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Glutathione Benefits: Exploring the Research-Based Health Advantages

By Dr. Nayana Shetty +2 more

Key Highlights: 

  • Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant found naturally in our bodies. 
  • It is said to play a crucial role in detoxification, immune system support, and overall health. 
  • Increased glutathione levels may lead to potential health benefits, such as reducing oxidative stress, improving psoriasis symptoms, liver health, and more. 
  • Sources of glutathione include whole foods, supplements, and intravenous injections. 
  • Side effects and risks are minimal but should be discussed with a healthcare provider before supplementation. 


Glutathione, a molecule found in every cell in our bodies, is essentially vital for our health. Being a strong antioxidant, it is said to fight oxidative stress, gives a boost to our immune system, and aid the liver in detoxification. Thus, making glutathione a popular topic in the world of health research. 

In this article, we’re going to delve deep into the potential science-backed health benefits of glutathione. We’ll walk you through its forms and how you may use them. We’ll also discuss about the possible side effects, risks, and precautions linked to glutathione intake. Lastly, we will answer some frequently asked questions regarding this topic.  

glutathione benefits

Did you know?

What is Glutathione? 

A brief overview of glutathione 

Glutathione is a tripeptide synthesized in our body cells. It’s made up of three amino acids which are cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid, with a unique structure. With its antioxidant traits, glutathione has a host of functions that preserve our overall health. 

  • Function as antioxidant 

As an antioxidant, glutathione has an edge over harmful free radicals. These radicals can harm our cells. They arise from different bio-chemical reactions and outside irritants like pollution, stress, and bad food habits. By keeping these radicals at bay, glutathione shields us from oxidative stress and related health problems. 

Importance of glutathione for the body 

  • Detoxification 

One of the primary functions of glutathione is detoxification. It helps the liver with this by binding with toxins and other harmful stuff. This binding process lets us expel toxins with ease, protecting our vital organs from damage. 

  • Immune system support 

The immune system is the shield that protects us, and glutathione has a big role in it. Its antioxidant trait fights inflammation and boosts our immune cells. This way, our bodies may combat infections and diseases more efficiently. 

Glutathione Benefits 

1. Reduces oxidative stress 

Antioxidants like glutathione have a protective role in our bodies. They are proposed to reduce oxidative stress and maintain overall health. Oxidative stress is linked to a myriad of health diseases like heart disease, aging, chronic inflammation, and certain cancers, as it leads to the generation of free radicals. Antioxidants neutralize harmful free radicals that can harm our cells. They keep a healthy balance between the production of such harmful molecules and their removal.  

2. May improve psoriasis 

Psoriasis is a chronic skin problem. It impacts millions of people across the world. Some studies hint at a link between low glutathione levels and psoriasis severity. They suggest that if you increase glutathione levels, it improves psoriasis symptoms. This may be a benefit for those with psoriasis and improve skin health. 

3. Reduces cell damage in alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease 

Studies point that that glutathione reduces cell damage in both alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases. It shields the liver cells from damage caused by toxins and free radicals. Its protective role may ensure the liver works well, boosting overall health. Using glutathione as a supplement may mark improvement in liver health for those with these conditions. Further research is needed before we can start recommending glutathione supplements. 

4. Improves insulin resistance in older individuals 

Insulin resistance is quite common in the elderly. It usually leads to type-2 diabetes. Studies indicate that higher glutathione levels improve insulin sensitivity. This is done by reducing oxidative stress that negatively impacts insulin signaling pathways. 

Clinical studies for the using glutathione for this purpose have shown hopeful results. Older people who were supplemented with glutathione saw improvements in their insulin sensitivity and general blood sugar control. This hints that adding glutathione to elderly people’s diets may help control their blood sugar levels, however, more research is needed regarding this.  

5. Increases mobility for people with peripheral artery disease 

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a circulatory problem limiting blood flow to limbs. This often causes leg pain and restricts movement. It’s been suggested that glutathione may improve blood flow in those with PAD by reducing the oxidative stress which harms the blood vessels. This may increase their mobility and decrease their pain. Research is ongoing regarding potential benefit. 

6. Reduces symptoms of Parkinson’s disease 

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder. It’s marked by a loss of neurons that produce dopamine. Lower levels of glutathione have been seen in the brains of people with Parkinson’s disease. So, some researchers think that boosting glutathione levels might protect these neurons from more damage. This could possibly reduce Parkinson’s disease severity. Studies regarding this are showing promising results. Some patients saw major improvements in motor function after taking glutathione supplements. More research is needed to confirm the potential of glutathione as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease. 

7. May help fight against autoimmune disease 

Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis are marked by chronic inflammation and an overactive immune response. It’s thought that oxidative stress plays a big role in these conditions. This stress can worsen inflammation and damage healthy tissues. It’s been found that glutathione may alter the response of the immune system. This promotes a healthier balance between the body’s defenses and flooding autoimmune diseases with inflammation. By reducing oxidative stress and regulating immune response, glutathione might relieve autoimmune conditions. 

8. May reduce oxidative damage in children with autism 

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behaviour. Some studies link oxidative damage to ASD development. These studies also found that those affected had lower levels of glutathione. Studies showed that using glutathione as a supplement might reduce oxidative damage in autistic children. This may possibly reduce their symptoms. But, it’s important to note that these studies largely  focused on measuring signs of oxidative stress, and not changes in symptom severity. We need more research to fully know the benefits of glutathione supplementation for autistic individuals. 

