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Struggling To Feed Your Baby? Check Out Breastfeeding Tips For New Mothers


Only a mother can describe the euphoria in the smallest of pregnancy moments like hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time, experiencing that first kick or finally holding that little angel in your arms. According to a study that employed the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire Short-Form (OHQ-SF) and personal information, the pregnant women included in the research were found to have higher levels of happiness during pregnancy, especially in the second trimester. 

Skin-to-skin contact with your baby immediately after birth is the highlight of post-pregnancy happiness as it triggers a strong hormonal response. Hence, the first few days of early motherhood can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to starting the breastfeeding practice. It’s a misguided opinion that breastfeeding should come naturally to a mother when it’s actually like any new skill that requires time, practice and patience. 

In this blog, we will explore the best breastfeeding tips including the necessary diet for breastfeeding mothers, the benefits of breastfeeding and the breastfeeding positions you can try if you’re struggling to feed your baby.

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breast milk is the perfect food for your baby’s growth, its benefits lasting right into adulthood. Here’s a list of top advantages of breastfeeding for your baby and you. 

For your baby

”‹For you

Lastly, the benefits of breastfeeding for the baby and mother aren’t just physiological. The emotional connection established by breastfeeding between the baby and the mother is profound and deeply satisfying. 

How to Breastfeed your Baby?

If you are struggling to breastfeed, you can try using the following breastfeeding positions recommended by The Royal Women’s Hospital, Australia. 

  1. Sitting comfortably, keeping your baby well supported.
  2. Position your baby on their side, facing your chest with their nose opposite your nipple.
  3. Support your breast from underneath and continue doing so until your baby is sucking and swallowing in a deep rhythmic pattern.
  4. Position your fingers well back from the areola/nipple so your baby can take a big mouthful of breast tissue.
  5. Encourage your baby to open their mouth wide (like yawning), by touching your baby’s lips to the breast, chin first.
  6. Attach your nipple to the baby’s bottom lip, well down over the areola, ‘off centre’.
  7. If you experience pain when the baby starts swallowing, pull out the nipple from the baby’s mouth and re-attach.
  8. Remember to insert a clean finger between the baby’s gums to break the seal when you pull out the nipple from the baby’s mouth. 

You can also consult your or a lactation consultant if you are struggling to stimulate the milk or worry if the baby is feeding well, they can show you in person the best breastfeeding positions newborns are most comfortable with and how to switch different breastfeeding positions over time. 

Also Read: Best Foods & Recipes That May Boost Lactation In Nursing Women

Latching Problems

Latching problems are quite common. A baby is often unable to latch on to the nipple. This can happen because-

For a problem like inverted or flat nipples, you have to consult with a doctor. You will have t use special breast pumps to make the nipples protrude. Mothers with large nipples can opt for nipple shields which make it easier for the baby to take the nipple in his/her mouth.

The other problems are easier to remediate. For example, the trial and error method and a bit of guidance will teach you how to line up your child’s body with your own so that the baby can latch on easily. 

Swaddling a baby and humming can quieten a fussy baby. Pouring a few drops of breast milk onto the nipple will also encourage a hungry baby to latch on. 

Also Read: Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding: A Comprehensive Mother’s Guide

Final Thoughts

For the first few days after the birth, the first milk, also known as colostrum, is highly nutritious and contains antibodies that protect your newborn baby against a range of allergies, infections and other medical conditions. By about two weeks the breast fluid becomes whiter and thinner, changing from colostrum to mature milk.

Initially, you need to feed your baby every seven to twelve times in 24 hours. The more frequently your breasts get empty, either by breastfeeding or expressing, the higher your milk production gets. In case you are unable to breastfeed, talk to your partner and choose a formula that will provide the most nutrition for your baby to grow well.

Finally, breastfeeding requires extra calories, so if the diet for breastfeeding mothers isn’t nutritious, it can affect the baby’s needs at every stage of development. The flavours in your diet will come in your milk and may change the colour of your milk. Try keeping a food diary during the breastfeeding period to see how the baby responds to different foods you eat. During lactation, mothers should stay away from self-medication, herbal or ayurvedic supplements unless prescribed by a doctor.

