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What Are Intranasal Vaccines All About?

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

India has been vaccinating lakhs of people since March. Very soon, vaccines will be available for everyone above 18 years, irrespective of age groups or comorbidities. This brings us to hope at a time when COVID-19 has reared its ugly head again.

What Are Intranasal Vaccines All About? - PharmEasy

What comes as a piece of even more interesting news is that a new kind of medication may soon hit the markets. It’s called the intranasal vaccine for COVID-19.

So what is the intranasal COVID-19 vaccine, can it be trusted and should you opt for it? Let us answer all your questions.

What is the intranasal COVID-19 vaccine?

Intranasal vaccine for COVID-19 is a type of nasal spray/drop like the kind you use when you have a clogged nose. The formulation, of course, is different.

The nasal mucous is the first line of defence and hence very immuno-efficient. Viruses have to breach this wall to enter your body and that is why this membrane is always on high alert. Studies have found that a small dose of antigen delivered into the nasal mucosa can trigger a rapid and powerful immune response. 

So, scientists have formulated the intranasal COVID vaccine. You have to pour a drop or spray into each nostril to help generate antibodies to fight the coronavirus.

What are the advantages of intranasal COVID spray?

First of all, it can be administered by the individual. Secondly, the intranasal vaccine is noninvasive and is not meant to be injected. Also, the intranasal vaccine can boost broad immune response. It is essential to stop both the infection as well as transmission of COVID-19. It is suitable and safe for children and eliminates the risk of needle-related infections and pain. Intranasal vaccines can also be produced in larger batches than other forms of COVID vaccines.

Are intranasal vaccines effective?

The intranasal vaccine can neutralize and generate a quick immune response at the mucosal membrane and stop the further spread of the virus. 

Until the intranasal vaccine is made available, continue to maintain all possible COVID precautions. Wear masks, sanitize your hands and try to maintain social distancing. If you are a senior citizen or have comorbidities, consider getting vaccinated as early as possible.  

Take a shot and stay fit.

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

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