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Eating Right: Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

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Birth is awe-inspiring. Don’t you think? The mother’s health plays a crucial role in it. This includes her diet which shifts once she conceives. These changes aid in nurturing a healthy baby and maintaining the mother’s health. This article sheds light on what foods to avoid during pregnancy.

We are going to look into the risky foods for future moms, the risks they pose and why avoiding them is vital. Let’s clear your doubts about what’s safe and what’s not!

Avoiding Seafood High in Mercury

Did you know that consuming too much mercury-rich seafood during pregnancy can cause health problems for both mother and baby?

The Impact of Mercury on Pregnancy

Why all the noise about mercury, you ask? Simple. Mercury, especially in the form of “methylmercury”, can cause problems in infants. These problems include issues with language, focus, and memory.

Safe Limits for Consuming Fish During Pregnancy

The FDA suggests consuming 8 to 12 ounces (224 to 336 grams) of seafood per week during pregnancy. But white (albacore) tuna should be kept to 6 ounces (168 grams) or less per week.

Risks of Raw, Undercooked or Contaminated Seafood

Uncooked or half-cooked seafood pose health threats. It’s as simple as that.

Bacterial and Parasite Infections from Raw Seafood

Raw, undercooked, or tainted seafood can house harmful bacteria (like Salmonella) or parasites (like Toxoplasma). Infections can cause stomach troubles and flu-like symptoms. Worse still, they can lead to dehydration or even life-threatening issues.

Handling and Preparation Tips for Seafood

Good handling and cooking of seafood reduce infection chances. Cook seafood until its internal temperature hits 145 F (63 C). Also, ensure its flesh breaks apart easily with a fork. Discard any shellfish that don’t open during cooking.

In my opinion, pregnant ladies are advised to avoid consuming soft cheese, raw or undercooked meat, fish, and seafood, unwashed or already cooked fruits and veggies, soft-serve ice cream, raw or undercooked eggs, and alcohol. Researchers have found that some foods might contain bacteria that have the potential to harm the mother and their unborn child and may cause toxoplasmosis.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Did you know ?

  • The use of ginger significantly improves symptoms of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. source: PubMed
  • Early and adequate prenatal care can help prevent pregnancy complications and maternal deaths. source: Health,gov
  • Women who receive recommended health care services before pregnancy are more likely to have healthy pregnancies and babies. source:
  • Garlic intake during pregnancy reduces the risk of preterm delivery. source: PubMed

Dangers of Undercooked Meat, Poultry, and Eggs

Undercooked meat, eggs, and poultry may harbour illness-causing bacteria and pathogens.

Foodborne Illnesses and Pregnancy

Does food poisoning sound bad? Well, it’s worse for pregnant women. It can become serious.

Pathogens like Listeria, E.coli, and Toxoplasma can pass through the placenta. They may cause miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth, or life-threatening infection in the newborn, even if the mom feels fine.

Understanding Proper Food Preparation and Cooking Practices for Meat, Poultry, and Eggs

Cook your food properly. This makes it safe. Cook meat and chicken to the right internal temperature. Use a food thermometer for this, not colour. All egg dishes should be firm, not runny. Cook egg-based dishes or sauces properly too.

From my knowledge, overdosing on coffee during pregnancy may raise the chance of miscarriage, risk normal foetal development, and even result in low birth weight. Caffeine consumption of as little as 100–200 mg per day may cause harm to the developing baby. Caffeine is present in many things other than coffee. Some sodas, energy drinks, chocolate, and teas are examples.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Steering Clear from Unpasteurized Foods

Avoid soft cheese or farm-fresh milk! Unpasteurized foods can harm your health.

Potential Pathogens in Unpasteurized Dairy Products

Unpasteurized milk (or ‘raw’ milk) and its products can host harmful bacteria. These include Campylobacter, E.coli, Salmonella, and Listeria. Listeria can cause premature delivery, miscarriage, stillbirth, or severe health problems in newborns.

Identifying Pasteurized versus Unpasteurized Foods on Labels

Check product labels when shopping. Go for items labelled “pasteurized.” Most cheeses at shops are made with pasteurized milk and are safe.

Avoiding Unwashed Fruits and Vegetables

Eat clean food. Even fresh fruits and vegetables can pose hazards if not washed right.

Possible Contaminants

Fruits and vegetables can house harmful organisms like Toxoplasma and E. Coli. Such contamination may happen by exposure to polluted soil or water.

Proper Cleaning Measures for Fruits and Vegetables

Scrub thick-skinned produce like potatoes with a brush to remove residues. Rinse soft fruits and vegetables under running water. Dry with a clean piece of cloth or paper towel. Always wash your fruits and vegetables before eating, cutting, or cooking them.

Caffeine and Herbal Tea Intake During Pregnancy

Hold on before you get that coffee or herbal tea. Limit your intake.

Is Caffeine Safe? The Impact of High Levels of Caffeine Intake

High caffeine intake (over 200 mg per day) during pregnancy can lead to problems. These include preterm birth, low birth weight, and developmental delays. Moderate intake (up to 200 mg per day) is okay.

Potential Risks of Herbal Tea Ingredients

Some herbs found in teas can cause problems during pregnancy. These include St. John’s Wort, Dong Quai, Ephedra, and Yohimbe. They could lead to miscarriage or preterm birth.

Alternative Beverages to Enjoy Safely

There are safe and yummy alternatives for pregnant women. These include decaffeinated coffee or tea, fruit juices, and mineral water.

The Case Against Alcohol

Drinking alcohol while pregnant can cause serious health problems. It’s surprising how many people don’t know about these.

Explaining the Risks of Alcohol during Pregnancy

Alcohol during pregnancy is linked to a high risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. Even moderate drinking can hinder physical and mental development, leading to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). No known safe limit of alcohol exists during pregnancy.

Tips to Avoid Alcohol

Staying away from alcohol can be tough, especially if you used to drink often. Keep in mind that it’s only for a while and is essential for your baby’s health. Opt for non-alcoholic versions of your favourite drinks. Always have a non-alcoholic option ready in social settings where others may be drinking.

Also Read: Are Oysters Good For You? A Research-Based Nutrition Guide


Eating during pregnancy requires caution. Don’t eat raw and unfried foods, unwashed fruits and vegetables, seafood high in mercury, and unpasteurized dairy. Avoid alcohol entirely. Also, reduce your caffeine intake.

Pregnancy is joyful but demands responsibility. Know what foods are safe and what isn’t. By choosing your diet wisely, you give your baby a healthy start. Knowing what to avoid during pregnancy ensures you and your baby are safe.

Also Read: Headaches During Pregnancy: Causes, Remedies, and When To Seek Help

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What foods can I not eat during pregnancy?

A: Avoid food items including Bigeye Tuna, King Mackerel, Marlin, Orange Roughy, Swordfish, Shark, Tilefish, Raw meat, poultry, and seafood, High caffeine food and beverages, Alcoholic drinks.

What if I ate a hotdog or pepperoni while pregnant?

A: If these are heated up properly to kill any potential bacteria or parasites, they should be fine. However, avoiding them is safest.

Can you eat grapes and bananas when pregnant?

A: Yes, they are safe and beneficial, providing essential vitamins and fiber. However, ensure they are properly washed before eating.

What foods pregnant woman should avoid?

A: Avoid seafood high in mercury, unpasteurized dairy, unwashed fruit and vegetables, and all uncooked or undercooked meat and eggs.

Can you eat mozzarella pizza when pregnant?

A: Yes, as long as the cheese is pasteurized and the pizza is fully cooked.

Can I have sushi while pregnant?

A: Sushi with cooked fish is safe. But avoid sushi with raw fish during pregnancy.

Is it bad to eat shrimp while pregnant?