Also Read: Best Guide To Breast Pumping For New Mothers

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5 Signs Of Labour Every Expecting Mother Should Know


Just as each woman is unique, so is her pregnancy and onset of labour. Delivery symptoms (signs that delivery time is nearby) can differ from one woman to another and may change from one pregnancy to the next for the same woman. It can take hours or even days to feel the symptoms of labour pain in the 9th month. 

The latent phase or the earliest signs of labour is when the cervix becomes soft and thin and starts opening (dilating) for the baby to be born. In today’s blog, we will look at the most common symptoms of labour pain in the 9th month and some effective tips for expecting moms. 

Signs of Labour: Most Common Symptoms of Labour Pain

Although it is difficult to precisely predict the onset of labour or how long a woman’s labour will last, there are a few common signs of labour that are initiated when the fetus produces certain hormones. Here are 5 popular signs of labour every expecting mother should know: 

1. Lightening:

One of the lesser know signs of labour experienced early on by first-time pregnant mothers is what doctors refer to as “lightening”. When the baby is preparing for birth, it slowly moves into a head-down position. This can happen anywhere between a few hours to a few days before labour begins.

Lightening eases the pressure on a mother’s diaphragm and makes it easier for her to breathe, but it also puts more pressure on her pelvis and bladder. Mothers who have previously given birth, may or may not have this delivery symptom until right before labour begins. Either way, the mother’s belly may appear lower and more protruding and result in frequent bathroom visits.

2. Contractions:

Towards the end of pregnancy, these symptoms of labour pain get stronger and more frequent. Contractions help push the baby down through the birth canal and ultimately help the mother to push the baby out into the world.

If the pregnant woman is having more than six contractions every hour or every contraction is less than five minutes apart for more than an hour or two, the baby is on its way.

3. Water Breaks:

An unborn baby in the uterus is surrounded by a protective liquid called amniotic fluid. When this amniotic fluid sac ruptures, the mother experiences a gush of liquid or in some cases a slow trickle, we call this type of discharge before labour a water break.

For some women, water breaking signs may not happen at all, in which case an obstetrician or midwife will break it during the delivery, while for others the water may break during labour or some time before it. Once the mother experiences water breaking signs, the baby is no longer protected by the amniotic sac and is vulnerable to infections, so make sure you head to the hospital or call your doctor right away.

Inform your doctor immediately if the waters are smelly or coloured and if you’re losing blood, as this could mean you and your baby need urgent attention.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

4. Show:

A pregnant woman may notice an increase in a type of discharge before labour’s onset or several days before it. The vaginal discharge which comes when the plug of mucus from your cervix (entrance to your womb or uterus) comes away, is a mix of pink, brown and slightly red in colour, indicating cervix dilation symptoms.  

5. Cramps, Nausea and Diarrhoea:

The onset of labour increases the pressure or cramping in her pelvic and rectal areas, causing pain in the abdominal area and lower back. In addition, some pregnant women may experience delivery symptoms like vomiting or have frequent loose stools at the beginning of labour.

Women will often self-present to obstetrical triage with concern for the onset of labor. Common chief complaints include painful contractions, vaginal bleeding/bloody show, and fluid leakage from the vagina.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Final Thoughts 

All in all, contact your doctor or maternity clinic if you experience the signs of labour mentioned above. Symptoms of labour pain in the 9th month can be painful and exhausting of all trimesters, so make sure to stock the pantry with your favourite snacks and (isotonic) healthy drinks that can help keep her energy levels up. 

The birthing partner can also help relax the mother with a pregnancy self-care routine made up of warm baths, back massages and other stress-relieving activities.  

If you’re experiencing any signs of labour and you’re fewer than 37 weeks pregnant, be sure to call your doctor away as they could be a sign of preterm labour (labour before 37 weeks of pregnancy

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

Also Read: How To Wash Out Sperm To Prevent Pregnancy: A Comprehensive Contraception Guide

Lastly, if the pain is too intense at the beginning of labour, breathing exercises with your birthing partner are extremely helpful in dealing with contractions once they get more painful and frequent.  

Stay positive and follow your doctor’s instructions at every step.

