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What Common Face Mask Mistakes Do People Make?

For more than a year and a half now, we have been living with the perpetual threat of COVID-19. It has changed a lot of things in our daily lives. We have been flooded with advice on how to keep ourselves safe and we’ve often had a hard time separating myth from the fact because so many misconceptions and fake news have been doing the rounds.

But one thing cannot be doubted or questioned – face masks can literally save lives. It was established right at the beginning that the COVID-19 virus spreads through an infected person’s cough, sneeze and even while they exhale or talk and the best way to keep yourself safe is by wearing a mask which will drastically reduce the chances of you contracting the viral disease.

However, months after wearing masks became prevalent, people still make basic face mask mistakes that reduce the effectiveness of the mask and may not help with COVID prevention.

Here are a few things you could be doing wrong.

Face mask mistakes that you could be making unknowingly

1. You are not washing your hands before or after handling the mask

This is one of the most common face mask mistakes and almost all of us made it. You need to wash or sanitize your hands before you wear your mask. If there are viruses on your hand, they will enter through your nose and eyes when you put your mask on. But an alcohol-based sanitizer or a hand wash can kill all pathogens.

Similarly, once you take off a mask, you need to wash your hands because you have just touched a mask that could contain pathogens on the outer surface.

2. You are not washing your new masks (reusable masks)

Another dangerous face mask mistake is not washing your cloth mask with warm water and detergent after you have just purchased it. You might think it’s new, so it must be clean. But actually, it could be a den of germs, viruses and bacteria. Imagine how many people have handled the mask – the people who stitched the mask, the ones who packaged it and if there are weak spots in the packaging, pathogens could’ve entered the packet. For COVID prevention, washing your new fabric masks is mandatory. Remember only washable or reusable masks should be washed. Do not wash the disposable or N95 masks.

3. You are not keeping your mask in a clean place

If you toss your mask onto any surface, be it the couch, car seat or bed, then your mask won’t help with COVID prevention. Keep a clean mesh bag or hooks in your home and car for storing masks as boxes can cause mildew to develop. If you have to take your mask off for eating, slip the mask into a clean space.

4. You’re wearing an unwashed reusable mask

If you are not washing your masks after wearing them, they will not be any good in COVID prevention. When you wear a mask outside, it accumulates not just germs but also dirt and grime. Not washing your reusable cloth masks, may not only give you COVID-19 but also trigger other breathing issues.

5. Using an old mask

We all have our favourite masks that we wear again and again. But one of the most dangerous face mask mistakes you can make is wearing old masks. While old masks seem to have a very breathable fabric, the wearing and thinning of the fabric means it will not create a sturdy boundary between your nose and the viruses. If the elastic band is loose or if the fabric looks frayed, then it is time to dispose off the mask. Read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the usability of masks.

6. You are reusing disposable masks

Medical masks (the popular blue masks with white elastic bands) and N95 masks are meant for one-time use only. Washing the fibre will deform the size of pores and render the mask ineffective in COVID-19 prevention. 

7. You are wearing a mask that does not fit you

Masks come in many shapes and sizes. After a few experiments, you will become familiar with which type of mask fits you the best. If there are any gaps between the mask

and your skin, there is potential for the viruses to enter your body. Also, ill-fitting masks will make you touch your mask and face frequently in order to adjust it. This will increase the chances of infection.

8. You yank your mask down your nose 

This is another very common face mask mistake. People pull the mask down to talk or smoke. Talking with your mask on may muffle your voice a little but tugging it down can pose a risk to your life. And as removing the mask from its place for smoking can cause terrible damage to your health.

Extreme hygiene is required when you handle face masks. Take good care of your masks, in case of reusable masks, wash them, dry them and store them properly. Double masking is a better way if you are not using an N95 mask. It is important to understand the effectiveness of the mask that you are choosing. Always wear a mask when you go out, even if you are fully vaccinated and don’t forget to sanitize your hands.

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Why is Rubbing the Site of COVID-19 Injection a Bad Idea?

Every other day we are learning new things about COVID-19 and the vaccines that are being administered to immunize people against the virus. Many myths, misconceptions and rumours have done the rounds and scientists and responsible media houses have done their best to debunk them and urge the general public to get the two shots of vaccine as soon as they can. Similarly, experts also want people to be more aware of the dos and don’ts after vaccination so that nothing affects the efficacy of the vaccine or the health of the person being vaccinated.

In the context of vaccination tips, it is important for people to know that rubbing the site of the COVID-19 vaccine is to be avoided. Let us find out why.

What Causes Pain at the Injection Site?

Administering any kind of vaccine is guaranteed to trigger some arm soreness. COVID-19 vaccines are no exception. Pain at the injection site usually lasts for 2-10 days. But some people experience intense pain and discomfort that makes it difficult to move the arm and may need to take special care of their arm.

