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What Causes White Hair at Early Age? Understanding the Root Causes and Effective Management Options

By Dr. Shubham Pandey +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • White hair occurs due to the loss of melanin, the pigment responsible for hair colour. 
  • Genetics plays a major role in early-onset white hair. 
  • Stress, autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorders, and vitamin deficiencies can cause premature white hair. 
  • Environmental factors such as UV rays and pollution can contribute to the process. 
  • There are various natural remedies and medical management options available to manage white hair. 


White hair is a normal part of growing older. You can blame the loss of melanin for this. Melanin is the pigment that gives our hair colour. But for some individuals they notice white hair at a younger age because other than aging, factors like genes, stress, and health issues can lead to early white hair. In this article, we will try to understand why you may be seeing white hair before your time. Also, we will explore ways that may aid in reversing the process. Knowledge is power, and as you get to the root cause of your early greys, you will find better ways to manage them. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

what causes white hair at early age

Did you know?

  • Obesity and smoking are associated with premature hair greying. source: PMC
  • Premature hair greying can be a predictor of severe systemic diseases. source: PMC
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency is associated with premature graying of hair. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  • Premature hair graying may be a marker of early aging and increased morbidity and mortality. source: PMC
  • Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are common family diseases associated with premature hair greying. source: PMC
  • A diet rich in antioxidants can help prevent premature graying. source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

What Causes White Hair at an Early Age? 

 Below we will try to understand what causes white hair to occur early.  


If your parents or grandparents have a history of early white hair then your genes might share the blame. How your genes play out determines when the pigment cells in your hair start to lose their touch, turning your hair white. 


Stress seems to be an inseparable part of modern life. Your hair could pay the price due to stress. Stress impacts pigment cells in hair, triggering early white hair.  

Autoimmune Disease 

Autoimmune conditions happen when your immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells. When conditions like alopecia and vitiligo show up, the immune system can target hair pigment as well. Addressing these autoimmune conditions may limit further colour loss and even restore hair colour. 

Thyroid Disorder 

Hormonal changes from thyroid conditions like hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism could also trigger early white hair. The thyroid helps control many of our body functions, hair colour included. If the thyroid is not in balance, there could be less melanin produced, leading to loss of hair colour. 

Vitamin B-12 Deficiency 

Having less vitamin B-12 could cause your hair to turn white early. This vital vitamin maintains healthy red blood cells which deliver oxygen to your body cells, hair cells included. Without enough vitamin B-12, your hair cells weaken, disrupting melanin production and causing early whitening. 


Smoking tobacco could cause your hair to grey before it’s time. Research has linked smoking to greying before the age of 30. Besides increasing the risk for diseases like lung cancer and heart disease, long-term smoking affects the hair by causing early white hair. 

If you feel you have started to get white hair before its time, always consult a healthcare professional to rule out the presence of any medical condition that may be causing it. 

Understanding the Science Behind White Hair 

The science of white hair involves many factors, with melanin and hair follicles playing central roles.  

Role of Melanin 

Melanin is a pigment made by special cells called melanocytes. It gives colour to our skin, hair, and eyes, and also protects our skin from harmful UV rays. 

We have two types of melanin which include eumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin is responsible dark hair colours while pheomelanin gives a red or yellow tint. Your unique hair colour is determined by the balance of these pigments. 

Hair Follicles and Pigment Cells 

Melanocytes, our pigment makers, live in hair follicles where hair is produced. Melanin from these cells gets into growing hair fiber, colouring it. With time, these cells become less productive, leading to loss of colour. 

  • Depletion of pigment-producing cells 

As we grow older, our hair follicles produce less melanin. When this happens, our hair loses colour. The reasons for this can range from genetics to simply aging. 

  • Decline in melanocyte stem cells 

Melanocyte stem cells help keep the pigment cells in our hair follicles multiplying. A decrease in these stem cells could lead to less melanin and white hair. 

Other Factors Contributing to White Hair 

Not only do your age and genes have a say in your hair colour, but also several other factors that are described below.  

1. Chemical Hair Dyes and Hair Products 

The chemicals used in hair dyes and products can harm your hair. This can result in loss of colour and white hair. Switching to natural, gentle alternatives may help save your hair colour. 

2. Oxidative Stress 

Oxidative stress leads to premature white hair. It upsets the balance between free radicals and our body’s defense against them, harming hair follicles and leading to loss of hair colour. Eating foods rich in antioxidants, staying calm, and quitting smoking may help reduce oxidative stress and keep your hair colour intact. 

3. Environmental Factors 

Sun rays and pollution can harm your hair and lead to early greying. The key to protecting your hair is to limit sun exposure and include more antioxidants in your diet and hair care routine. 

  • UV Rays 

UV rays from the sun can destroy hair follicles and cause loss of hair colour. Protect your hair from UV rays by wearing a hat or using sun-protective hair products. 

  • Pollution 

Air pollutants and chemicals can harm your hair and cause early greying. Using hair products that clean and protect your hair from these toxins may help keep your hair healthy and colourful. 

Can White Hair Be Reversed? 