Pharmeasy Tips– If you are excessively anxious and worried about the birthing process and labour pain, follow these tips-

  1. Talk to your doctor and clear all your doubts
  2. Practice meditation and deep breathing 
  3. Consult a counsellor and learn some relaxation techniques

Also Read: 11 Superfoods to Eat During Pregnancy

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How To Conceive With PCOS: Best Tips To Boost Fertility

PCOS is a very common hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age. Symptoms of PCOS vary greatly from one person to another. Some girls may face a tough time during periods, during puberty or while planning pregnancy while others may not. Having a baby with the partner they love is a precious dream for most women, but some women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) may have to overcome certain challenges to achieve a healthy pregnancy. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) more than 116 million women (3.4% of the population) are affected by PCOS worldwide, so if you are struggling to get pregnant with PCOS, know that you are not alone and it’s more common than you think. 

Despite the difficulties, with the right treatment and lifestyle changes, you can manage your odds of getting pregnant with PCOS. In this blog, we will look at both natural and medical remedies for PCOS related pregnancy. 

How Does PCOS Affect a Woman’s Fertility?  

Insulin sensitising treatments as insulin resistance is main problem in PCOS is very important. Once the insulin resistance decreases , automatically fertility improves and many will conceive naturally. Consult your obstetrician for more information.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Medical options: How to get pregnant with PCOS quickly? 

If you have tried for a baby for 12 months without success (or six months if you are aged 35 or over) you can seek medical options that aid PCOS pregnancy. The three most effective ways that your doctor may suggest for getting pregnant with PCOS quickly are:

1. Ovulation induction

If you have irregular or sporadic periods, it’s likely that you are not ovulating regularly. Ovulation induction (OI) is the first line of medical treatment in getting pregnant with PCOS. Your doctor may prescribe you a hormone medication (tablets or injections) to stimulate the ovaries for the egg to release and fertilize, either during intercourse or through intra-uterine insemination (IUI).

2. Artificial insemination or IUI

The second line of medical treatment in getting pregnant with PCOS is Artificial insemination, which is sometimes called intrauterine insemination (IUI). The medical procedure involves inserting the male partner’s (or a donor’s) sperm into the woman’s uterus at or just before the time of ovulation. If the woman has irregular menstrual cycles, IUI needs to be performed in combination with ovulation induction (OI), else it can be done during a natural menstrual cycle.

3. In-vitro fertilization (IVF)

If a woman with PCOS struggles to get pregnant despite the former two medical procedures, she may need a more invasive fertility treatment called In-vitro fertilization (IVF). An IVF treatment cycle has five key stages:
1. Hormone stimulation using fertility drugs to produce multiple eggs
2. Egg retrieval in an ultrasound-guided procedure under light anaesthesia
3. Embryo development by adding sperms to the eggs in the laboratory for embryos to form
4. Embryo transfer by placing the embryo in the uterus where it may implant and grow into a baby.
5. Clinical pregnancy verified by ultrasound at approximately six to seven weeks into the pregnancy.  

Miscarriage is very commonly seen in pregnancy if a person suffers from PCOS. With the right care and treatment, conception and a healthy pregnancy are completely possible.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

Also Read: Benefits of Maca Root for Females: Research-Backed Insights into Its Effectiveness

Lifestyle Changes: How To Cure PCOS Naturally to Prepare for Conceiving?

According to the international evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of PCOS, the first step toward improving a woman’s chances of pregnancy and having a healthy baby is adopting a healthy lifestyle. Here’s a list of the best lifestyle tips on how to manage PCOS naturally and get pregnant: 

  1. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet by avoiding or limiting inflammatory foods like red meat, trans fats  
  2. Swap your daily tea or coffee for green tea
  3. Use herbs and spices like ginger, cumin, fennel, bay leaves, etc when cooking
  4. Include beans in your diet (at least once a week)
  5. Add omega-3 to your diet (walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, fish -salmon or tuna)  
  6. Eat loads of fruit and vegetables
  7. Track your cycles to understand when you’re ovulating and where your fertile window falls
  8. Confirm ovulation with ovulation kits from your local pharmacy. They are to be used in a similar way a pregnancy test kit
  9. Reverse your insulin resistance by cutting down on sugar and refined carbs
  10. Destress with yoga, meditation or any fun activity to boost balanced hormones and nurtured adrenals
  11.   Stay active and add some exercise to your routine

Regardless of whether you suffer from PCOS or not, being in the best possible health before trying for a baby is crucial for higher chances of a healthy pregnancy. Not everyone with PCOS will face a problem in getting pregnant. If you are finding it difficult to conceive, consult your gynaecologist and an endocrinologist for the right advice.