A: Not at all, if they’re cooked well. Shrimp can be part of a balanced pregnancy diet.
Always consult your doctor or healthcare provider when it comes to your pregnancy diet. Each person is unique, and dietary advice can differ.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Mercury [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Recipe for Food Safety [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). People at Risk – Pregnant Women and Newborns [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). <em>Listeria</em> Outbreak Linked to Deli Meat and Cheese [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  5. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Vitamin A and Pregnancy: A Narrative Review – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Disease [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Weight Gain During Pregnancy [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Alcohol Use During Pregnancy [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  9. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Drinking Water Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  10. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Outbreaks Associated with Cantaloupe, Watermelon, and Honeydew in the United States, 1973–2011 – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  11. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Maternal and child health: Maternal caffeine consumption and pregnancy outcomes: a narrative review with implications for advice to mothers and mothers-to-be – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  12. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Mercury Toxicity [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  13. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Protein and Amino Acid Requirements during Pregnancy – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  14. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Diet in pregnancy—more than food – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  15. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Nutrition Recommendations in Pregnancy and Lactation – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  16. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Basics about FASDs [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  17. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Impacts of Caffeine during Pregnancy – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  18. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Nutrient Intake during Pregnancy and Post-Partum: ECLIPSES Study – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  19. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation During Pregnancy on Maternal, Birth, Child Health and Development Outcomes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  20. World Health Organization (WHO). This page cannot be found [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  21. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Vitamin D Deficiency in Pregnant Women and Their Neonates – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  22. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). New insights into the vitamin D requirements during pregnancy – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  23. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Both Mother and Infant Require a Vitamin D Supplement to Ensure That Infants’ Vitamin D Status Meets Current Guidelines – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  24. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Zinc supplementation for improving pregnancy and infant outcome [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  25. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Choline: Exploring the Growing Science on Its Benefits for Moms and Babies – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  26. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Usual Choline Intakes Are Associated with Egg and Protein Food Consumption in the United States – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  27. National Health Service (NHS). Vitamins, supplements and nutrition in pregnancy [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  28. National Health Service (NHS). Foods to avoid in pregnancy [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  29. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Listeriosis in Pregnancy: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention – PMC [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:
  30. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Foodborne Germs and Illnesses [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 21]. Available from:

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Guide To The Third-Trimester Of Pregnancy For Expecting Moms

This article is written by Dr Veena H (MBBS.DGO). Dr Veena is a gynaecologist with 10 Years Of Clinical Experience

Third-trimester pregnancy is the last phase of the development of a baby inside the mother’s body and the first step of parenthood. It is the period during which your baby will mature rapidly and you will experience enormous changes in your body, mood, etc.

The third trimester of pregnancy begins at 28 weeks and lasts till 40 weeks or childbirth whichever is earlier(7–9 months).

Walking is easier to fit into a day than some exercises as you can sneak in walks while running errands, on breaks at work, or as a way to wake up or wind down the day. Walking, especially in the last trimester, helps baby achieve optimal positioning in the uterus.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Changes the expecting mother may experience-

From the beginning to now, pregnancy would have been like a bundle of surprises. 

Some of the most common changes or symptoms are seen in women in the third-trimester pregnancy are:

Developmental changes in the baby

You may be puzzled and curious to know about the growth of your baby. And as the due date approaches, it is human to feel anxious.

Here’s a summary of what happens to your baby during the third trimester of pregnancy:

Weight: Increase in the total body weight to 2.5 to 3.5 kg by term on an average.
Height: Increase in height.
Bones: Your baby will start developing cartilages and other important bone components.
Skin: The skin of the fetus’ body will become opaque. Your baby will also start gathering fat under the skin.
Digestive system: Your baby will develop its first defecation (called meconium) in the intestines.
Touch: With the onset of the third trimester, your baby will get signals from all five senses and develop touch receptors.
Brain: In this period, the brain of the baby will grow faster than ever. They also come about skills like blinking, dreaming and regulating their own body’s temperature.

What can you do in the 3 rd trimester of pregnancy?

When do you call your doctor?

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This is just a general summary of the third trimester of pregnancy. Be sure to speak with your doctor and inform them of any symptoms you develop during your term. You may be advised of some tests, medications and vaccines by your doctor. Make sure to follow every instruction sincerely. Hopefully, this guide on pregnancy by trimester has given you an idea of what to expect! 

Also read: Eating Right: Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


Guide To The First Trimester Of Pregnancy For Expecting Moms

This article is written by Dr Veena H (MBBS.DGO). Dr. Veena is a gynaecologist with 10 Years Of Clinical Experience

Pregnancy and giving birth can be some of the most joyous and trying times of your life simultaneously. During pregnancy, you will experience many physical changes in your body which in turn also affect you emotionally. Expectant mothers are often curious to know about the expected changes in their bodies during pregnancy and also about the process of development of their baby.

For simplification, the 9-month term of pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters (one trimester lasting for 3 months each). Let’s learn some interesting facts about the first trimester, the initial three months of your pregnancy. 

First trimester of pregnancy 

The confirmation of pregnancy comes as surprising news to some couples. This is because the first trimester starts from the first day of your last period. It lasts up to the 12th week of pregnancy. Many physiological changes will occur during this trimester. It is often considered one of the most important phases of pregnancy.

Nausea is a well-known symptom of pregnancy, affecting at least 70% of expecting mothers. Also called morning sickness, nausea usually begins at around six weeks, peaks between weeks 8-11, and typically fades near the end of the first trimester.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

What changes does the mother go through?

Each body is different. So every individual woman will carry and experience her pregnancy differently. During the first trimester, a woman can expect the following-

Morning Sickness: Nausea and vomiting are very commonly experienced during pregnancy. Every woman experiences it differently – mild, moderate or severe. Do not fear vomiting and do not take any medication on your own. Your doctor will advise you on ways to manage this and if required appropriate medicines will be prescribed.

Spotting: Women may experience instances of light spotting, particularly in the early period of their pregnancy. Sometimes, it can be an indication of the embryo implanting itself in the uterus.

Cravings: A common sign of early pregnancy is food cravings. Your taste preferences may change during this period. Though food cravings are usually harmless, women should keep a lookout and try to eat healthy food. Eg. Choose a fresh fruit when craving sweets.

Tenderness of the breasts: Pregnancy alters the hormonal levels in the body. Soreness and tenderness of the breasts are common signs associated with pregnancy, due to this hormonal change.

Change in urination habits: As the baby continues to grow inside the uterus, it may lead to pressure on your bladder from within. This could result in the need to urinate more frequently.

Tiredness: Pregnancy can be demanding on your body because essentially one body is growing inside another. This process of developing a baby inside the womb may be exhausting leading to fatigue during the first three months.

Vaginal Discharge: Vaginal discharge is a common and natural phenomenon in pregnant women. 

Constipation: Among the most common conditions experienced by women during pregnancy’s first trimester is constipation. High levels of progesterone hormone are released which tends to slow down the digestive system. Your body will host a growing baby for the coming nine months. So you can expect to feel multiple changes (both internally and in the outer appearance). Heartburn, mood changes and increased weight are a few changes you can expect as well as an upset tummy, headaches, nausea and more.

Problems in early pregnancy are most likely to be due to pregnancy not attaching or forming properly. Usually, if a pregnancy is not going to be viable it will miscarry. Caution and regular consultation with the gynecologist are always recommended.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

Also Read: Implantation Symptoms: Evidence-Based Guide to Early Pregnancy Signs

Developing baby in the first trimester?

During the first trimester of pregnancy, fertilization of the eggs takes place, resulting in an embryo forming. It is the period when the foundation is laid for the growth of your baby. 

