your throat.

3. Oral Thrush Symptoms

Along with throat spots, oral thrush may cause a sore throat, pain when swallowing, and redness.

4. Symptoms of Oral and Genital Herpes

Herpes often leads to cold sores (oral herpes) and genital sores (genital herpes). Some infections may not show symptoms (asymptomatic). Both forms can lead to throat and tonsil spots. Extra symptoms linked to the first infection episode include tingling and itching around the sores, flu-like symptoms, sore throat, and urinary symptoms (especially in HSV-2).

Infections of throat require management by a doctor. Warm saline gargles or betadine gargles often help reduce the discomfort in some cases.

Dr. Arpit Verma, MBBS, MD (Pharmacology)

Diagnosis: What to Expect When You Visit a Doctor

When to See a Healthcare Provider

If the throat spots don’t go away and cause you discomfort, consult a healthcare provider.

Are There Tests to Diagnose the Cause of White Spots on Tonsils?

The diagnosis process will likely include a doctor checking your throat, doing a short physical exam, and asking about your health history and symptoms. After that, they might arrange for some blood tests and throat cultures. These will help to find out what’s causing your throat spots and decide on the right treatment plan.

White spots on throat is due to streptococcal infection, infectious mononucleosis, candidiasis(fungal infection), herpes and diptheria. However due to vaccination against diptheria it has reduced drastically.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

Treating White Spots on the Throat

Remember that the treatment you need will depend on what’s causing the white spots in throat. The right choice, whether it involves prescribed drugs or simple home remedies for white spots on the throat, will be based on your healthcare provider’s diagnosis.

1. Treating Strep Throat

Only a throat culture can confirm a strep throat diagnosis. If it’s confirmed, your doctor will probably prescribe antibiotics. As well as these, your healthcare provider may suggest an over-the-counter pain reliever to help control symptoms.

2. Treating Mono

Treatment for mono mainly helps manage and lessen symptoms. If symptoms are severe, the doctor might prescribe oral steroids. In some cases, antibiotics may be necessary for secondary infections linked with mono.

3. Treating Oral Thrush

For minor oral thrush cases, your healthcare provider might prescribe an antifungal drug that you swirl in your mouth and then swallow. For moderate to severe cases, stronger oral prescription drugs may be needed.

4. Treating Oral and Genital Herpes

While herpes can’t be cured, your doctor may provide topical anesthetics for managing throat pain.

Also Read: Decoding The Causes Of Bumps On The Back Of The Throat

Prevention Measures

It’s always better to prevent health issues than to treat them. This goes for the issues that cause throat spots, too. Even if prevention depends a lot on the underlying cause, there’s one rule that holds for all cases: Good personal hygiene is key. Here are some steps you can follow to lower your risk of getting conditions linked to throat spots.

1. Preventing Strep Throat

Regular hand-washing and covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze can protect you from strep throat. Also, avoid sharing drinks or eating utensils with others to prevent the spread.

2. Preventing Mono

Avoid sharing utensils, drinks, and bottles. This can help prevent Mono, which is spread through saliva.

3. Preventing Oral Thrush

Good dental habits like brushing and flossing regularly can help you avoid oral thrush. This, along with rinsing your mouth after meals using mouthwash, can hinder the growth of infectious agents.

4. Preventing Oral and Genital Herpes

Barrier methods used during sexual activities can prevent the spreading of sexually transmitted infections like herpes. If you or your partner have repeated HSV-2 outbreaks, daily suppressive medication can limit the spread.

White Spots on Tonsils

These spots could appear on the tonsils, too. While they’re mostly harmless, they are uncomfortable. Persistent spots can disrupt your daily activities. Let’s explore how to recognize related symptoms, possible causes, and easy treatment for white spots on throat that  you can try.

1. Symptoms of White Spots on Tonsils

These small, pearl-like growths cause discomfort when swallowing. They also cause bad breath and a sore throat with white spots

2. Causes of White Spots on Tonsils

Many conditions like bacterial, viral, or fungal infections can cause tonsil spots. When food and debris get stuck, they form tonsil stones, which are seen as white spots.

3. Treatments for White Spots on Tonsils

How you treat these spots depends on what caused them. If they’re not painful, you can treat them at home with various remedies. If they don’t go away or they’re very uncomfortable, your healthcare provider may prescribe medication. In serious, long-term cases, surgery might be suggested.

4. At-home treatment

At-home methods like gargling with warm salt water can help manage and get rid of tonsil spots.

5. Tonsil Stones and Prevention

Tonsil stones are another type of white spot that shows up quite often. You can clear them up from time to time with basic home care. Plus, good oral hygiene can stop them from forming.

Complications and Risk Factors

Although they’re usually not harmful, if white spots on the tonsils last a long time, they could lead to other more serious problems.

Complications of Tonsil Stones

Having tonsil stones often could increase your chances of getting tonsillitis. Rarely, if the stones get really large, they could cause breathing or swallowing problems.

Risk Factors of Tonsil Stones

Tonsil stone development is linked to certain risk factors. Smoking can cause inflammation in the throat, leading to pits forming on the tonsils. Drinking high-sugar beverages feeds bacteria living in the tonsils, leading to stone formation.

Also Read: Popular Remedies: How To Make Tonsil Stones Fall Out


White spots on your throat or tonsils can seem scary, but they’re usually just minor annoyances that go away in a week. However, if you have long-lasting discomfort and other symptoms, it might indicate a health issue that needs medical attention. With this essential knowledge, you can recognize these symptoms and treat them effectively for a speedy recovery.