Want to boost fertility naturally? Check out Black Cohosh: Benefits, Dosage, and Side-Effects


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How Effective Are These Tips To Boost Fertility?

Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and other citrus fruits are packed with Vitamin C, vital for enhancing fertility. Avocados which are a superfood for fertility High in folate, avocados support the health of eggs and sperm and reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

It is difficult to know how to get pregnant fast and naturally. Couples should reflect on themselves after 4-5 months of trying. Simple lifestyle changes can be made to remove roadblocks and you should try scheduled intercourse for at least two months before consulting an expert. You will only be able to continue forward on your journey after you arrive at an infertility clinic and begin the process of tests and operations.

When trying to conceive, a variety of things must be considered, including your ovulation period, your partner’s sperm quality and your lifestyle and food. You can try a variety of natural and home treatments, the majority of which are foods that you can eat regularly. So, if you’re trying to conceive, here are a few remedies that might help you know how to conceive naturally.

Effective Home Remedies To Boost Fertility:

1. Dates

Vitamins B and K, iron, potassium, folate, antioxidants and other vital minerals are all found in dates. During conception and pregnancy, iron and folate are critical nutrients to have. Dates are a nutrient-dense superfood that may assist you in conceiving as well as throughout pregnancy. 10-12 seedless dates and two spoons of coriander roots, ground up finely, can be added to a cup of cow’s milk as a paste. To boost your ability to conceive naturally, consume this combo for a week after your period has ended.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency can cause infertility and even miscarriage in women who have previously lost a pregnancy. Vitamin D is an essential component for the body since it helps to strengthen bones, teeth and muscles while also improving calcium absorption. Vitamin D insufficiency has been demonstrated in numerous scientific research to hurt female fertility. 

3. Folate

This water-soluble component, also known as Vitamin B9, stimulates fetal growth and maintains proper cell division. Eating foods high in folate, as well as taking folic acid supplements, can help you have a good pregnancy and conception. Dals, leafy greens, eggs, beetroot, citrus fruits like oranges and lemons, broccoli, nuts and seeds and bananas are examples of such foods.

Apart from the tips mentioned above, there are other factors to keep in mind when you are trying to get pregnant naturally.

Some of the things to keep in mind while trying to conceive naturally

Also read: Benefits of Maca Root for Females: Research-Backed Insights into Its Effectiveness


Nutrition is essential for a healthy body and reproductive system, as well as for assisting you in becoming pregnant. Boosting fertility and preparing your body for pregnancy can be as simple as eating a balanced diet and adopting positive lifestyle choices. If you’re trying to conceive, you must start making healthy eating and lifestyle choices right away. Consult your medical team to determine the best options for you.

Want to boost fertility naturally? Check out Shatavari: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects & More!

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Your Best Guide On How To Avoid Pregnancy


Do not want to get pregnant right now? Read on to understand the methods to avoid pregnancy. 

Unwanted pregnancy can be a nightmare and may affect your life in many ways. It is best to be aware of the methods for safe sex to avoid any such instances. Condoms, contraceptive pills, depots and intrauterine devices are the recommended methods of avoiding pregnancy while maintaining fertility to help you plan pregnancy in future. There are some natural ways to avoid pregnancy that can be followed along with any of the above-mentioned methods for added safety.

If you have planned your family already and do not desire pregnancy in future, talk to your doctor about procedures like- tubectomy and vasectomy. 

Pregnancy or No Pregnancy!

The most obvious symptom that you’re pregnant is if you haven’t had your period in a while. By the time you miss a period, you are about 4 weeks pregnant, as you can see from the dating information. You will, however, have conceived only around two weeks before your period was due. Take a pregnancy test when in doubt.

Prevention of pregnancy is possible only during the first five days of unprotected sex when you take morning-after pills.

Dr Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

You may have also experienced other changes in your body, such as nausea, exhaustion or tenderness in your breasts. Some early pregnancy symptoms, such as mood swings and headaches, might be mistaken for premenstrual symptoms and you may also have bleeding or cramping. You may not even be aware that you’ve skipped a period.