You might be wondering if white hair can be reversed. While we can’t stop it completely, we may be able to slow it down or even reverse it to some extent in some cases. Below we have described ways in which greying may be slowed or the risk of greying may be reduced.  

1. Addressing Vitamin Deficiencies 

Make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals to nourish your hair. Key nutrients to focus on include B vitamins, copper, and antioxidants. 

  • B Vitamins and Copper 

B-12 plays an essential role in melanin production, while copper helps make melanin. Foods rich in B-12 and copper include seafood, eggs, meat, and milk products, which may help keep your natural hair colour. 

  • Antioxidants 

Antioxidants are vital for shielding your hair from harm due to oxidative stress and free radicals. Eating antioxidant-rich foods may keep your hair’s natural colour and health in check. 

2. Natural Remedies for White Hair 

Natural remedies may help. Using these along with a healthy diet and strong hair care habits may help keep your hair colourful. 

  • Indian Gooseberry and Coconut Oil 

Indian gooseberry, or amla, is rich in antioxidants. It is a traditional remedy for promoting hair pigmentation. Mixed with coconut oil, it is proposed to nourish your hair and boost melanin production. 

  • Curry Leaves and Coconut Oil 

Curry leaves have been used traditionally to keep the natural hair colour and reduce the risk of early greying. Boiling curry leaves in coconut oil and massaging the mixture into your scalp may help keep your natural hair colour. 

  • Onion Juice and Olive Oil 

Onion juice has antibacterial properties and helps hair growth. Mixed with olive oil, it is proposed to nourish hair, promote hair pigmentation, and counteract early greying. 

  • Sage Leaves 

People have used sage leaves for ages to keep their hair colour and avoid white hair. Rinse your hair with water steeped in sage leaves to help keep your hair’s natural colour. 

3. Lifestyle Changes 

Changing your lifestyle in simple ways may boost hair health and colour. To slow down early white hair, focus on stress management, give up smoking, eat a balanced diet, and practice good hair care habits. 

  • Managing Stress 

Activities that lower stress like exercise, meditation, and nature walks may help cope with stress. Less stress is good for your hair colour and overall health. 

  • Quitting Smoking 

Giving up smoking may improve your health and reduce early greying risks. If you need help quitting, your healthcare provider can guide you. 

4. Hair Care Routine 

A solid hair care routine may keep your hair healthy and colourful. Use quality, soft hair products, and shield your hair from harmful environmental factors like UV rays and pollution. 

  • Protecting Hair from UV Rays 

Use a hat/scarf or sun protective hair products to shield your hair from UV rays’ damaging effects. This preserves it’s natural colour. 

  • Avoiding Harmful Chemicals 

Avoid hair products full of harsh chemicals that can strip your hair of its natural oils and pigments. Instead, go for soft, natural alternatives that nurture your hair and keep its colour. 

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Medical Management Options for White Hair 

In some cases, medical help may be required for early white hair. Based on your specific needs, your healthcare provider may suggest management options. 

Hair Dye and Colouring Options 

Hair dyes and colouring can hide white hair and give the desired hair colour. Opt for hair dyes that are soft on your hair and contain nurturing ingredients to keep it healthy and vivid. 

  • Choosing the Right Hair Colour 

Choosing the right hair colour depends on your natural hair colour, skin tone, and likes. Consult a professional hairstylist to choose the perfect shade that brings out your features and boosts your overall look. 

  • Tips for Maintaining Dyed Hair 

To keep your dyed hair looking it’s best, stick to a solid hair care routine. This might include using colour-safe shampoos and conditioners, frequent deep conditioning, and touching up colour regularly. 

Professional Hair Care  

For a more long-lasting solution, you might consider professional hair care like scalp micropigmentation or hair transplantation. 

  • Scalp Micropigmentation 

Scalp micropigmentation is a minor, non-surgical procedure where tiny pigments are tattooed on the scalp to give an illusion of fuller hair. It may help hide white hair and give a youthful look. 

  • Hair Transplantation 

Hair transplantation is a surgery where hair follicles are moved from one part of the body to another. This is usually done to restore lost hair or improve hair thickness. People looking to solve early white hair may find this helpful, but remember, always consult a healthcare professional before choosing this option. 

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White hair at an early age can be unsettling. But understanding why it happens and knowing what management options are available, you may be able to take charge of your hair’s colour and health. From addressing vitamin shortages to making lifestyle changes, from testing out natural remedies to seeking professional help, you have several options for managing and even reversing early white hair to some extent. The path to a healthy head of hair is all about nurturing your hair inside and out. Consider these strategies to keep your hair looking and feeling the best that it can be. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Why is hair white in early age? 

Early white hair can be caused by genes, stress, autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorders, vitamin deficiencies, and damage from UV rays and pollution. 

Is white hair caused by stress? 

Yes, stress is linked to early white hair since it negatively affects hair follicles’ pigment cells, leading to less melanin. 

What is the normal age to get your first white hair? 

The average age when most people start getting white hair tends to follow a simple rule. By the age of 50, around half the population will have some grey hair. 

Can a white hair turn black again? 

If the root cause of the greying is addressed, white hair might turn black. This could happen if a vitamin shortage or autoimmune disease is managed. But if the reason is genetic or due to aging, it’s unlikely. 


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