Pain at the injection site is an expected reaction by the body to the vaccine. When the vaccine is injected into your arm, your body perceives the needle prick to be an injury. To your body, it is no different than other injuries like a cut. Your immune response immediately springs into action and your body sends immunity cells to the vaccine site. The vaccine itself triggers an immune response and may cause inflammation and stiffness as side effects at the injection site. Soon after the vaccination, your immunity starts producing antibodies that can destroy the viruses if they enter your system in the future. Arm soreness is a good sign because it is an evidence that immunity is starting to respond to the vaccine. 

Did you know?

But Why You Must Not Rub the Site of the Injection?

You may feel an urge to rub the area immediately after the injection of the vaccine. But it has been advised that you should not rub the injection site after receiving the COVID vaccine. It’s true that rubbing or gently massaging can bring temporary relief from the soreness and stiffness. But actually, rubbing can cause more harm than good. 

Despite experiencing arm soreness, you have to resist the temptation to massage the injection site. The COVID-19 vaccine is administered through an intramuscular route. The liquid vaccine that is injected this way can back up through subcutaneous tissue lying in the deep layers of your skin when you rub the site. This will reduce the efficacy of the vaccine. Rubbing, massaging or pitching should definitely be avoided in the first few hours after the vaccination because that is when your immunity is responding to the vaccine and rubbing could interfere with that by triggering counter-absorption. 

So What Can You Do to Deal with Pain at the Injection Site?

To counter arm soreness, there are a few home remedies you can try. The most effective way to reduce the pain and discomfort is a cold compress. If you have an ice pack you can use that or you can wrap a few cubes of ice in a towel and gently dab the injection site with the ice pack. 

You can take a bath in Epsom salt water to ease your arm soreness. A few gentle arm exercises like rotating the arm, overhead press, deltoid raises can help cope with the pain.

Some over-the-counter pain medications such as paracetamol can be very effective against arm soreness.

Does this Advice Apply to Other Vaccines as Well?

Most vaccines are administered the same way as the COVID-19 vaccines. And hence it is best to avoid rubbing your arm after a vaccine. But you can always ask your physician and get more clarity on this.

It’s important to follow the do’s and don’ts after vaccination to ensure that the COVID-19 vaccines yield the desired results. Even after being fully vaccinated continue following the COVID-19 protocol such as wearing masks, sanitizing your hands and disinfecting everything after you come home.

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Is It Possible To Contract Two Coronavirus Strains At The Same Time?

The SARS-CoV-2 or more popularly known as COVID-19, has caused one of the worst pandemics in the history of human civilization with a death toll exceeding more than 4 million worldwide (as per WHO reports). This virus has been mutating constantly and it has been documented that different people have been tested positive with different COVID variants. However, recent reports have found that there is now a possibility of coinfection from two different COVID-19 variants at the same time as well.

The First Case of Coinfection

The first case of such a coinfection was discovered as early as November 2020 in southern Brazil. Researchers in Brazil had documented two patients, both in their 30s. These two patients had been infected with the P.2 (also known as the B.1.1.28) variant and one other Variant of Concern (VOC). This led to the new possibility of contracting two COVID strains at the same time. Co-infection cases caused leading researchers at Feevale University, Brazil to conclude that such combinations will generate variants more quickly which poses the risk of a higher transmissibility rate. 

The Most Recent Case of Coinfection

On 3rd March 2021, the most recent case of coinfection was documented when a woman was admitted to a hospital in Belgium and tested positive for the virus. The nonagenarian passed away within 5 days of hospitalisation and upon later inspection, scientists found that her respiratory samples had both the Alpha (B.1.1.7) and the Beta (B.1.351) COVID mutations. Both of these were VOCs since they were studied to be highly infectious and fatal.

How Does Coinfection Occur?

Viruses usually have either DNA or RNA as genetic material that is needed for replication. The SARS-CoV-2 is an RNA virus but has already been shown to undergo a number of mutations so far. According to the records of the World Health Organization (WHO), there are at least 9 different COVID mutations that have been officially documented and classified under two categories. These are:

  1. Variants of Concern 
  1. Variants of Interest

Coinfection usually occurs due to exposure to a large crowd with high chances of exposure to people infected with different COVID variants. However, scientists have also proposed that the virus can undergo a process known as recombination inside the body of the infected person. This can only happen when two viruses infect the same cell and end up exchanging and recombining their genetic material to create a newly mutated variant of the virus.

Who is at a Higher Risk?