It is difficult to know exactly what to do when you don’t know how to prevent pregnancy. Here are a few popular methods known to avoid pregnancy:

Fertility awareness methods

If you don’t know how to avoid pregnancy naturally, natural contraceptives might be of interest to you. Natural contraception methods are referred to as “natural” since they are not mechanical and do not involve any pills or devices. Instead, during the time when an egg is accessible to be fertilised by a sperm, these ways to avoid pregnancy demand that a man and a woman do not have sexual intercourse.

Fertility awareness methods (FAMs) are based on a woman’s ability to predict when she ovulates each month. To use a FAM, you must be aware of the signs and symptoms that indicate ovulation has happened or is likely to happen.

Doing a pregnancy test from the first day of your missed period, or at least 21 days after unprotected sex if you have irregular periods, can help you detect pregnancy if you suspect the chances of that. Please remember, no method of contraception is 100% successful in preventing unwanted pregnancies.

Dr Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Here are some methods-

  1. Have intercourse during a safe period (Calendar Method)

If you already have some form of protection in place, this method adds an extra layer of security. The ovulation days, which normally occur two weeks before your menstruation, can be avoided. It’s a good idea to work with a fertility specialist to track your ovulation days and plan your intercourse properly. The first seven and last seven days of your cycle are usually considered safe but this method should never be relied on alone as there are chances of variation in ovulation and menstrual cycles.  

  1. Keep track of your basal body temperature

You can start recording your basal body temperature once your menstruation is over. The temperature begins to rise when ovulation begins and peaks on the day of ovulation. If you don’t have any intercourse during this time, you can avoid getting pregnant.

  1. Notice if there is cervical discharge (Mucus inspection method)

In the days coming up to ovulation, a woman’s body produces a clear, jelly-like fluid. Fertilization of egg (pregnancy) can be avoided by abstaining from sex at and 5 days before this time. Because sperms from previous intercourse can stay in the body for up to 5 days.

Calendar method and using condoms together provide the best protection from pregnancy. For emergency contraception, consult your doctor before taking the pills.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka – MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)


Natural methods for preventing undesired pregnancy are not at all as reliable and successful as condoms, contraceptive tablets or other medical contraceptive devices, as stated at the beginning of the article. The safest approach is to practise safe sex and also adopt an additional safe mode of contraception that suits you best. Consult your doctor so that you can move forward without fear or anxiety.  

Also Read: How To Wash Out Sperm To Prevent Pregnancy: A Comprehensive Contraception Guide

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How To Know If You’re Pregnant?


Each woman’s experience with pregnancy is unique. Some women may realize they’re pregnant as early as the first few weeks of their pregnancy, while others may not detect anything until their period is missed. 

Top 10 Common Early Signs of Pregnancy Before a Missed Period:

1. Unexplained Weakness

Extreme weariness or exhaustion is one of the most common early signs of pregnancy. Even if you have received 7-9 hours of sleep, tasks that have never affected you before may exhaust you. During pregnancy, the body’s energy requirement changes, which might cause fatigue and enhance your nutritional needs. This symptom may normally last during the first trimester. However, with adequate change in the nutrition plan, weakness can be managed well in many cases.

Also Read: How To Manage Morning Sickness In Pregnancy?

2. Frequent urination

You may notice an increased need to urinate even before you miss a period. 

3. Food cravings or aversions

During the first few weeks following conception, sudden and increased sensitivity to smells, intense flavours and food aversions develop, which may or may not remain throughout the pregnancy. You may also notice an increased craving for a particular food.

4. Tender and swollen breasts

A week before the missed period, you may notice sore, painful, heavy breasts or darker areolas. Women’s breasts become sore and painful as their estrogen and progesterone levels rise after pregnancy.  

5. Elevated basal body temperature

The temperature of your body rises before ovulation and returns to normal following your menstrual cycle. The basal body temperature, on the other hand, tends to remain elevated during pregnancy due to high levels of progesterone. 

6. Dizziness

A sense of lightheadedness is an early sign of pregnancy that affects many expecting women. This can be due to weakness or a fall in blood pressure leading to a feeling of dizziness and instability. The discomfort lasts for the first trimester and then gradually fades. 

7. Change in discharge

A rise in cervical discharge is a sign of early pregnancy. The cervical discharge thickens after implantation and stays that way until your period is missed. You might also notice a stinging sensation when you urinate, as well as itching and soreness around your vaginal area.