In this first trimester, the organs begin to develop in the body of the fetus. You can expect the following to happen:

Bones: The bones of the baby’s legs, arms, hands and feet will begin growing by 6 weeks.

Heart: The baby’s heart will first develop as a tube initially and begin beating.

Digestive system: The baby’s intestines will begin to form by week 8.

Touching sense: It is known that touch receptors are also formed in this period.

Brain: The developing limbs in a baby’s brain will be formed during the first trimester.

Besides this, the fetus acquires various senses including taste and eyesight with hair and nails also beginning to grow.

Also read: Eating Right: Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

The Do’s and Don’ts during the first trimester of pregnancy

Here is a list of some do’s and don’ts to having a healthy first trimester:

Take a healthy and nutritious dietStop alcohol consumption and quit smoking
Exercise regularlyDo not consume undercooked seafood or meat
Visit your gynaecologist regularly and follow their adviceAvoid junk food
Eat prenatal vitamins as advisedDo not engage in rough intercourse
Practice some relaxation techniques and breathing exercises Do not take any medicine or herbal supplements without first speaking with your doctor
SleepwellDo not lift heavyweights
Maintain good hygieneDo not miss your follow up appointments with your doctor
Stay hydratedDo not take unnecessary stress

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When do you visit the doctor?

The first visit to the doctor must be made once you realize, suspect or expect pregnancy. Once your pregnancy is confirmed, consult regularly with your doctor as advised. Some people require follow-up visits to the hospital more frequently than others. This may differ from person to person. 

Apart from regular follow-ups, consult your gynaecologist or doctor if you experience anything unusual. Note that-

1. Heavy bleeding is not normal. If a woman has major pain or bleeding, she should visit the doctor immediately.

2. Normal vaginal discharge is typically white. If you notice that your discharge is yellow or has a foul smell, you may need a gynaecologist’s advice.

3. Excessive vomiting

3. Pain in the abdomen

4. Painful urination

5. Any other illness (do not ignore any signs of illness and remember that self-medication is to be avoided strictly during pregnancy and breastfeeding)

The most important thing about the entire pregnancy journey is your happiness and well-being. Love yourself and take good care of your health. Follow your doctor’s advice and don’t wait to ask even the silliest question that may be bothering you. Being aware and informed can take away all your worries related to pregnancy.

Also Read: Constipation in Pregnancy: Causes and Research-Based Remedies

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

Links and product recommendations in the information provided here are advertisements of third-party products available on the website. PharmEasy does not make any representation on the accuracy or suitability of such products/services. Advertisements do not influence the editorial decisions or content. The information in this blog is subject to change without notice. The authors and administrators reserve the right to modify, add, or remove content without notification. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer regularly for any changes.



What Women Often Ignore – 5 Tips To Ensure You’re In The Pink Of Health

Women, more often than not, are juggling numerous responsibilities in and outside the home and often put their needs last leading to an increased risk of developing health-related issues that may remain undetected too.

As we’ve learnt from the pandemic, mental health and emotional well-being are critical to maintaining overall health. There is a noted rise in reported cases of depression, anxiety and chronic stress among women which often remains unnoticed.  

What contributes to health problems in women?

Health problems can arise due to various reasons but timely diagnosis and preventive care can often reduce the severity of illness and contribute to better disease management in the long run. Women often play the role of providers taking on a larger share of household responsibilities and elderly care causing them to neglect their own health issues. These may include heart diseases, diabetes, PCOD, stress, depression and anxiety which are not diagnosed in a timely manner many times.

Stress is a major contributor. Remember, you can learn to manage your stress better by doing light yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises.

Women aged more than 40 should have the choice to start annual breast cancer screening with mammograms (x-rays of the breast) if they wish to do so as it’ll help in early diagnosis and can treat 90% of all breast cancer.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Tips to ensure optimal health for women

Here are some tips to ensure optimal health for women.

Make time for a moderate-intensity exercise routine

Exercise regularly for at least 15-20 minutes every day. Exercising helps keep your heart health in check, is a great stress buster and promotes good quality sleep. It is also known to improve your mood as it releases endorphins, a hormone known to make you feel good.

Appropriate is very essential for women. Well-nourished women are better able to provide for themselves, their children, and their families. Well-nourished mothers are more likely to have infants with healthy birth weights, and such children are less likely to ever suffer from malnutrition.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

Avoid long breaks between meals

Breakfast gives you the energy to power through your day. After 7-8 hours of fasting while you sleep, your body needs enough nutrition to carry out your day-to-day activities. And it is ever so crucial for women as they are always on their toes! 

Also Read: Foods for Vaginal Health: Science-Backed Dietary Recommendations

Get good quality sleep

Caught up with social obligations and household responsibilities, women ignore the signs of fatigue due to lack of sleep. 

At least 7-9 hours of good quality sleep is crucial for optimum health. While it keeps you energized and refreshed, it also helps improve your mood and prevents the risk of diabetes and heart-related problems. Therefore, establishing a good sleep routine should be a priority.

It’s important for women to include foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, B vitamins, and iron in their diet to maintain bone health and prevent anemia and other nutritional deficiencies.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

Regular health checkups

Make sure you get your health checkup once or twice a year at a minimum. A health checkup can help with early diagnosis and put you on track for healthy disease management.

Lupin’s Shakti Program raises awareness of cardiovascular diseases in women and encourages women to get tested for cardiovascular diseases regularly to ensure early detection and disease management if required.

Osteoporosis, urinary problems, heart disease, depression, weight gain and hot flushes are just a few issues menopausal women face. Regular check-ups with your gynaecologist would go a long way in helping you prepare for what’s to come.

Also Read: Effective Home Remedies For Vaginal Dryness

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Our diets define us – cutting down on sugar intake, refined carbs and junk food will go a long way in helping you maintain optimal health. Instead, opt for a diet rich in lean proteins, healthy fats and a moderate amount of carbs and fibre.  

Women who are trying to conceive are recommended to include foods rich in folic acid. On the other hand, menopausal women are advised to include a Calcium and Vitamin D-rich diet to keep their bone health in check.

Also Read: Benefits of CoQ10 for Women: Insights from Scientific Research


Lifestyle-induced women’s health risks could be easily prevented or controlled through healthy choices. Implementing these healthy choices early with an element of discipline can make a big difference! Remember, you deserve just as much as you give to others!

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


Things To Keep In Mind Before Planning Pregnancy

The feeling of bringing a new life into this world is truly enticing and overwhelming. This mixed emotion of joy and anticipation can perhaps get nervous and anxious as well. Planning to have a baby can bring numerous questions to your mind. Nevertheless, there are certain things you can do to get yourself prepared. A lot of ‘me’ and ‘us’ time with your partner bonding with the baby even when it is yet to arrive, is crucial. 

Here’s what you can keep in mind when planning your family!

Getting a health check-up before planning a pregnancy is actually a great idea. Many women don’t know about undiagnosed conditions like diabetes, or thyroid disorder that they may be having. You’ll gain more confidence by getting a GTG from your doctor before planning to conceive. Your doctor may advise to-

  1. Get a full-body checkup (including blood sugar, blood pressure, thyroid and lipid profile).
  2. Dental Checkup (good oral hygiene is important during pregnancy, there are chances of pregnancy gingivitis in some women, talk to your dentist beforehand).
  3. Begin with some essential vitamins.  
  4. If you or your husband are already taking any medications for some ailments, talk to your doctor about their safety before and during pregnancy. Some medicines are considered harmful to the baby and need to be stopped a few months before a woman conceives.

Folic acid and iron levels need to be in the normal range during pregnancy. Deficiency of these can lead to anaemia and birth defects in children. Talk to your doctor about the right supplements that should be taken to keep away any deficiencies before planning pregnancy.  