According to a report published in the online medical journal repository medrXiv, a Portuguese teenage girl who had been recovering from a previous COVID infection was found to be infected with another variant at the same time. This depicts the possibility that people who are recovering from COVID-19 may be at a higher risk of coinfection too. Scientists have also confirmed that people living in areas with lower vaccination rates are at greater risk. Moreover, old age, comorbidities and a compromised immune system continue to be factors of high risk even for COVID-19 coinfection.


Since RNA viruses like Hepatitis C and Influenza have been known to cause coinfections upon mutation, there is no reason why the same wouldn’t happen with COVID-19. Moreover, with the recent reports of the cases of coinfection, it is all the more reason to avoid large crowds and observe COVID-19 protocol at all public places.

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Do Heart Patients Have Increased Chances Of Getting COVID-19 Infection?

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken up the world in ways unimaginable. Starting from destabilizing all established institutions (healthcare, economic) to pushing everyone into a perpetual state of uncertainty, this highly unpredictable pandemic has made its deadly presence felt everywhere. Although the viral strain is constantly evolving, one thing has stayed certain for the most part; the elderly and those with underlying conditions are at greatest risk. It is important for everyone to be aware and vigilant about our health in order to avoid any serious illness.

It is crystal clear by now that the Novel Coronavirus has the potential to trigger a dangerous respiratory infection. It has been seen that people who earlier never experienced respiratory trouble also felt severe respiratory distress during a COVID-19 infection. In the event of your lungs not working in their highest capacity, your heart activity too will be affected because like all other organs, the heart also depend on the lungs for a fresh supply of oxygen. And in the absence of enough oxygen, it will have a hard time pumping oxygenated blood throughout your body. This inevitably puts a lot of pressure on your heart and other vital organs. And if you are someone with pre-existing heart disease, then your heart is already at risk of a more severe COVID infection. So, what should you know and do to safeguard your heart?

Let’s find out in this article how COVID affects the heart. 

Actually people with heart disease when they get COVID are at increased risk of getting heart failure. COVID-19 infection has been linked to the development of HF via myocardial infarction, myocarditis, microthrombi, and stress cardiomyopathy. There are several potential mechanisms by which SARS-CoV-2 may lead to these conditions through direct viral or immune-mediated effects.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Heart diseases and COVID  

Heart patients with COVID need to understand that a Coronavirus infection can affect anyone but having a pre-existing heart condition means that your infection can be severe. According to a professor of cardiovascular medicine at UTHealth, Houston, many viruses (including SARS CoV-2) can even bring about heart attacks. The exact reason is still a subject of research, however, it has been proposed that the COVID-19 virus causes inflammation in the body. When a severe inflammation happens during COVID infection it may lead to the formation of blood clots which can block your blood vessels. If these clots form in the small blood vessels of your heart or travel to your heart a heart attack may occur. It has been observed that the coronavirus can also affect the muscular structure of the heart making it weak. It stands to reason that people already diagnosed with heart disorders are likely to experience a worsening of the ailment if they do not get proper treatment when they contract COVID.

COVID complications related to the heart must never be neglected and one should seek medical attention right away if they experience any symptoms of COVID-19 or the warning signs associated with a heart attack or stroke. Immediate action can save lives. 

Patients with heart stents should rest assured to get the Covid-19 vaccine as soon as possible. If you have a problem, connect with the cardiologist who is treating you, There is no known heart condition where any particular COVID vaccine is preferred with some small exceptions.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

COVID treatment for heart patients

COVID treatment for a heart patient as well as a non-heart patient is almost the same. Your doctor will advise some tests to check for the risk of blood clots and may advise some medicines called blood thinners if needed. During your infection period, if at any point you feel severe chest pain, palpitation, shortness of breath or even episodes of fainting, it is imperative that you get yourself admitted to a hospital or nursing home at the earliest. The doctors there will determine what medications to put you on or carry out any procedure required to prevent the worsening of the condition.

There is no proven method of preventing COVID-19 induced myocarditis or arrhythmias (rapid or irregular heartbeat). The only way you can keep your heart safe and healthy is by following standard COVID safety protocols and seeking immediate treatment if you get an infection. 

How to stay safe  

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken up the world in ways unimaginable. Starting from destabilizing all established institutions (healthcare, economic) to pushing everyone into a perpetual state of uncertainty, this highly unpredictable pandemic has made its deadly presence felt everywhere. Although the viral strain is constantly evolving, one thing has stayed certain for the most part; the elderly and those with underlying conditions are at greatest risk. It is important for everyone to be aware and vigilant about our health in order to avoid any serious illness.