Putting preventive measures and routines into practice can greatly cut the chances of these spots coming back. Keeping good oral health and staying vigilant over your daily habits can help you to avoid the onset of white spots on your throat.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Should I be worried about white spots on the tonsils?

White spots on the tonsils usually aren’t harmful, even though they may cause discomfort. However, if these spots last a long time or come with serious throat pain, high fever, or trouble breathing, you should see a healthcare professional at once.

Can you have white spots without having strep throat?

Yes, you can! Although strep throat does cause white spots, other conditions can also cause them. These include tonsillitis, mono, oral thrush, and tonsil stones.

How can I get rid of white spots on my tonsils?

Often, you can handle tonsil spots at home with simple remedies like gargling warm salt water. If they don’t go away, your healthcare provider may prescribe medication, recommend specific oral hygiene practices, or, in more serious cases, surgery.

Can white spots on throat go away on their own?

White spots on the throat can sometimes resolve on their own, but it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment if the spots persist or are associated with other symptoms.

Can post nasal drip cause white spots on throat?

Post nasal drip can contribute to the development of white spots on the throat as it may lead to the accumulation of mucus, bacteria, or debris. Consulting a healthcare professional is recommended for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Can acid reflux cause white spots on throat?

Yes, acid reflux can potentially lead to the formation of white spots on the throat due to irritation and inflammation. Seeking medical advice is recommended for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management.

Can vaping cause white spots on throat?

Vaping may contribute to white spots on the throat as it can irritate and dry out the mucous membranes, potentially leading to inflammation. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advised for a proper evaluation and guidance.

Can white spots on throat be harmless?

White spots on the throat can be harmless and may result from conditions like tonsil stones or viral infections. However, consulting a healthcare professional is advisable for a proper diagnosis and appropriate guidance.

Can allergies cause white spots on the throat?

Yes, allergies can cause white spots on the throat due to inflammation and postnasal drip. Seeking medical advice is recommended for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management of allergy-related symptoms.

Can a virus cause white spots on throat?

Yes, a viral infection, such as the common cold or flu, can cause white spots on the throat as part of the inflammatory response. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advisable for proper diagnosis and appropriate care.

Can sinus infection cause white spots on throats?

Yes, a sinus infection can lead to white spots on the throat due to postnasal drip and inflammation. Seeking medical advice is recommended for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment of sinus infection-related symptoms.

Can STD cause white spots on throat?

Yes, certain sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as syphilis or gonorrhea can cause white spots on the throat as part of their symptoms. Consultation with a healthcare professional is essential for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment if an STD is suspected.

Can mold cause white spots on throat?

Exposure to mold can potentially lead to throat irritation and white spots, but it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and to rule out other causes. Addressing the mold source and seeking medical advice is advisable for comprehensive management.

Does mono cause whites spots on throat?

Yes, infectious mononucleosis (mono) caused by the Epstein-Barr virus can result in white spots on the throat, often accompanied by other symptoms like fatigue and swollen glands. Consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended for accurate diagnosis and appropriate care.

Does bronchitis cause white spots on throat?

Bronchitis typically does not cause white spots on the throat. However, throat irritation and cough associated with bronchitis may lead to other symptoms. Consulting a healthcare professional is advised for proper diagnosis and management of bronchitis-related symptoms.

Does HFM cause white spots on throat?

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFM) can cause red spots or sores in the mouth and throat, but they are typically not white. If you observe unusual symptoms, consulting a healthcare professional is recommended for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate care.

Does RSV cause white spots on throat?

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) typically does not cause white spots on the throat. It primarily affects the respiratory tract, causing symptoms such as coughing and wheezing. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advised for proper diagnosis and management of RSV-related symptoms.

Does smoking cause white spots on throat?

Smoking can contribute to throat irritation, but white spots on the throat are more commonly associated with infections or other conditions. If you notice persistent symptoms, consulting a healthcare professional is recommended for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate guidance.

Are white spots on the throat contagious?

White spots on the throat themselves are not contagious; however, the underlying cause, such as a viral or bacterial infection, may be contagious. It’s crucial to identify the specific condition and take necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the underlying infection.

How long does white spots on throat last?

The duration of white spots on the throat depends on the underlying cause, such as an infection or irritation. Recovery times vary, but if symptoms persist for more than a week, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Can you pop the white spots on your throat?

It is not recommended to pop or attempt to remove white spots on the throat, as they are often a symptom of an underlying condition. Trying to manipulate or remove them may lead to further irritation or infection. Consulting with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment is advisable.

Can sore throat cause white spots?

Yes, a sore throat can be accompanied by white spots, which may indicate various conditions such as tonsillitis or strep throat. Consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Can drainage cause white spots on throat?

Excessive drainage can contribute to the development of white spots on the throat, often attributed to conditions like postnasal drip. This occurrence is commonly associated with factors such as allergies, infections, or irritants.

How to get rid of white spots on throat?

To get rid of white spots on your throat, try gargling with warm saltwater, staying hydrated, and using throat lozenges. If the problem persists, consult a doctor for personalized advice and treatment.

Can white spots on throat be cancer?

White spots on the throat can signal various conditions, including infections, but they can also be associated with throat cancer. If you notice persistent white spots, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

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