Stop drinking alcohol, quit smoking and cut down on caffeine consumption before you plan to conceive. With such things in your system, while you plan to conceive, the baby may have the risk of facing some birth-related problems like infant birth-death, premature birth and other defects.

Having a good knowledge of your family history as well as your partner’s before conceiving can be important for your child’s health. Allow yourself to tell this information to your doctor, so that he may rule out any chances that may harm the baby. If you have suffered from a series of miscarriages or other defects that have prevented you from having a child before, this could also be due to family history. Hence, knowing and gathering information about the same can help you and your child to run the pregnancy trip smoothly.

This goes without saying, the question ”is it okay to exercise now?” will strike most of you. This would be an excellent time to indulge in a little walking, swimming or any other form of exercise that relaxes you. Some doctors will advise you to get in shape before the right time and get the optimum required to get pregnant to increase your chances for the better. It can be any form of workout that you enjoy or take a class if you find difficulty with maintaining consistency. Ask your partner to join you, which will benefit you both individually while allowing you to spend time together. Start consuming healthy and lean protein, leafy greens, nuts and whole grains. Cutting back on oily and packaged foods would benefit you even further. Take good sleep and stay away from smoking and alcohol.

Before you plan on conceiving, it is always advisable to visit your gynaecologist first to get a check-up done. If you have been on regular birth control pills, you may be asked to stop them at least a couple of months before. Accordingly, you can plan to conceive after, if any, complications are ruled out. Timely checkups are advisable to ensure no complications are on the way. Regular tests and other diagnoses should be expected throughout the pregnancy period.

Having a baby will bring up new expenses. Managing and balancing your finances while giving importance to savings is important. From diapers and skincare to baby vaccinations, you will be draining a lot out of your wallet without even realising it once your baby comes. You will be expected to have pregnancy medications, monthly checkups and ultrasound scans all of which can cost a lot, which is why you must consider financial planning in advance. Preparing for the newer expenses in advance will help you manage these spending with ease. Find out if your insurance plan covers maternity care.

Maintaining good hygiene vaginally can keep the chances of infections lower ‘down there’ and increase your chances of conception. You may be prone to infections during pregnancy, hence you will need something mild and safe to use below. 

Also Read: What is Anterior Placenta: A Comprehensive Insight into Maternal Health

During the first year of their life, your baby will need tons of stuff as they grow up. Baby clothes, nappies, diapers, food and baby skincare. Buying baby essentials all at once can drill a hole in your pocket. Once you conceive, start setting up an account for your baby and list down the things they will need. Start buying them over nine months of your pregnancy. This pregnancy period can seem like an uphill climb over your emotions, but with things properly planned out, you will be able to have a smooth and healthy pregnancy with your baby safe and sound as he steps into this world.
The entire period of pregnancy and even after you give birth will be one-of-a-kind. Keeping these precautions in mind, investing in your health, incorporating lifestyle changes, and budgeting will all be worth it, especially when you finally have your baby in your arms.

Also read: Eating Right: Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

Being aware of your health and knowing what to expect during and after pregnancy can help you embrace this journey. Remember that you do not have to do this alone, seek help from friends, family, doctors, communicate with your partner, and speak to other expecting parents. Health concerns during pregnancy are often so centred on taking care of a woman’s physical health that people tend to overlook her mental well-being. Pregnancy is a life-changing event and you are allowed to experience emotional stress. It is only normal, but always address it and never shy away from discussing it with people who can help you deal with your anxiety before you conceive. This is an opportunity to make sure that before and after birth, you and your baby are both healthy and sound.

When you are trying to conceive, your psychological and emotional health must be a top priority. While you might be asked to look at the positive side of it, considering the risk factors is also extremely important. Mood swings, postpartum depression etc are commonly associated with pregnancy. If you are someone who has experienced mental health issues in past, you must take extra care of your mental well being when planning pregnancy.   Here are some tips-

  1. Learn and practice breathing exercises and relaxation techniques
  2. Indulge in a self-care routine
  3. Practice yoga
  4. Journalling can be a great way to jot down your entire journey of pregnancy and keep you happy and relaxed.
  5. Talk to other moms, and family members and remember you are not alone in this. 

Also Read: Implantation Symptoms: Evidence-Based Guide to Early Pregnancy Signs

With ample information available around you, choose only the right information and do not get misled. It is practical to think about your child’s future, factors like more space, a better location, finances or others must be discussed beforehand so that once your baby arrives you know you are well settled and have everything worked out for the baby.

Also Read: Headaches During Pregnancy: Causes, Remedies, and When To Seek Help

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

Links and product recommendations in the information provided here are advertisements of third-party products available on the website. PharmEasy does not make any representation on the accuracy or suitability of such products/services. Advertisements do not influence the editorial decisions or content. The information in this blog is subject to change without notice. The authors and administrators reserve the right to modify, add, or remove content without notification. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer regularly for any changes.


10 Natural Ways To Check Pregnancy At Home

Becoming a mother is the most joyous thing in a woman’s life. But, the path leading to it is uncertain and strenuous and so is taking a pregnancy test at the beginning of this long journey. At the time of taking a pregnancy test, anxiety about the results can get you worked up. Naturally, you would want your pregnancy test to be more of a private affair than a public one in a doctor’s lab.

When you are looking for ways of doing home pregnancy tests, you will come across many pregnancy test kits available in a drugstore these days. Studies claim that they are not as accurate as they are portrayed.

So, women either go for a blood test in a doctor’s lab or natural tests at home. In the olden days, our grandmothers would check pregnancy at home using traditional medical practices and natural ingredients. It was not only efficient but also safe in many ways.

Keeping this in mind, we have listed some DIY pregnancy tests that will prove to be useful when you want to check your pregnancy status privately.

Benefits of Natural Pregnancy Test

There are only a few of us who would turn to home-made tests, but those who hesitate to take up the natural route may miss out on some of the benefits like:

Did You Know?

Principle of Pregnancy Test

When a woman conceives, that is, when the embryo attaches itself to the uterine wall, the placenta forms and it starts producing the hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which enters the bloodstream and urine. The test uses antibodies to detect hCG in the urine.

You may wonder when to take a pregnancy test? Well, during the first few weeks of the pregnancy, the concentration of the hormone increases quickly and doubles every two to three days. It generally is harder to detect when you take the test at the early stages of your pregnancy. So, it is advised to take the test one day after a missed period.

If the test says that you are not pregnant, you must keep in mind that every woman menstruates at different times in a month. In case you have an irregular menstruation cycle, then there are chances that you have miscalculated the period due date. For this reason, you may get incorrect test results.

hCG LevelLikely Outcome
5 mIU/mlNot Pregnant
5-50 mIU/mlPossibly not pregnant or 3 weeks pregnant
5-426 mIU/mlLikely 4 weeks pregnant
18-7340 mIU/mlLikely 5 weeks pregnant
1080-56,500 mIU/mlLikely 6 weeks pregnant
7650-229,000 mIU/mlLikely 7 to 8 weeks pregnant

Anything under 5 mIU/ml is considered an indicator of a negative result for pregnancy
Anything between 6 mIU/ml and 24 mIU/ml is considered an unsure result for pregnancy
Anything over 25 mIU/ml is generally considered a positive result for pregnancy

How to Make Sure That the Pregnancy Test Results are Accurate?

Efficacy Home Pregnancy Test

Most of the natural home pregnancy tests do not have any scientifically tested efficacy. In many instances, some of the common home pregnancy tests may give accurate results simply by coincidence. However, some of the natural home pregnancy test methods given below have been proven to be more effective than others. While it is always recommended to get a clinically approved pregnancy test kit that you can use easily at home, you can always try these natural methods to get quick results without having to rush to the pharmacy. 