It is crystal clear by now that the Novel Coronavirus has the potential to trigger a dangerous respiratory infection. It has been seen that people who earlier never experienced respiratory trouble also felt severe respiratory distress during a COVID-19 infection. In the event of your lungs not working in their highest capacity, your heart activity too will be affected because like all other organs, the heart also depends on the lungs for a fresh supply of oxygen. And in the absence of enough oxygen, it will have a hard time pumping oxygenated blood throughout your body. This inevitably puts a lot of pressure on your heart and other vital organs. And if you are someone with pre-existing heart disease, then your heart is already at risk of a more severe COVID infection. So, what should you know and do to safeguard your heart?

Let’s find out in this article how COVID affects the heart. 

Heart diseases and COVID 

Heart patients with COVID need to understand that a Coronavirus infection can affect anyone but having a pre-existing heart condition means that your infection can be severe. According to a professor of cardiovascular medicine at UTHealth, Houston, many viruses (including SARS CoV-2) can even bring about heart attacks. The exact reason is still a subject of research, however, it has been proposed that the COVID-19 virus causes inflammation in the body. When a severe inflammation happens during COVID infection it may lead to the formation of blood clots which can block your blood vessels. If these clots form in the small blood vessels of your heart or travel to your heart a heart attack may occur. It has been observed that the coronavirus can also affect the muscular structure of the heart making it weak. It stands to reason that people already diagnosed with heart disorders are likely to experience a worsening of the ailment if they do not get proper treatment when they contract COVID.

COVID complications related to the heart must never be neglected and one should seek medical attention right away if they experience any symptoms of COVID-19 or the warning signs associated with a heart attack or stroke. Immediate action can save lives. 

COVID treatment for heart patients

COVID treatment for a heart patient as well as a non-heart patient is almost the same. Your doctor will advise some tests to check for the risk of blood clots and may advise some medicines called blood thinners if needed. During your infection period, if at any point you feel severe chest pain, palpitation, shortness of breath or even episodes of fainting, it is imperative that you get yourself admitted to a hospital or nursing home at the earliest. The doctors there will determine what medications to put you on or carry out any procedure required to prevent the worsening of the condition.

There is no proven method of preventing COVID-19 induced arrhythmias (rapid or irregular heartbeat) or myocarditis. 

What is myocarditis? Myocarditis means an inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium). The only way you can keep your heart safe and healthy is by following standard COVID safety protocols and seeking immediate treatment if you get an infection.  

The COVID-19 virus is constantly mutating and so danger still persists. The relation between heart diseases and COVID keeps getting more complicated as it does with other health conditions. The only way you can keep yourself as well as your loved ones safe is by following heart-healthy habits, getting vaccinated and following safety protocols.

Also Read: Take Care of Your Heart: Foods To Avoid If You Have Heart Palpitations

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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6 Myths About COVID-19 Vaccines Busted

The pandemic caused by the outbreak of COVID-19 halted the normalcy of everyday life in this world. Scientists around the globe conducted vaccine testing using various methods to look for a reliable way to counter this deadly virus and prevent its spread. 

After many successful vaccine trials, the largest vaccine drive in the history of mankind came into effect. Every nation on the globe started administering COVID-19 vaccines to its citizens in order to provide protection from this life-threatening disease. 

But, the vaccination drive in many countries including India faced resistance in the form of vaccine hesitancy. An increasing number of myths surrounding the vaccine are circulated and unfortunately, believed by many.

Myths about COVID Vaccines – Busted with Sound Reasoning! 

It is a myth that getting vaccinated will have long term and serious side effects on the body. Yes, many people do experience side effects like fever, body aches or headaches. However, these side effects are only felt for a day or two. These short term side effects occur when your immune system gets activated by the vaccine and develops antibodies to the virus.

The development of the vaccines was done by researchers who used methods that were already under development because scientists had been researching vaccines against deadly viruses for decades. Vaccines like Covishield, Covaxin, Pfizer, Moderna, Sputnik V, ZyCoV-D have all been tested rigorously and only introduced into the market after passing regulatory tests in each country. It is commendable that the vaccines came out on such short notice, as it was the need of the hour.

Recovering from COVID-19 means that the virus was countered with a certain level of immunity in the body. However, it does not mean that the person is protected from new strains of virus which are being discovered. Besides, it is not known how long the antibodies produced during your COVID infection will last. Getting a vaccine will maximise the level of protection and provide immunity from stronger strains of the virus too. 

There is no scientific data that can back this ridiculous myth. The vaccine does not interact with a person’s reproductive system and it has no possibility of damaging the reproductive system too.

This myth is circulated since vaccines use mRNA technology to help the immunity of the body grow stronger. This technology cannot alter or interfere with DNA at all. mRNA in the vaccine is responsible for creating a protein that helps the immune system create an antibody in response to the COVID-19 virus.