Always pregnancy should be confirmed by a urine test and ultrasound abdomen by your obstetrician.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

8. Cramping

Cramping is an early pregnancy symptom that might be mistaken for PMS or a regular period and can be caused by increased blood flow in the uterus. Similar cramping is frequent shortly before a woman’s usual monthly period.

9. Spotting

A week or so before your period is due, small traces of light pink or brownish blood may develop. This is called implantation bleeding and can cause discomfort and minor bleeding as the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. Spotting can sometimes be mistaken for a period, however, it is normally much lighter.

Abdominal cysts may be commonly mistaken for early pregnancy or twins. A detailed medical history and a thorough scanning technique are very essential to diagnose or rule out pregnancy.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

10. Bloating

Bloating or stomach cramps are one of the most common pregnancy symptoms before a missed period. An increase in progesterone causes these symptoms.

Also Read: Headaches During Pregnancy: Causes, Remedies, and When To Seek Help


Many early pregnancy symptoms are similar to those of other health conditions, as well as your regular menstrual cycle. Premenstrual symptoms might be quite similar to those of pregnancy. Taking a pregnancy test is the best way to find out if you’re expecting. Consider taking a pregnancy test if you haven’t had your period in a while and think you might be pregnant.

Also Read: Missed Period? Here’s How You Can Take A Pregnancy Test At Home

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Everything To Know About Ectopic Pregnancy

Fertilization of an egg is the event that marks the beginning of a pregnancy. Normally, the fertilized egg sticks to the uterine lining (lining of the uterus). When a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus, it is called an ectopic pregnancy. When a fertilized egg implants in a part of the body (other than the uterus) that can’t support its growth, this is what happens. The fallopian tube is frequently the site of an ectopic pregnancy (a pair of structures that connect the ovaries and uterus). Ectopic pregnancy can even occur on the ovary or in the abdominal cavity in rare situations.

There are a few different types of ectopic pregnancy.

When the fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube, it is called a tubal pregnancy. Tubal pregnancies are the most frequent type of ectopic pregnancy, accounting for the majority of ectopic pregnancies. The type of tubal pregnancy can be further differentiated based on where the pregnancy develops inside the fallopian tube.

Nearly 2% of all ectopic pregnancies develop in other parts of the body, such as the ovary, cervix or intra-abdominal region.

In some rare circumstances, one fertilised egg implants inside the uterus while the other implants outside. Because of the painful nature of ectopic pregnancy, it is frequently identified before intrauterine pregnancy. The pregnancy inside the womb may still be viable if human chorionic gonadotropin levels continue to rise after the ectopic embryo has been removed.

Causes of ectopic pregnancy

The fertilized egg was unable to migrate down the fallopian tube rapidly enough, resulting in an ectopic pregnancy. A tube might become partially or totally blocked as a result of an infection or inflammation. Inflammation of the pelvis is a common cause of ectopic pregnancy.

Endometriosis is another common cause of tube blockage. This occurs when cells like those in the uterine lining develop outside the uterus also. The cells have the potential to develop inside the fallopian tube and restrict the normal passage of the fertilized eggs. The tube can potentially be blocked by scar tissue from earlier abdominal surgery or fallopian tube surgery.

Some more causes of ectopic pregnancy are:

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy

At first, you may not notice any ectopic pregnancy symptoms. Some women with an ectopic pregnancy, on the other hand, experience the typical early signs and symptoms of pregnancy, such as missed periods, breast soreness and nausea. The following signs of ectopic pregnancy become more clear as the fetus keeps growing in the wrong place in the body.

Treatment for ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy treatment may vary depending on the location of the ectopic pregnancy. This should be considered an emergency and a gynaecologist should be consulted immediately.

Your doctor may prescribe various medications that could prevent the ectopic mass from bursting. A common medication for this is a medicine that stops the growth of rapidly developing cells. When effective, this medication causes similar symptoms to those of a miscarriage, such as cramping, bleeding and passing of tissue.

The embryo should be removed and any internal damage repaired, according to many surgeons. A laparotomy is a medical term for this surgery. To ensure that they can view their job, your doctor will insert a small camera through a small incision. The embryo is then removed and any damage to the fallopian tube is repaired.

Life-threatening complications

If the fertilized egg continues to grow in the fallopian tube, it can cause the tube to rupture. There is a risk of heavy bleeding. Symptoms of this life-threatening event include severe pain in the abdominal region, extreme lightheadedness, fainting and shock.


