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Why The Message Of International No Diet Day Is Important

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

The purpose of International No Diet Day

On May 6, International No Diet Day is celebrated to promote body acceptance and body shape diversity. Around the globe, unattainable and unrealistic body standards have resulted in people suffering from mental and physical health issues related to it. They constantly feel the pressure and are pushed towards eating disorders, low self-esteem and unhealthy diets. This global initiative is to help individuals form a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.

This day is dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle, the objective is to establish the fact that there is no one particular “right” body type or shape, people must be educated on how to eat a balanced diet, how eating disorders and weight-loss surgery can be life-threatening, this day is important to discuss and spread awareness about weight discrimination and remind people that taking a break from dieting is not a bad thing after all.

Health concerns due to dieting

Crash Dieting or under-eating can mean your body doesn’t have enough nutrients to stay fit and healthy. This can impair our overall well-being and reduce our ability to lead an enjoyable and active life. A poor and inadequate diet can cause weakness, fatigue, it can also result in long-term health problems such as:

  • Low blood pressure
  • Heart disease and stroke
  • Type-2 diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Types of cancers
  • Depression 

How to celebrate International No Diet Day?

  • Recognizing that your body is completely fine and you are beautiful is the first step towards acceptance and understanding that you need to be healthy instead of trying to look a certain way is the key.
  • Avoid getting unnecessarily stressed as it can be bad for your health. Stay active and focus on eating a conscious diet daily.
  • Think about everything you like in yourself. You need more positivity in your life and stay away from all the negativity.
  • Celebrate this day by cooking or eating your favourite foods. Do not count the calories and just indulge in your favourite dessert, because you deserve it!
  • Appreciate your body even if you couldn’t lose those 15 pounds as promised. Confidence is a good practice and this is a great day to start. 
  • Remember that self-love is important for both mental and physical health. 
  • Educate yourself on various eating disorders and encourage people to self-love.
  • Most importantly, be kind to yourself, your body and the people around you.

Did you know, there exists a diet called Blood Type Diet? Doctors have started prescribing diets to people as per their blood type. Here, each blood group has different dietary instructions to follow and can be best instructed by a professional.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Busting the myths about dieting

  • Crash diets are very low-calorie diets, consisting of less than 800 calories per day. These diets, if unmonitored, can be fatal. They deprive the body of nutrients and may lead to cardiac arrest.
  • Contrary to what some diets preach, eggs don’t confer unhealthy cholesterol. They are safe, nutritious and healthy to eat.
  • The gluten-free diet trend may be pointless. These are only recommended to individuals with celiac disease or other illnesses and may not be ideal for others.
  • Skipping breakfast will do more harm to you than good. Breakfast is the first meal of the day and it should not be skipped for any reason. Studies show that breakfast skippers are more likely to be overweight than those who don’t skip the first meal. 
  • No, supplements are not diet alternatives. Supplements are helpful but they cannot be the only thing you eat. Though many people who are on a diet turn to supplements to shed a few pounds, they may actually not work, which can be frustrating enough. 
  • Speak to a doctor and a registered nutritionist before you plan to switch to any particular diet regimen.

On International No Diet Day you can eat anything and everything you want. It allows us to focus on other things instead of constantly thinking about limiting food and suppressing food cravings. Biologically, unsupervised dieting can lead to unhealthy changes in body composition, hormonal changes, reduced bone density, menstrual disturbances and more. It is important to normalize that being healthy is enough and you don’t have to push yourself to look a certain way. This day teaches us self-love even if it is hard to look at the mirror somedays and completely love the person you see in it. Young people and especially women must say no to societal pressures which take a huge mental toll. Let’s take this day to realize that there is beauty in every size and shape.

There are more than 100 different types of diets around the world. However, most of these diets offer short-term weight loss that may not be sustainable. In addition, aggressive dieting can decrease the metabolic rate. Therefore, it is always recommended that you talk to your doctor before trying out anything on your own.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Note: People suffering from chronic illnesses like diabetes, kidney disease or heart disease must refrain from celebrating this day. Diet modifications suggested by doctors and nutritionists to manage certain diseases must be followed sincerely. This day is mainly about creating awareness related to the unhealthy diet restrictions followed by people to improve their appearances. 

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.



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