Wearing masks and maintaining social distance is crucial to stop the spread of the virus. Even if you are at a lower risk of getting a serious illness due to COVID because you are vaccinated, you can become a carrier of the virus and spread it to other people. Besides, the vaccine does not guarantee 100% immunity, it just maximises the chances of you staying protected from the virus. 

Vaccine controversies have led to the belief in the myths mentioned above. The myths about COVID vaccines lead people to a step backwards in the effort to fight this pandemic. The myths have been busted in order to promote an environment of awareness surrounding the vaccine. If you still have any doubts about vaccination, you should discuss your fears with your doctor, clear your doubts and get the jab. Get vaccinated if you still haven’t and join the world in the fight against COVID-19.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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If You Have A Fever, Have You Contracted COVID-19?

For more than a year and a half, COVID-19 has dominated the news and been the chief topic of conversation. After the destruction it wreaked during the second wave, it is not surprising that people start panicking the moment their body temperature exceeds the normal. Fever is one of the primary symptoms of COVID-19. Doctors have been telling us to get an RT-PCR test done if we experience fever and other signs of COVID-19.

While it is always better to be safe than sorry and get tested for COVID-19, you need to know that having a fever does not always mean that you have contracted a COVID infection. It could just be a seasonal fever. But fever is also a common symptom associated with many other infections and diseases. You need to be wary of them as well.

Monsoon illnesses

Monsoon is that time of the year when multiple diseases strike India. Some of these diseases are harmless while others have the potential to become deadly. Many of the symptoms of these diseases are rather similar to COVID-19. You need to be able to differentiate them so that you can take the right action at the right time.

Let us look at monsoon diseases more closely.

Types of monsoon diseases

In India, there are 3 types of monsoon illnesses:

  1. Vector-borne diseases such as malaria, chikungunya or dengue.
  2. Water-borne illnesses like typhoid or cholera.
  3. Virus-borne diseases like the flu or the common cold.

The similarities

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to tell the diseases apart from the symptoms they trigger. Here is how they are similar:

How will you know which disease you are down with?

Wondering about the differences between the monsoon diseases and COVID-19? Viral fever vs corona or common cold vs COVID or malaria vs COVID, how can they be differentiated? By understanding the symptoms you are experiencing:

How can you be sure about which disease you have contracted?

The best way to know which illness you are down with is to consult a doctor the moment your symptoms show up. Doctors are more adept at understanding your symptoms and linking them to the diseases that might be causing them. For diagnosis, doctors recommend tests. For example, usually, the MAC-ELISA blood test is recommended for detecting dengue, the Widal test for typhoid and the Culture Method is prescribed for cholera.

It is imperative that you do not waste time once you start experiencing symptoms. Diseases like dengue, typhoid or cholera can be fatal if you are not given the right medication as soon as possible.

How to keep yourself safe from monsoon illnesses?

Prevention is always more preferable to cure. There are a few simple ways you can keep yourself safe from monsoon illnesses:

If you or your loved ones are ill, seek medical help immediately, even if you think the symptoms are minor. With proper medication, nutrition and care, it is possible to bring monsoon illnesses and COVID-19 in control but only if the diagnosis happens at the right time.  

Also Read: Dolo 650 Uses

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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Ways In Which COVID-19 Affected Healthcare Professionals

The worldwide spread of the COVID-19 virus led to immense pressure falling upon healthcare workers. While the world went under a lockdown it was healthcare workers who battled on the frontlines against this raging pandemic. Medical professionals have had to gear up and work tirelessly amid the increasing number of casualties caused by the virus. With two waves of the virus already affecting humanity, workers in the healthcare industry have had a tough time dealing with the virus both physically and mentally. 

The virus has impacted the wellness of healthcare workers adversely. The stress of endless shifts or hours of toiling away to ensure that hospitalized patients can be returned home to their families affected brave hearts in the field of medicine in more ways than one endangering both their physical and emotional wellbeing. This article takes a look into the various ways in which the pandemic has impacted the lives of the people who have been working and sacrificing selflessly for the public.

Higher risk of getting infected

Healthcare workers have had to constantly stay in contact with individuals who were infected by the virus. The WHO stated in a report that 1 in 10 healthcare professionals were affected by the virus in some countries. Lack of proper protective kits, constant exposure to the virus and delayed recognition of the symptoms of the virus have led to an increasing number of healthcare workers being affected. The first few months of the pandemic took the most toll on healthcare workers as there were no vaccines and the number of patients was rising uncontrollably. The families of medical workers were also at higher risk of getting infected, something which could not be helped. Although adequate measures were taken by medical professionals, they were still at the highest risk of getting infected.