The majority of women who experience ectopic pregnancies can have healthy pregnancies in future. The egg can be fertilized normally if both fallopian tubes or even just one, are still intact. If you have a pre-existing reproductive condition, however, it may damage your future fertility and raise your risk of ectopic pregnancy. This is especially true if the preexisting reproductive issue has resulted in ectopic pregnancy in the past. The best you can do is to consult a gynaecologist and clear all your doubts.

Also Read: How To Wash Out Sperm To Prevent Pregnancy: A Comprehensive Contraception Guide

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How To Manage Morning Sickness In Pregnancy?


The joys of motherhood are always preceded by pregnancy, which is a different and beautiful journey in itself. Along with the abundance of joy and hopes, pregnancy can bring some discomfort due to rapid hormonal changes and pregnancy-related weight gain, backaches and morning sickness.

One of the most common complaints by expecting mothers is morning sickness, as many as 70%-80% of pregnant women experience it! A lucky minority may never undergo this condition during their pregnancies. For those that do experience it, we’ve covered all the basic things you need to know below about morning sickness in pregnancy.

Morning sickness symptoms

Morning sickness can occur on waking up or during any time of the day or night despite the name. The basic signs of morning sickness are nausea and vomiting. This may be most common during the first trimester of your pregnancy. 

Here are a few signs to watch for: 

While it is rare, sometimes morning sickness can progress to a more extreme condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. This condition involves excessive and severe vomiting as well as potential weight loss. Apart from extreme morning sickness, you need to be aware of the following even if you have mild symptoms:

These are all warning signs that your body is getting dehydrated and it’s affecting your health. It is best to speak to your doctor immediately. If you begin experiencing severe vomiting and nausea

Eat small, frequent meals of plain foods that are high in carbohydrate and low in fat (such as bread, rice, crackers and pasta) eat cold foods rather than hot ones if the smell of hot meals makes you feel sick. drink plenty of fluids, such as water (sipping them little and often may help prevent vomiting).

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Morning sickness causes

It is difficult to point out a particular cause of morning sickness. Doctors believe it can be due to different reasons in different women. Some causes- of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are listed below-

  1. Due to drop in blood sugar (hypoglycemia) in the morning 
  2. Due to hormonal changes in the body
  3. Some women may experience nausea and vomiting due to oral iron supplements given during pregnancy
  4. Due to stress and anxiety

Morning sickness treatment

Treatments for morning sickness will depend on the severity of your case and how often it occurs. While you cannot always prevent morning sickness, you can avoid things that trigger it (such as strong smells, spicy foods). 

Here are some options for managing morning sickness that your doctor might suggest: 

Apart from these, there are several morning sickness remedies that may or may not help: 

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Morning sickness may not be easily avoided or treated, the best you can do is follow your doctor’s instructions carefully. Using some of the above remedies and treatments, you and your doctor can work out a plan to effectively manage this pregnancy side effect until it subsides. Keep in mind that if you never experience morning sickness, there isn’t something wrong with you! Nearly 20% of women may never experience it. As always, be sure to inform your doctor of any strange, sudden and new symptoms you notice during your pregnancy and do not consume any medicine or supplement without consulting your doctor during pregnancy. 

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Exercise During Pregnancy – Benefits And Safety


Staying healthy is important to avoid medical complications and keep your immune system functioning well. This is even more vital when you are pregnant since you are taking care of 2 lives – your own and your child’s. Doctors and modern medicine can help to ensure the health and development of the foetus are going well using scans and tests.

As a mother, you also need to do your part by eating nutritious food that will support your own requirements and the heavy demands of a growing baby. Another thing you can do is exercise during pregnancy, which comes with a slew of benefits.

Exercise for pregnant women – What are your options?

Before you attempt any of the following be sure to check with your doctor whether it is okay to start. In most cases, these exercises are perfectly safe when performed carefully and in moderation. For women with complications and whose babies are experiencing developmental issues, their doctors may recommend against exercise. Check out these pregnancy exercises at home and talk to your doctor to understand what works for you:

What to avoid with pregnancy exercise

A rule of thumb is that you should be able to talk freely while you exercise. If you are breathless and unable to speak freely then you should pull back on the intensity of your workout. 