Also Read: How To Manage Pregnancy Even If You Have Diabetes?

Top 10 Home Pregnancy Test

You must be burning with the question – how to test pregnancy at home? Here are some easy ways how you can check pregnancy at home naturally using only a few ingredients.

1. Salt Pregnancy Test

Every kitchen shelf will have salt in it. All you need for a pregnancy test at home with salt is a urine sample collected in the morning, a pinch or two of salt and a clean glass to mix the ingredients.

MethodPositive SignNegative Sign
Add urine sample to the glass and drop a pinch or two of salt. Wait for three minutes.If you are pregnant, you will notice that creamy white clumps have formed from the reaction.If you find no reaction happening between urine and salt, you are not pregnant.

2. Sugar Pregnancy Test

Sugar is something that you will always keep a stock of at home. For this reason, this method is found to be the easiest of all. All you need for this test is a urine sample collected as soon as you wake up, one bowl and a tablespoon of sugar. Here’s what you need to do.

MethodPositive SignNegative Sign
Add sugar to the bowl and pour the urine sample over it.hCG present in the urine does not dissolve the sugar easily. If you see sugar forming lumps in urine, you are pregnant.In case the sugar readily dissolves in urine, it indicates that you are not pregnant.

4. Wheat & Barley Pregnancy Test

Wheat and barley are a part of every Indian’s food system. Did you know that they can also help you determine your pregnancy status? Yes! Both the seeds germinate twice as quick in a pregnant lady’s urine than in water. For the test, you need barley and wheat seeds, a urine sample and a clean bowl.

MethodPositive SignNegative Sign
Take a bowl, pour a urine sample, and add some wheat and barley seeds into it. Leave it for two days to germinate.If you see the seeds germinating in a couple of days, then you must be pregnant.In case they have not yet sprouted, then you are not pregnant yet.

5. Mustard Powder Pregnancy Test

In case you have a delayed period and suspect that you are pregnant, you can use this homemade pregnancy test in place of rushing to a pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test kit. All you need for this test is half to  ¾ cup of mustard powder and a bathtub filled with warm water. Mustard powder is said to generate heat in your body and help you get rid of delayed periods.

MethodPositive SignNegative Sign
Add the mustard powder to the warm bathtub water and keep yourself immersed in it for about 20 minutes. Wait for two to three days.If you get periods after the wait, then you may be pregnant.However, if you get your periods, then it will indicate that you are not yet pregnant.

6. Dandelion Leaves Pregnancy Test

This home pregnancy test has been proved to be super accurate. So, if you have a dandelion plant in your backyard, you can take advantage of this test. All you need are some dandelion leaves, a plastic sheet and your urine sample collected early in the morning.

MethodPositive SignNegative Sign
Place a few dandelion leaves on the sheet making sure that it is not directly under the sunlight. Pour the urine sample over the leaves and wait for 10 minutes.If you observe the leaves turning reddish-brown or bubble formation, assume that you are pregnant.If you see no changes in the leaves, then you are not pregnant yet.

7. Storing Urine Pregnancy Test

Another effective homemade pregnancy test is simply observing your stored urine. All you need is a glass jar and urine sample collected early in the morning.

MethodPositive SignNegative Sign
Add the sample to the glass jar and store it away for about 24 hours.If you notice a thin layer or film formed on the surface of the stored sample, then you are pregnant.The absence of any layer or film indicates that you are not pregnant yet.

8. Wine Pregnancy Test

Did you know that you can use wine as one of the pregnancy tests at home? All you need for this is a wine and urine sample collected in the morning.

MethodPositive SignNegative Sign
Mix wine and urine in equal amounts in a cup. Now, observe the changes that follow.If the wine changes in colour, then it indicates that you are pregnant.If there is no change in wine colour, then consider that you are not pregnant yet.

9. Tuna Juice

This test is considered to be one of the easiest and accurate home remedies for a pregnancy test. All you need for this test is a container, canned tuna, white vinegar and a sample of your urine collected first thing in the morning.

MethodPositive SignNegative Sign
Extract juice from tuna and add it to the container. Mix the same amount of vinegar into it. Let it sit for a day then, add a urine sample into it.If the mixture gives out a dark green colour, then you are pregnant.If you see a yellow colour formation, then you can assume that you are not pregnant yet.

10. Basal Body Temperature Pregnancy Test

When you are pregnant, your basal body temperature or the lowest temperature your body attains when you are resting is quite high when compared to normal times. So, this test proves to be helpful to check your pregnancy status at home. All you need is a basal body thermometer.

MethodPositive SignNegative Sign
Place a basal body thermometer under your tongue for a few seconds. While you are at it, make sure to do this as soon as you wake up in the morning.If the temperature is 37 °C or 98.6 °F, then it may indicate that you are pregnant.A temperature lower than this may indicate you are not yet pregnant.

Also Read: Exercise During Pregnancy – Benefits And Safety

Other Home Pregnancy Tests

In addition to using the natural ingredients available in your kitchen cupboard, you can do home pregnancy tests using certain chemically laden ingredients commonly available in every household. As a bonus, find the answer to your burning question – how to test pregnancy at home using homely products.

1. Toothpaste Pregnancy Test

This is the latest addition to the homemade pregnancy test list as toothpaste was not available around the time our grandmothers took the test. For this method, you can only use white toothpaste for accurate results. Coloured toothpaste may contain additional chemicals that may interfere with the results. All you need for a pregnancy test at home with toothpaste is a clean bowl, two tablespoons of white toothpaste and urine collected early in the morning.

MethodPositive SignNegative Sign
Mix two tablespoons of toothpaste and a tablespoon of urine in a bowl.If the toothpaste turns blue and becomes frothy, you are pregnant.When toothpaste does not react with the urine, you are not pregnant.

Note: Although this test appears to be effective, you can never rely on it as we do not know the exact quantity of urine to be added to the toothpaste nor do we know the amount of time we have to wait for the reaction to happen.

2. Soap Pregnancy Test

This is an easy and quick test that you can do at home with no hassle. All you need is soap. It can be of any type, brand, or ingredient. In addition, you need a wide bowl and sample of the first urine of the day.

MethodPositive SignNegative Sign
Place the soap in a wide bowl and pour in two tablespoons of urine over the soap.If the soap reacts with urine to produce bubbles and froth, you are pregnant.If you observe no reaction, you are not pregnant.

3. Shampoo Pregnancy Test

This is just as convenient as soap and toothpaste tests. You can use any shampoo and you do not need any special tool for the test. All you need is water, a sample of first urine collected fresh in the morning, two drops of shampoo, and a clean bowl to mix all the ingredients.

MethodPositive SignNegative Sign
Mix two drops of shampoo and water in a clean bowl. Whisk gently to avoid frothing. Add urine and wait for it to react.If the shampoo begins to bubble and froth, you are pregnant.If you see no reaction, you are not pregnant.

Note: Be careful while mixing the shampoo and water. Mix it gently to avoid any froth formation. Froth would interfere with the test and ends up giving you incorrect results.

4. Dettol Pregnancy Test

Dettol can be found in every Indian’s home. It is the antiseptic medicine we turn to when we bruise ourselves. Did you know that you can also use this for the home pregnancy test? To begin with, you need a clean glass, a tablespoon of Dettol, and a sample of the first urine of the day.

MethodPositive SignNegative Sign
Mix one spoon of Dettol with three spoons of urine. They must be in a 1:3 ratio. Wait for five to seven minutes.If your urine separates from Dettol and forms a different layer, then you are pregnant.If urine and Dettol mix and there is no separation of the two, then there is no pregnancy.