Damage to skin

An underrated impact of COVID-19 on medical professionals is the damage to their skin caused by long hours of wearing protective kits. With several layers of protective kits worn by a medical professional for long hours even during the hot summer days and humid monsoons, the skin takes a heavy toll as it cannot breathe properly and the chances of skin infections and rashes increase. A study found that around 97% of healthcare professionals suffered skin related problems due to the protective kits. Continuous use of the protective kit (for more than 6 hours a day) over a period of months caused this problem.


Long work hours without adequate rest took a toll on the health of medical professionals. The sudden rise in the number of patients posed a tremendous load on medical workers on the frontline ranging from doctors and nurses to hospital staff, which meant that the ones who were working had to put in extra shifts to care for patients. All medical professionals experienced burnout and extreme fatigue which impacted their health severely. Working tirelessly for several hours in COVID hospital also made it difficult for some doctors to have their meals or even water on time. Overexertion, insufficient sleep, dehydration and mismanaged meals altogether had a detrimental effect on their health 

Mental health

One of the adverse impacts of the pandemic on healthcare workers was a deterioration of their mental wellbeing. The mental well-being of healthcare professionals took a massive toll with the added work pressure and morbid conditions surrounding them. A study showed that out of the 230 healthcare workers surveyed, 23.04% were facing psychological problems. The psychological problems faced by medical professionals due to the pandemic are severe anxiety, stress disorder, depression and insomnia

Mental health depreciation is an impact seen across medical professionals across the world. Fear of being infected and transmitting the infection to their families led them to stay away or be isolated from family for long. Seeing fellow workers succumb to COVID infection has also been identified as a reason for fear, depression and stress among healthcare workers. The extra burden of work, lack of sleep and the surrounding macabre conditions psychologically impacted healthcare workers.


Medical workers faced the brunt of those whose family members were suffering from COVID-19. The isolation of patients and the rapid death of many caused outrage among people. Medical professionals often faced ill-treatment, harassment and harsh words from the family members of those who were affected by the virus. In certain parts of the world, healthcare workers were being avoided at their residences and even ousted since they were high-risk individuals who could spread the virus. The harassment faced by medical workers subsided with the introduction of the vaccine and ease in conditions of the lockdown.

COVID-19 had a major impact on the world around us and medical professionals at the forefront of this pandemic faced severe issues too. I have heartfelt gratitude to all the healthcare workers who lost their lives fighting this battle. The mental health impact is one of the most severe and long-lasting impacts felt by healthcare workers. The stress and feeling of helplessness surrounding these workers have had a deep impact on their physical and mental wellbeing. Care of the caregivers is something that should be taken into account. The introduction of the vaccine has made things look better for medical workers and all the people at large Now everyone is hoping for and looking forward to a happier, healthier and COVID-free world.

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Fully Vaccinated People Are Also At Risk Of Getting Infected With COVID-19. Why?

As we anticipate the arrival of a deadly third wave of COVID-19, more and more people are being vaccinated in order to prevent the increasing rate of mortality due to the virus. While vaccination may not seem to be the means to prevent COVID-19 re-infection, it is definitely proven to bring down the severity of the infection, the rate of transmission and the need for hospitalisation.

Several studies regarding the vaccine, in all parts of the world, are still on. But one must remember that any of these vaccines available to you are efficient and must not be avoided. 

What is COVID-19 re-infection?

As the name suggests, it means contracting a second time COVID-19 after being infected previously and after recovering from the virus. While quite a few cases of COVID-19 re-infection have been reported, reinfection remains rare.

So what causes reinfection?

It is a fact that our immune system can remember certain infections very well but tend to forget others, especially the ones that appear in a changed form may be due to mutation and the emergence of newer variants. In such cases, the antibodies that our immunity produced may not be as responsive as to the originally encountered strain. It is also possible to get an infection with the same strain again, however, there are high chances that your body’s immunity will control the spread of infection and prevent you from getting a severe illness. The severity of illness and complications also depend on other pre-existing medical conditions of a person. It is important to understand that anyone can get reinfection with COVID so, stay safe by following COVID appropriate behaviour and get a full course of vaccination.

Who is at a higher risk of COVID-19 re-infection?

Various factors can make a person vulnerable and may increase the risk of COVID-19 re-infection.

Can I get a COVID-19 re-infection after the COVID vaccination?

Once a person is fully vaccinated, the defence mechanism of the body allows them to recognise the virus and fight it. One must remember that none of these vaccines claims to have 100% efficacy. The only assurance these vaccines provide is that if you get re-infected with COVID-19 once you are fully vaccinated; your infection will be far less severe and symptoms will be mild. The virus has already taken innumerable lives and getting vaccinated is your best bet. But it does not guarantee 100% protection from re-infection.