Here are a few activities to avoid or reconsider if you are pregnant:

Pregnancy exercise – Why it’s important 

Pregnancy can feel physically (and psychologically) intense. The changes your body goes through may lead to fatigue, swollen ankles, various aches and pains. Apart from that, morning sickness and nausea as well as trouble sleeping are also common during pregnancy.

Exercise during pregnancy can provide a host of health benefits such as: 


Exercising during your pregnancy can surely bring some much needed-motivation and good feelings when you’re down. If your doctor gives you the green light and you don’t have any medical complications, make the most of these moderate exercises. Make sure you do the right ones only. Remember that staying hydrated, eating healthy and getting regular rest is as important as getting a healthy amount of exercise!  

Also read: Eating Right: Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

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How Important Is Folic Acid During Your Pregnancy?


Many micronutrient supplements are often marketed as helping women give their baby’s the best chance at healthy development. Folic acid in pregnancy (during, before, and after) is one of the most commonly recommended nutrients. Besides this, most obstetricians will tell you that a well-rounded diet should be enough for most women to stay healthy during their term.

If the mother has inadequate nutritional intake, supplements may help to support healthy overall nutrition during this time. Several studies have been conducted to explore how these nutrients can help expectant mothers and their children. Let’s dive into the importance of folic acid during pregnancy. 

What Is folic acid?

Folic acid is a manmade form of folate, also known as vitamin B9. When folic acid tablets for pregnancy or deficiency are used, the body converts folic acid into folate. Folate is a vital nutrient that the body needs from outside sources since we cannot make it ourselves. Usually, we get this nutrient from foods like peanuts, lentils, chickpeas as well as chicken liver, cheese and eggs

Folate is required by the body particularly when cell division takes place. It is used during DNA synthesis and for producing the amino acids that are involved in new cell creation. It is also important for the formation of healthy blood cells and for transforming carbs into energy. 

Universal prophylaxis for the general obstetric population — For most women, we recommend a folic acid supplement (multivitamin, prenatal vitamin) containing 0.4 mg once per day, beginning at least one month prior to attempting conception and continuing throughout pregnancy, in agreement with most national medical organizations.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Folic acid during pregnancy

 folic acid during pregnancy has the strongest evidence for actually benefiting the mother and developing child. Folate (in the form of folic acid) has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of babies developing neural tube defects during pregnancy. Neural tube defects are a type of condition that affects the proper formation of the baby’s spinal cord and vertebrae.

There may be some other potential benefits of folic acid in pregnancy such as lower risks of cleft palate, premature birth, low weight at birth, poor foetal development. Pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia may also be reduced with regular folic acid intake during your term. Note that the evidence for these benefits is much lower than folate benefits against neural tube defects. 

An individual need not worry if they have not taken folic acid before conceiving or in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy inadvertently. It is still likely that the baby will develop normally. Routine ultrasound scans at around 12 and 20 weeks will detect if there are any concerns.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D

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Should you take folic acid during pregnancy?

It will depend on your existing health condition and diet. If your obstetrician or doctor recommends taking this supplement then follow their instructions. If they think that your diet sufficiently covers the folate requirements of both you and your baby, they may not prescribe any supplements.  

High-dose prophylaxis for women at high risk of offspring with NTD — Women who are at higher risk of having a child with an NTD than the baseline population are candidates for higher (1 to 4 mg) dose folic acid supplementation. This dose should be initiated one to three months prior to conception and maintained through the first 12 weeks of gestation, after which the dose is reduced to 0.4 mg.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

When to start folic acid during pregnancy?

The WHO, CDC in the USA and many other medical bodies all recommend that folic acid should be taken starting from several weeks before you intend on getting pregnant. This is because the birth defects that folate is effective against usually happen within the first month of pregnancy. Hence it is very important to have sufficient amounts of folic acid before you are even pregnant. 

Also Read: Can You Get Pregnant Without Having Sex? Debunking Pregnancy Myths


While other supplements are not protective against mortality, birth defects and other such conditions, they are still essential for a balanced nutrition intake. Hence, your doctor may prescribe prenatal supplements regardless. Note that apart from folic acid and vitamin D, no supplements have shown strong evidence of protecting your baby from birth defects so be careful with products that suggest anything similar. And remember that diverse, nutritious food plays an even bigger role in maintaining your health during pregnancy.

Also Read: Potential Benefits of Folic Acid: Exploring its Impact on Health Based on Research

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