5. Vinegar Pregnancy Test

This Chinese ingredient does not only add flavours to the food dishes but also has proved to be a useful ingredient in DIY pregnancy tests.  You can simply use the affordable white vinegar available in the market for this test. In addition, you will need a urine sample collected in the morning and a clean glass to mix the two.

MethodPositive SignNegative Sign
Take vinegar in the clean glass and slowly add the urine sample to it.In the case of pregnancy, there will be a change in the colour of the solution.In case there is no change in the colour of the solution, you are not pregnant yet.

6. Bleaching Powder Pregnancy Test

If you want quick results with an easy method, then bleaching powder is your go-to option. For this test, you need bleaching powder, a urine sample collected in the morning and a clean glass to mix the two.

MethodPositive SignNegative Sign
Drop bleaching powder into the glass and pour the collected urine sample into it.If you notice bubble and froth formation and a lot of frizzing as soon as the urine touches the bleaching powder, you are pregnant.If there is no bubbling and frothing, you are not pregnant.

Note: Please avoid inhaling the fumes coming out of the above reaction as they are toxic and harmful for you. So, make sure you maintain a safe distance.

Also Read: 11 Superfoods to Eat During Pregnancy

Can You Still Get Pregnant After Using Contraceptives?

Many women have reported that they became pregnant even though they had used contraceptives or taken the pill. Contraceptives are not always full-proof and there are many reasons why they can fail. Some of these are:

Also Read: Can You Get Pregnant Without Having Sex? Debunking Pregnancy Myths

When should you consult a doctor

Most women avoid going to a doctor until they are well within a few months of their pregnancy. This is not recommended at all since there can be several complications during a pregnancy that needs to be tended to by a medical professional. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult a doctor regarding your pregnancy at the earliest chance possible.

To Conclude

All the above tests have been used by many women who wished to know their status of pregnancy in private. But you have to bear in mind that there are times when you may not get accurate results from the above tests. In such a scenario, it is advised to take more than one of the above tests. In case nothing is working for you, you should get a  blood test  in the doctor’s lab, which will not only indicate whether you are pregnant or not but also how far you are in pregnancy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What to do immediately after getting a positive pregnancy test?

Once you check positive for pregnancy with your home pregnancy test or store-bought kits here are a few things that you need to do to prevent feeling stressed or overwhelmed as you are about to embark on a new phase in your life:
Break the news to your family and partner 
Fix an appointment with a healthcare provider to discuss the next steps forward
Make an appointment with prenatal care to schedule an ultrasound at the earliest and a few mandatory lab tests 
Focus on yourself and start following a healthy diet, exercising regularly, taking prenatal vitamins and getting adequate rest 
Take some time to adjust to the news whether it be following social media distancing or going on a short trip somewhere, you should not feel burdened and overwhelmed

Is missed period the only sign of pregnancy?

Missing your period is not always a sure-shot indication of pregnancy. It can happen if you are going through hormonal imbalances if you are stressed, if you have been dieting or are engaging in over-exercising. Additionally, some other indications that you or your partner may be pregnant are:
Morning sickness
Breasts may undergo changes wherein they become tender, swollen and heavier
Cramping along with spotting 
Feeling light-headed
Frequent urge to urinate 
Becoming extremely sensitive to smells 

What diet to follow after a positive pregnancy test?

Once you are sure that you are pregnant, you will need to implement a few dietary changes to prevent yourself from falling ill during this time. Some of these are:
Do not eat raw or uncooked meat and fish such as sushi
Do not consume any unpasteurised dairy product 
Restrict your caffeine intake to one-two cup every day 
Start consuming prenatal vitamins such as iron or folic acid supplements 
Immediately stop consuming alcohol and quit smoking 
Consider having more protein, orange juice, beans, lentils, green and leafy vegetables and fortified cereals and bread

Can drinking a lot of water affect a home pregnancy test result?

Drinking excessive water may dilute the concentration of hCG in the urine, potentially affecting the sensitivity of the test. For best results, use the first-morning urine sample when taking a home pregnancy test.

Can stress or other factors mimic pregnancy symptoms?

Yes, stress, hormonal fluctuations and certain medical conditions can mimic pregnancy symptoms. It’s essential not to rely solely on symptoms alone to confirm pregnancy. Using a home pregnancy test or consulting with a healthcare provider can provide accurate results and help rule out other underlying causes of symptoms.

When is the best time to take a home pregnancy test?

For the most accurate results, it’s best to take a home pregnancy test after a missed period or as indicated in the test’s instructions. Some tests may be sensitive enough to detect pregnancy a few days before the expected period. If unsure, wait a few days and retest or consult with a healthcare professional.

How soon can natural pregnancy signs appear?

Early pregnancy signs can appear within the first few weeks after conception. Some women may experience symptoms like fatigue, nausea, breast tenderness and frequent urination during this time. However, individual experiences may vary, and not all women will exhibit these early signs.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.
Links and product recommendations in the information provided here are advertisements of third-party products available on the website. PharmEasy does not make any representation of the accuracy or suitability of such products/services. Advertisements do not influence the editorial decisions or content. The information in this blog is subject to change without notice. The authors and administrators reserve the right to modify, add, or remove content without notification. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer regularly for any changes.


Tried And Test Remedies To Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Pregnancy stretch marks also referred to as striae gravidarum, are usually harmless striation-like marks on the skin. Although pregnancy stretch marks are common in women who’ve given birth, anyone can develop stretch marks in their life. You may find these streaks on your stomach, chest, hips, buttocks and most commonly on thighs.  

In this blog, we look at the most common causes of stretch marks, how vulnerable you are to them and the best home remedies for stretch marks. 

Who is most likely to get stretch marks?

Some people are at higher risk of developing stretch marks than the general population. If you happen to have the following risk factors, be more careful of your lifestyle choices. The vulnerable group involves:

Precautions: How to prevent stretch marks

Stretch marks are fine lines on the body that occur from tissue under your skin tearing from rapid growth or overstretching. Therefore, the reason why you get stretch marks during pregnancy is obvious and can not be prevented completely. Many oils, creams and other skin beauty items claim to help prevent stretch marks, but the best route to healthy skin involves healthy lifestyle habits. Here’s a list of home remedies for stretch marks that are popular-

  1. Maintain a healthy weight
    Weight gain is normal during pregnancy. But excessive and rapid weight gain or rapid weight loss (post-pregnancy) is one of the leading causes of stretch marks. Stretch marks can occur when your skin tissue pulls apart quickly. It can be during growth spurts, such as during puberty, while bodybuilding or from using steroids. By eating a healthy diet and exercising to manage your weight, you can avoid excess stretch marks.
  2. Stay hydrated
    Skin that’s hydrated and soft is less likely to develop stretch marks as much as dry skin. The daily water intake recommended includes approx 4 Litres for men and 3 Litres For women. Additionally, if you are drinking caffeinated beverages, like coffee, make sure to balance your caffeine intake with plenty of water, herbal tea and other caffeine-free fluids.  
  3. Take extra care to moisturize the susceptible areas during pregnancy – Take care to avoid dryness of skin in your belly region, buttocks, thighs and breasts. This will not prevent but may reduce the prominence and occurrence of stretch marks later.
  4. Adopt a nutritious diet
    One of the best solutions on how to prevent stretch marks is eating foods that boost skin health. For example, a breakfast of eggs, whole-wheat toast and mixed berries instead of processed foods can help reduce the chances of stretch marks. Similarly, you should opt for unprocessed foods that are rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, zinc and protein.  
  5. Boost Collagen with vitamin C foods
    Collagen plays a crucial role in maintaining your skin’s strength and elasticity. Collagen helps to keep your skin wrinkle-free with vitamin C which can be found in citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons as well as vegetable aids in the synthesis of collagen.  
  6. Eat zinc-rich foods
    For best skin health, zinc is an important nutrient you shouldn’t miss out on. It helps reduce inflammation and accelerates the wound healing process. Zinc-rich foods such as nuts, fish, red meat and poultry provide the majority of zinc and can help keep your skin healthy.