The Delta variant is a concern for all and studies show that most of the vaccines are effective against it. As the virus has mutated several times, it has become more and more difficult to keep track of it. It has only become stronger, faster and created havoc around the globe.

Another important thing to note here is that it takes about two weeks for your body, after vaccination, to build immunity against the virus. It is possible to contract the virus immediately after getting vaccinated. This is why even if you are fully vaccinated, you must continue to follow the guidelines and COVID-19 appropriate behaviour sincerely.

Full vaccination is important at any cost.

COVID-19 vaccination not only ensures your safety but also protects people around you as the transmission rate decreases. A higher vaccination rate will make outbreaks less likely and will help to achieve herd immunity. In the long run, It may effectively reduce certain restrictions as well as the socio-economic aftermath of the pandemic.


As we continue to learn more about COVID-19 re-infection, it is critical that we do not question the importance of vaccination. Yes, fully vaccinated people can get re-infected. But they are also capable of fighting it back better than non-vaccinated people. This is a battle we are fighting together and even if there is one unprotected individual, none of us is completely safe. Wear a mask, maintain distance, wash hands frequently and get vaccinated.

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Johnson & Johnson’s Single-Dose COVID-19 Vaccine – How Could It Be A Gamechanger?


In a piece of great news for all the Indians, Johnson and Johnson’s single-dose COVID-19 vaccine has been given emergency use approval (EUA) in India. The development was confirmed by the Union Ministry for Health and Family Welfare recently.

There are plenty of reasons for it being great news for a country as populated as India because apart from the shortage of ‘made in India’ vaccines, there have been plenty of misconceptions pretty prevalent across the states.

Moreover, the cases of the Delta variant of Coronavirus have seen a rapid surge in the past few weeks.

Now, the addition of Johnson and Johnson’s single-dose vaccine has expanded India’s EUA vaccine tally to five, making the vaccine availability for people even easier. This holds great significance looking at the surge in the cases of mutated strains of the virus.

Other EUA vaccines in India

Johnson and Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine is the latest inclusion in the list of already approved vaccines. Here is the list:

As per the latest update, over 51.9 crore vaccine doses have been administered, while over 11.5 crore people have been fully vaccinated, which is about 8.5% of the country’s total population.

Well, the central and state governments and health authorities have done a great job in inculcating so many people, there are still plenty of people who have not received a single dose either due to shortage or vaccine-hesitancy.

How is J & J’s vaccine different from others?

Being the only single-shot vaccine across the world, Johnson and Johnson’s COVID vaccine is being looked at as a potential game-changer. The clinical trials have proven that J & J’s vaccine provides a strong immunity against coronavirus in most inoculated people. This vaccine has played a pivotal role in developing a single-dose trend across the world. Earlier, other US-manufactured vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna showed a weaker immune response after a single dose.

Difference between single-dose and double-dose vaccines

Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine is a viral vector vaccine. In viral vector vaccines, the researchers use a different virus to produce antibodies that fight deadly pathogens. The researchers modify a different virus, that is called a vector, to generate an immune response against the deadly pathogen.

To develop the vaccine against COVID-19, J & J’s team took a common cold virus, known as adenovirus, which on being injected into someone’s body, gets attached to the cells responsible for reading the genetic instructions required to produce the COVID-19 spike protein. As soon as the spike protein gets detected in the body, the immune system starters producing antibodies to fight it.

Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines have been developed using Messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, which generate an immune response in the body by activating the cells responsible for fighting the deadly pathogens. These types of vaccines trigger the cells to produce a protein that leads to an immune response in the body. This process produces antibodies required to fight deadly COVID-19.

How effective is J & J’s COVID-19 vaccine?

The COVID-19 branch of J & J’s received EUA for their vaccine in the United States back in February 2021.

Before giving the green signal, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) analysed the results of the clinical trials involving over 40,000 people and concluded that it could be effective in every case of COVID-19, be it mild or critical. It was found out that the vaccine was effective in 72% of cases in terms of preventing the COVID-19 virus and 86% effective in preventing serious illness due to the disease.

Similar to most of the available vaccines, J & J’s COVID-19 vaccine also doesn’t promise that the inoculated person would not get infected with the virus but it claims that the person would be less likely to develop a severe infection or require hospitalisation.

Duration of Protection

There is no evidence to support a specific time duration of protection against COVID-19 after taking the vaccine but the research surely has proved that it does shield you against the virus.

There have been reports claiming that the antibody level was stable and increasing even 71 days after taking the vaccine. 

There have been speculations that despite J & J’s COVID-19 vaccine not requiring a second dose as of now, it may be required in the days to come.


The arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine of Johnson and Johnson is great news in every aspect for the Indians, as it would not only cut down the shortage of vaccines but will also help people in getting fully vaccinated in a single shot. Still, people have to be a little more cautious in terms of how they conduct themselves in a bid to prevent the third COVID-19 wave in India.

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Frequent Fatigue? Could It Be A Sign Of Coronavirus Or Just A Seasonal Infection?

Along with fever and cough, fatigue is now one of the top three signs of Covid-19 and also post Covid condition. It may take the form of sudden extreme fatigue or may gradually get worse with time. Fatigue usually occurs early in the disease and may even be one of the first warning symptoms of Covid-19. 

It is important to understand the difference between regular tiredness, chronic fatigue and fatigue caused by the coronavirus, i.e., pandemic fatigue. In most cases, you may just be tired after a busy day. However, most reports show that fatigue in Covid-19 affects people of all age groups and genders.    

The difference between Tiredness, Chronic Fatigue and Pandemic Fatigue

Regular tiredness happens to us regularly, leaving us feeling less energetic. It may also be accompanied by body aches (especially if you have had a physically active day) and you may feel sleepy. That brings us to the key difference between pandemic fatigue and feeling tired – sleep or rest usually fixes feelings of tiredness, so it lasts only a few hours at most.

With Covid-19 related fatigue, however, most viral infections for that matter, getting a good night sleep and taking rest typically will not bring back your energy and strength. Fatigue is characterised by this fact: that your body feels tired and you lack the energy to do even small tasks despite getting ample amounts of rest. And unlike tiredness, it may persist for several days or longer.

The separation between pandemic fatigue and chronic fatigue is a little more nuanced. Chronic fatigue is usually caused by infections, mental health issues, hormonal disorders, genetic disposition or other health issues.

So if you find yourself unable to perform simple, low effort tasks and you wake up still feeling exhausted even though you are sleeping enough, it may be a sign of chronic fatigue or the early symptoms of Covid-19. 

If you’re struggling with fatigue, know that you’re not alone – about 8 in 10 adults who get COVID-19 experience fatigue during their illness (and for kids, it occurs about half of the time).

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Why does Covid-19 cause Fatigue?

Although it is still not fully understood, the current consensus in the medical community finds your immune system as the cause of this condition. When your immune system first detects the virus, it immediately starts trying to destroy and get rid of the intruder. This process takes place much before you ever feel any other symptoms of Covid-19 like cough, cold and difficulty breathing. 

This phenomenon is not limited to the coronavirus that is responsible for Covid-19, it is common for other viral and bacterial infections too. As your body releases certain chemical mediators to deal with the threat of an infection, the effects of this battle within your body can leave you experiencing sudden extreme fatigue even in the earliest stages of the disease. 

Of course, since this effect is not limited to just Covid-19, your fatigue may be caused by any of the other sources mentioned above. So how can you properly identify what’s causing your fatigue?

Myalgias (muscle pain), muscle loss, and weakness are frequently observed in patients with COVID-19 and might persist for several months after infection, viral infections in general are known to cause prolonged weakness and fatigue.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

How to identify if your Fatigue is caused by Covid-19 or something else?  

If you are definitely experiencing fatigue and not just tiredness, the question remains – is this one of the early warning symptoms of Covid-19 or is there some other cause? Covid-19 fatigue is usually accompanied or followed by a fever, cough, chills, body aches, abdominal discomfort, diarrhoea and loss of smell. You may not be able to correlate the level of tiredness with the extent of your physical activities. 

The common symptoms of Covid-19 are evolving due to the newer variants of the virus. The list of symptoms you should look out for includes skin rashes, reddening of the eyes and digestive system issues. 

It should be noted, however, that typically, the other symptoms show up later while fatigue is thought to set in within the first seven days of getting infected. So it is best to rule out other causes when you notice that you have fatigue.   

Speak with a doctor if you are unsure what is causing your fatigue and they will work to identify or rule out the common causes. It may be that you are experiencing side effects of your medications, a mental health issue or that you have a hormonal issue. In any case, your doctor will be able to guide you on the best steps to take to move forward. 

Don’t ignore the early warning signs

While feeling sudden extreme fatigue may not seem alarming, the fact is it may very well be your earliest warning sign of Covid-19. With time, the disease progresses and inflammation increases, the risk of developing major symptoms is high. 

It is important to monitor fatigue, whether you see it in yourself or your loved ones around you. Keep in mind, the pandemic fatigue that is linked to Covid-19 affects kids and adults alike, so monitor your children as well. If you or your doctor suspects that your fatigue is being caused by the coronavirus, do not waste time, isolate yourself and get yourself tested immediately. Early detection is one of the best ways to keep yourself safe from the most harmful effects of Covid-19. 

Also Read: Felty Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, and Research-Backed Treatment Options

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