9. May reduce the impact of uncontrolled diabetes 

Uncontrolled diabetes might lead to heart disease, kidney damage, and nerve damage. Studies link high blood sugar levels and oxidative stress. This suggests that having adequate glutathione levels might protect against the harmful impacts of uncontrolled diabetes. Using glutathione as a supplement has been found to improve blood sugar control among people with uncontrolled diabetes. This might reduce the risk of complications linked to diabetes. So, by maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and reducing oxidative stress, glutathione may be beneficial for those living with diabetes. Research on this is still ongoing.  

10. May reduce respiratory disease symptoms 

Chronic lung diseases like asthma and COPD are usually marked by ongoing inflammation and oxidative stress in the lungs. Glutathione plays a key role in boosting lung health. It protects against oxidative damage and reduces overall inflammation. Studies show that using glutathione supplements might reduce symptoms of lung diseases in some people. These symptoms can include wheezing and breathlessness. By boosting lung health and reducing lung inflammation, glutathione may enhance the quality of life for those living with chronic respiratory conditions. The research on this usage is ongoing. 

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Forms of Glutathione 

Glutathione comes in many forms. So, individuals can pick the best method that suits their needs. In this section, we’ll discuss natural sources, supplements, and intravenous shots as options to raise glutathione levels. 

1. Natural sources 

Food sources of glutathione 

Glutathione or it’s basic amino acids is found in a variety of whole foods. So, you can increase your glutathione levels through diet. Some foods containing it are as follows: 

  • Raw meats (it is not advisable to eat raw meat, even though cooking will reduce glutathione levels). 
  • Dairy items like raw milk and cheese that ’haven’t been pasteurized (unpasteurized milk/cheese is not advisable to consume, even though pasteurization reduces glutathione levels). 
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, especially asparagus, avocado, and spinach. 

2. Supplements 

Types of glutathione supplements 

 People may also boost their glutathione levels by taking supplements. This antioxidant is available in several supplement forms,  which are as follows.  

  • Capsules 
  • Liquids 
  • Powders 

Factors to consider when choosing a supplement 

When picking a glutathione supplement, think about factors like dosage and use. Always have a discussion with a healthcare provider to make sure that the supplement works well for your own health needs and concerns. Do not self-medicate.  

3. Intravenous injections 

The use of glutathione injections in clinical settings 

Intravenous injections are another method of taking glutathione. These should be given in clinical settings. Injecting glutathione directly into the bloodstream may raise glutathione levels more quickly and effectively in some cases. 

Potential benefits and risks of IV glutathione 

While intravenous injections might provide faster results in some cases, it’s critical to consider the possible risks associated with this form of supplementation. Some studies reported negative effects linked to intravenous glutathione use like liver damage and allergic reactions. As always, make sure to discuss with a healthcare provider before starting any new kind of supplement. 

Researchers have found that zinc levels may drop with continued usage of glutathione supplements, hence these should be taken on your doctor’s advise.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D

Side Effects and Risks 

Glutathione is generally seen as safe when eaten through food sources. But, it’s important to know about potential side effects linked to glutathione supplements. 

Side effects of glutathione supplements 

Some reported side effects linked to glutathione supplements are as follows. 

  • Gastrointestinal issues like bloating and cramping. 
  • Allergic reactions, ranging from mild skin irritation to severe reactions like rashes or trouble breathing. 

Precautions when using glutathione 

  • Interactions with medications 

It’s important to discuss with a healthcare provider any medications you may be taking. This is because some medications might not work well with glutathione supplements. 

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding considerations 

While limited information is available about the safety and usefulness of glutathione during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it’s generally recommended that people avoid this supplement during these times. 


Glutathione is a potent antioxidant that naturally occurs in our bodies. It plays an essential role in boosting our overall health and wellness. It is said to support liver function, reducing oxidative stress, and promoting a healthy immune response are just some of the ways in which increasing glutathione levels might provide significant health benefits. 

More research is needed to fully assess the depth of possible glutathione benefits. As always, make sure to discuss with your healthcare provider before beginning any new supplement regimen. You need the right guidance and support from your doctor according to your health situation. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What happens if I take glutathione every day? 

Glutathione supplementation is safe if used correctly and under the watch of a healthcare provider. However, do consult with your healthcare professional about your specific health concerns and medication regimen before taking glutathione daily. 

What is glutathione best for? 

Glutathione is said to have many potential health benefits. These include combatting oxidative stress, supporting liver health, enhancing immune response, and dealing with various health conditions. However, the exact benefits depend on the individual and their unique health situation. 

What are the side effects of glutathione? 

Glutathione supplements can lead to gastrointestinal disturbances like bloating and cramping. More rarely, allergic reactions have been reported. These can range from mild skin irritation to severe reactions. That’s why it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting glutathione supplements. 

Is glutathione good for the liver and kidney? 

Studies show that glutathione supports liver health by aiding in detoxification and reducing cell damage. It might also have some benefits for kidney health, but more research is required to confirm these effects. Always consult with a healthcare provider before taking glutathione for liver or kidney health. They’ll help decide if supplementation is right for your specific needs. 


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