Over time striae will improve by itself. If it doesn’t improve Newer lasers and radiofrequency treatments hold promise as they do try to modify the vascularity and the collagen and perhaps the elastin.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Medical treatments: How to remove stretch marks

Preventing stretch marks isn’t easy or entirely possible, but there are various treatment options available today. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not opt for the following stretch mark treatment options-

  1. Sourced from vitamin A, retinoid cream can help rebuild the collagen in your skin and make the stretch marks look more like the rest of your skin, especially if your stretch marks are relatively fresh.
  2. Laser therapy can help stimulate collagen or elastin in your skin to grow. Since there are various types of laser therapy, consult your doctor to help you choose the laser treatment best for your skin type.
  3. Glycolic acid creams and chemical peels are other stretch mark removal treatments available today.  
  4. Microneedling

Stretch marks usually appear around the 6th-7th month of pregnancy and will fade away on their own and do not usually need treatment. Treating stretch marks during pregnancy with topical creams is not usually safe or recommended.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

All in all, medical treatments like laser therapy or retinoids may cause harm during pregnancy or while nursing as their risk-benefit ratio remains questionable, so make sure to speak with your doctor about using medical treatments to remove stretch marks if you are pregnant or nursing.

Lastly, it’s important to emphasize that most of the time, pregnancy stretch marks fade away with time. They are usually harmless and only a matter of cosmetic concern. Be sure of talking to your doctor before using any medicine, ointment or herbal remedy to reduce or avoid stretch marks. These measures can be harmful during breastfeeding and pregnancy. You may opt for various available treatment options to reduce the appearance of stretch marks after you have stopped breastfeeding your baby. A dermatologist can guide you on this. Till then, follow your doctor’s advice and enjoy the wonderful feeling of motherhood.  

Also Read: Can You Get Pregnant Without Having Sex? Debunking Pregnancy Myths

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


Periods Vs Pregnancy Bleeding: Implantation Bleeding & How To Identify It


Your period date is close and you notice light bleeding in your underwear. But instead of the colour red, the blood is pinkish-brown? Congratulations, you might be pregnant. Women trying to conceive a baby might confuse this happy sign of early pregnancy for period onset but we’re here to explain to you why implantation bleeding might look similar but is completely different from menstrual periods. 

In this blog, we look at understanding what implantation bleeding is, what causes it, the symptoms of implantation bleeding to help you differentiate it from a period and what should you do next. 

Did You Know?

What is implantation bleeding?

Implantation bleeding – typically defined as light spotting or a small amount of bleeding that occurs about 10 to 14 days after conceiving a baby – is a normal sign of early pregnancy.
Implantation bleeding happens after a sperm fertilizes your egg which implants itself into the lining of the uterus to become an embryo, causing a little bleeding. 

Since this usually happens around the time of your menstrual cycle, you may confuse implantation bleeding for a light period and not realize you’re pregnant. 

Some people may not experience any implantation bleeding, while some may have a light period, like bleeding for 2-3 days; this is usually considered normal, except when it is accompanied by persistent cramping or pain.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Implantation Bleeding vs Periods: Difference between implantation bleeding and period

Since women have different kinds of blood flow during their menstrual period, it’s hard to point out exact differences between implantation bleeding and a period. However, there are three key differences women can use to differentiate an implantation bleeding from a period:

  1. Colour
    Whether you have a heavy or light menstrual flow, most women are familiar with the colour of their blood during usual periods. Unlike the light or dark red blood seen in periods, implantation bleeding is typically light pink to dark brown (rust-coloured) in colour.
  2. Clotting
    Some women experience clotting in the expressed blood during their menstruation, while others do not see much clotting at all. Implantation bleeding, however, has no clots in the expressed blood.
  3. Amount
    Regardless of experiencing a heavy or light flow, most women can fill pads and tampons during their periods. With implantation bleeding, however, it is usually only spotting or a light flow. Most times, it’s just a little pink or brown discharge, rather than a full flow, just enough to get on a pantyliner.

Implantation bleeding is never enough to fill a pad or tampon like a menstrual period. Colour: Menstrual bleeding is typically a bright to dark red and will look like what you typically experience during your monthly period. Implantation bleeding is a much lighter hue, typically a very light pink or light rust colour.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka – MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

How to recognize implantation bleeding?

Some of the other early signs of pregnancy may overlap with implantation bleeding symptoms, so take a pregnancy test or consult a doctor if you notice any of the following signs:

  1. Mild cramps (less than a normal period cramp)
  2. Exhaustion/ weakness
  3. Mood swings
  4. Headaches
  5. Nausea (morning sickness)
  6. Upset stomach
  7. Absence of blood clots or tissue in the blood 
  8. The implantation bleeding colour is brown or pinkish instead of red or dark red
  9. Tender, swollen breasts or nipples
  10. Food cravings or aversion
  11. Frequent urination

Implantation bleeding is one of the important early pregnancy symptoms and tends to happen before the onset of morning sickness. Implantation bleeding timing isn’t as long as your period and it’s lighter inflow. Women who are expecting their first pregnancy are more likely to spot or bleed than women who are used to egg attachment.

Also Read: Sperm Cramp: Causes, Symptoms, And Being Informed About Men’s Health

Final thoughts

All in all, implantation bleeding timing lasts for anywhere between a couple of hours to three full days and has a very light blood flow, sometimes even a light discharge. Unlike period blood that’s bright or dark red, implantation bleeding colour is something between pink and brown. 

Women experiencing implantation bleeding may experience other early symptoms of pregnancy like morning sickness, lower backaches, mild or no cramps, tender breasts and others. But many of these can also be PMS symptoms or ovulation symptoms and you may not be pregnant. 

If you’re not sure whether you’re having implantation bleeding or your period, it’s best to take a pregnancy test or talk to your doctor. Pregnancy tests can be taken at home using urine pregnancy test kits or you can book a blood test for pregnancy from the lab. It may be difficult to detect a pregnancy too early after conception, hence chances of false-negative results exist. There can be multiple reasons for irregular, missed periods or spotting. Consult a doctor for the best advice and understanding of the way forwards. 

Also Read: Can You Get Pregnant On Your Period? Exploring Fertility Myths

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.Resources


Everything You Need To Know About InVitro Fertilization

IVF or in vitro fertilization is an assisted reproductive technology. It is a method of fertilization in which eggs are extracted from a female’s body, a sperm sample is obtained from the male partner or a donor and an egg and sperm sample are physically combined in a laboratory dish. After that, the embryo is transported to the uterus. Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) and zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) are two further types of ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology).

IVF treatment is often offered as an option for couples who may have one of them suffering from any of the following conditions:

The IVF Process: Step By Step

1. Fertility medicines

The first stage in the IVF process is to take fertility medications over several months to assist your ovaries to generate a large number of mature eggs that are ready to fertilize. Ovulation induction is the term for this process. Ultrasounds or blood tests may be used regularly to monitor your hormone levels and egg production.

2. Egg retrieval

Your doctor will obtain the eggs from your body once your ovaries have generated enough mature eggs (this is called egg retrieval). Egg retrieval is a simple procedure performed at a fertility clinic or your doctor’s office.

3. Sperm retrieval

Semen sample from the male partner or donor is collected. Sperms are then separated from the semen fluid in the lab.

4. Fertilization

Fertilization is the process of combining your eggs with sperm cells from your partner or a donor in a laboratory. Fertilization takes place after the eggs and sperm are stored together in a specific container. To promote fertilization, sperm with weaker motility (which doesn’t swim as well) might be injected directly into the eggs. People who work in the lab keep track of how the cells in the fertilized eggs divide and become embryos.

5. Embryo transfer

After 3-5 days, an embryo transfer is done and one or more than one embryo is put into your uterus. Conception takes place if any of the embryos stick to the lining of your uterus. 

Risks of IVF

There are few risks associated with IVF while there are other conditions that have a very low association. Let’s have a look:

1. Giving birth to more than one baby

In some cases, more than 1 embryo is implanted and hence the mother may give birth to twins or triplets. The chances of premature birth and inadequate birth weight are high.

2. Miscarriage

The good news is that the chances of miscarriage are the same for women who have conceived naturally and women who have undergone IVF (15-25%). But as maternal age increases, the chances of miscarriage among women who’ve conceived through IVF also increase. 

3. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin and other fertility drugs are injected during the early stages of IVF to promote ovulation. But these drugs can make the ovaries inflamed and this triggers pain. This condition is called Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. Other symptoms include bloating, nausea, diarrhoea, etc. pre-pregnancy, the symptoms may recede in a week but during pregnancy, they may continue for a few weeks.

4. Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy happens when the egg implants itself in the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus. Since a fertilized egg cannot be sustained outside the uterus, such pregnancy will fail.

5. Birth defects

The mother’s age is a determinant here. However, there is not enough evidence on whether IVF is more likely to result in the birth of babies with deformities.

6. Cancer

There is seemingly no evidence to indicate that IVF increases the likelihood of breast, ovarian, endometrial or cervical cancer. Some studies have found a link between a form of ovarian cancer and some of the drugs injected into the person to trigger ovulation.

The Average Cost of IVF Pregnancy

There are no two IVF pregnancies alike. As a result, the cost for each individual can differ depending on their unique wants and preferences. The average IVF cost, on the other hand, can be generically classified into a range. In India, the minimal cost of IVF therapy can be around 50 to 70,000 Indian Rupees.

A single cycle of IVF treatment has a success rate of 50-72 percent, depending on the patient’s characteristics. As a result, numerous cycles of IVF treatment may be required for the fertilized embryo to implant successfully in the uterus.


Choosing whether or not to pursue in vitro fertilization, as well as how to proceed if the initial attempt fails, is a difficult decision. This procedure can have a financial, physical and emotional toll. Consult your doctor to learn more about your options and whether in vitro fertilization is the best decision for you and your family. 

Also Read: How To Know If You’re Pregnant?

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


Missed Period? Here’s How You Can Take A Pregnancy Test At Home


Once a woman is pregnant, she starts producing a particular hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) that can be detected in blood and urine after about 9-10 days. There are two main types of pregnancy tests- a urine pregnancy test at home and a blood test done at your local hospital or pathology lab. 

In this blog, we look at important pregnancy symptoms that tell you when to take a pregnancy test after a missed period and how to use a pregnancy test kit.

Most pregnancy tests can be carried out from the first day of a missed period. If you are not sure when your next period is due, do the test at least 21 days after you last had unprotected sex.

Dr Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

6 Signs You Should Be Taking a Pregnancy Test

Although many of these symptoms aren’t unique to a pregnancy and can just mean that you might be sick or have your period close. But if you’ve had unprotected intercourse in the past months or been trying to get pregnant, you should take a pregnancy test at home if you see any of the following symptoms: 

1. Missed period

If your expected menstrual cycle is delayed a week or more, you might be pregnant. However, this pregnancy symptom can be misleading if you have PCOS or an irregular menstrual cycle.

2. Tender and swollen breasts

Early in pregnancy, hormonal changes might make your breasts sensitive. You may see a positive pregnancy test if you’ve missed a period and have sore breasts. 

3. Nausea with or without vomiting

Although it’s called morning sickness, women may experience nausea for the first two months of pregnancy at any time of the day or night. If you’ve been throwing up irregularly recently, consider taking a urine pregnancy test. 

4. Frequent urination

Pregnancy can elevate your body’s blood amount, causing your kidneys to process extra fluid that goes into your bladder. So, if you find yourself urinating more often than usual, you may see a positive pregnancy test. 

Also Read: Can Sex Delay Your Periods: Evaluating Common Misconceptions and Realities

5. Light spotting

Although not all women have it, light spotting or implantation bleeding is one of the early signs of pregnancy. The light bleeding is usually light pink or brown in colour and happens 1-2 weeks after conception, around the time of your expected menstrual period. 

6. Other reasons

Other less obvious signs that tell you when to take a pregnancy test after a missed period include sudden fatigue, mood swings, bloating, cramping, sensitivity to certain odours and food aversions. If you’ve had unprotected intercourse, you can get pregnant without experiencing many of these symptoms. Whether you are trying for a baby or worried about an unplanned pregnancy, taking a pregnancy test is the surest way to find out. 

Early pregnancy factor (EPF), a hormone that can be detected 48 hours after fertilization. This differs from beta-HCG, which is present after implantation, and, thus, EPF can be detected sooner. Serum progesterone may also be tested, and its concentration increases linearly between weeks five and thirteen.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka – MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

Clinic or At-Home: How To Take a Pregnancy Test?

Pregnancy tests confirm a positive or negative pregnancy by reacting to the amount of hCG in either your urine or blood. Different tests take different times to process the results and use unique ways to confirm a positive result. The two main types of pregnancy tests include:

1. Blood Test for Pregnancy 

Blood pregnancy tests are highly accurate in telling the exact levels of pregnancy hormones and what different levels indicate. If the hCG levels aren’t doubling every two days during the first few weeks of pregnancy, it might suggest a problem with the pregnancy. Similarly, extremely high hCG levels might mean twins or even an issue with the pregnancy.

Women having infertility treatments or struggling with PCOS pregnancy methods can use blood tests to determine how much of the hCG hormone is present in their bodies. The pregnancy test at the lab is slightly more expensive than a urine pregnancy test as the blood sample is taken and analysed at a hospital or healthcare provider’s office

2. Urine Pregnancy Test (UPT) – At home pregnancy test 

In a Urine Pregnancy Test (UPT), you first collect your urine sample and then with the help of a dropper add one to two drops of urine to the well of your UPT strip (as mentioned in the instructions) which then detects the hCG content in your urine. Some at-home pregnancy tests may show double vertical lines, a plus sign or even the word ”pregnant” to indicate a positive pregnancy. 

When taking a urine pregnancy test, for more accurate results, follow these steps:

You can buy urine pregnancy tests in any pharmacy or grocery without needing a prescription. Finally, other than testing too early, birth control, antibiotics, alcohol and other drugs do not affect pregnancy test results. 

Please remember the pregnancy test will still work even if you are on contraceptive pills containing hormones, as no method of contraception is completely effective, so it’s important to take a pregnancy test if you think you might be pregnant.

Dr Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Also Read: Can You Get Pregnant On Your Period? Exploring Fertility Myths

Final Thoughts

Some of the most common signs of pregnancy such as missed periods, tender breasts, morning sickness, spotting and nausea may suggest a positive pregnancy, but many of these symptoms are also common to women who aren’t pregnant.  

The easiest way to confirm your pregnancy is by taking a urine pregnancy test at home that can be bought at any pharmacy. If you have infertility issues, a blood pregnancy test at a local healthcare centre or fertility clinic might be better. Do not interpret and conclude the results of a blood/urine test for pregnancy on your own. There are chances of a false negative test in some cases. Consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and advice. 

There are several reasons for taking a pregnancy test- you. maybe trying for a baby, an issue with your birth control or unprotected intercourse. No matter the reason, if your pregnancy test at home is positive, the best thing to do is reach out to your healthcare provider to know the way forward.

Also Read: How To Know If You’re Pregnant?

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

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